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ADDIE Instructional Design Model

ADDIE Instructional Design Model
(Analysis – Design – Development – Implementation – Evaluation)
Helps to plan and create instruction
1. Instructional Goals
Clearly define what the goal of this training would be.
Clear instructional Goal.
2. Instructional Analysis
Identify steps necessary to carry out insructional goals.
Basic and substeps, specifics.
3. Learner Analysis
Find out what your learner already know about the subject.
Research, interview, surveys. Know how much or how little you need to teach them.
4. Learning Objectives
What students should be able to do when instruction is completed.
Skill, attitude, knowledge. Specific, strong verb.
1. Design Assessments
How you are going to test your learners KSA.
4 areas to consider: goals, learners, context, assessment
Goals: performance objective,
Learners: current KSA
Context: close eventual performance setting
Assessment: clearly, correct punctuation and grammar, no misleading/trick question
2. Choose a Course Format
Or Delivery System
The medium by which the course is presented to the learners.
Traditional, workbook, internet, blended
3. Create an Instructional Strategy
Collection of lectures, readings, discussion, projects, worksheets, assessments, and activities.
Learning components:
Preinstructional Activities: motivate your learner, share the value of material and internalize the
instruction. Illustrate course bjectives.
Content Presentation: Concise content, include examples.
Learner Participation: Practice dan Feedback.
Assessment: Final assessment, Practice Assessment, Attitude Assessment
Follow-through Activities: Review entire instruction, so students can internalize and apply the
1. Create a Sample
Diagram, written instructional paragraph, instructional strategy
2. Develop the Course Materials
Which instructional activities to include, sample instruction, feedback from clients
3. Conduct a Run Through
Real time rehearsal of the course, feedback assessment, time it.
1. Train the Instructor
Instructor need to know course objective, activities, media, and assessments.
2. Prepare the Learners
Make sure they have the tools and knowledge necessary to participate.
Prerequisites, orientation, learning management software.
3. Arrange the Learning Space
Hardware, media (test multimedia equipment beforehand), print handouts.
1. Formative Evaluation
One-to-one: clarity, impact, feasability of instruction strategy/media. Write assessment question
beforehand (clear, consistent, objective). This can help identify the most and least effective areas of
instruction and improve upon it.
Small Group: to detemine how efective the changes (from one-to-one eval) and monitor how well
the activities in group setting. Participants should accurately represents the different subgroups of
learner. Again, assess clarity, impact, and feasability of activities.
Attitude questionaire: Was the instruction interesting? Did you understand what you were supposed
to learn? Were the materials directly related to the objectives? Were there sufficient practice
exercises? Did the test really measure your knowledge of the objectives? Did you receive sufficient
Field Trial: (real-time rehearsal) the setting should similar to the actual instructional setting. Again,
assess clarity, impact, and feasability of the instruction.
2. Summative Evaluation
Purpose: to prove the worth of the instruction.
4 types of outcomes to evaluate:
Reaction: by writing statements, and have learners indicate how strongly agree or disagree. Openended questions about strengths and weaknesses. Make it anonymous.
Learning: Post-test. How well student achieve the learning objectives. Assess knowledge by
achievement test. Assess skills by performance test. Assess attitude by questionnaires.
Behavior: measures the transfer KSA from the training context to performance setting.
Results: How well the training affected things lake profits, productivity, morale, job satisfaction.