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Latihan soal PKI

1. Selama proses penyusunan sebuah kontrak bisnis, tahapan due diligence sering dilakukan.
a. Apa pentingnya tahapan due diligence dalam proses penyusunan sebuah kontrak
Untuk melakukan investigasi dan audit hukum atas status hukum lawan bisnis klien mereka.
Hal ini penting dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa calon partner bisnis dari klien mereka
tidak memiliki masalah hukum unyuk melaksanakan kontrak bisnis yang akan mereka buat.
b. Berikan sedikitnya 3 contoh dokumen yang biasa dilakukan due diligence oleh seorang
konsultan hukum atau lawyer.
Sertifikat kepemilikan, anggaran dasar perusahaan, laporan keuangan perusahaan, laporan
asset perusahaan, daftar asset perusahaan, daftar pemegang saham, dan sebagainya.
2. Tujuan utama dari penyusunan kontrak adalah untuk menghasilkan dokumen hukum/kontrak
yang akurat dan juga mudah dipahami. Apakah penulisan pasal-pasal berikut sudah akurat dan
mudah dipahami? Jika benar tulis benar. Jika salah, betulkan!
a. The seller shall deliver the car to the buyer as soon as possible.
The seller shall deliver the car to the buyer on 1 April 2015.
b. Tomy must send to Cindy the motorbike that Cindy had ordered from Tomy.
Tomy must send the motorbike to Cindy.
c. The house shall be kept in good condition by the tenant.
The tenant shall keep the house in good condition. (kalimat aktif)
d. Now, the parties agree as follows.
3. Benarkan penulisan Recital dalam sebuah Helicopter Purchase Agreement di bawah ini:
WHEREAS, the Purchaser shall purchase the Helicopter (as defined below) from the Seller, and
Seller must sell the Helicopter to the Purchaser, on the terms and subject to the conditions set
forth in this Agreement.
WHEREAS, the Purchaser desires/intends/proposes to purchase the Helicopter (as defined
below) from the Seller, and Seller desires/intends/proposes to sell the Helicopter to the
Purchaser, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement.
4. Benarkan penulisan introductory paragraph berikut ini:
THIS AIRCRAFT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, dated as of the third day of August, year two thousand
and eleven (the “Effective Date”), between:
(1) HRT NETHERLANDS, B.V., a company organized and existing under the laws of Netherlands
with its principle place of business at Strawinskylaan 3105 Atrium, 1077zx, Amsterdam; and
(2) ERICKSON AIR-CRANE INCORPORATED, a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Delaware, and having its offices at 5550 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 200,
Portland, Oregon 97239, USA.
THIS AIRCRAFT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, dated as of August 3rd, 2011 (the “Effective Date”),
(1) HRT NETHERLANDS, B.V., a company organized and existing under the laws of Netherlands
with its principle place of business at Strawinskylaan 3105 Atrium, 1077zx, Amsterdam
(Purchaser); and
(2) ERICKSON AIR-CRANE INCORPORATED, a corporation organized and existing under the laws
of the State of Delaware, and having its offices at 5550 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 200,
Portland, Oregon 97239, USA (Seller).