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Fundamental Life Skills
Unit Test 2
Scope: Unit 2 – Study Skills
Time limit: 45 MINUTES
Number of questions in the pool: 60 questions
Number of questions for the test: 20 questions
Assessor: Mimi Namalala
Moderator: Naomi Wiese
1. In a study that looked at how habits are formed, how long did it take participants to
develop a new behaviour such as exercising or changing their diet:
a) 66 days.
b) 21 days.
c) 1 day.
d) 100 days.
2. Why is timetabling an important study habit for students:
a) It forces student to stick to a structure which is very important for everyone.
b) It is a visual reminder of what you need to do.
c) "Out of sight, out of mind."
d) Both b and c.
3. What is problematic about the timetable below:
It uses too much colour.
It does not include additional information such as venues for each of the classes.
It does not include information such as breaks, study sessions, sleep time etc.
Both b and c.
4. Which of the following are "non-study" activities that should be included in your
a) Self-testing.
b) Preparing for class.
c) Consulting with your lecturers, mentors or tutors.
d) Time for relaxation.
5. You should have a specific place where you study regularly. TRUE
6. A good study place for everyone is the library. FALSE
7. The place where you study most effectively is often related to your learning style or
preferred way of learning. TRUE
8. The following image is referred to as the _______________:
The four quadrants of priority.
The time management matrix.
Tasks matrix.
Both A and C.
9. Which of the following strategies can assist a student who struggles with excessive
a) Do everything at once.
b) Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as “If I don’t do this I am a
failure” or “Why can’t I just be like my classmate Simon, he does everything on
c) Eat the elephant piece by piece.
d) Both A and C.
10. Luyanda really enjoys watching YouTube videos of her Chemistry lessons and
studies best when she can highlight her notes, draw pictures or diagrams and create
mind-maps. She is most likely a ______________ learner:
a) Lazy.
b) Visual.
c) Kinaesthetic.
d) Self-directed.
11. Thomas cannot sit still for very long. He tends to tap his foot or chew his pencil when
his attention starts to wander. He really enjoys his practical Engineering classes
because he gets to use his hands and build things. Thomas is most likely a
____________ learner:
a) Kinaesthetic.
b) Tactile.
c) Physical.
d) All of the above.
12. Busisiwe cannot study in silence. She finds it very distracting. She prefers to have
soft music or soft sounds in the background when she is studying and likes to have
her study mates talk about the concepts aloud with her. Luke on the other hand hates
noise. He prefers to study in the library where it is very quiet and finds he learns best
when he can talk aloud to himself about the work. Busisiwe is most likely a
________________ learner whilst Thomas is most likely a ________________
Auditory; auditory.
Social; solitary.
Group; tactile.
Active; passive.
13. What is procrastination?
a) It is a learning style.
b) It is a study method.
c) It is when students experience severe pressure and anxiety over their workload.
d) None of the above.
14. Which of the following scenarios best describe procrastination?
a) Keneilwe really hates Life skills so she does not attend any of her classes.
b) Riaan forgot his textbook in his campus locker and did not get a chance to
prepare for his next Life skills lecture.
c) Hendrik set his alarm to wake him up at 5am so he can quickly revise for his
upcoming Life skills test. At 5am, he hit the snooze button and told himself he
would do it later.
d) All of the above.
15. Which of the following activities were you encouraged to complete for Unit 2:
a) Create a study timetable
b) Create a note-taking sheet.
c) Create a study group.
d) Procrastination checklist.
e) A and B.
f) All of the above.
16. Which of the following statements best describes the following timetable:
Messy. There is too much going on.
Specific and measurable.
Problematic. There are too many leisure activities indicated on the timetable.
17. Study the timetable below and identity one TRUE statement from below:
The timetable colour codes the different subjects.
The timetable has a healthy balance between study and leisure activities.
The timetable has specific targets for study sessions.
All of the above.
18. Which of the following note-taking strategies are accurate:
a) Sit as near to the front of the classroom as possible.
b) You do not need to take notes because the lecturer will provide notes of the
c) Taking pictures of the lecture is just as effective as taking notes.
d) Both A and C.
19. When taking notes in class try as much as possible to copy what the lecturer is
saying word for word. FALSE
20. The image below is referred to as:
The study curve.
The forgetting curve.
The retention curve.
The memory curve.
21. Which of the following strategies should a student engage in to combat the curve
illustrated in the image below:
Review their notes 7 days after a lecture.
Review their notes within 24 hours of a lecture.
Study as much as possible in the first few days and then take a break.
Both A and B.
22. Which of the following characteristics should you look out for in selecting your study
group members:
a) Does this member know everything about the content?
b) Is this classmate reliable – will they do all the work for the group?
c) Will this classmate be able to lead the group and tell everyone what to do and
d) All of the above.
e) None of the above.
23. Study groups should have their meetings just before big tests or assignments.
24. Which of the following are pitfalls to avoid when forming a study group:
a) When one member dominates the whole session.
b) When members come to the group prepared.
c) When members complain about lecturers and their courses.
d) Both A and C.
25. The image below reflects a note-taking method or strategy. This strategy is called
The boxing method.
The topic heading method.
The Cornell method.
The outline method.
26. The image below reflects a note-taking method or strategy. This strategy is called
The Cornell method.
The Conventional method.
The Outline method.
None of the above.
27. Learning is a(n) _____________ process. If you do not participate you will not be
a. Active.
b. Difficult.
c. Long.
d. Tricky.
28. Which of the following would be a good example of effective study methods:
a. Use mind-maps.
b. Plan when you will study during the week.
c. Only use study groups if they support your learning style.
d. Both A and B.
29. The following image is an example of a(n):
A mind-map.
A way to summarise time management.
A diagram.
A picture.
30. Which area in the figure below would an emergency best fit?
Correct answer: Quadrant 1
31. Which area in the figure below would exercise best fit?
Correct answer: Quadrant 2
32. Which area in the figure below would distractions or interruptions best fit?
Correct answer: Quadrant 3
33. Which area in the figure below would washing the dishes best fit when you have to
study for an exam tomorrow?
Correct answer: Quadrant 4
34. Which of the following is NOT a common reason why students procrastinate?
a. Preoccupation with getting the task done perfectly.
b. Confusion about how to start a task.
c. Fear of success.
d. A dislike or disinterest in the task.
35. Which of the following is/are a good technique(s) for reducing procrastination?
a. Give the task to someone else to do for you.
b. Go for therapy.
c. Work on some tasks with your study group.
d. Counter-attack.
36. Define learning styles:
a. They way individuals prefer to learn.
b. Auditory, hearing and listening styles.
c. An elective course taught at TUT.
d. Learning styles are the ways that students should learn.
37. Name the three (3) learning styles that you were exposed to in this subject:
a. Visual, Auditory and Hands-On.
b. Auditory, Hearing and Listening.
c. Visual, Auditory and Group.
d. Visual, Optical and Seeing.
38. Why is it important to know your learning style?
a. So that you always use your learning style and stop wasting time on methods that
won't work for you.
b. So that you can have meaningful conversations with your study group.
c. So that you can tell all your lecturers to adjust their teaching style to suit your
learning style.
d. So that you can adjust your studying to accommodate your learning style.
39. "I need to sit in front of the class so that I can see the whiteboard or white screen
clearly." I am a(n):
a. Dedicated learner.
b. Hands-on learner.
c. Visual learner.
d. A learner who needs to see everything close up.
40. "I need to make a model of this Science lesson order for me to better master
the content." I am a:
a. Visual learner.
b. Practical learner.
c. Tactile learner.
d. Natural Born Scientist.
41. "I get easily distracted by noise and prefer to study in silence." I am a(n):
a. Auditory learner.
b. Sensitive learner.
c. Sound-specific learner.
d. No noise learner.
42. A student can take an online assessment to find out what their preferred style of
learning is. TRUE
43. Once you find out what your learning style is you should always study according to
that style. FALSE
44. Study advice for an auditory learner would be to take frequent breaks to stretch your
body. FALSE
45. Study advice for a tactile learner would be to ask someone to read information to you
if it is too long and complicated. FALSE
46. Study advice for a visual learner would be to use mind-maps to
summarise concepts. TRUE
47. A study group should consist of your friends, people that you feel most comfortable
with. FALSE
48. When planning a study group session, an agenda should be established for each
session. TRUE
49. A study group session should include time for group members to note down
problems they have with the lecturer. FALSE
50. Not all members of a study group have to talk in every session. Let the students who
know the most to speak the most. FALSE
51. Study the image below and answer the questions that follow:
Question: A and C in the image above reflect which of the following study behaviours:
a. Answering test questions; Forming a study group.
b. Preparation before class; Reviewing your work after class.
c. Exercises; activities.
d. All of the above.
52. Study the image below and answer the questions that follow:
Question: A student who skims through the reading and makes notes of the keywords in the
reading would be demonstrating behaviour from which phase in the image above:
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
53. Study the image below and answer the questions that follow:
Question: A student who makes key cards, mind maps and tests herself would be
demonstrating behaviour from which phase in the image above:
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
54. Which of the following statements about note-taking is true:
a. Note-taking is about copying word for word from the text.
b. Notes should be written in your lecturer’s words.
c. Lecturers use gestures or body language to indicate important concepts.
d. Borrow a friend’s notes if you missed the lecture.
55. When is the best time of day to study?
a. First thing in the morning.
b. Between classes.
c. After everyone has gone to bed.
d. When you are most alert and least distracted.
56. What type of learner will probably draw something when she is studying?
a. Visual.
b. Aural.
c. Read/write.
d. Kinaesthetic.
57. What type of learner needs to do things to understand?
a. Visual
b. Aural
c. Read/write
d. Kinaesthetic.
58. What should the leader of a study group be in charge of?
a. Contacting everyone to announce the meeting time and place for the first session.
b. Keeping everyone on task if the group gets off topic.
c. Assigning roles to each person.
d. All of the above.
59. Making sure that you study the material that appears in course objectives will help
you focus your time and energy on the right course content. TRUE
60. Cramming and marathon sessions are productive strategies when studying for an
exam, so students should plan on this type of studying. FALSE