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This article will explain about contents of book “Dasar – Dasar Ilmu Politik” by Miriam
Budiardjo. In this book, conveys many things about political science from basic to explore. In this
book, concepts such as politics, power, decision making, and decision making are agreed upon. In
addition, it was also discussed in the constitution, political groups, people's representative councils,
both inside and outside Indonesia, and their human rights and developments at the United Nations.
The materials presented in this second edition have been improved and more complete
In this book initially discusses the nature, meaning, relationship of political science with
other sciences. The development and definition of political science that is political science is seen
as from a branch of other social sciences. Political science is the knowledge already existed in
ancient Greece which at that time was already thinking about the country. In Indonesia there are
several papers that discuss state administration such as "Negarakertagama" written by the
Majapahit kingdom around the 13th or 15th century. Then there was political development due to
the Second World War because of the strong push especially from UNESCO. Political science
deals with other social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, economics, psychology,
geography, philosophy and law. Philosophy is an attempt to find a comprehensive and systematic
solution to problem solving. Meanwhile, political philosophy is a part of philosophy that discusses
political life, about the nature, origin and values of the state. Sociology contributes to the
understanding of changes and renewal in society, so that these changes bring about the cultural
values of society as a whole and encourage changes in the pattern of political life. Anthropology
focuses more on society and culture in villages and inland. Political economy is the thinking and
analysis of policies that are intended to be used to advance the strength and welfare of the country.
Legal science has always been closely related to political science, because regulating and
implementing laws is one of the important state obligations. Factors that refer to geography, such
as strategic boundaries, population pressure, areas of political tendency. This knowledge is very
related to a country, power, and general policy which is very related to the welfare of people's
lives. The state is an organization in an area that has the highest legal authority and is obeyed by
its people, In the state of importance we know the definition of the state as what, the nature of the
state, elements of the state, the purpose and function of the state,and the existence of the term state
and the term political system.
Then, there are political concepts including society, state, and the existence of a power
theory. Political science has various approaches. This approach discusses the legal approach, the
behavioral approach (as for criticism of the behavioral approach), the neo-marxist approach, the
rational choice approach, and the new approach to institutionalism. In political science, it is
incomplete if it does not discuss about democracy, because democracy is implemented in
Indonesia. We see symptoms that formally democracy is the basis of most countries in the world,
democracy adopted in Indonesia is a democracy based on Pancasila, still in the development stage
and about the nature and characteristics there are various interpretations and views.
In Contemporary Political Science, published by UNESCO 1950, Political Science is
divided into four fields, first is political theory which contains political theories and the history of
the development of political ideas. Then the existence of political institutions which include “UUD
1945” , national government, local government, economic and social functions of government,
Comparison of Political Institutions. Then, there are political parties and public opinion related to
this matter and the existence of politics in the international sphere and has international relation.
There are political entities which include the executive, legislative, and judiciary.
Each has its own duties and authority. The Executive Board consists of heads of state such as kings
or presidents along with their ministers. In a broad sense, civil servants and the military are also
included in the executive body. The Executive Board has several authorities consisting of various
fields, namely Administrative, Legislative, Security, Judiciary giving clemency, amnesty,
abolition and so on. And diplomatic relations with other countries. The Legislative Body is the
legislator in general in various countries contained in the country's parliament, in Indonesia the
legislative body consists of MPR,DPR,DPD,DPRD are bodies that have the authority of
legislation, control and budget. Of course the state legislative body set of course varies with the
system of one assembly and two assemblies. This assembly was also approved to be the lower
house and upper house. The judiciary is usually synonymous with the judiciary while this body
decides as judging and decides to break the law. In various countries the judiciary has various
In Indonesia the Judiciary body consists of the Constitutional Court (MK), the Supreme Court
(Ma), and the Judicial Commission (KY). The Constitutional Court is the highest judicial
institution over other institutions equivalent to the Supreme Court if the Supreme Court can be
sued but the Court's decision cannot be appealed and its nature is final. Meanwhile, KY is basically
as a regulator of constitutional judges because KY is generally in the form of regulating the code
of ethics of the supreme judges so that they can carry out their judicial duties properly.
Political Parties are a means for citizens to participate or participate in the process of
managing the State. Political Parties were first born in Western European Countries with the
widespread notion that people are a factor that can be taken into account and included in the
political process, so political parties (political parties) have been born spontaneously and
developed into a link between the people on the one hand and the government in other parties. In
Political Science there are various systems of General Elections (Elections) with various
variations, but generally revolve around two main principles, namely the first principle is that an
Electoral District elects a representative usually called the district system.