LAPORAN TUGAS AKHIR - ANALISIS KERUSAKAN ELECTRIC CONTROL LEVER ABSTRACT Electric control lever is one of the main components of the excavator. Electric control lever is part of a control system that serves to control the motion of upper structure (swing) and a front attachment (boom, arm, and bucket). The main components of the electric control lever consist of grip, reaction spring, confines restriction plate, harness and potentiometer (variable resistor). If the electric control lever fails to operate, it will interfere with the performance of the excavator. The process of observations made to determine the failure of electric control lever is to look at the display monitor in the cabin excavator EX 2500-6. From the process of dismantling electric control lever and analysis, show that the cause of the malfunction of electric control lever plate restriction caused by wear and tear, damage the potentiometer (variable resistor), damage to the cable connectors and AMP ELU. After replacement of units that were damaged, and then the unit is tested. To prevent malfunction of electric control lever, then the maintenance can be done by carrying out checks adequacy of grease on the shaft mechanism and the restriction plate, checking the wear on shaft mechanism and confinesrestriction plate, checking pin and lock connector of rust, loose or warped and checking connectors damage / rupture. Keywords: excavators, electric control lever, maintenance viii LAPORAN TUGAS AKHIR - ANALISIS KERUSAKAN ELECTRIC CONTROL LEVER INTISARI Electric control lever adalah salah satu komponen utama excavator. Electric control lever merupakan bagian dari sistem control yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol gerak upperstructure (swing) dan front attachment (boom, arm, bucket). Komponen utama dari electric control lever terdiri dari grip, reaction spring, confines restriction plate, harness dan potensiometer (variable resistor). Apabila electric control lever gagal beroperasi, maka akan mengganggu kinerja excavator. Proses pengamatan yang dilakukan untuk menentukan kegagalan electric control lever adalah dengan memperhatikan monitor display pada kabin excavator EX 2500-6. Dari proses pembongkaran electric control lever dan analisis diketahui bahwa penyebab kegagalan fungsi electric control lever diakibatkan oleh keausan restriction plate, kerusakan potensiometer (variable resistor), kerusakan konektor dan kabel ELU AMP. Setelah dilakukan penggantian unit yang mengalami kerusakan, kemudian dilakukan pengujian. Untuk mencegah terjadinya kegagalan fungsi electric control lever, maka perawatan dapat dilakukan dengan melaksanakan pengecekan kecukupan grease pada shaft mechanism dan restriction plate, pengecekan keausan pada shaft mechanism dan confines-restriction plate, pengecekan pin dan lock connector dari karat, longgar ataupun melengkung dan pengecekan konektor dari kerusakan/pecah. Kata kunci : excavator, electric control lever, perawatan ix