PRESS RELEASE Tingkatkan Investasi di Bidang Migas, KJRI Hong Kong dan SKK Migas Selenggarakan Sharing Session Minat investasi di bidang minyak dan gas (migas) di Indonesia, khususnya di sektor hulu, perlu ditingkatkan mengingat semakin menurunnya minat investasi dan cadangan serta produksi migas di Indonesia. Untuk menarik minat investasi tersebut, Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas (SKK) Migas terus melakukan upaya promosi investasi di sektor hulu migas. Dalam kaitan itulah, KJRI Hong Kong bekerja sama dengan SKK Migas menyelenggarakan kegiatan Sharing Session mengenai potensi investasi dan bisnis di sektor hulu migas di Ruang Ramayana KJRI Hong Kong, Kamis (16/2). Kegiatan ini dibuka Kepala Kanselerai KJRI Hong Kong, Rafael Walangitan, dan diikuti oleh para pebisnis dan investor sektor migas di Hong Kong. Acara utama kegiatan Sharing Session ini adalah presentasi oleh Parulian Sihotang, Deputi Pengendalian Keuangan SKK Migas mengenai kondisi industri migas nasional saat ini, serta peluang investasi ke depan. Selain mendapatkan informasi tangan pertama dan lengkap mengenai investasi sektor hulu migas di Indonesia, para peserta juga dapat menggali lebih jauh berbagai informasi terkait dalam sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi yang menjadi bagian kegiatan tersebut. Dari kegiatan ini, baik SKK Migas maupun KJRI Hong Kong mengharapkan adanya ketertarikan serta minat para investor Hong Kong, khususnya yang bergerak di sektor hulu migas untuk menanamkan modalnya di Indonesia. Pada kesempatan yang sama, perwakilan SKK Migas juga direncanakan untuk menghadiri acara Finance Asia Award yang diselenggarakan oleh media keuangan FinanceAsia, di mana salah satu proyek industry hulu migas nasional memperoleh penghargaan “Best Project Finance Deal – BP Berau’s 3.745 billion Tangguh LNG Financing”. Proyek pembangunan Tran 3 LNG Tangguh merupakan proyek dioperasikan oleh Kontraktor BP Berau dan dibiayai dengan project financing dari bank BUMN, bank internasional serta Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF). *** PRESS RELEASE Targeting Hong Kong’s Investor in Upstream Oil and Gas, Indonesian Consulate in Hong Kong and SKK Migas Organized Sharing Session Event There is a need to increase the interest of investors in the field of oil and gas, especially in the upstream sector, to invest in Indonesia due to the declining reserves as well as oil and gas production in Indonesia. To attract those investors, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities of Indonesia (SKK Migas) has conducted continues efforts to promote investment in upstream oil and gas sector. As part of those efforts, the Consulate General of Indonesia in Hong Kong in cooperation with SKK Migas hosted Sharing Session event on the potential investment and business opportunities in the upstream oil and gas sector in Ramayana Room, the Consulate General of Indonesia in Hong Kong, Thursday (16/2). The event was opened by Mr. Rafael Walangitan, Head of Chancery of the Consulate General of Indonesia in Hong Kong and participated by businessmen and investors in Hong Kong, especially in the oil and gas sector. The main program of the Sharing Session events was presentation by Mr. Parulian Sihotang, Deputy Finance SKK Migas about Indonesia’s oil and gas industry today, as well as investment opportunities in the future. In addition to getting first-hand information and complete for the upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia, the participants have been able to dig deeper into a variety of related information in question and answer sessions and discussions that are part of the event. The SKK Migas and the Consulate General in Hong Kong expected that the event will increase the interest of investors Hong Kong, especially those engaged in the upstream oil and gas sector to invest in Indonesia. On another occasion, the representative from SKK Migas also planned to attend the Finance Asia Award organized by the financial media FinanceAsia, in which one of the SKK Migas’ project awarded "Best Project Finance Deal - BP Berau's 3.745 billion Tangguh LNG Financing". The Tran 3 Tangguh LNG project is operated by BP Berau Contractors and financed with project financing from state-owned banks, international banks and the Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF). ***