ABSTRAK Konstipasi merupakan masalah yang sering dikaitkan

Konstipasi merupakan masalah yang sering dikaitkan dengan kurangnya
asupan serat dan asupan cairan. Selain itu, faktor lain yang ikut mempengaruhi
terjadinya konstipasi yaitu kehamilan karena pada wanita hamil terjadi
peningkatan hormon progesteron yang menyebabkan relaksasi otot polos sehingga
peristaltik usus melambat serta pengaruh dari konsumsi zat besi, terutama pada
kehamilan wanita hamil trimester ketiga sampai 3 bulan pertama setelah
Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan
Cross Sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang
mengikuti penelitian POGI sebanyak 33 orang. Teknik sampling menggunakan
systemic random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara
responden dan kunjungan rumah setiap hari untuk mengumpulkan catatan harian
(3D-fluid diary) asupan cairan selama 3 hari berturut-turut dan recall 3x24 jam
asupan makanan. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat
menggunakan uji Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan asupan serat ibu hamil trimester III dan ibu
pasca melahirkan diperoleh nilai p=0,317 (α>0,05), Asupan cairan ibu hamil
trimester III dan ibu pasca melahirkan diperoleh nilai p=0,655 (α>0,05) dan
Konstipasi ibu hamil trimester III dan ibu pasca melahirkan diperoleh nilai
p=0,157 (α>0,05). Berdasarkan analisis ketiga variabel yang diteliti menunjukkan
bahwa p>0,05 berarti tidak ada perbedaan asupan serat, asupan cairan dan
konstipasi pada ibu hamil trimester III dan ibu pasca melahirkan.
Tidak ada perbedaan asupan serat, asupan cairan dan konstipasi pada ibu
hamil trimester III dan ibu pasca melahirkan. Selain asupan serat dan asupan
cairan terdapat banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi konstipasi seperti hormon,
perubahan anatomi dan asupan makanan, maka diperlukan pemberian health
education yang efektif dan pemberian menu nutrisi tinggi serat sehingga dapat
mencegah terjadinya konstipasi terutama pada wanita hamil dan ibu pasca
Kata Kunci : asupan serat, asupan cairan, konstipasi
Constipation is a common problem associated with inadequate intake of
fiber and fluid intake. In addition, other factors that influence the occurrence of
constipation is a pregnancy because during this period progesterone hormone is
increasing therefore slowing intestinal peristalsis and the effect of iron
supplementation, particulary in the third trimester of pregnancy pregnant women
up to the first 3 months after childbirth.
This type of research was observational research with cross sectional
approach. Sample in this study were thirty-three (33) of the third trimester
pregnant women who follow the research POGI. Sampling technique using
systemic random sampling. Data was collected by interviewing respondents and
home visits every day to collect the diaries (3D-fluid diary) of fluid intake for 3
consecutive days and 3x 24-hour recall food intake. Data analysis was performed
using univariate and bivariate using the Wilcoxon sign test.
The Result showed that fiber intake of third trimester pregnant women and
postpartum mothers obtained value of p = 0.317 (α> 0.05), fluid intake third
trimester pregnant women and postpartum mothers obtained value p = 0.655 (α>
0.05) and constipation third trimester pregnant women and postpartum mothers
obtained value of p = 0.157 (α> 0.05). Based on the analysis of the three variables
studied showed that p> 0.05 means there were no difference in fiber intake, fluid
intake and constipation in third trimester pregnant women and postpartum
It concluded there were no difference in fiber intake, fluid intake and
constipation in third trimester pregnant women and postpartum mothers that in
addition to the intake of fiber and fluid intake, there are still many factors that
affect constipation such as hormonal, anatomical changes and food intake. Thus, it
required effective health education and provision of nutrients menu high in fiber
that can prevent constipation, especially in pregnant women and postpartum
Keywords: fiber intake, fluid intake, constipation