I r IL = d AE tr,= EsH E= A EE= e r€ Ec2 r -iE: I ZZ z = iEE FFJ f m .a -o o co L c(E E(g h 9tP EI to F ^Gl (o r5 I z N o, CE ItJ o) I I i I 1 I I i I I i ! U tu A BETTER WAY OI,.'MASTERIN(; EN(;LISH VERBS PUBLISHER'S NOTE Hak Cipta @ 2013 Oleh lVluhammad Amin Rasyid, dkk Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang Cetakan Pertama, 2013 Diterbitkan oleh Badan Penerbit Univemitas Negeri Makassar, Hotel La Macca Lt 1 JL A. P. Petta Rani Makassar 90222 Telepon/Fax. (0411) 855 199 Anggola IKAPI No. 01 1/SSU2010 Anggota APPTI No. 01o/APPTI/TpV201 1 0ilarang memperbanyak buku ini dalam bentuk apa pun tanpa izin tedulis dari penerbit Perpustakaan Nasional Rl: Data Katalog Dalam Terbitan KDT) It is the main task of UNM Publisher to publish textbooks in various fields of disciplines that are wrilten by the faculty members of State [Jniversity of Makassar (UNM). The book" A Better Way ol Mastering English Verbs" written by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Rasyid, M.A., Dr. Nurdin Noni, M.Hum, and Dr. Maemuna Mualayyang, M.l']d., the teaching stalT ol FBS UNM. is believed to be useful lbr the students particularly those who arc interested in studying in lurguage study program. The publisher expects that this book will win the interest and motivation of the other teaching staffto write books that must be of greater use for the students in enhancing thc quality of the output ol their learning activities. May the Almighty Allah bless us, Amin. Rasyid, Amin Muhammad dkk A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs / Muhammad Amin Rasyid, dkk Cet. 1 Lay oul /Format: Tangsi Makassar: Badan Penerbit Universitas Negeri Makassar Makassar, 2013 188 hlm, 21 cm Bibliografi: hlm 187 tsBN 978-602-81 1 1-92-8 Makassar, December 201 3 'l-he Publisher SALT]TATION FOREWORI) by the Rector of State University of Makassar of Mirkassar is one of the universities in Indonesia that has the functions to develop science, technology, and arts and to produce professional educators in various fields. In order that these firnctions can be carried out as well as possible, creativities and efforts are required in all fields from its Sute University academic staff. of the most expeoted activities is the writing and publication of books by the experts in this university. The lack of books in English is badly f'elt by both the students and the lecfurers. One Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin l'or the blessings and mercies Allah swt bestows on us so that we could complete thc writing of this book: A Better l4/ay oJ Mastering English Verbs as answers to the frequently asked questions by students of English Education Program at Faculty of Languages and l.,iterature, State University of Makassar. This book discusses in detail Verb forms, Verb forms and their usage, Verb positions, Verb lypes and Verbs and their moods. For practical purposes, theoretical explanations are givcn both in English and lndonesiirn. May Allah swt bless us all. Therefore, the publication of the book entitled '7 Better Wuy of Mastering English Verbs" is highly welcome with the greatest gatitude to Allah, the Almighty God. The book written by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Rasyid, M.A., Dr. Nurdin Noni, M.Hum, and Dr. Maemuna Muhayyang, M.Pd. is expected to be the main reference in lecturing at English Department. Makassar, Decernber 20 3 MAR, NN&MM In the name of the management of State University of Makassar, I hope that the presence of this book will be very useful and meaningful. Makassar, December 2013 Rector Prof'. Dr. H. Arismunandar. M.Pd. II I lu CONTENTS Publisher's Noto Salutation Foreword I ii iii Contents I. VERB FORMS I A. Finite Verbs B. Non-Finite Verbs C. Regular Verbs D. 2 J 9 l0 lrregular Verbs II. VERB FORMS AND THEIR USAGI] III. THE STRUCTI.JRE OF VERB GROUPS IV. VERB TYPES V. VERBSANDTHEIRMOODS BIBI,IO('iRAPIIY 77 89 101 183 187 lv I VERB FORMS BENTUK KATA KERJA The word 'verb' was derived from French - verbe, Latin verbum, which means a word. In grammar, a verb refers to any ofa class of words expressing action, or indicating the existence of a state or condition, or occurrence; run, be, and appear. A verb functions as the predicate of a sentence that expresses what people or things do, or what happens to them. Verbs, as a olass of words. can be divided into six ma.ior categories according to their form, namely linite verbs (FV), non-finite verbs (NFV), regular verbs (l{V), irregular verbs (lV), derivative verbs (DV), and non-derivative verbs (NDV). Kata kerja berasal dari Bahasa Perancis verbe, Latin verbum, yang berarti kata. Menurut Tata Bahasa Bahasa Inggris, kata kerja adalah kata yang menyatakan suatu perbuatan, eksistensi suatu keadaan, kondisi, kejadian atau peristiwa; run, be, appear. Kata kerja berfungsi sebagai predikat klausa atau kalimat yang menyatakan sesuatu yang orang atau benda Verb Forms L (subjek/pokok kalimat) ke{akan atau sesuatu yang terjadi pada mereka (subjek tersebut). Menurut bentuknya, kata kerja dikelompokkan ke dalam finite verbs (FV), non-finite verbs (NFV), regular verbs (RV), irregular verbs (lV), derivative verbs (DV). dan non-derivative verbs (lrlDV). A. Finite Verbs A finite verb must change its lbrms (a) when we change the personal pronoun which comes (or could come) before it from or to the first person singular - he (she, it), and (b) when we change the time referred to (Mc Comish, 1979: 52). Finite verb adalah kaia kerja yang dapat berubah bentuknya. Perubahan bentuk tersebut dikondisikan oleh tiga hal, yakni perubahan number, perubahan person, dan perubahan tense dalam kalimat. Number consists of singular and plural number. Number (umlah) dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri atas dua, yakni jumlah yang tunggal atau sesuatu yang dianggap tunggal atau satu dalam wujud (singular) dan jumlah yang jamak yakni lebih dari satu (plural). Person consists first person (singular and plural), second person (singular and plural), and third person (singular and plural). Person dalam bahasa Inggris terdiri atas: orang pertama (lirsr person), orang kedua (second person). dan orang ketiga (third person). Orang pertama terdiri atas orang pertama tunggal (lirst person singular) - saya/aku (l), dan orang pertama jamak (first person plural) - kami/kita (we). Orang kedua terdiri atas orang kedua singular (second person singular ) - engkau,/kamu.rAnda (you), dan orang kedua jamak engkau/kamu/Anda (you). Orang ketiga terdiri atas orang ketiga tunggal (third person singular) - dia/ia laki-laki atau perempuan (heishe)- dan orang - 2 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs ketiga jamak laki-laki dan atau perempuan (they). Benda./hewan dalam jumlah tunggal (it) atau.iamak (they) mengikuti aturem seperti yang digunakan dalam orang ketiga tunggal dan orang ketiga jamak. Tense consists of prcsent tensc and pa-st tense. Kala (tense) dalam bahasa lnggris terdiri atas kala sekarang (present tense) dan kala lampau (past tense). Dengan demikian secara operasional llnite verb adalah kata kerja yang berubah bentuknya kalau subjeknya diubah dari atau ke orang ketiga tunggal, atau kalanya diubah t/arl atau ke kala sekarang (present tense). Contoh, dalam kalimat "1 am a teacher, dan I ftave books," cm dan have adalah finite verbs karena kalau subjek .I diganti dengan subjek .Ile , am akan berubah menjadi ls, dan have akan berubah menjadi ftas. Dalam kalimat "l can do it," ccz tidak berubah bentuknya kalau subjek / diganti dengan subjek I/e, yakni he cun do it. Akan tetapi, kalau kalimal "l cur do it," dijadikan sebagai kalimat tidak langsung yakni kalanya berubah dari kala sekarang ke kala lampau, can bcrubah mrenjadi could, misalnya " I said I could do it, atau He said he could do it" . B. Non-Finite Verbs A non-finite verb does not change its tbrrns (a) when we change the personal pronoun which comes (or could come) befbre it from or 1o the first singular person (he she, it). and (b) when we change the time reltned to (Mc Comish, 1979:52). Non-finite verbs adalah kata kerja yang tidak berubah bentuknya walaupun terjadi perubahan number, pcrson, dan tense dalam suatu kalimal. Non-finite verbs pada umunnya berada dalam konstruksi ftasa. Contoh, dalam kalimat " He can do it, dan He is doing it now," (can do dan is doing adalah verb phrases).Da dan doing adalah non-finite verbs karena kalau kita mengubah subjek He ke I, atau kalau kita mengubah kalanya Verb Forms 3 dari kala sekarang ke kala lampau, do dan doing tetap tidak berubah bentuknya, yakni I could do it, and I was doizg it then. Pada contoh ini kita melihat pula bahwa can dan is adalah llnite verbs karena bentuknya berubah menjadi could dan pas setelah subjek dan kalanya diubah. Do dalam kalimat "l do my homework carefully" adalah finite verb sedangkan do dalam kalimat "She does not do her homework carelully" adalah nonfinite verb. Contoh-contoh yang dikemukakan di atas menunjukkan bahwa predikat kalimat bahasa Inggris mutlak berunsurkan satu finite verb, tetapi ia tidak mutlak memiliki unsur non-finite verb. Dengan kata lain, keberadaan non-finite verb dalam suatu kalimat tidak mutlak. Dalam struktur kepredikatan berkonstruksi kata kerja, non-finite verb mengikuti finite verb, seperti dalam kalimat "He can do it," do mengikuti can. Begitu pula pada kalimat"He is doing it now," doing mengikuti is. Conloh-contoh yang dikemukakan di atas memperjelas bahwa finite verb dan non-finite verb ada yang persis sama (identical) benluknya. Finite verbs dan non-flnite verbs masing-masing mempunyai tiga macam bentuk seperti berikut ini. ini dipilih lima verbs, yakni BE' GIVE, MEND, CUT dan CAN untuk mewakili kata kerja Sebagai ilustrasi, berikut bahasa Inggris menurut variasi bentuknya. FINI'IE MEND CU'T CAN grvc mend cut Can grYes mends cuts Can gavc mendcd cut could bc grve mend cul Steml -ed lbrm been glven mended cut Stem-f being grv rng mending cuflrng u!. GIV form am are Stem+ IS Stem ts -g form Stem I -ed were form NONFINITE Stcrl] lbrm Finite Verbs Finite stem form + Finite stem + Finite stem -q form -ed lorm Non-Finite Verbs Non-finite stem lorm -aE lorm Non-finite stem + -ed form Non-finite stem + -iz&form The verb Be has eight forms (2 finite stem forms - arn and are. I fnite stem + -s form - is , 2 finite slem+ -ed forms - was 4 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms 5 were, 1 non-finite stem form - be, I non-finite stem+-gd form -been, and I non-finite stem+ -izg form - being); the verb GIVE has five forms( I identical form for both frnite and nonfinite stem form - give, I finite stem+ -t form - glves, I finite stem form+ -ed form - gave, 1 non-finite st€m+ -g4l form glven, and I non-finite stem + -ing tbrm - giving) ; the verb MEND has four forms ( I identical fbrm for both finite and nonfinite stem form - mend , I finite stem+ -! form - mends, I identical form for both finite and non-finite stem+ -erl form mended, I non-finite stem+ -ins form - mending) the verb CUT has three form ( 1 identical form for finite and non-finite stem form, and for finite and non-finite stem+ -g4f form - cut,l frnile stem+ -[ form - cuts, and I non-finite stem+ -ing form- cutting); and the verb CAN has two forms (1 identical form for both finite stem form and finite stem+ -q form- can, and I finite stem+ -ed form- coulA ar:.d Most English verbs have lour lbrms, like those of MEND, thal is mend. mend.s, mended, mentling. lv,lcnd is thc stem or base form and therelbre it is called the stem lorm or the base form. Mends is called the stem+ -I form because we add it with suffix -[ to the base or stem form; mended is called the stem + -gd form because we add it with suffix -a4f to the base or stem form; and mending is called the stem + - ins forn because we add it with suffix -ir?e to the base or stem tbrm. Since most English verbs have four forms, like those of MEND, we call all the English verbs having four forms -REGLILAR VERBS. and the rest are called II{REGULAR VIIRBS. In regular verbs, one fbrm that is the stemr -1 lorm is always tlnite: one lorm that is the stem+ -lng firrrn is ulways non-lrnitc: and two lbrms which are the stem lbrm and the stem-t -ccl lbrm are sometimes finite and sometimes non-llnite. A stem form is finite when it changes to slem+ -s form ilwe change its subject to the third singular person (Dzaki or Rara) or to the third singular subjective personal pronoun (he or she) or it 6 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs changes to stem+-e./ form if we change the time referred to the past. I like bananas. I ) Dzaki /itzs bananas, or He likes bananas. jog every moming. ) I jogged yesterday moming. A stem+ -g1!-form is flnite when it changes to stem lorm or -{ fbrm when we change the time refern:d to the present. I jogged yesterday moming. Mr. Rasyid jogged yesterday moming, too. ) I jog every moming. Mr. Rasyid Togs stem+ every moming. too. Il'as, were, gave, and cut are called finite stem+-ed form because they are in the corresponding parallel slot/column with the finite stem + -ed form of mended. Likewise, becn, given, and cut arc called non-finite stem+ -gd form because they are in the conesponding parallel sloticolumn with the non-tlnite slem+ -9d form of mendecl. Kata kerja BE mempunyai 8 bentuk yakni am, ure is, was, were (finite), be, been, dan heing (non-linite). Dalam bahasa Inggris, BE adalah satu-satunya kata kerja yang mempunyai 8 bentuk. Kata kerja GIVE mempunyai 5 bentuk, yakni givc,. gives, gave (finite), glven, dan giving (non-finite). Oxlord '15'13-'1517) mendaflar Advanced Leamer's Dictionary (1991 : sebanyak 263 kata kerja yang mempunyai lima bentuk sepe(i GIVE termasuk 8 di anlaranya yang dapal pula digolongkan ke dalam kelompok CUT. Kata kerja MEND rnempunyai empat bentuk, yakni mend, mends, mcnded, dtrn mcnding. Sebahagiun besar kata keria bahasa lnggris mempunyai 4 bcntuk seperti kata keria NlliND. Kata keria CI l'l' memnttnvai 3 henlrrk. vakni r.rit. cr.r/,i. dan r:uttinr,. Oxlhrd Advancerl Lertrncr's Dictionarv mendaflar 36 kata kerja yang mempunyai 3 bentuk seperti CIJT ra'",.^^,,1. O .l: ^^1^---.,- .,--,' r--^+ -,'l^,ti,'.'1,.6,'1,^- l,^,1^l^'n Verb Forms 7 can dan could. Kata kerja kelompok CAN jumlahnya hanya ada sekitar l0 buah. Menurut bentulnya, sebahagian besar kata kerja bahasa Inggris mempunyai empat bentuk, seperti yang direpresentasikan oleh bentuk MEND, yakd (l) stem form atau bentuk dasar - mend, (2) stem+ -.r form yatni bentuk dasar ditambah akhiran -q - mends, (3) stem+ -ed form yakni bentuk dasar ditambah akhiran -g4l - meruled, dan (4) stem+ -14g lorm yakni bentuk dasar yang ditambanh dengan akhiran -14g - {orm, pasl purticiple, present Parliciple, atau kata kerja irnruf prr,)^o,'kutu kerju bentuk kedua, dan katu kerja bentuk stem+-g1! form, dan stem+-ing form secara demokratis dapat diterima dalam peristilahan (walaupun ada sebahagian kecil kata keria yang tidak mendapatkan imbuhan akhir lersebut) kalau kita membicarakan bentuk-bentuk kata kerja. Stem lorm ada dua macam yakni /inite stem.fbrm dan rutn.finile slem .fttrm. Stem + -q lbrm hanya ada satu maoam. yakni .linite stem r -;./brm saja. Stem+ -9d lbrm ada dua macam. yakni ./inite stem t -edrttrm yang juga dinarnaken preleril(e)forl1 atau p4.s/ form, dan non-Jinile stem+ -ed Jbrm, yang juga dinamakan past pdrticipial form, yang sering disingkat penyebutaffrya menjadi pasl participle. Stern+ -lryS form hanya ada satu macam , yakri non-Jinile stem+-ins form saja, yang biasa juga dinamakan presenl parlicipial Jbrm, yang sering disingkat (finite/non-finite stem form), mends (finite stem+-{ form)' iended (finite/non-finited stem+ -erl form), dan mending (nonfinite stem+ -rng forcn. Oleh karena itu, secara kuantitatif' kata kerja yang te.golong dalam kelompok MEND dinamakan ,.gul* u"ib., dan yang lainnya dinamakan- irrcgular. verbs atau ini dikemukakan na"ma lain sesuai dengan keunikannya' Berikut mending. Oleh karena imbuhan -E -ed, dan -14g dapat ditambahkan pada akhir kata kerja dasar (stem) untuk sebahagian besar kata kerja bahasa Inggris , istilah srem + -I form, penyebutannya menjadi pre s e nt pdrt ic ip le. Kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang memiliki empat bentuk seperti yang dikcmukakan di atas dinamakan kata kerja beraturan bentuk (regular lerbs), dan sisanla dinanrakan kuta kerja tak beraturan bcntuk (irregular verbs). lstilah stem fbrm, stem+ -q lbrm, stem-r -crl lbrm, d,an steml -gng./itrm lcbih tcpat digunakan dalam membicarakan bentrLkbentuk kata kerja karena mereka meru.luk langsung kepada bentuk kata kerja daripada menggunakan istilah present form, 8 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs oast ketiga,'yangtidak langsung merujuk kepada bentuk kata kerja' C. Regular Verbs There are more or less than 300 English verbs which are with classified into irregular verbs (BE, CIVE, CUT, and CAN their respective members), the rest are all regular verbs' Selain sekitar 300 kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang tergolong dalam kelompok BE,GIVE, CUT, dan CAN' .semua i.ui f."4'u uufr*a lnggds mempunyai empat bentuk seperti mend contoh-t:ontoh regular verbs. Examples of Regular Verbs Stem Stem+ -t glsrn+-ed form (FV & Stem+-ing Form(N FV) Form (FV &NFV Form (FV) accept accepts behave behaves accepted behaved oaress 0aresses caressed drill drills drilled drilling embrace embraces embraced embracing follow fbllows followed gain hu gains hu S gained hu ed ibllowing gaining hugging inventing NFV) accepting behaving caressing un] lt1 Verb Forms 9 invent jurnp invents jumps kiss love mend negotiate operate queue repent negotiates operates queues repents seduce seduces touch utter vary wither touches yield ZI kisses Ioves mends utters varies withers yields 7,1 S invented jumped kissed loved mended negotiated operated queued repented seduced touched uttered varied withered yielded kissing loving mending negotiating operating queuing reienting seducing touching uttering varying withering yielding zipping ZI Dictionary (1992:1513-1517), yang tergolong dalam kelompok BE, GIVE, dan CUT. Jumlah tersebut akan bertambah kalau diperhitungkan pula kemungkinan pengimbuhan awal seperti un- dur re- seperti pada contoh - kata think menjadi rethink.Kedua ratus delapan puluh tiga .kata kerja tersebut dikatakan irregular verbs * kata kerja tak beraturan bentukkarena mereka tidak memiliki keseragaman atyuran dalam finite stem+ -ed form, dan non-finitc stem l -el fbrm mereka. Namun demikian, kedua ratus delapan puluh tiga kata kerja tak beraturan bentuk tersebut masih dapal dikolompokkan ke dalam enam belas kelompok mcnurut kesamaan-kesamaan bcntuk yang mereka miliki, sebagai berikut. Group 1. No change in the spelling ol stem +- ed.form, or they take the regular verb tbrms (42 verbs) Tidak ada perubirhan cjaan dalam sleml- -gd lbrm atau sama dengan regular verb lbrm Examples in Context: . . We must accepl the consequences ofour action. He cares.yad his wife's hair gently, and then they huggett and kissed. She has repented of all her sins and begged forgiveness from Allah. Men are usually seduced by women,s beauty and wit. A kiss on the lips does not always touch theheart. The woman's dress zips up at the back. . . . . Stem Stem+ - FV&NFV FV fbrd Advanced Leamer's Dictionary ( 1992: I 5 l3l5l7) listed 283 irregular verbs, those are ol'BE, GIVE, and CUT. Ada sebanyak 283 buah irregular verbs dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdaftar dalam Oxford Advanced Learner,s 10 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Stem+-c,/ FV Stem+-d NF'V Stem+-lr?s NFV besetting betting bidding beset besets beset beset bet bets bid bids bet(ted) bid bade bet(ted) bid bidden broadcast burst bust broadcasts broadcast broadcast broadcasling bursts busts burst bust busted bursting busting casl casts cast cost costs cuts forecasts cost cut lbrecast burst bust busted cast cost cut fbrecast forecasted forecasted hit hit D. Irregular Verbs Ox I cut forecast hit hits casling costing culting 1'orocasting hitting Verb Forms LL hurt input hurts inputs inset insets knit knits lets let miscast mishit misread outbid output outbids outputs overbid put quit overbids puts quits read recast reset reads recasts rid set shed miscasts mishits misreads hurt input inputted inset hurt input inputted inset knit(ed) kni(red) ,knitting let miscast mishil misread outbid output outputted overbid put quit(ted) let miscast mishit misread ourbid output hurting inputting rnsettrng letting miscasting mishitting misreading outbidding outputting read recast resets rcad recast reset rids rid rid sets sel sheds set shed shed shedding shut shuts shut shut shutting slit spil split slits spits splits slit slit spit/spat split split spread spreading sublet thrust underbid undercut upset subletting thrusting spreads spread sublet thrusts tkust fZ weds wets r(jset spit/spat sublets underbids undercuts upsets qui(ted) slitting spitting splitting sublet thrust underbid undercut upset wed wet underbid undercut upset wed wet(ted) . . . . . Nashirah is not easily iart by unkindness. Have you quilted smoking? I have tried many times, but I have never been successful. She has rudherself oiher illusion. Don't upset yowself- no harm has been done. A large wave upset our boat so we swam lbr miles to reach the shore. Group 2. outputted overbid put overbidding putting quiuing reading recasting resctting ridding setting spread Examples in Context: wed(ded) wet(ted) A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs the stem tbrm, or change 'd' to .t' to lbrm the t-rnite and non-finite stem+ -qd fbrm. Some may vary taking the regular form (2 1 verbs) Tambahkan 't' kepada stem form, atau ubah 'd' menjadi 't' untuk membentuk the finite and non-finite stem +-ed form. Ada juga yang bervariasi dengan regular verb form. Add't'to I Stem+-e./ FV St0m+-sd Stem+-ing NI.'V NFV T]V&NFV Stem+ FV bcnd bends bent bent build builds built bu burn bums dream dreams burnt burned dreamt bunrt burned dreamt dreamed dreamed Stem gild gird ilt gilt gilt gilded gilded girds girt girt girded leapl girded gilds underbidd ing undercutling leap leaps upsetting wedding wetting learn lend learns lends misspell misspells bending bu ilding bu rn ing dreaming gilding gird ing leaping lcapcd leapt lcaped leanrt learnt Iearning Ieamed learned m isspelt misspelled m m isspelt isspelled misspelling Verb Forms 1,3 misspend misspends misspent misspent misspending outfight outfights rebuild rebuilds seeks rent teach teaches spells spelt spelled spends spent think work thinks works sPend spelt spelled spent rebuilding rending spelling seek rends rebuilt rent rebuilt rend spell spill spills spoils underbends spilt spilled spoilt spilling spoil underbend spilt spilled spoilt underbcnt underbent underbending spending spoiling Examples in Context: Can you louch your toes without bending your knees? 'Rome was not built in a day' means that time and hard work are necessary for a difficult or importanl task. 'Look before you ledp' means before you take any aotion, oonsider all the possible consequences. A tiger can rend its prcy picces. Group 3. Change the end part o1'the stsm lbrm into 'ought' or 'aught' to fbrm the finite and non-flnitc stcm+ - qd tbrm ( l0 verbs). Ubah bagian akhir stem fbrm menjadi 'ought', atau 'aught' untuk membentuk the finite and non-finite stem+ - ed form. Stem FV&NFV beseech Stem+ - { FV beseeches bring bry brings buys catch oatches fight fights 74 . ' . . . thinking working Group 4. Change 'ca' and 'ee' representing thc phoncn.re /i/ into phoneme /e/, and end it with letter't' or phoneme /V to *rrm the linite and non-flnite stenr+ -9.d form (16 verbs). Ubah 'ea' dan'ee' yang berbunyi /i/ menjadi bunyi /e/, dan akhiri dcngan huruf '1' atau bunyi /t/ untuk membentuk the finite and non_finite stem+ _cd lbrm beseeching FV&NFV besceched brought bought caughl fought brought bought caught fought bringing ing catching fighting A Better way of Mastering English Verbs seeking teaohing brought lhem into a long oonflict Fidelity in friendship is not bought, but 6uying presents fbr friends demands fi delitY. M. Nur was determined to leave his village to szak his fortune in other Places. Children should be taught lo pity the poor. besought besecchctl NFV outfighting We hear<l her crying oul. be,;eec'hing Allah to save her husband's life. The two pa(ies finally realized that a small matter had Stem Stem+-ed outfbught sought taught thought worked Examples in Context: Stem+-ilrs NFV Stem+-ed FV besought outfbught sought taught thought worked Stem+ FV I Stem+ed FV Stem+cd Stem+-irg NFV NIIV I buy creep deal oreeps dwell dwells deals crepl dcalt dwelt crept dcalt dwelt creeplng dealing dwelling Verb Forms L5 t'eel feels keep keeps kneel kneels felt kept knelt lean leans kneeled leant learn leams Ieave mean meel leaves means mcets lIol misdeal oversleep sleep sweep weep misdeals oversleeps sleeps sweeps weeps misdealt overslcpt slept swept wept leamt leamed leff meart t-elt kept knelt feeling keeping kneeli-ng kneeled leant learnt ' leaning leaming leamed Ieft meant mct misdealt overslepl slept swept wept lcaving meaning mecting misdealing oversleeping sleeping sweeping weeping Examples in Context: . . . r Group 5. Change the ( last) vowel of the stem lbrm into vowol /e/ and end it with letter'd' or phoneme /d/ to fbrm the tlnite and non-finite stem + -e,/ form ( I 3 verbs). Ubah vowel (akhir) stem form menjadi vowel /e/, dan akhiri dengtrn huruf 'd' atau bunyi /d/ untuk membentuk the finite and non-finite stem + -ed fbrm. Doubt and fear began to crcep slowly into the woman's mind and heart after her husband had not come home for days. Her mind ofuen dwells on memories ol'her past suff'erings. Don't say'yes'when you mean to say'no'. She was weeping real tears when she kissed him goodbye. Stem F-V&NI'V behold bleed breed Stcm+ PV beholds bleeds breeds f'eed l'eeds flee gainsay flees gainsays hold holds leads pleads lead plead { Stem+ed !v NFV beheld beheld bled bred fed fled gainsaid hetd bled bred fed tled gainsaid held led pled pleadcd said unsaid upheld withheld Ied pled sa) unsay says unsays pleaded said unsaid uphold upholds withholds upheld withheld withhold Stem+-9d Stem+-l4g NITV bcholding blceding brr:cding lceding fleeing gainsaying holding lcading plcading sayrng unsaying upholding withholding Examples in Context: . . . r 16 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Mr. Rasyid baholds bearty and happiness in his wil'e's eyes. Teachers havc expertise that cannol be gain.suid. llolding a wonran's hand doe s no1 meiln futltling her heart as well. What has been sald cannot be unsaid. Verb Forms 17 Many villagers in South Sulawesi still uphold old traditions. Group 6. Change '-ind' into '-ound' to form the finite and nonfinite stem + -99! form (7 verbs). Ubah 'ind' menjadi 'ound' untuk membentuk finite dan non-finite stem+ -ed iorm. Stem FV&NFV Stem+ FV { Stem+-9d FV Stem+-9d NFV 51em l -irg NIIV into Change the last vowel lc11er of the stem form Grouo "'"-' 7.,,,*"l"letter'u' the fbrm which is pronounoed /^/ ttl finite and non-tinite stem + -ezl lbrm ( 17 verbs)' Stem+ - Stem FV&NFV I binds ll nds grinds rebinds rewinds unwinds winds bound bound fbund ground rcbound rewound unwound wound lbund ground rebound rewound unwound wounci binding finding grinding rebinding rewinding unwinding winding . . . . 18 clung dug fling flings fl tlung hurtstring hamsfrings ung hamstrung hangs overhangs hamstringcd hung overhung slink spin shrinks slings slinks spins hamstrung hanrstringed hung ovcrhung shrunk shrank shrLtnk slung slunk slu spun spun a clinging digging t)inging hurlstringing hanging overhanging shrinking slinging slinking slunk spinning stuck stung stunk stan k stuck stung str.lnk sticking stinging stinking strikcs strings struck struck striking StruIrg stTurl!i swings swung stringing swinging wrings wrung swun!! wrunel ick sting slink sticks stings strikc string swing wring st St€m+ NFV ng span home. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs NFV clung dug sling There are so many leelings that blnrl Mr.Rasyid to his wife. An old person usually puts things in a place where he can Jind them quickly and easily. Mr. Siratang Sround his cigarette in the ashtray, then leant back on the sofa with thousands of unanswered questions in his minds. Mr. Muhayyang never unwinds his sarong when he is at The staircase in the new building wlnds upwards round big central pillar. Stem+-gd clings digs overhang shrink lixamples in (lontcxt: . Stem+-cd FV cling dig hang bind find grind rebind rewind unwind wind I FV stinks wrin-qing Examples in Context husband is The poor woman c/fug.s to the hope that her day' still alive, and will come back to her one ilt. f-i*t was hamstrung by the tack of skilled workers and funds. fte potice tailed to seize thc thieves who 's/umk dawn the dark alley Verb Forms 19 'ow', 'aw', and'y'in the linite stem fbrm into 'ew' to lbrm thc llnite stem+ -arl fbrm; thcn change 'ew' in the finite stcm+ -e,/ firrm inlo 'own' or 'awn' to tbrm thc non-finite stem+ -erl form (l I Group l0: Change verbs). Ubah 'ow', 'aw', dan 'y' dalam the finite stem form menjadi 'ew' untuk membentuk the finite stem+ -er/ fbrm; kemudian ubah 'ew' dalam the finite stem+ -g4l fbrm menjadi 'own', atau 'awn' untuk membentuk the non-finitc stem+ 4/ fbrm. Stem I,-V&NIIV Stem+ - { F-V blow draw draws fly flies gow grows knows blows know outgrow overdraw overfly overthrow throw withdraw outgrows overdraws overfl ies overthrows throws withdraws Stem+ed FV blew drew flew Stem'l'-cr/ NFV blown drawn flown grew Srown knew outgrew outdrew overflew overthrew threw withdrew known outgrou'n overdrawn overflown ovcnhrown thrown withdrarvn . . . 2Z NFV blowing drawing flying growing knowing outgrowing overdrawing overl)ying overthrowing throwing withdrawing When the wind b/ows softly, and the sky is blue, I always remember you. As your children arc growing into teenagers, they need more of your time and attention. Every child knows that one and one makes 1wo. When Sakinah had read all the letters she threw lhem into the bin. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Realiz-ing that everybody disagreed withdrew lrom the argument to her idea, Sherly Croup I l: Change the vowel in the stem form but thc vowels in initial and final position into vowel 'o' to lbrm the finite stem+ -erJ form; then end ihe finite stem+ -9d .n' to fbrm the non-finite stem+ -cr,/ fbrm (17 form in verbs) tJbah vowel stem lorm kecuali vowel pada awal dan akhir kata menjadi vowel 'o' untuk membentuk the linite stem+ -9!! form: kenrudian akhiri thc tlnite stem+ -4! l'otn dcngan 'n' untuk membentuk thc non-finite stem+ -9d Stem+-ir?q Examples in Context: . . f'orm. Stem Stemf-J beget bespeak break choose cleave Stcm+ -q1 NFV FV FV&NFV aflse awake Stcrn i -qd anse awake beget arose aroscn awokc begot bespeak bespoke break choose cleave broke awoken begotten bespoken bespoke broken chose chosen clovc c cleaved loven cleaved stem | -l!g NITV ansrng awaking begetting bespeak breaking choosing cleaving cletl Ibrgoften llozen torgetting freezing gettinS forget fieeze forgets lieezes 0left clavc tbrgot froze get gets got gotten interwove interwoven interwcaving spoken speaking stealing treading interweaYe interweaves speak steal speaks sleals spoke stole tread treads trod unfreeze wake unlieezes wakes urrlioze wokc weave weaves cleavcd stolen trodden trod waked unfrozen woken waked weaved weaved unfteezing waking weavlrlg Verb Forms 23 Examples in (lontcxt: r Problems usually arr.re out ol'the lack of conrnrunication. . His polite manners and smiling tace bespeak the . . . ride ridcs rodc ridden riding rise rises rose shrive slrrivcs shrovc risen shriven shriving shrived smitcs gontleman. smitc Her husband's words and actions broke her heart into stride strides strive thrive strives thrives underwrite write write pieces. The wife and husband's lives are interwoven. Destiny inlerweaves their lives. The incident woke memories ol all Kasmawati's past underwrites s smote strode strove throve thrived underwrote wrote rising shrived smitten stridden sm lt strove strivhg throve thrived underwrote wrote thriving ing striding undcrwriting writing sufferings. Croup 12. Add 'n' to tht: stem form to ltrrm the non-llni(e stem+ . She likes backbiting her neighbors. . 'tf you want to marry her, I can't ./brbid verbs). t lt is sometimes very dilficult to./brgive ourselves. . 'l cwr give you nothing but my true love,' said thc husband Tambahkan 'n' pada stem lorm untuk membentuk the non-finite stem+ -qd form. Dobel konsonan 't' dan'd' yang mendahului vowel akhir'e' pada stem form. The finite stem+ -er,/ lbrm bervariasi. Stem+ - Stem r IjV FV&NFV backbite bestride bite chide backbites bestrides bites chides Stem+-gd Stem+-gd Steml FV NFV NFV backbitten bestrode backbitten bestridden binen chidden chided backbiting bestriding biting chiding bit chid chided drives forbids forgives drove hide gives hides override rewrite overrides rewrites gave hid overrode drive forbid forgivc give 24 Examples in Context: corrsonants:'t' and 'd' preceding the vowel '0' at the final position in the stem form. The finitc stcm+ - ed form varies (20 -q1 fbnn. Double the forbade forgave rewrote -LAg chid driven forbidden forgiven given driving iorbidding forgiving giving hidden overridden hiding overriding rewriting rewritinq A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs yoLr,' said his father. to his wit'e. r You must .r/rive to improve your tinglish perlbrmance. . No business cur lhriYe without investment. . l'll v'ritc you as so()n as I anive thcre. Verb Forms 25 'n' to the stem lbnn to fbrm the non-finite stem+ -ed lbrm. 'l'he linite stem | -cd lbrm varies ( 14 Group 13. Add stand stave verbs). ll think te nd undersell win withstan d Stem Examples I . ooi . Wha 'lunl r Therl Stem+ - FV&NFV L i I I { FV Stem+-9d FV Stem+-cd NFV Stem+-irg NFV beat beats beat beatco beating bcfall befe ll browbeal bel allen browbeat bet'alls browbeats browbeatcn belalling browbeating eat eatS ate eaten eating ll thlls ll lbrsook mistook overtook partook llen fbrsaken mistaken overeaten overtaken partaken retook shook retaken shaken talling fbrsaking mistaking overeating overtaking partaking retaking took taken undertaken fa Dael gam' bacll Vowel pada stem form berubah mcnjadi vowel lain(bervariasi) pada the stem+ -q4f fbrm untuk f inite and dan non-finite form (34 verbs). Tambahkan 'n' pada stem fbrm untuk mentbentuk the non-finite stem+ -ed form. The finite stem+ -ed form bervariasi. understa r (iroup 14. l'he vowcls of tlrc stem fbrm chango to other vowels to lbrm the flnite and r.ron-flnite stent-l- -erl lbrms. forsake mistake overeat overtake partake retake lbrsakes mistakes overeats overtakes partakes retakes shake shakes takes take undertake undertakes ie overate undertook Ia shaking taking undertaking Examples in Context: r The Indonesian govemment can hardly beat the high . . : inflation every year. I shall never leave yo:u, whatever befalls. 'Don'tforsake me this time! I really need yow help'. Muhammad Akbar Amin is determined to succeed. whatever job he underlakes. Stem Stem+ - s Stem+-d Stem+-cd FV&NF FV FV NFV Stem+-i!g NFV backslide backslides backslidin floodligh backslid floodlighted backslid floodlights floodlighti lbretells fbretold floodlightcd flood Iit lbretold foretc ll hear heavc heirrs heaves heard heard hove/heaved hove/heaved loretelling lights lit/lighted Iit/lighted light Ioses mishears misunderstands lost misheard misunderstood hearing heaving misheard misunderstood outsells outsold outsold m outshines overhears overshoots outshone overheard oYershot reheard resold outslronc overheard overshot reheard resold g resat resat lloodlit I lose mishear misunder stand outsell outshin€ overhear overshoo A Betl 26 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs lighting losing ishearin misunders tanding outselling outshining ovsrhcari ng overshooti t resells resits rehear retells retold retold resell resit retell sells sold so shines shone shone shits shitted/shat shitted/shat sell shine shoes shod shod shoots sits slides shol sal slid shot slid retelling selling shoot sit slide speeds sped/speeded sped/spcedcd shining spodights spotlit shitting spotlighted spotlit spotlighted speed stands staves stood stove/staved stood stove/staved shooting shit shoe S 28 rehears Iost ng tl ld rehearing reselling resitting sat shoeing sittin Verb Forms 27 Examples in Context: . . . . . She y'ra.i everything she wants but tnre love liom a nran. He always trics tct make his wifb happy. I seem lo hava mislaid my glasses - lrave you seen thcm? She ovcrlaidl'ter deep sadness with humour. She lingered out of the room to waylay h\m after the lecture. Group 16. Changes in vowels and consonants varies. Non-finite stem+ - ed forms end in /m/ or in /n/ or in other consonants. Perubahan vowel dan konsonan bcrvariasi. Nonllnite stem+ - ed fbrm berakhir dengan bunyi /m/ atau /n/ atau bunyi konsonan lain (33 verbs). kennsd kenning lain mclted molten mown mowed outdone overcome overdone lying mclting ken kens lie melt lies melts kenned kent lay melted mow IIO\ryS mowcd outdo overcome overdo oversee prove outdoes overcomes overdoes oversees proves outdid overcame overdid oversaw proved redo redoes redid proved proven redone saw saws sawed SAWT) overseen mowing outdoing overcoming overdoing overseeing proving redoing sawing sawed Stem Stem+ - r Stem+-ed FV FV FV&NFV Stem+-itt g NFV NFV becomes blesses was.were became blessed been beome blessed blest being becoming blessing oomes oame orows crowed crew dived doved did foresaw went hewed comc crowed comlng crowing dived diving done foreseen gone hewed hewn doing foreseeing going hewing be,am,are is become bless come crow dive dives do foresee go hew does foresees 30 Stem+-ed goes hews A Better way of Mastering English Verbs sew sews saw sewed shear shears sheared see S€ES show shows showed shrink shrinks shrank slays sows strews shrunk slew sowed strewod swell swells swelled undergo undergoes underlie undo underlies undoes underwent underlay undid slay sow strew seen seeing sewn sewed sheared sewing shown showed shrunk slain sown strewed strewn swollen swelled underwent underlay undid shearing showing shrinking slaying sowing strewing swelling undergoing underlying undoing Verb Forms 31 Examples in Context: . . . . l He does everything he can to be a good man. What has been dona cannot bc undone. I-he students were ovcrcome by a scnse olf'ailure. They had undergone almost every kind of sufl'erings in their lives. . A deep laith always underlies whatever work he does. The suffixes: - s, - CSl, and - IZA added to the stem form in the examples given above to some extent cause variation in spelling. The suffixes: - t and - q! added to the stem form also cause variation in pronunciation. The variation can be seen in the following. Imbuhan - s, - 9gl, dar, - WS yang ditambahkan pada kata kerja dasar pada contoh yang diberikan di atas menyebabkan variasi eiaan; Selain varia-si eiaan, imbuhan - .r, dan - ed yang ditambahakan pada kata kerja dasar menyebabkan pula variasi pelafalan. Variasi tersebut dapat dilihat pada contoh-contoh berikut. a. From Finite Stem X'orm to Finite Stem 4 - s Form The suffix - g has - es as its variant. The suffix - 1 is pronounced /s/ if it is suffixed to the stem forms ending in voiceless consonants; it is pronounced lzJ if it is suffixed to the stem forms ending in voiced consonants or vowels; and it is pronounced /izl il il is suffixed to the stem forms ending in a hissing sound. Study carefully the fbllowing illustration. Imbuhan akhir -q dilafalkan /s/ kalau diimbuhkan pada kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan konsonan tak bersuara; ia dilafalkan lzl kalau ia diimbuhkan pada kata kerja dasar yang bemkhir dengan konsonan bersuara; dan ia dilafalkan liz/ kalau ia diimbuhkan pada kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan bunyi desis. Kaji cermat ilustrasi berikut ini. 32 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs I ) The finite stem lbrms which are directly suffixed linite slem+ - ^r furm, in which -1 is pronounoed /s/ I to form Kata kerja dasar (finitc vcrb) yang langsung diirnbuhi akhiran s untuk membentuk stcm + -s lbrm yang dilatalkan /s/ F'inite Stem Form Finite Stem+ - 1F'omr cough coughs Iaugh paragraph laughs paragraph sniff sniff telegraph telegraph knock look mock knock look mock speak speak wreck wreck claps claps jump jump keep leap stop keep leap stop attract attraot insist meel sit insist visil visit meet 'Ihe Pronunciation of sulllx - s h\t /ks/ /ps/ /ts/ sit Verb Forms 33 Examples in Context: . She always teep.r a distance because shc when she ,rpeakr. I . toughs alot When he meels her, hc always utlrdcls hcr attention. [{er heart always lcaps with joy when he v,si/s her. 2) The finite stem forms which are directly suffixed -g to form finite stem+ -q form, in which -q is pronounced // Kata kerja dasar (finite verb) yang langsung diimbuhi akhiran -q untuk membentuk stem + -s form yang dilafalkan // l'inite Stem F orm rob rub snub sob sub breed comprehend depend need pretend 34 Finite Stem+ Form t 'fhe Pronunciation of sufflx - s robs rubs snubs sobs subs breeds comprehends depends /bzl ldzl lag rag snog tag lags rags boil call boils calls spoil tell te spoils lls I come comes dim dims dream dreams seem seems swim swims earn earns learn mean tum win leams means tums wins cling fling clings flings hang hangs ring rings lnzJ lnrJ Iryl Examples in Conlext: . . . . prelends begs drills SI needs beg drill lg'zl pretends thal he needs her help. He often dream'^ aboul dealh. lle mcans what he says. When a woman tells lhe truth 10 a man, shc docs not necessarily mean that she de2ends on him. He snogs 3) The finite tags A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs stems ending su|ixed with -g in llzl /sil in -a9. -se, or --gq are directly which -qq{ and -.!'er are pronounced while -ggq is pronounced /jil Verb Forms 35 Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan ,tqr -{g, or -gq yang langsung diimbuhi dengan akhiran -! untuk membentuk stem+ -s lbrm , yang -ces dan - ses dilafalkan /siz) sedangkan -ges dilal'alakan /jizl Finite Stem Form Finile Stem+ - { advice/advise dance face sacrifice arise choose advices/advises dances faces sacrifices chooses engage engagcs judge lodge judges Iodges manages urges manage ulge Form Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan hurul' -l yang didahului oleh vowel langsung ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -{. Kalau -2 didahului oleh konsonan, -y harus diubah meniadi 'Ihe Pronunciation of sulfix - .r lsiil ari ses tjiil -l kemudian ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -<.s. -1u dan -ic'.r dila{alakan /izl Finite Stem Form Finite Stem+ - { Form buy lay pay relay buys lays pays relays say says cry cries fly flies intensifiss justifies tries inlensifu justi! try The Pronunciation of suffix - ^s /-iz/ Examples in Context: r , . . 4) Examples in Context: The teacher 4dvises the students to use their time wisely. The dancer always dances gracefitlly He always./aces facts bravely. A feeling ofbeing responsible fbr the matter zrges him tcr take every action that he.judges to bc important. The linite stems ending in -1 preceded by a vowel are directly suffrxed with -{. However, if -2 is preceded by a consonant, -y changes into -l and then suffrxed with -q- 14 and -ies are pronounced 36 /izl A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs . . . . 5) The lecturer always says things that make his students feel important. The woman crles a lot when she is sad. The chairman .iusliJies things on the grounds of efficiency and effectiveness. 'l'he leacher always lrie.i 10 imswer evcry qtrestitrn a^s well as possible his students ask The finite stem forms ending -q is pronounced /-/ in a are suflixed with -4, and Verb Forms 37 Kata ke{a dasar yang berakhir o diimbuhi dengan --es, dan - s dilafalkan l-zl Finite Stem F'orm do go overdo undergo undo Finite Stem+ F orm I 'I'he Pronunciation ol' sulfix - s does l-zl goes . . 6) The finite stem forms ending in a hissing sound are suffixed with -g! and -€[ is pronounced /-izJ Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir bunyi desis diimbuhi dengan alhiran -+s dan --es dilafalkan /iil 38 Finile Stem+ - 1 F-orm F'orm brush wish match watch brushcs mix wishes matches watches mixes pass passes bruz buzzes A Better Way of Mastering Engllsh Verbs The carpet matches the curtains perfectly. She never successfully mixes her career and marriage. Rahmat is the brightest student in the class. lle always pa,s.se.s his subjects excellently. Form He is disciplined and responsible; he drles every job well. He always leaves home early in the nroming and goes back late in the evening. She often overd<tes sympathy. She always undergoes grcat hardship, but she never gives up. Finite Stem . . . b, From Finite Stem Form to Regular Finite Stem+ - ed overdoes undergoes undoes Examples in Contexts: . . Examples in Context 'l he Pronunciation o1' sullix -e.r l-izl In general the finite stem forms can directly be sutfixed with qgl. However, for certain cases, the finite stem lbrms are suffixed with -gl, the variant form of -91!. The - 9!! is pronounced /-rV il' it is suffixed to the finite stem forms ending in a voiced consonant or a vowel; it is pronounced lV if it is sutlixed to finite stem forms ending in a voiceless consonant: and it is pronounced /-id/ if it is suffixed to finite stem fbrms ending in /t or -d/sounds. Pada umumnya kata kerja dasar ( Jinite stem .lbrm) dapal ditambahkan langsung imbuhan -<41 Namun dalam hal-hal tertentu ada finite stem lorm yang ditambahkan imbuhan -rl yakni bentuk alternative imbuhan akhir -ed. Imbuhan -@ dilafalkan /-d/ kalau ia diimbuhkan pada kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan bunyi konsonan bersuara (voiccd consonanl) atau bunyi vowel; ia dilafatkan /-tl kalau ia diimbuhkan pada kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan bunyi konsonan tak bersuara (voicelcss cotlsonanl); dan ia dilalalkan /.id/ kaluu ia diimbuhkrur pada kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dcngan bunyi /t atau -dl. Aturan ini hanya berlaku untuk regular./itt ilc stem + q!./brms. Verb Forms 39 I) Examples offinite stem forms ending in a voiced consonant which are direclly sullxcd with - ad. Finite Stem Forms ending in a voiced consonanl F'inite Stem+ - ed Form act aid acled aided boil bt,z, clean enjoy fill enjoyed filled gained inform join kick informed joined kicked kiss laugh kissed laughed missed headed ZI neighbors. They hugged and kjssed before they parted. They viewed lhe matter from a dift'erent point ol' view The children enjoyed the party very much. Example s of finite stcrn fbrms ending in vowe directly suf]ixed with - d. c which arc Finite Steml' - e./ liorm accelerate bchave accelerated ached behaved bribe bribed ceasc chase ceased ache die dine embrace face chased hospitalize impede invite jumble jangle jumbled jangled kedge lace kedged laced A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs I Finite Stem Forms ending in vowel -e temptsd unohained viewcd wantod xeroxed yielded ztn oared packed quashed remembered yield . . . stal'l'ed seemed oar pack quash remember tempt unchain view want xerox His diary aitled his memory to remember his past. There seemed to be a long conflict between the two grade handle needed seem 2) . . died dined embraced iaoed gazed graded handled hospitalizcd impedcd invited need staff 40 boiled buzzed cleaned gain head miss Examples in Context: gaz.e Verb Forms 41 manage name managed opine mpe smoke opined prepared queued raped smoked tease use teased used validate waste yoke validated wasted yoked zoned prepare queue mne nzrmed Examples in Context: . . . . The witness was bribedto give false evidence. The two brothers embraced each other warmly when they met. She gazed at him in disbelief when he told her that he wanted to marry her. A marriage has successfully ceased the con{'lict between the two clans. Finite stem forms ending in leuer -lwhich is preceded by a vowel letter is suffixed directly with suffix -a4f. If the finite stem forms end in letter -7 which is preceded by a consonant Ietter, the letter -y is changed to leffer -i thcn the stem finite forms are suffixed wirh -tll. L'inite stem forms yang berakhir dengan huruf -/ yang didahului oleh huruf vowel diimbuhi lzurgsung dengan ed. Kalau finite stem lorm terscbut didahului oleh hurul' konsonarr. huruf -y diubah menjadi huruf - I kemudian diimbuhi dengan ed. 42 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Finite Stem Forms ending in letter - y Finite Stem+ - s./ Form apply beautify applied beautified certified dried delayed emptied employed enjoyed envied certify dry delay empty employ enjoy envy justiS falsified gratified horrified implied j ustified key keyed Iiquefy/liqufy lirhiry magnify notily liquelied/liqulicd lirhify/lirhilied falsifr gratilY horrifr imply ossifu overplay oversimplifu pacify puri ly qualiB/ quantily rare ly magnilieci notified ossitied overplayed oversimplified pacified purified quatilied quantified rarefied ratil.v ratified satisly saponily satisfied saponilied simplifu tern simpliiied terrified Verb Forms 43 testify uglify verifu versify testified uglified verified versified grab grabbed plan stir wed planned stirred wedded Examples in Context: . . . . . Examples in Context: They delayed their departure until the weather improved. She beauttJ'ied herself with good conduct. The results of the research will be applied to toaohing second language to young learners. The death ofhis only daughter empried his heart. We have always envied your good luck. . a The final consonant of monosyllabic finite stem forms of consonant-vowel-consonanl (cvc) construction, or of consonanl- consonanl-vowel-consonant construction (ccvc) is geminated(doubled) but those ending in -w, -x, or -1,. belbre it is sutfixed with 1d. Finite stem yang bersuku satu (monosylluhit) dan terbentuk dalam konstruksi konsonan-vorvel- konsonan (kvk) atau konsonan-konsonan'vowel-konsonan (kkvk) harus didobel huruf konsonan akhimya sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir gql., kecuali mereka yang berakhir dengan horul konsonan -)r, x, atau -y. Finite Stem Forms (Monosyllabic = cvc or ccvc construction) ohat ohop dam dog M Finite Stem+ - ed Form chatlcd chopped dammed dogged A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs He approached the woman and grabbed the bag from her hand and ran off. . The old man wedded a girl tiom lndia. . His career wa s dogged by severe misfortune. . The woman looked more beautiful when the wtnd stirred her hair. Monosyllabic or dissyllabic finite stems ending in consonant letttr -/ which are not preceded by a sequenoe ol vowel but the word diat.'Tlte consonant letter -/ is doublcd belore the suffix 14f is added. Kata kerja dasar (inite stem.r) yang bersuku kata satu (monosy'llubic) atau yang bersuku kata dua (dissyllabic) yang bemkhir dengan huruf konsonan -/ yang tidak didahului oleh dua vowel secara berturul{urut , kecuali dalam kata dial, huruf/ didobel sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -erl' Finite Stem Forms (Monosyllabic and dissyllabic ending in consonant letter -1) F-ini1e Stem+ - cd Form conrpcl control dial compelled oontrolled dialled lulli l/lulll Il fulfilled parallel arallclled/ aralleled Verb Forms 45 rival travel rivalled travelled Note: American English spells controled, traveled, fulfiled, and Examples in Contcxt: . . . The lecturer referred 1o his previous lecture on . centrality of memory in learning. The jury acquitledher of murdering her husband. the like). . . ' . . Examples in Context: FIis wise words compelled our admiration. His achievem ents./ulJilled his parents' expectation. His love to his Creator ,,ivalled (rivaled) nothing. No one has parallelled @aralleled) his dedication to this country. She travelled (traveled) a lot to enrich her experience. , Dissyllabic fini1e stems having the primary stress on the second syllable require the doubling of the last oonsonant letter before they are suffixed with -e4- Dissyllabic finite stems ending in a consonant cluster and having the primary stress on the first syllable are directly sutfixed with --g4l Kata kerja dasar yang bersuku dua dengan tekanan suara jatuh pada suku kedua didobel konsonan akhimya sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -qd. Kata kerja dasar yang bersuku dua yang berakhir dengan gugus konsonan, atau tckanan suara jatuh pada suku pertama tidak didobel konsonannya, dan langsung ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -94! Finite Stem Forms (Dissyllabic) Finite Stem+ - ed Form acquit concur in fer quit acqu itted rel'er ref'crrcd ob.jected ob'ject c()vcr opcn 46 Their opinions concurred in many aspects. We look at his uniform and inferred that he was an army. the Finite stems ending in -lc are added with letter t belbre they suffixed -{4! Kata kcrja dasar yang berakhir dengan -ic ditambahkart huruf -& sebelum diimbuhkan akhiran --cd Finite Stem Forms ending in -it' Finile Stcm+ - s./ Fornr frolic lrolickcd panic panickod picnickcd tralll c kcd picnic traflic . . . ' . lixamples in context: The tourists./i ol icked itr thc sun un(il they all got sunburn The gurrlire panicked the crowd. The iamily picnicked\nthe woods last week. She traflicked in opium. concurred in ferred q uiltcd covcrcd opened A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms 47 c. From Finite Stem Forms to Non-Finite Stem + -j4g Forms Generally, finite stem forms are directly suflixed with uc. Finite Stem F-orms Finite Stem+ - ing l'orm act buzz bleed bring catch do actlng buzzing bieeding bringing catching doing eating eat fall fix go hear interview ju-p aolng hearing lnteryrewrng staff .jumping k issing lcading mcaning missing needing opening questioning repeating risking saying seeming slceping staffing tel I telling kiss lead mcan miss need open question repeat risk say seem sleep 4a falling fixjng A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs undoing vanishing waiting xenotransplanting yielding zerofilling undo vanish wait xenotransplant yield - zerofill Examples in Context: . . . Seeing is more reliable than heuring. Fulling in love is a beautiful cxperience. Suying is easicr lh:an doing. Finite stem forms which are not diroctly sul'lixcd with -!ng are exemplified in the following. Finite stems ending in vowel letter + preccded by a consonant letter but consonant lener -y require us to drop the vowel letter -z before we suflix them with -lng. Finite stems ending in vowel letter -z preceded by the consonant le11er - lr, and the word be, are directly suffixed with -iirg. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan hurul'vowel -z yang didahului oleh lrurul'konsonan kecuali hurul'konsonan -y dan huruf -e pada kata kerja dasar be, diburing sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir ins. Finite Stem Forms Finite Stem+ - lrq Form admire come hope improve live make admiring coming hoping inrproving living mnking I Verb Forms 49 I bet dye* ) being dyeing Finite stoms ending in -le require us to change -ie before they arc sulfixed with lng. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan Examples in Context: . r . . I The tourists couldn't stop admiring the beauty of panorama. Are your parents coming here, too? The gangsters enjoy making people angry. They keep hoping to see their country in'peacc again. dahulu -ie atchir -14g but vowel letter -a are directly sufi,ixed with Finite stems ending in vowel letter __e p.""Ld"d by vowel -14g. letter -a require us to drop the vowel letter __s before we sufiix them with -14g K{a kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan hurul vowel _e yang didahului oleh huruf vowel lain kecuali vowel _r.r langsung ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -lng. Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dongzrn hurul'vowel -r yang didahuiui oleh vowel _a. huruf vowel -c tersebut dibuang sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -149 Finite Stem Forms I,-inite Stem+ - rns agree agreelng seeing argue continue issue pursue queue arguing continuing issuing pursuing queuing lorm Finite Stcm Form Finitc Stem+ - iny Form die lie tie untie dying lying tying untying Examples in Contexls: . . . . A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs The woman is dying; the doctor couldn't do any'thing to save her life. 'fhe girl was lying lirst asleep when a thiel'broke into her room. Stop lyingl We know you are not lcliing lhe truth. She began unlying lhe parcels when we arrived. '['he hnal consonanl o1'monosyllabic finitc stem forms of consonanl-vowe l-consonunl (cvc) conslruction, or ol' consonantconsonunt-vowel-consonanl construction (ccvc) is geminated (doubled) but those ending in -,r, -.r, or -y, belore it is suffixed with -14g. Finite stem yang bersuku satu (monosyllabic) dan terbentuk dalam konstruksi: konsonan-vowel- konsonan (kvk) atau konsonan-konsonan-vowel-konsonan (kkvk) harus didobet huruf konsonan akhirnya sebclum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir q4g, kecuali mereka yang berakhir denga.r huruf' k<)nsonan -w. .r, atau 50 -le terlebih -y diubah menjadi sebelum ditanrbahkan imbuhan the Finite stems ending in vowel le(er _-c prccetied by . another vowel letter see lo -y -r. Verb Forms 51 Irinite Stem Fomt bid plug put rub stir stop swim win Finite Stem+ - jng Form bidding plugging putting rubbing stirring stopping swimming wtnnin He scnt letters to his sisters. bidding lter inrprove her mind with good books. . She likes.rwlzming. ln facl, swimming . Our team is winning the game. I am sure.is her hobby. . A gentle breeze is stirring her hair that makes her look more attractive. Monosyllabic or dissyllabic finite stenrs ending in -/ which arc not preccded by a sequence o1, vowel but the word diol. 'I-he consonant letter / is doubled consonant lctter bef<rre the sufhx -14g is addcd. Kata keria dasar (/inite s/ozis) yang bersuku kata satu (morutsyllubic) atau yang bersuku kata dua (dis:;yllabiL.) yang berakhir dengan huruf konsonan -/ yang tidak ,lidaf,ului oleh dua vowel secara berturut-turut , kecuali dilam kata dial. huruf _ / didobel sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhir _14g Fini te Stem Form (Monosyllabic and dissyllabic ending in consonant letler *l) Finite Stem+ - lre Form compel control compolling 52 fulflVtulfitl fulfilling parallel rival travel paral lell ing/parallel i ng rivallcd travelled Note: American English mengeja controling, traveling, Iulfiling, dan semacamnya tanpa mendobel huruf-/ Examples in Context: Examples in Contcxls: . dialing dial cr.rntrollin A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs . . . . 'fhe necd for fbod is compellingLhe man to rob. Do you love travelling'l Please tell me the best way of controlling cnotion. The best way of .fuffilling our desircs is to feel that we have everything we need. Dissyllabic finite stems having the primary stress on the second syllable require the doubling of thr: last consonant letter before they are suffixed with -14& Dissyllabic finite stems ending in a oonsonant cluster and having the primary stress on the lirst syllable arc directly sufllxcd with -4g Kata kerja dasar yang bersuku dua dengan tekanan suara jatuh pada suku kedua didobel konsonan akhirnya sebelum ditambahkan imbuhan akhit -!!C. Kata kerja dasar yang bersuku dua yang berakhir dengan gugus konsonan, atau tekanan suara jatuh pada suku pertama tidak didobel konsonannya, dan langsung ditambahkan imbuhan akhir -1ag. Finite Stem Form (Dissyllabic) Finite Stem+ - acqurt concur acquitting concuring in f'er inltrling ult I in g Form qv!!!t!8 Verb Forms 53 r' refer rc ob'iect cover 'rp9n oblecting covering opgning The news on the school bus accidont is panicking the l'crring parents. TralJicking opium is illegal in this coun1ry. 3. Examples in contexts: . They are still conferring seriously on the matter. r I wonder il you could suggest a way of inferring two different conclusions tiom the sanre data. . The team leader is thinking players into his team. t ctl' trunsferring more new Rc/brring to what you havo just said, you agreed to our proposal. Finite stems ending they are suffixed with -I4g in ln sav that -jc are added with letter _/r before Kata kerja dasar yang berakhir dengan [.'initc Stem [,ornrcnding I would -ic Derivative Verbs Derivative verbs are those which are derived fiom nouns, adjectives, and verbs by affixation. AII derivative verbs ane also grouped undcr regular verbs. Kata kerja derivatil'adalah kata kerja bcntukan nrclalui atiksasi pada kata bcnda, kata silat dan kata kerja. Kata kerja derivatif digolongkan pula kodalam regular vcrbs. a. From Nouns to Verbs (Suffixation) Nouns hyphenatt: -cn frolic liolicking panic picnic panicking picnicking lrafficking heart heartcn height Iength strength heighten lenglhen slrengthcn -(i)ry Examples in Context: The children were.frolicking about the swimming pool when the rain started to pour down. 54 chlorinate chlorinc hlphcn tc' traffic Derivative Verhs -ate ditambahkan Finitc Stom+ - lns frorm Suffixos A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs beauty code class glory beautity codify classily glorify Verb Forms 55 I . . modify mode person sign personil,v signily apologize authorize characterize computerize criticize democratize dramatize harnronize critic democrat drama harmony -lz,e Children should memorrze patronize philosophize revolutionize summarize symbolize sympathizc terrorizc victim victimizc Examplcs in ('ontcxts: . . . 56 lbr their In the old time, children never crilicizad Lheir parents. . 'Ihe misunderstanding betwecn thc two partics has beon What charuclerizes a good wil-e? The students were assigned lo summariza the last chapter of a thiok book. dramalized in the newsPaPers b. From Nouns to Vcrbs (prefixation) Nouns Derivative Verbs de- bristle bug cokc curtain leather fiost gut house ice ink Has the swimming pool been chlorinated? louse The teachcr played somo music to heighten the students'i spirit to study. 'l'he old woman was very much heartened by her son's succcss in the clection. mist mud oil A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs upttlog,izc r . . Prehxes memory patron philosophy revolution summary symbol sympathy terror be taught to mistakcs. -tze apology author character computer Smiles do not always ,rigril).' liiendship. sand scale de-bristle debug de-coke de-curtain de-lcather deliost de-gut de-house de-ice de-ink delouse de-mist de-mud de-oil de-sand de-scale Verb Forms 57 skill winc dc-skill de-wine em-/enbalm camp embalm embed embody encamp case encase circle closure encircle enclosure encode encourage encrust endanger bed body oode courage crust danger em-/enI fold I force lranchise gulf jov plane enlbld enforce enlianchise engulf enjoy emplane rage enragc slave ens lave throne tomb trap trench enthrone entomb entrap entrench Examples in Contexts: 58 compuler program. Shc had to look fbr the laults and corrcct thcn). You musl de-nud the windscrecn. We can't see what's in I'ront. Thar terrible momenl will be l'trrever amht'dcled in her memory. You will never stop endangering your health if you always smoke. Fle said he had bcen enlrappad into marrying the woman. c. Thc Final Consonant of Verbs and Nouns arc pronounced differently. The spelling may be thc same or diffcrent Same Spelling, Different Pronuncialion in the Final I . 'l'he secretary was busy dchugging thc We must dqfo.r/ the frozen chicken before wc cook it. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Consonant Verbs h.t Nouns lsl abuse abusc advice devise excuso housc license practice advice devisc excuse housc license practice use use tft believe halve believe halve live live prove prove Verb Forms 59 relieve shelve Different Spelling, different pronunciation t6t breathe clothe teethe wreathe at'tribute com'bine oom'press con'cert con'duct tsl breath teeth (Stress ol the if his cont-erence room; he always makes such an cxcuse idea is not acoepted by the lloor. You will forget your English if you do not usc it. I'm sure- What's the use of worrying of making grarnmatical mistakes in English? She can't breathe especially if she wants to take a deep breath. d. Verbs and Nouns havc the samc spelling but thcy have diffcrent stress. Verbs are stressed on the second syllable while nouns are stressed on the first syllable on the con'verse con'vert 'converse 'oonvert con'vict 'convict de'crease 'decrease de'sert dic'tate di'gest dis'count dis'course en'trance en'velop es'cort es'say 'deserl 'dictale 'digest 'discount 'discourse 'cntrance 'envelop 'csoort 'essay Verbs Nouns (Stress on the second syllable) (Stress on the first syllable) ex'tract ab'stract ac'cent ad'dict 'abstract 'accent 'addict A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs second 'conscript 'contest 'contract 'contrast Nouns (Stress on the first sYllable) syllable) ex'ploit ex'port 60 'conflict con'test con'tract con'trast Vcrbs wreath himsell- and walked out 'comprcss 'cQncert 'oonduct con'flict con'script cloth Examples in Contcxts: Ile stood up, excused 'ally 'attribulo 'oombine al'ly rclieve shclve Different Spelling, different pronunciation im'port im'press in'cense 'exploit 'export 'extract 'import 'impress 'incense Verb Forms 61 in'sult 'increase 'insu lt obJect pcr'funrc 'pcrl ume in'crease 'o bj ect (Stress on the second syllable) 'produce 'progress 'project 'prospect rotesl Nouns (Stress on the first syllable) re'bel re'cord re'tail re'fuse su'bject sur'vey suq'pect tor'ment trans'fer trans'port 'rebel 'record 'retail 'refuse 'subject 'survey 'suspect 'torment 'transfer 'trdnsport Verbs e. 'permit 'frcsent per'mit pre'scnt pro'duce pro'gress pro'j ect pros'pect 'test Don't take it as an insult becausc I didn't mean to insull you. I was joking. Adjectives . bright broad chcap datnp oheapen dampcn deaf deali:n deep deepcn fat flat fatlen l'latten fresh hard hardcn f'reshen Iighten loosen quicken quieton reddcn shortgn sicksn stiffen straighten thioken widen light Ioose quick quiet red to conduct themselves inside the mosque. . blacken brighten broaden black Since the accent of the nouns above falls on the first syllable, we do not accenl the second syllable. The Imam taught the young people thoroughly how Verbs Sullixes -cn Examples in Contexts: . From Adjectives lo Verbs We believe that people leam to adapt to the rules of cotrduct of the society in which they live and are short sick stiff straight thick wide -t79 exposed. 62 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms 63 I equal familiar general legal modem neutral tender Adjectives Suffxes equalize familiarize generalize legalize modemizc neuiral iz.e tenderize Verbs i (iXv just pure simple solid Prefixes simplift solidifo Adjectives Many people brouden their experiencc by travelling a lo1. Is it true that the sr:as deepen gradoally? His mind and feeling hardened as hc bccame used to difficulty, and he bccame impatient of weaker people. She has familiorized hersell with a great deal of the native customs. amplifu diversifu falsity intensifu justify pudly ample diverse false intense Examples in Contexts: Verbs I don't think you can generulize about the matter. You just don't have representative sarnple. It will take years lct modcrnizc the transportation systcm in this country. He is trying to /iilsifv the lacts by tclling people thal he was not there when the accidcnl happenetl. Her anger intensi/ied when she knew he had pretendcd to be nice to her. The instructions have been simplified, so everybody can follow them easily. em-/enable enable Her life was embitteredby repeated failures. bitter embitter close enclose Many women believe that contraception will enuble dear endear lecble enfceble enlarge ennoble large noble rich sure them to plan their families. His kindness and gentleness endear him to everyone. enrich ensure I 64 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms 65 in'crease 'increase in'sult ob'ject 'insult 'object 'pcrlume 'permit 'present 'produce 'progress 'project 'prospect per' lume per'mit pre'scnt pro'duce pro'gress pro'j ect pros'pect 'test Verbs , re'bel re'cord re'tail re'fuse su'bject sur'vey 'rebel 'record 'retail 'refuse 'subject 'survey 'suspect 'torment 'transfer :transport trans'port Adjectivos I I deaf dealtn deep deepen fat latten bright flat llalten fresh hard freshen harden liCht lighten loosen quicken quieten redden shortsn sicken stiffen straighten thicken widen loose quick quiet red sho( Since the accent ol'the nouns abovc lalls on the fir$ syllable, we do not uccent lhe second syllable. The Imam taught the young people thoroughly how ,'rlndlcl themselvcs inside the mosque. broad cheap darnp blacken brighten broaden cheapen dampen black Examples in Contexts: , Verbs Suflixcs -en Nouns (Stress on the tirst syllable) tor'glent trans'fer e.From Adjectives to Verbs tcst (Stress on the second syllable) sus'pect Don't take it as an insult because I didn't mean lo insult you. I was joking. sick stiff tol : We believe that people learn to adapt to the rules of, conduct of the socicty in which (hey live ald arel straight thick wide -t7s exposed. 62 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms 63 i equal familiar general legal modem neulral tender Adjectives Suffixes equalize familiarize generalize legalize modernizc ncirtralizc tenderize Verbs Examples in Contexts: . Many people brouden their experience by travelling lot. . ls it true that the sca-s deepen gradually') . Ilis mind and fecling hardened a-s he becamc used to . (i)ly amplifu diversifo just justify purify simplify solidify lalsifr . I don't think you aan generulize . . & bitter embitter close dear feeble large noble enclose endear enfeebll: en to Jatsify the facts by tclling people that he . I-ler anger intensi/ietl when she knew hc had pretended lo be nice to her. . The instructions have been simplifiad, so everybody can follow them easilY. . r Her life was embitteredby repeated tbilures' Many women believe that contracepti on will enable them to Plan their families. . His kindness and gentleness endear him to evsryone' large rich ennoble enrich sure ensure A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Ile is trying was not there when t'he ascident happened' em-/enenable It will take years to modernize the transpo(ation system in this country. Verbs able about the nlatter' You just don't have representative sample. intensifo Adjectives dilficulty, and he bccame impaticnt ol'wcakcr people' She has Jitmiliarized hersell with a grcat deal of the native customs. ample diverse false intense pure simple solid Pre fixes a Verb Forms 65 f. From Verbs to Verbs Prefixes Verbs materialize moralize naturalize personalize politicize register lcgulatc Verbs autocook detiost dial play record redial reverse rotate autocrook aulodcfiost autodial autoplay autorecord autoredial autoreverse rcpress stabilize direct cdit codirecl coedit educate coeducate exist habit coexist cohabit cooperate coopt coproduce costar opt produce star deactivate centralize certily classily oolonize grade humanize 65 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs dcpoliticize deregistcr dcregulatc de-repress destabilizc Examples in Context: autorotate co- operate dematerialize demoralize denaturalize depersonalize deactivate decentralize decertily declassity decolonize degrade dehumanize The soldiers carefully deactivated lhe bomb placed under the tank. Don't tlegrade yourself by doing such a dishonest aclion. You must be strong; you may not be demorulizad by your previous failure. Verhs Prefixes Verhs disagree disagree allow disallow appcru disappear approve arm associate band believe connect embark disapprove d isarnr disassociale disband disbelievc disconnect disembark Verb Forms 67 hearten like dislike obcy organizc please disobey disorganize llisplease disqualify quali$' No one can/bretell whal will happen to the world in I 000 year's time. dishearten disintegrate integrate Prefixes gather go ordain see shadow shorten stall swear tell wam forebear forebode forecast foreclose foregather forego foreordain foresee foreshadow fbreshorten lbrestall foreswear foretell fbrewarn Examples in Contcxt: . . . . . 68 I oan't find any good reason to disagree to your plan. fler anger soon disappaarerl whcn she sau,him coming r.r ith a lot ol'presents. Shc is easily di.>-heartenerl bv ditliculty. His angry lhceJbrahode,- a real confiontation. She knows well that her smile can always./irestall him to be angry with her. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verbs act breed change lnteract interbreed interchange intercommunicale interconnect inler- fore bear bode cast close Verbs commtrnicate connect lock marry mingle mix nationalize penetrate pose relate weave interlock intermarry intermingle intermix internationalize interponetratc interpose interrelate interweave mrs- apply apprehend behave calculate conduct direct hear infbrm interprct judge lay lead misapply misapprehend misbehave miscaloulate misconduct misdirecl mishear misinlbrm misinlcrprel mis.judge mislay mislead Verb Forms 69 manage mlsmanage place misplace misprint mispronounce misquote misread misrepresent mistake type misunderstand misuse print pronounce quote read represent take type understand use compensate do . . . . . . Can buffaloes and cows interbreed? Many Buginese families still intermarry. In many countries in the world, wages and prices inlerrelate. Should parents be angry if their r:hildrcn misbehave? He misleads her into thinking he is reach. The students sometimes misundersland lhe leacher's explanation. Prelixes Verbs Verbs aot awe balance overacl overawe overbalancc overbid overbook overburdcn overcapitalize overcharge I over- bid hook burdcn aapitalize charge 70 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs estimatc overdo ovcrdose ovgreat overestimate flow overflow hear lay load look pay react ride ovgrhear overlay overload overlook overpay overreact override see see simplify work oversimplifo overstay overtake overwork aITangc date prearrange predate determine digest dispose dominate exisl fabricate predetermine predigesl dispose predominate preexist prefabricate preheat prejudge prcoccupy preread prcserve preset dose eat Examples in Context: ovcrcomPensate staY take pre- heat judge occ up !' tul scrve re set su SC rcs u SC Verb Forms 71 teach preteach teach re-teach write prewrite visit revisit Examples in Context: . . . . Examples in Context: Don't let me overburder you with my problems. She overdosed on sleeping pills and died. Please don't overestimute my ability. She has every good reason that predispses me to lovr her. ! A wish to become rich always predominates in her mind r A true scientist will never presuppose the truth o unproved facts. Prefixes Verbs Verbs re- ' . . How did she reacl to your commenti? I bsB you to reconsider your dcoision. [t will hurt both of us, if you do it. Nothing c:ur replace a mother's lovc. Once you have been to Bali, you will always want to revisit il. The government should rcbuild lhe society for the information age. Prefixes Verbs Verbs balance unbalance bar bett bend bind block dress unbar unbelt unbend unbind unblock unbolt unbrace unburden unbutton unchain unclasp uncoil un0()ver undo undress lbtd unlbld unact address react readdress allocale reallocale iuTange rearTange build call consider rebuild recall reconsider create recreate brace distribute deploy do elect explain examine fresh place redistribute redeploy redo re-elect rc-explain re-cxamine refresh replace reread burden button chain clasp read 72 . ' A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs bolt coil oover clo Verb Forms 73 freeze learn load screw stop tie unheeze unleam unload unlock unmask uirpack unplug unravel unsay unsorcw unstop untie veil urveil lock mask pack plug ravel say Stem Form Stem+ Form (FV) (FV 6. Non-Derivative Verbs Non - derivative verbs are thosc which do not lake anyi derivativc affixes. 'l'hcy can bc regular or irregular in lom. Non-derivative verbs adalah kata kerja murni yang tidirk mendapatkan imbuhan derivative (derivative afllxes). Mereka ada yang tergolong kc dalarl bentuk regLrlar verbs darr ada pula yang tergolong ke dalam irregular verbs. 74 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs glsm+-ed glsrn+-jnra tbrm Form (1.-v & NI]V) (NFV) &NFV) act add acts acted added asked begged acting adding asking begging bcginning beg adds asks begs begin begins cut do cuts does end ends finish finishes go goes hug hugs .jumped know jumps knows Iike likes liked make name open queuc makes opens queue made named opened queue read reads read sec sees saw takc takcs took taken taking usc uses used t-lst l1 ask Examples in Context The mystery was uncovered by a little inquiry. Patience, perseverance, and sincere prayers will unloclr doors to success. You are free to unsoy what you may not say. What has been said cannot be unsuid: what has becn done cannot be undona. Many young people are now chained to the computer all day. lt is not easy to unchain them. It is diflicult to zzveil something that has been hidden or kept secret. -.! ju-p nzunes bcgiut begun cut did done ended finished went gone hugged knew known cuttrng doing ending finishing going hugging .jumping kr.rowing Iiking making naming opening queue reading sceing soen Verb Forms 75 vote yield votcs yields voted yielded II voting yielding Examples in Context: . . . . t Rezky often as,ts herself why she does things that she does not really like. She will never begin to like him because she knows that he will never /ifte her either. It is very dark inside! We cannot .ree anything but darkness Open your eycs, take a <leep brealh, andjump forward. Take_your reading book, open page ten, and then read the first paragraph three times. VERB FORMS AND THEIR USAGE BENTUK KATA KERJA DAN PENGGUNAANNYA Finite Stem Form Finite stem tbrm is used as a cornplett: predication or an incomplete predication o1'a clause or a sentence in present tense having the subject: lirst person singular or plurai ( I or We), second person singular or plural (You), and other plural subjects (They, Nabilah and Nailah, or people). Finite stem form digunakan sebagai predikat (complete predication) atau bagian utama predikat (incomplete predication) suatu klausa atau kalimat yang ber kala kini dengan subjek orang pertrama tunggal atau jamak (l atau We), oriurg kedua tuinggal atau jamak (You), dan subjek jamak lainnya (They, Nabilah and Nailah, or people). Examples in Context t . I 76 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs We speak lndonesian and English at homc. You may borrow the book ifyou want to. Verb Forms and Their Usage 77 . . . 'fhey 6zrilr/ houses. Nabilah and Nailah are sisters. I am a Moslem Finite Stem + -ed Form Finite Stem * -s Form Finite stem+ - q form is used as a complete predication an incomplete predication of a clause or a senlence in pre tense having the subject: third person singular, for examp Maemuna Muhayyang (she) Akbar (he), Dhiah (she), Ibrahi (he), Fatimah (she), Rahmat (he), my f'ather (he), my mother (she), education (it). Finite stem form digunakan sebagai predikat (complete predication) atau bagian utama predikat (incomplete predication) suatu klausa atau kalimat yang ber kala kini dengan subje} orang ketiga atau nomina ketiga tunggal, misalnya Maemuna Muhayyang (she) Akbar (he), Dhiah (she), Ibrahim (he), Fatimah (she), Rahmat (he), my father (he), my mother (she), education (it). Examples in Conlext . . . . . : Program. Kelara. dengun semru jen is suhjek' ExamPles in Context . ' . ' ' '. . ' lhe lecrure startci'l late yestcrday' l ?r(' y Ll '' You $erc not here 3t that timc' ifr" fuu week's lesson )trls vcry interesting' and neYer returned' The woman's husband wcnl away iir",*" p*ies tinally ugrtetl to cease their conlllct' lecture' ManY students did not attend the The witness /ied in the court' be a spy' The polir;e uccused the old man to accusation The old man prolesled rhe police's Non-Finite Stem Form Dr. Maemuna Muhayyang l.r a lccturer. Muhammad Akbar Anin /rve.r in Jakarta. Radhiah Mardhiah Amin fta.s two children. Muhammad lbrahim Amin is a civil servant. Fatimah Hidayahni Amin lectures at Business English Muhammad Rahmat Amin teaches a oomplete predication Finite stem+ - ed tbrm is used as in past ., #;;;;" predication of a clause or a sentence ", all kinds '."*tof subjects' tense -'* with " predikat - "d tot* digunakan s.ebagai il;; (inco.mplete Jama predikat f.".pf .*'p."a"l-"",ion; atau bagian lampau Hi:;il"; suatu klausa atau kalimat vang bcr kala al SMA Negeri elemcnt ol vcrbs of Non-finite stem tbrm is used as the selltence' It comes alier ir.o.pia,"-p."aication of a clause or a stem to ;;fi;I;veib. Certain tinite verbs require the non-flnite be oreceded bY ro "'"'" J;;-i';iie predikat stem lbrm digunakan sebagai unsur finite mengikuti form .uat tiar."u uta,, kalimat' Non-inite stem predikat Ada finite utama sebagai bagian "non-finite slem fbrm tersebut "JV^rg-t".f,ngsi verbs yang mempersyaratkan didahului oleh lo' ExamPles in Conlext 78 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms and Their Usage 79 I . . . i . . Children musl rcspecl thcir parents. You might r5e there at that time, but I did not rec you. 'l-he delegates will arrive the day alier tomorrow. Most birds can/y. We used to go to lhe same elementary school. We are ,o mee, there tomorrow. Non-finite stem form biasa juga disebut infinitive form. Selain digunakan sebagai unsure predikat, adakalanya ia memerankan fungsi noun (fungsi subjek, objeok, atau komplemen), dan adakalanya ia memerankan fungsi adjeclive (sebagai subject modil\er alau object modifrer'1 yang pada umumnya dalam bentuk fiase yang disebut in/initive phrase. Examples in Context As subject: . . . To be a teacher is a good ambition. To make everybody happy is not easy. To begin is often difficult. As Object: . I always want to be a lrue bclicver d lshm. . The soldiers promise /o dia .fbr the ir country. . fhey have promised to gel murried this ycu. As Complemenl: . -fhe purposes . . . of the meeting were tu cttnsolidate the members oJ the club aru) to make lhc club active aguin. To respect other people is in fact tu respect ourselves. The first objective of the lesson is to get the students familiar wilh lhe time expression in English. The best way lbr a womar to handle a man is to love him. As Subject ModiJier (Penjelas Subjek): are all in this litllow in the L'ompetilion . r head' 'view in detail is the village The first Persor, b intet ;;i; s to quit in vour tiJb is smoking' booklet' : iil ffi As obiect ModiJie'.e*!"^':-?uui:{!direcrions to Jbtktw \n the . One grouP has not rei comPetitlon' in deloil ihal we . We assured the first Perso n bainleNiew bout his wife' would not ask him a questlon lilc thal best thl ng t(, Lluil in |'ttur thc know to have You is smoking. Form Non-Finite Stem* -ed form is used as the elemen::':: Non-finite 51e6+ -ed i. p,"a i. * 3; J."j i:il :illl;' L1J' ill i;';*r "i ".: stem + -gd voices. and past condltlona'_ l(ji"1"r",l. " N"n-finitc ur ,.,b, i " stem rlerivcd from non-finite * td past particrplc l'orm,ligunnLrn i#1. "it" 0,.0,*,f,llilli';",,,liT.kt'; seh.gai unsur ;l;i;' :i;" p*st condirionar Present Perfect AsPect ExamPIes in Context: . Thc students have suAm '[hs profess"t h^' il(',/ their tepUrt ;',#';J-'lL:""'l "tt thL- sludents' ' rePorts' . iti'n* Juu''l many ncw ideas in the reports' Past Perlect AsPect ExamPlcs in Context: Wc had bear here bofore ' 80 to The direction s ' Usage 81 Verb Forms and Their A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs After we had had dinner, we watohed TV for a sccond, then wenl out. r. lhe.show had already sturted bclbre we got there. ^ Passive Voites Examples in Context: . The village head is admired, respected, and.loved by the village people. . The village head was inlemiewed by a yesterday. r The interview will be released on T.V next reporter week. Derivalive Adjectives Examples in Conlext: . r . . The man is handsome, reach and well_educatetl. He has a very faithful and tledicatetl wife. As a teacher I should always be well _preparetl. The most preferred leaming activity in ,ny task. "ils i. pal. Past Conditionql IJxamples in Context: . r r She would have maried you ifyou hacl proposed her. The students would have knuv,i it it.theteacner haa lolrl them. Had you informed us earlier, we would have taken the necessary steps. Non-Finite Stem* -inq Form Non-finite stem+ - inq lorm is used as the eiement ol. verbs of incomplete precliciiion ut' pr,rgr"rrir" 1;; ;;;;;,,,rr. 82 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs aspects, both in active and passive construction. present participle. It is often called Non-finite slem + -ing tbrm is also used as a noun denoting an activity or action which is commonly known as gerund. As a noun it may function as subject, object, complement, or appositive in a clause or sentence. It may be considered concrete, abstract, countable or uncountable. If considered countable, it can take the plural sufllx. Non-finite stem+ -ing form belonging to transitive verb which functions as noun retains its main lbature as verb that is it requires an object. Non-f,rnite stem+ -inq lbrm is also use d as an adjectiv,.'. Most derivative adjectives arc derived liom non-flnitc stem+ !4 fbrm. As an adjectivc, it ma1' l'unction as a.r attributive adjective (it precedes the noun it modilies), a predicative adjective (it lbllows thc linking verbs). or as a qualilicr (it lollows the noun it qualifies). Ccrtain non-flnite stem + -inu form f'unctioning as adjective carnot be preceded by intensitiers (very or too) and do not have comparative degree forms. Non-finite slsm + -ing form digunakan sebagai unsur predikat yang menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung, baik dalam konstruksi kalimat aktil' maupun clalam konstruksi kalimat pasiL la.juga biasa disebut prescnt participle. Non-finitc stcm * -ing firnn juga digunakan sebagai noun yang biasa diistilahkan dengan (ierund Sebagai noun, non-finite stem + -inq fbmr dapat bertungsi sebagai subjek, ohjek, komplemen atau apositil) dalam suatu klausa atau kalirn:rt. Sama halnya dengan kata benda pada umumnya, gerund ada yang beruj ud(konkret), abstrak, dapat dihitung sehingga daoat oula memiliki benruk iamak. darr ada.,,ane tidak danal dihituns substansinva. Non-finite stem * -inu ftrrm vanu termasuk transitive verbs dwt berfungsi sebagai noun tetap ^,,li . Arhh,.re\,.,"af l,.rn L,oh",li""- ^Hiat. c,..,,,l.Lh\,., NL,--llhir- "r-r- r -;^,' l:',.," ;,,,,,, ,l;,,',.,.,t.,.' .-h-,'.,; L.,r" silat (adjectives). Sebagai kata silat, ia dapat berl'ungsi atributil' Verb Forms and Their Usage 83 yakni mendahului kata benda atau nomina yang diterangkannya; ia dapat berfungsi predikatil, yakni nrenjadi pelengkap prcdikat dan menempati posisi sesudah linking verhs; dan ia dapat pula berfungsi penerangkan, yakni mcnempati posisi sesudah kata benda atau nomina yang diterangkannya. Sebagai derivative adjectives, non-finite slsyt- -!4g.lbrm ini ada yang tidak dapat diterangkan oleh intensiliers (very aldu too), dan ada yang tidak dapat dibandingkan (non-compar dt ive de gr e es). Gerund (Objoct): Examples in Contexl: . . . lies' We love telling lhe rrulh' and we hate telling We praotice speuking English every day' No one can avoid making mistakcs' Gerund (Object of PrePosition): Examples in Context: Progress ive /C onti n uo us Aspe cts : Examples in Conlext: . . . . . . . I am rcading now. I was huving dinncr when somr;one knocked at the door. Our tcam is playing now, and it u'ill be pluying'again tomorrow belbre 9. The students have been learning English fbr fbur ycars; they will have been /earnlzrg it for six years. The teacher entered the room. The students had been waiting for him. Why are you playing'7 You should be sludying. The artist is Deirg interviewed. Gerund (subject): Examples in Context: . . . . Gelling up early is a good habit. Urulerslanding someone's ideas is not always easy. Reading 600 words per minute in a foreign language usually does not go along with high comprehension. Her comings and goings are not known to us. ' ' ' lhank You ltrr t'r'rl/irzg' She leli wilh<tttl suyinl4 u word. I drrn't ohject ttr dun''inY' Gerund (ComPlement): Examples in Context: My hobbies ate iogging in the moming and playing tennis in the aftemoon. it .,"p" of."" were persuatling the girl tu go home ond " home' assurin'g hare parenls lhat she is coming point is crossing the border in the evening' it " "*"iut Gerund (Sutrject APPosition): Example s in Clontcxt: makes Her job, teaching English us u.fbreign languuge' her Iit'e meaningftl. Th"-"*"rair., itriting the same senlcnce one hundred ,imss, demotivated the students to study' The gane, Jighting an angry bul/, is very dangerous' Gerund (Object APPosition): Examples in Context: 84 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs Verb Forms and Their Usage 85 She likes her job, teaching English as a ' . The students did the exercise, writing the . sentence one hundred times. We watched the game, fighting an angry bull. foreign language. . sesame Gerund (Modifier): Examples in Context: . . . . ExamPles in Context: The girls are swimming in the 'swimming pool. We waited inthe' waiting room for two hours. Where is Fatimah? She is in the 'changing room. The workers are putting on their 'worlring clothes. . the floor is looking lor a The old worfi$ kneeling on n""af" .f'" dropped unintentionally' will have to be A student learning a foreign language oersevering' . fiJ.;rl;;Z head met the tearn surveving the location vesterdav moming' ' i;;;;" wom; si/'ins bY the window' Note: Cerund functioning as modifier got nuclear stress in pronouncing it. (lerund yang yang bertungsi penjelas rnendapat penekanan (nuclear stress) pada pelalalannya. Present Participle (Attributive Adjective): Examples in Context: , , . . Thefollowing examples are all true sentences. Harcl-working sfudents always work hard to get success. The charming girl is smiling at us. ['hilosophy is a/csclnatlng subject. Present Participle (Predicative Adjective): Examples in Context: . . . The story was very inleresting. Your words are very discouraging. Sedentary work is often very boring. Present Participle (Qualifi er): 86 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs 87 Verb Forms and Their Usage III THE STRUCTURE OF VERB GROUPS STRUKTUR KELOMPOK KATA KERJA The verb order is viewed from two points of view, namely the order of the verbs in a phrase tbrm, and the order of the verbs in a clause. Urutan kata keria ditinjau dari dua sudut pandang, yakni urutan kata kerja dalam frase dan urutan kata kerja dalam klausa. Phrasal Order ofVerbs Urutan Frase Kata Kerja Sequences of vcrbs within phrases are grouped into 14 orders or sequenoes using criteria of position and form. The sequences include the catenative construction as in They try to like to learn to begin to askJbr help from the King, and the twoword verbs as in She loolc after the house well. The Structure of Verb groups 89 Each verb phrase must have one verb headword and one or more (at the most four) other verbs. The position of the verb headword within the phrase form is occupied by any lexical verb which is always in the last position and in the nonfinite form. A verb headword is not always preceded by other verbs. [t may stand alone, and when it starids alone it is always finite. Urutan kata kerja dalam frase dikelompokkan kedalam 14 kelompok urutan berdasarkan kriteria posisi dan bentuk, termasuk konstruksi katenatif (c at e nal ive cons lruc I ion) seperti dalam They try to like to learn to begin to askJbr help liom the King, dan two-word uerb.r, seperti dalam She looks aJier the house well. Setiap frasc kata kcrja terdiri atas satu vcrtr headword dan satu atau lebih (paling banyak empat buah) kata kerja Iainnya. l)osisi verb lreadword dalam Iiasc kata kcrja dapat diisi oleh kata kerja leksikal apa saja dan selalu menempati posisi terakhir dalam urutan fmse kata kcrja tersebut selalu dalam bentuk non-finite. Sebuah verb headword tidak mutlak selalu didahului oleh kata kerja lainnya; ia dapat berdiri sendiri; dan kalau ia berdiri sendiri, ia selalu dalam bentuk finite. Berikut ini disajikan keempat belas konstruksi frase kata kerja tersebut. applicants yesterday Some interviewe $ intervie\)ed male momlng. PhrasalOrder5-1 Urutan Frase 5- I shall interview will inlerview can inlerview may inlerview musl inlervieYr should interview would inlerview could inlerview mighl inlerview do inlerview does intervieY' di<J intcrview had better intervie wwould ralher interview oughl ttt inlerview used to interview ExamPles in context: Phrasal Order I Urutan Frase I inlertiev) interviews interviewed Examples in context: . . 90 The interviewers inlerview lhe applicants. Each intewiewer interviews an applicant. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs . We shall inleryiev) the applicants early lomorrow . . moming. now' The interview ers cun interview the applicants ago' days two fhe boss tlitl inlarvicw thc applicants PhrasalOrder Urutan Frase 4-l 4- I huve inlerviewed has inlerviewed The Structure of Verb grouPs 91 Examples in context: had interviewed . . . inlerviewing were inlerviewing r,ras I um inlerviewing Lrn applicant right now. 'l-he director wus inlerviewing the applicants at this time yesterday. The interviewers were interviewing the applicants when the manager entered his room. Order2-l Urutan Frase ycstcrdaY oon. on" was interviewcd yesterday atlern opplicants were inlcrvicv'ad herc *o*ing, shall hav e int e rv i ew e tl will have interYiewed can have inlerYiewed muy have interviewel musl have inlervicw(d should huve inle rY icwed would have inlerviewcd could have inlcrvicwed might httvc inlcrvitu'ctl ought to huve inttrviewcd . Examples in context: Phrasal i*o PhrasalOrder5-4-l UrutanFrase5-4-l am interviewing are intemiewing is inlerviewing . are interviewe d bY the team' We hqve interviewed lhe applicants. The director has intervicwed the applioants. lle had interviewed the applicants befbre he lelt PhrasalOrder3-l Urutan Frase3- I . . is interviewed by the boss; others One applicant Examples in context: 2- I ExamPles in context: r If we sta( the '. interview earlier' we shall have interviewed lhe appticants by two o'clock' last week' We should huve inlerviewctl all the applicants fn. ,"unl musl have intervicu'etl the applicants by ten iomorlow. am intemiewed ure inlerviewed is inlerviewed was inlerviewed were inlerviewed 92 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs PhrasalOrder5-3-l Urutan Frasc 5 - 3 - I shall be interviewrng will be inlerviewing can be interviewing The Structure of Verb groups 93 may be interviewing must be inlerviewing The applicants ought to be interviewed individually in separate rooms. should be interviewinp would be intcrviewing t'ould be intervicwing might he intervitwiry4 ought to he iuervicwing The applicants used lo be inlerviewed in this room. PhrasalOrder 4-3-l Urutan Frase4-3- I Examples in context: y:^t!*, he intlviewing rhe applicanrs ar lhis tomorrow- x:;:#il;';T"T:i,:;,:I:;l;:':;,ii:*3::iffi Phrasat Order5_2 - I Urutan Frase 5-2 _ I shull be interviewcd will he interviawetl can be inlerviewetl may be interviewetl must be interviewed should be interviewed would be interviewed could be interviewctl might be interyiewad had befter be interviawul would rather bc interviev,ed lught b he interviewetl u,red to be inlerviewcd Examples in context: . 94 lime :."T- hove been interviewing has been inlerviewing had been interviewing Examples in context: r . . 'tN e have been interviewing the applicants for twenty minutes. The director has becn intcrviewing the lirst applicant for one hour. We hud been interviewing the applicants lbr two hours when it staned to rain. Phrasal Order 4-2-| UrutanFrase4-2-l hove been interviewed has been inlerviewed had been interviewed Examples in context: . . ' All the applicants huve baen interviewed. The last applicant has becn intcrviawed by the boss. 'l'wo applicants had been intcn,iewed before. The applican ts can be interviewetl now. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs The Structure of Verb groups 95 Phrasal Order 3- 2 - I might have been intertiewing lhe applicant for hours by lunch break. She UrutanX'rase3-2-l am being interviewed are being inlemiewed is being interviewe d was being interviewed were being interviewed Examples in context: . . r The applicants are being inlerviewed in Room 201. The first applicant wos being inlerviewe<J in Room 201 at this time yesterday. The last two applicants were being interviewed at 9:00 p.m. yesterday. PhrasalOrder 5-4-3-t UrutanFrase5-4-3-l shall have been interviewing will have been interviewing can have been interviewing may hove been intemiewing must haven been interviewing should have been interviewing would have been inte rviewing could have hcen inlerviev)ing might have been interviewing Examples in context: . . 96 We shall have been interviewing the applicants for two hours by lunch time. The director must have been interviewing the applicants for hours by the aftemoon tea-break. A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs *4-2-l Urutan Frase 5 -4-2-l Phrasal Order 5 shall have been inlerviewed will have been inlerviewed can have been inlarYiewed may have been inlerviewed musl have been interviewed should have been inleruiewed would have been interYiewed could have been inlerviewed might have been interviewecl Examples in context: '. r The applicants may have been interviewed' The lrrst applicant musl have been inlerviewed' The last applicutt shoultl have been interviewed as well' Phrasal Order 5' 4 - 3 * 2' l UrutanFrase5-4-3-2-l shall huve been being inlerviewed will huve been being inlerviewed can huve been being inlerviewed muy have been being intervicwcd musl have been being inlerviewed should have been being inlerviewed would have been being interviewed could hove been being interviewed might hove been being inlerviewed The Structure of Verb grouPs 97 The structure of verb grouPs Examples in context: . . . The applicant may have been being interviewed. The first applicant must have been being inleryiewed at 8:00 this morning. The last applicant should have been being interviewed at 9:00 this moming. The examples given above show us that the simplest lbrm of verb phrase (VP) in English is Phrasal Order I which is occupied by one lexical verb which function as headword (H); and the most complex one is Phrasal Order 5 - - 3 - 2 - I which consists of five verbs of which four of them function as modifier (M) and one as headword (H). The headword always occupies the last position in each group and this last position is called position l. Since the most complex construction of verb phrase is constituted by five verbs, the verbs which are closest Io position I are callcd verbs of position 2, then followcd by verbs of position 3, verbs of position 4, and vcrbs of position five, contoh yang diberikan menunjukkan bahwa lrase kata kerja yang paling sederhana terdiri atas satu kata keria leksikal yang sekaligus berperan sebagai headword (l'l); dan konslruksi tiase kata kerja yang paling kompleks terdiri atas lima buah kata kerja dengan ketentuan bahwa empat buah kata kerja dari yang lima buah itu berperan sebagai penjelas (modifier) dan satu yang berperan sebagai headword. Headword selalu menempali posisi terakhir dalam konstruksi frase kata kerja dan posisi ini disebut sebagai posisi I (untuk penyama:n persepsi). Kata kerja yang dapat menempati posisi terdekat ke posisi I disebut kata kerja kelompok posisi 2, dan seterusnya. Rangkuman struklur frase kata kerja diskemakan sebagai berikut: .r q] -7> .i lr..l 5< Za o qf, o o- a o o- will havc ( I&nl) would shalt should has (1) 219 aad. ;o< a= can could may might must z<d, i(iu.r 6 o o- a, 2' 9 F tr had(t) having (n{) .r gJ Z@ z am non-finite stem lbrm are is nonlinite bc am aIe is was were be boen (n1) becn(nf) being(nt) was were do -"s oE dc .-o .o' !.) + te ,e q+ (E dor (io gt c, oo; tr9 9<c EF (, >.; 51em+ -ing or non-finite stem + -ed form D .-= oL E.o :/-> -o E o€ =.o ol :.o .o 50g _9 .=diE E 6d .: -o orl q)Q_ ?a E60 0,9 oi: (Adapted from McComish 1919:63) 98 A Better Way of Mastering English Verbs The structure of Verb grouPs 99 'r . Ifl had known this before, I would have studied it. . [Iad I known this before, I would have studied it. Catatan: Present subjunctive lebih banyak menggunakan dalam American English daripada British English. Dalam gaya nonfbrmal, pas subjunctive dapat digantikan oleh hypothetical past atau past indicative. Examples in context: Past Subjunctive I wish she were not married. If only I were not so Hypothetical past or Past indicative I wish she was not married. Il'only I was not so anxious. anxlous lf he were here, he would speak on my behalf. Suppose sho werc losl. If he was here, he would speak on my behalf. Suppose she wlrs lost or Supposc she is lost (what woulcl ou do'l BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, L.A., W.Stnffrard Allen, R.A. Close,'St)iur and R. O'Neill. 1975. Engli.th (irammarical London: Longman. Amold John and lloger Scott. lglig. .. Pruclit'e Focus; :;tudent lJook,l w,o. l,ondon: Ildward Arnold. Close, R.A.. I 97 8. Refi::renc.c Grammar .fbr Srudent,s. oJ. fi ng I i.s h. London: l.ongman Clark, Raymond C., Moran patrick It., and Bunows, Artht A. 2004. The ESt. Miscellany. Ilrattleboro, V;";;, Pro l,ingua Associates, publishcrs. Fuchs, Martjorie; Miriam Westheimer; Margaret Bonner It)94. Focus on ( jrummut.. I{cading: ad-<tison-Wcste Pu hlish ing ( on)pun) . Jupp, l .C). and ,1976. J. 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Pada tahun diangkat menjadi tenaga pendidik di Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni yang i bernama Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra (FBS) Universitas Negeri M Buku Learning English through Dialogues adalah buku pertama yan bersama dengan Dr. Kisman Salija. Buku A Better Way of Mastering Verbs adalah buku kedua yang ditulis bersama dengan Prof. Dr. Mu Amin Rasyid, M.A. dan Dr. Nurdin Noni, M.Hum. Selain aktif mel Jurusan Bahasa Inggris dan dj PPs UNNI Prograrn Pendidikan Kekhususan Pcndidikan Bahasa lnggris. ia juga mengemban tugas ti sebagai Ketua Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris, FBS LINM seiak tah dan scbagai anggota Panitia Sertifikasi Dosen UNM tahun 201L