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Appendix I
The List of Students Language Program XI
Achmad Rifa’i
Adnan Rifa’i
Agus Susanto
Ahmad Rijal Mustaqim
Aminatus Sholikah
Ardika Nur Fitiansyah
Ariantin Putri Rahmaningtyas
Aulia Fauziah
Choirul Isnaini
Devyke Septyani Putri
Dewi Eka Lailatul Fitria
Dewi Fajar Habib
Dewi Imroatul Hasanah
Dian Kurniawati
Diyah Dwi Rahayu
Eva Khoirun Nisa’
Imron Hasan
Intan Purnamasari
Khoirul Azhar
Lita Yuli Wulandari
M. Niko Hardiansyah
Moh. Irfan Dzulkhoiri
Mohammad Badrus Sholeh
Muhamat Fatkhur Rofi’
Muslikhatur Rif’ah
Novita Sari
Nur ‘Alim
Nuril Lailiyah
Rendi Purwanto
Ria Idola Novita Malasari
Rina Wahyuni
Rizatul Aminin
Septia Evi Ruli Hana
Siti Masruroh
Sofia Deswardani
Umma Luthfia
Vidiah Sahrur Rohmah
Lita Yuli Wulandari
Choirul Isnaini
Appendix II
The List Questioner
1. Bagaimana pendapat anda saat belajar Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Sangat senang
c. Biasa
b. Senang
d. Tidak senang
2. Apakah anda suka belajar Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Ya
c. Tidak suka
b. Biasa
d. Sangat suka
3. Apakah anda suka membaca teks Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Sering
c. Tidak
b. Jarang
d. Pernah
4. Apakah anda mengerti (paham) mengenai isi teks Bahasa Inggris yang anda
baca ?
a. Ya
c. Kadang
b. Tidak
d. Sangat mengerti
5. Apakah membaca Bahasa Inggris itu sulit ?
a. Tidak
c. Sulit sekali
b. Sulit
d. Biasa
6. Bagaimana menurut anda membaca Bahasa Inggris itu ?
a. Mudah
c. Biasa
b. Sangat mudah
d. Sangat sulit
7. Dimanakah letak kesulitan anda saat memahami isi teks Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Tidak tahu artinya
c. Gaya bahasanya
b. Vocabularinya terlalu sulit
d. Idiom (ungkapan)
8. Apakah anda senang membaca karya sastra Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Ya
c. Tidak suka
b. Biasa
d. sangat suka
9. Apakah anda pernah membaca karya sastra Bahasa Inggris ?
a. Ya
c. Sering
b. Tidak
d. Jarang / kadang
10. Apa jenis karya sastra Bahasa Inggris yang pernah anda baca ?
a. Puisi
c. Novel
b. Cerita pendek
d. Naskah drama
11. Apa jenis karya sastra Bahasa Inggris yang ada suka membacanya ?
a. Puisi
c. Novel
b. Cerita pendek
d. Naskah drama
12. Apakah anda merasa kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal evaluasi ?
a. Ya
c. Kadang
b. Tidak
d. Sangat
13. Jenis soal yang bagaimanakah yang ada rasa sulit mengerjakannya ?
a. Pilihan ganda (multiple Cholas)
c. Essay
b. Tes rumpang (cloze test)
d. Cross Check (True/False)
14. Jenis soal yang bagaimanakah, yang anda rasa mudah mengerjakannya ?
a. Pilihan ganda (multiple Cholas)
c. Essay
b. Tes rumpang (cloze test)
d. Cross Check (True/False)
15. Suasana belajar yang bagaimanakah yang anda suka ?
a. Diskusi
c. Tanya jawab
b. Guru menerangkan (ceramah)
d. Permainan
16. Model belajar bagaimanakah yang sering digunakan guru anda ?
a. Diskusi
c. Tanya jawab
b. Guru menerangkan (ceramah)
d. Permainan
17. Strategi apa yang anda gunakan untuk memahami bacaan ?
a. Skimming (dengn mencari gagasan umum)
b. Scanning (dengan mencari gagasan khusus)
Dengan mengartikan kata-kata sulit
d. Mengartikan seluruhnya (tiap kata dan kalimat)
18. Pernahkah dalam belajar guru Bahasa Inggris anda menggunakan media ?
a. Ya
c. Kadang
b. Tidak
d. Sering
19. Media apakah yang sering digunakan ?
a. Teks/diagram/table dis
c. Tape Recorder
b. Flash Card/gambar
d. TV atau sejenisnya
20. Apakah dengan media yang digunakan anda semangat/senang dalam belajar ?
a. Ya
c. Biasa
b. Tidak
d. Sangat semangat / senang
21. Sumber / bahan belajar apakah yang sering dipakai dalam belajar Bahasa
Inggris khususnya reading ?
a. Buku Paket
c. Koran / Surat Kabar
b. LKS
d. Artikel
22. Sumber / bahan belajar apa yang sering dipakai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
(reading) khususnya sastra ?
a. Puisi
c. Cerpen
b. Novel
d. Naskah drama
23. Jenis soal yang bagaimanakah yang sering diberikan guru anda Bahasa Inggris
a. Pilihan ganda
c. Essay
b. Tes rumpang
d. Cross Check (True/False)
24. Apakah dalam proses belajar mengajar pernah memanfaatkan fasilitas
(Laboraturium Bahasa) ?
a. Ya
c. Jarang
b. Tidak
d. Sering
25. Apakah dengan fasilitas yang ada di Laboraturium Bahasa anda semangat /
senang belajar ?
a. Ya
c. Biasa
b. Tidak
d. Sangat semangat / senang
Appendix III
The List of Interview
1. Bagaimana membuat persiapan dalam pembelajaran reading
comprehension ?
2. Apa berapa kali pertemuan dalam seminggu untuk program bahasa ?
3. Bagaimana prosedur pembelajaran reading comprehension ?
4. Apa metode pembelajaran yang digunakan ?
5. Dimana perbedaan kelas bahasa dengan kelas yang lain ?
6. Apakah di kelas bahasa diberikan materi tentang sastra ?
7. Apa saja materi satra yang diberikan untuk diperlajari di kelas bahasa ?
8. Bagaimana mengevaluasi hasil pembelajaran reading comprehension ?
9. Apakah ada sumber penilaian lain ?
10. Apakah kegiatan belajar mengajar hanya di ruang kelas saja ?
Appendix IV
Lesson Plan
Satuan pendidikan
Mata pelajaran
Kelas / semester
Alokasi waktu
: Bahasa Inggris (Reading and Writing)
: XI/ Genap
: 3 x Pertemuan (6 x 45 menit)
1 Standar kompetensi :
1.1 Membaca
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana narrative, spoof
dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
1.2 Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sede rhana
narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2 Kompetensi dasar
11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunak, dan
ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk
narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition.
12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan
ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan
sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk narrative spoof dan hortatory exposition.
3 Indikator
Pertemuan 1 :
- Mengidentifikasi kasus yang dibahas dalam teks
- Mengidentifkasi argumentasi yang diberikan
- Mengidentifikasi saran yang diberikan
Pertemuan 2 :
- Menghasilkan teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
- Menggunakan modal ‘should’ untuk menulis saran pada teks hortatory
4 Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1 :
Siswa dapat :
- Mengidentifikasi kasus yang dibahas dalam teks
- Mengidentifikasi argumentasi yang diberikan
- Mengidentifikasi saran yang diberikan
Pertemuan 2 :
Siswa dapat :
- Menghasilkan teks berbentuk hortatory exposition
- Menggunakan modal ‘should’ untuk menulis saran pada teks hortatory
5 Materi pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1
Hortatory Exposition
Hortatory exposition text is designed to persuade the readers or listeners
that something should or should not be the case.
The structure of the text consists of three parts:
1. Thesis
: announcement of issue concern
2. Arguments
: reasons for concern, leading to recommendation
3. Recommendation
: statement of what ought or ought not to happen.
In writing hortatory exposition we usually used the simple present tense.
Having Mobile Phone
When we buy a mobile phone, we have to consider some points. Doing so,
we will be able to make a wise decision.
If we decide to buy a mobile phone, we start asking ourselves the
usefulness of the equipment. We may ask, ‘do we want it for our prestige or for
After decide to buy a mobile phone, we should make a choice on the type
of mobile phone. With various choices in the market, we should decide the one
that meets our needs. We must know what we need.
As the consequence of its high operational cost, we have to pay more for a
mobile phone compared to a fixed phone. That is why we have to think carefully
before we decide to use it. Therefore, we only use the mobile phone for important
talks. It will not be wise if we use it for a chat with a friend.
With all the consequences of the mobile phone, we indeed should give
serious considerations before using it. They are:
1. Ask your self, ‘do I need it at the moment?’
2. Buy the mobile phone that suits your budget
3. Prioritize the function of the mobile phone for you, rather than its features
that may interest you.
4. Use the mobile phone for important talk.
Answer the Questions :
1. What does the text tell about?
2. What considerations can you take when you buy a mobile phone?
3. What is the purpose of the text?
4. Identify the thesis, argument, and recommendation of the text?
Pertemuan 2
Should, Ought To, Had Better
Should, ought to, had better digunakan:
A Menyatakan ‘anjuran’ (advisability)
Example :
- You look tired, you should take a rest
- You look sick, you ought to see a doctor
B Kemungkinan yang belum tentu terjadi.
Example :
- I should write a letter
- I ought to write a letter
Note :
- ‘should and ought to’ have the same meaning. They express advisability.
- Ought to is sometime pronounced ‘otta’ in informal speaking.
- Had better in meaning is close to ‘should/ought to’, but had better is
usually stronger. Often had better implies a warning or threat of possible
bad consequences. In (e) : if we don’t stop at a service station, there will
be a bad result. We will run out of gas. ‘had better’ has a present of future
meaning. It is followed by the simple form of the verb. It is more common
in speaking than writing.
- In writing a hortatory exposition ‘should’ can be used to make
Pertemuan 3
Naskah Ulangan Harian
6 Metode pembelajaran:
Pertemuan 1 : STAD (Student teams achievement division)
Pertemuan 2 : Chain Writing
Pertemuan 3 : Ulangan Harian
7 Langkah-langkah pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1 :
Kegiatan awal :
- Greeting / apersepsi
- Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
Kegiatan inti :
- Guru menjelaskan tentang hortatory exposition text dan siswa
- Guru membagi siswa menjadi 4 kelompok
- Guru membagikan sebuah text acak pada masing-masing kelompok
- Siswa membaca teks acak yang telah dibagikan
- Siswa menyusun paragraph acak tersebut dengan benar
Guru memberikan pertanyaan tentang teks hortatory yang baru disusun
dan siswa menjawabnya.
Kegiatan akhir :
- Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan bagian dari teks hortatory yang baru
- Guru member tugas untuk mencari teks lain hortatory exposition untuk
Pertemuan selanjutnya.
Pertemuan 2 :
- Siswa mengumpulkan tugas yang diberikan pada Pertemuan sebelumnya
dan guru membahas kesulitan siswa dalam mengerjakannya
- Guru bertanya pada siswa tentang ekspresi apa yang digunakan untuk
member saran
- Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran pada Pertemuan ini.
Kegiatan inti :
- Guru menjelaskan penggunaan ‘should, ought to, dan had better’ dalam
member saran
- Guru memberikan beberapa contoh dan kemudian siswa membuat contoh
- Guru menjelaskan tentang bagaimana membuat teks hortatory exposition
dan penggunaan should dalam memberikan rekomendasi/saran pada teks
- Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok
- Guru menyiapkan papan tulis untuk menulis
- Guru memberikan draf teks hortatory exposition pada masing-masing
- Siswa melanjutkan kalimat yang telah diberikan guru secara bergantian.
- Guru memberikan koreksi terhadap hasil kerja kelompok.
Kegiatan akhir :
- Siswa bersama guru menyempurnakan draf yang telah dibuat oleh
kelompok lain
- Guru bersama siswa membuat kesimpulan dan menginformasikan bahwa
akan diadakan ulangan pada Pertemuan selanjutnya.
Pertemuan 3 :
Kegiatan awal :
- Guru memberitahu siswa bahwa ulangan akan diselenggarakan dan
meminta siswa mempersiapkan perlengkapannya
- Guru mengharapkan agar siswa bisa mengerjakan ulangan dengan baik
dan benar
Kegiatan inti :
- Guru membagikan lembar soal kepada masing-masing siswa
- Siswa mengerjakan soal-soal dengan tertib
- Setelah selesai siswa mengumpulkan lembar jawaban
- Guru membahas jawaban dari soal yang baru dikerjakan
Kegiatan akhir :
- Guru bersama siswa membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang baru
8 Alat dan sumber :
Alat :
Pertemuan 1 : Lembar teks hortatory exposition yang diacak.
Pertemuan 2 : Draf teks hortatory exposition
Pertemuan 3 : Lembar Soal
Sumber :
Pertemuan 1 : English for a Better Life, Grade XI, M PUrwati, Martha Yuliani,
halaman 114
Pertemuan 2 : English for a Better Life, Grade XI, M Purwati, Martha Yuliani,
halaman 116
9 Alat penilaian :
A Find the meaning of the following words:
1. Basic
6. Supplier
2. Contain
7. Stimulate
3. Preservation
8. Reason
4. Vital
9. Resources
5. Erosion
10. Function
B Complete the following text using the words above:
Forest play a (1)…..role in maintaining the continuity of the earth’s natural
(2)…..and supporting life on earth.
First, forest are (3)…..of valuable product. Forest (4)……resources that
are useful for food, medicine, fiber fuels, industrial materials, and others.
Second, in forest we still may find the (5)… balance of animals life
and food growth. The knowledge of such ‘system’ is needed to improve crops and
life stocks, and to (6)……industrial research and natural drug development.
Third, forest also has ecological (7)……forest prevent waste shed
(8)……and flooding. They also regulate local and regional climate conditions.
For the (9)…..listed above we must take part in the forest (10)……, we
have to save our forest.
Answer Keys :
1. Dasar
2. Isi
3. Pengawetan/perlindungan
4. Penting
5. Erosi
6. Pemasok
7. Membangkitkan
8. Alas an
9. Sumber
10. Fungsi
6. Stimulate
7. Function
8. Erossion
9. Reason
10. Preservation
Tulungagung, Desember 2009
Kepala Madrasah
Guru Mata Pelajaran
Munadji, SH, MM
NIP. 195001011982031001
Indro Sembodo, SS.
NIP. 150 402 469
Satuan pendidikan : MAN 2 TULUNGAGUNG
Mata pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggis (Reading / Writing)
Kelas / semester
: XI/ Genap
Alokasi waktu
: 3 x Pertemuan (6 x 45 menit)
1 Standar kompetensi :
11 Membaca
Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana narrative, spoof
dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk
mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
12 Menulis
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana
narrative, spoof dan hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
2 Kompetensi dasar :
11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika yang menggunakan ragam bahasa
tulis secara akurat lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrativae, spoof
dan hortatory exposition.
3 Indikator
Pertemuan 1 :
- Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang dibaca
- Mengidentifkasi langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks
- Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi dari teks yang dibaca.
Pertemuan 2 :
- Menghasilkan teks berbentuk spoof
Pertemuan 3 :
Ulangan harian
4 Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Pertemuan 1 :
Siswa dapat :
- Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang dibaca
- Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks
- Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi dari teks yang dibaca
Pertemuan 2 :
Siswa dapat :
- Menghasilkan teks berbentuk spoof
Pertemuan 3:
Siswa dapat:
- Mengerjakan semua soal-soal yang diberikan oleh guru dengan
baik dan benar
5 Materi pembelajaran : (hal 30)
Pertemuan 1
Spoof (Reading)
Spoof is a recount text, but it has an unexpected a funny ending. This kind
of ending are twist. The purpose of spoof is not only to tell past event, but also to
entertain the reader.
Social function
Generic structure
To retell events
for the purpose of
Orientation : provide
Events : tell what
happened, in what
Twist : is related to
the circumstances of
Significant Lexico
- Focus
- Use
- Use of past
- Focus
Penguin in The Park
Orientation :
Once a man wanted to walk in the park when he came across a penguin.
Event 1 :
He took him to a policeman and said, ‘I have just found this penguin. What should
I do?’ The policeman replied, ‘take him to the zoo’.
Event 2
The next day the policeman saw the same man in the same park and the man was
still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and walk
up to the man and asked, ‘why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn’t
you take it to the zoo?’ I certainly did,’ replied the man’.
And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m taking him to
the movies!
Pertemuan 2
Spoof (Writing)
In writing spoof, remember:
- Tell the event chronologically
- Use the past tense
- Follow the structure of the text
- Consult your teacher when you need.
6 Metode pembelajaran:
Pertemuan 1 : Explanation and Worksheet
Pertemuan 2 : Penugasan
Pertemuan 3 : Ulangan Harian
7 Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:
Pertemuan 1 :
Kegiatan awal :
- Guru menceritakan sebuah cerita lucu dan menanyakan pada siswa jenis
- Guru bertanya tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan teks spoof
- Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai pada Pertemuan ini.
Kegiatan inti :
- Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan tentang langkah-langkah retorika dalam
teks spoof
- Siswa membaca teks tulis spoof
- Siswa mengidentifikasi isi teks tersebut
- Siswa mencari tujuan komunikasi dari teks yang dibaca
Kegiatan akhir :
- Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan materi yang baru saja dipelajari.
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mempelajari teks spoof lain yang ada pada
buku paket.
Pertemuan 2 :
Kegiatan awal :
- Guru bertanya pada siswa apakah ada kesulitan dari tugas yang diberikan
guru pada Pertemuan sebelumnya
- Guru menjelaskan kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh siswa
- Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran
Kegiatan inti :
- Guru menjelaskan tentang langkah-langkah pembuatan teks spoof
- Guru meminta masing-masing siswa untuk membuat teks spoof
Kegiatan akhir :
- Siswa mengumpulkan teks spoof yang telah dibuat
- Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam membuat teks spoof
- Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan materi yang telah dipelajari.
Pertemuan 3 :
Kegiatan awal :
- Guru meminta siswa untuk mempersiapkan peralatan yang dibutuhkan
dalam ujian
- Guru memberitahu siswa bahwa ujian untuk mengetahui kompetensi yang
telah dicapai oleh siswa.
Kegiatan inti :
- Guru membagikan soal ujian kepada masing-masing siswa
- Siswa mengerjakan soal yang sudah diterima
- Setelah selesai mengerjakan guru meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan
lembar jawaban.
Kegiatan akhir :
- Guru menanyakan soal-soal yang dianggap sulit oleh siswa dan secara
bersama-sama membahasnya.
- Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan materi yang baru saja diujikan.
8 Alat dan sumber :
Alat :
Pertemuan 1 : Chart tentang teks spoof
Pertemuan 3 : lembar soal
Sumber :
Pertemuan 1 : LKS Bahasa Inggris Kresna, Kelas XI, SInar Mandiri,
Isbandariyah, S.s, halaman 21-26.
Pertemuan 2 : English for a Better Life, Grade XI, Pakar Raya, M Purwati,
Martha Yuliani, halaman 47.
9 Penilaian :
Soal :
Teks 1 :
Jack was a university student. He studied history. At the end of the year,
his history professor hin in his examination and he was told to leave the
The next day, Jack’s father went to see the professor. He urged the
professor to let Jack to continue his studies the following year. ‘He is a good
boy,’said Jack’s father, if you give him a chance this time. I’m sure he will
improve a lot next year.
No, no! that’s quite impossible!’ replied the professor, ‘do you know, last
month I asked him when Napoleon died and he could not answer it’.
‘please sir, give him another chance,’ said jack’s father, ‘you see, we don’t
subscribe to any newspaper in our house, so none of us even knew that Napoleon
was ill.
Answer the Questions :
1. Why did jack have to leave the university ?
2. What did jack’s father try to do?
3. What is the purpose of the text above?
4. If you give him a chance this time, I’m sure he will improve a lot next
year. (Par.2). the underlined word is …….
5. ‘please sir, give him …….(par.5/the last paragraph), in this part of
paragraph is called …….
6. ‘no, no! that’s quite impossible!’ Replied the professor. The synonym of
the underline word is …….
Teks 2:
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very
interesting. But I didn’t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting
behind me. They were talking loudly. I couldn’t hear the actors. I turned around. I
looked at the man and the woman angrily. They didn’t pay any attention. In the
end, I couldn’t bear it. I turned around again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.
‘it is not your business’, the young woman said rudely. ‘this is a private
Answer the Question :
7. The type of the text above is …….
8. The communicative purpose of the text above is …..
9. To tell the story, what tense does the writer use?
10. Why did the writer not enjoy the theatre?
Answer Keys:
1. Because he failed in his examination
2. He urged the professor to let jack to continue his study
3. To tell the past event with humorous twist
4. An opportunity
5. Twist
6. Answered
7. Spoof
8. To share an amusing story with others
9. Simple past tense
10. Because there were a couple speak loudly.
Note :
Satu soal nilai maksimumnya 10, sehingga 10 x 10 = 100
Tulungagung, Desember 2009
Kepala Madrasah
Guru Mata Pelajaran
Munadji, SH, MM
NIP. 195001011982031001
Indro Sembodo, SS.
NIP. 150 402 469
Appendix V
The Evaluation Material
Of Reading
You may use the following steps to write the narrative texts.
1. First decide what you are going to narrate (it’s theme)
2. Make an outline
3. Show it to your teacher and make changes where necessary
4. Make a draft based on the the feedback
5. Rewrite the draft based on the feedback
6. Then write the final version
7. Check its pronunciation, Grammar, Capital letters, etc.
8. Draw some pictures to decorate it.
Read the text and answer the question.
The Farmer and His Son
A poor farmer had three sons, but the son didn’t want to work on farm
and it was very small farm with only three fields.
“The farm is too small for us”, they said. “we must go to the town to earn
our living. When you die, there will not be enough land for the three of us. We
shall have wife and children. what can I do?” their father said.
“sell the land and divide the money among us”.
‘no’, their father said, ‘1 will not sell the land’. I will give it all to one of
you. This made the sons very angry. ‘no father’, they said. ‘you can’t do that.
How will you choose shall have it?’
‘I shall give all the land to the one who is the best farmer. You may have
one field each now. The sons who earn the most money from this field can have
the whole farm’.
The son didn’t want to work in the field but the land had great value.
Each son wanted the whole farm. Then he could sell it.
At the end of the second year the amount of rice growing in each field
was doubled. The three sons went to their father and said, ‘what shall we do now
father?’ we have all done well’. ‘you have money from the extra rice’, their father
said. ‘buy one more field each from the neighbors’.
The son bought one more field each. They plant different things in the
field. One son planted fruit treeds; another planted vegetables; other planted corn.
They read book about new things which they were growing.
At the end of the year the son had more money that ever before. They
went to their father again. ‘which of you had more the whole farm?’ they asked.
‘I don’t know yet. But you have plenty of money. Buy one more field
And so it went on year after year. At last each son had a large farm. They forgot
about going to the town, for now there was enough land for all them. A Match the
words and their meanings.
1. Enough
2. Earn
3. Field
4. Divide
5. Entirely
6. Growing
7. Forget
8. Neighbor
9. Poor
10. farmer
growing plant in certain area
area of land to grow up
get money by working
fail to remember
make into two or more
having very little money
person who live in a house
k. another
B. Answer the question based on the text.
1. Why did the farmer’s son want to leave their village?
2. How many field did the farmer’s family have at the end of the second
3. What did the first son plant?
4. What did another son plant the field?
5. Why did the dicide to plant the field?
Appendix VI
The Activities of Teaching Outdoor the students
doing discuss in groups
The Activities of Teaching in
the laboratory
The Building of Classroom
The students of Language Program
Appendix VII
The undersigned below
Place, date of birth : Tulungagung, 24th June 1987
Registered number : 3213063047
: Rejotangan, Tulungagung. East Java
: Department of Islamic Education State Islamic College
(STAIN) Tulungagung
: English Education Program
State that thesis entitled “The Implementation of Question – Answer in
Teaching English Reading Comprehension at Language Program of MAN
Tulungagung 2” is truly my original work. It doesn’t incorporate any materials
previously written or published by another person expect those indicated in
quotation and bibliography. Due to the fact, I’m the only person responsible for
the thesis if there is any an objection or claims for other.
Tulungagung, July 30th, 2010
Appendix VIII
The writer of the thesis entitled “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF
TULUNGAGUNG 2” is Ghoni’atu Umairoh. She was born in Tulungagung,
Juny 24, 1987. She lives at Rejotangan, Tulungagung. She is a daughter from the
couple of Suparno and Rubingah.
She was started her education from RA PSM Rejotangan and graduated at
1994. At the same year, she continues to MIN Rejotangan and graduated at 2000.
Next, she continues to MTsN Aryojeding and graduated at 2003. Then, her
education continues to MAN Tulungagung 2. She graduated from the school at
2006. In same year, she joined in English Education Program Department of
Islamic Education State Islamic College (STAIN) Tulungagung up to now.
As a university student to finish her academic in STAIN Tulungagung in
practical fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Islam, she presents her thesis under the title “THE IMPLEMENTATION OF