INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM LAW DEPARTMENT – UNIVERSITAS ISLAM INDONESIA Subject : Sociology of Law Department : Law Lecturer : E. Zainal Abidin, SH, MS, MPA Email : Phone Credit (SKS) Pre-requisites Consultation times : (0274) 583.941 :2 :: Office-hours daily Subject overview: The course will discuss and analyse the definition of Sociology of Law, the object, method and purpose comparison socio-legal studies and anthropology, the rise and development of sociology of Law, usefulness of Sociology of Law, and sociology of Law in Indonesia. Following topic will be the Social Basis of Law includes the structure of society, Social Processes, Social Change, and the interrelationship between social Structure and Social Proses, the role of Law in Changing Society/Globalization Era. Furthermore we will discuss the Concept of Law Enforcement includes the meaning of LE, inter connecting factors of Law enforcement, social-deviance, crime, legal profession, Rehabilitation Centre, lawyer and Police. Finally, the topic will be the Law in Transition Society and Legal Policy. The last topic is Reconstruction of National legal system of Indonesia. Subject Objectives After completing this course, students are expected to : 1. Understand the interrelationship between Law and Society on one side, and between Societies (Social Change) with the change of Law on other side. 2. Understand and have capability to solve social legal problems correctly and scientifically and taking participation in legal development. Materials and References AAG Pieters & Koesrian, Hukum dan Perkembangan Masy., Sinar Harapan, Jkt, 1990. David M Trubek, Toward a Social Theory Of Law, The Yale Law Journal, 1972 L.M. Friedman, Law and Society, An Introduction, Prentice Hall, 1977 Muchtar Kusumaatmaja, SH., Prof., Dr., Fungsi dan Perkembangan Hukum dalam Pembangunan Nasional, Binacipta, Jakarta, 1976 R.B. Siedman, Law and Development, in Law and Society Review, Pebruari, 1972 Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, SH., Prof.,Dr., Studi Hukum dan Masyarakat, Alumni, Bandung 1982. Satijipto Raharjo, Hukum dan Perubahan Sosial, Alumni, Bandung, 1980 Satijipto Raharjo, Pemanfaatan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Bagian Pengembangan Ilmu Hukum, 1977 Satijipto Raharjo, SH, Prof. Dr., Hukum dan Masyarakat. Angkasa, Bandung, 1980 Satijipto Raharjo, SH., Prof., Dr., Masalah Penegakan Hukum, Sinar Baru, Bandung, 1983 Soerjono Soekanto , Mengenal Sosiologi Hukum, Alumni, Bandung, 1979 Soerjono Soekanto, SH., Prof., Dr., Pokok-pokok Sosiologi Hukum, Rajawali, Jakarta, 1980 Soerjono Soekanto, SH., Prof., Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penegakan Hukum, Rajawali, Jakarta, 1980 Soerjono Soekanto, Sosiologi. Suatu Pengantar, Rajawali, Jkt, 1982 Weber, Marx, Law in Economy and Sosciety, A Clarion Book, New York, 1954 Assessment Class meeting with lecturer 12 to 16 times in one semester. Material prepared by lecturer follows class discussion and case study. 2. Group assignment and Student presentation with selected topic of case, reading report, , legal review or legal opinion. Every student or student group will deliver their presentation or assignment twice, first at mid-semester, second at the end of semester. Academic paper and assignment should be critical and scientific and should be approximately 20 to 30 pages. Social norms and legal norms 3. There will be a mid-semester and end semester exam. The exam question consists of theoretical knowledge and case study. The answer should be in essay form. The mid exam will focus on materials of Week 1 st-7th and the final exam will focus on materials of Week 8th-16th 4. The final result will be based on the mid-semester and the end semester exam results and the mark of assignment or presentation. The distributions of marks are : - Mid Semester : 40 % - End semester : 40% - Assignment : 20% : 100 % Total Policy on assessment Essays and assignments will not be accepted after the due date unless arrangements for an extension of time have been made prior to the due date. If you do not agree with the result that you achieve for any piece of assessment for this subject please contact the lecturer immediately. You have a right to know the reasons why your work has received a certain grade and to request a remark from another designated lecturer if you believe your work has been unfairly assessed.