kajian atas penerapan gcg gcg implementation

L A P O R A N TA H U N A N / / A N N U A L R E P O R T.
P T A B M I N V E S TA M A T b k .
majalah Inside. Selain itu, Perusahaan juga
also conducted workshops for all members of the
menyelenggarakan lokakarya bagi seluruh anggota
ABM Group regarding the implementation of COEC.
ABM terkait implementasi COEC. Sedangkan bagi
Meanwhile, for employees of the executive level, a
karyawan di tingkat eksekutif, diselenggarakan
dedicated course was held in order to instil in them
kelas khusus untuk lebih memahami nilai-nilai inti
the Company’s core values and how they should be
implemented within the Company.
Untuk mengetahui dan mendapatkan gambaran
To find out and get a picture GCG implementation
kualitas penerapan GCG, Perusahaan telah
quality, the Company has conducted periodic
melakukan kajian secara berkala sejak empat tahun
assessment for the last four years. Assessment and
terakhir. Penilaian dan evaluasi penerapan GCG
evaluation of GCG implementation are conducted
tersebut dilakukan secara mandiri (self assessment)
independently (self assessment) by the Company’s
oleh tim internal Perusahaan.
internal team.
Penilaian pada tahun 2015 dilakukan dengan
The assessment in 2015 was conducted through
review atas seluruh dokumen yang ditampilkan
a review of all documents published by the
Manajemen pada situs ABM (www.abm-investama.
Management on the website of ABM (www.
co.id) yang dituangkan dalam bentuk checklist pada
abm-investama.co.id) conveyed as a checklist of
kuesioner Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard
Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS)
(ACGS) dan konfirmasi kepada tim GCG.
questionnaire, which was subsequently confirmed
to the GCG team.
Penilaian implementasi Good Corporate Governance
The assessment of Good Corporate Governance
(GCG) di ABM bertujuan untuk menilai implementasi
(GCG) implementation taking place at ABM was
GCG berdasarkan metode assessment ACGS yang
intended to evaluate the GCG implementation
diterbitkan oleh Asean Capital Market Forum
based on the assessment method developed by the
(ACMF). Metode ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bagian
ACGS and published by the Asean Capital Market
pengukuran meliputi rights of shareholders,
Forum (ACMF). This method evaluates five aspects
equitable treatment of shareholders, role of
of governance, namely the rights of shareholders,
stakeholders, disclosure and transparency, dan
equitable treatment of shareholders, role of
responsibilities of the board.
shareholders, disclosure and transparency, and
responsibilities of the board.
Dari kelima bagian penilaian tersebut, total nilai
From the assessment of these five aspects, the
yang diperoleh Perusahaan adalah 85,47% dari
total points achieved by the Company was 85.47%
nilai maksimal 100% (153 poin dari total 179 poin).
out of a possible 100% (153 points out of a
Hasil penilaian tersebut juga menampilkan bidang-
maximum of 179 points). The assessment result
bidang yang dapat ditingkatkan kinerjanya di masa
also includes recommendations on the areas of
improvement for follow up in the future.