List of Abbreviations BAZ/BAZIS BAZNAS BMT BRR BUMN BSMI CCU or CU DD DDII DPR FOSDAN FPI Hamas HFI IAIN ICMI GAZA KISDI KISA KISPA KKPA KOMPAK KOTKIHO KNRP KSI KSRIA LAZIS LIMI LP3ES Golkar GOZIS HMI ICRS IFRC MER-C M.I.A.I MIS MMI MUI Badan Amil Zakat (government-sponsored zakat bodies) Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (National Zakat Body) Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (Islamic savings and loan cooperatives) Badan Rekonstruksi & Rehabilitasi (Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Body) Badan Usaha Milik Negara (government-owned corporations) Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Crescent Societies) Catholic Credit Union Dompet Dhuafa (Wallet for the Poor, an Islamic Philanthropic Association) Dewan Dakwah Islamiyah Indonesia (Indonesian Council for Islamic Predication) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (People Representative Council) Forum Silaturahmi Da’i Nias Front Pembela Islam (Islamic Defender Front) Harakat Al-Muqawamat al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance Movement) Humanitarian Forum Indonesia Institut Agama Islam Negeri (State Institute of Islamic Studies) Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (Indonesian Intellectual Muslim Association) Gerakan Anti Zionis Israel (Anti-Israel Zionist Movement) Komite Indonesia untuk Dunia Islam (the Indonesian Committee for Solidarity with the World of Islam) Komite Indonesia untuk Solidaritas Afghanistan (Indonesian Committee for Afghanistan Solidarity) Komite Indonesia untuk Solidaritas Palestina (Indonesian Committee for Palestine Solidarity) Komite Keadilan untuk Pembelaan Al-Aqsa (Committee for Justice and the Al-Aqsha Liberation) Komite Peanggulangan Krisis (Crisis Rescue Committee) Koalisi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Coalition of Indonesia Migrant Workers Organisation) Komite Nasional untuk Rakyat Palestina (National Committee for Palestinian People) Komite Solidaritas Islam (Islamic Solidarity Committee) Komite Setiakawanan Rakyat Indonesia-Afghanistan (Committee for IndonesianAfghanistan Friendship). Lembaga Amil Zakat (Community-based zakat agencies) Liga Pekerja Migrant Indonesia (Indonesian Migrant Workers League) Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial (the Institute for Social and Economic Research, Education and Information) Golongan Karya (A political party founded by the regime of the New Order) a Zakat Agency that affiliates to Golkar Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (Islamic Student Association) International Committee of Red Cross Societies International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Medical Rescue Committee the Majelisul Islami Ala Indonesia Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta (Islamic private primary school) Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (Indonesia Fighters Council) Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian ‘Ulama Council) NIRK NKK/BKK NU OIC PAN PERSIS PGI PII PINBUK PKS PKPA PKPU PMI PNI PPP P3M RANTF RZI TKW TPA UMR UN YDSF YISC YPI YPMN ZISWAF Nederlands-Indische Rode Kruis Normalisasi Kehidupan Campur/Badan Koordinasi Kampus (Normalisation of Campus Life/Committee for Campus Coordination) Nahdlatul Ulama (Renaissance of Islamic Scholars) Organisation of the Islamic Conference Partai Amanat Nasional National Mandate Party) Persatuan Islam (Islamic Union) Persekutuan Gereja Indonesia (The Indonesian Churches Associations) Pelajar Islam Indonesia (Islamic Student Association) (Pusat Inkubasi Bisnis Usaha Kecil (Centre for Small Enterprises Business Incubation) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (Prosperous Justice Party) Pusat Pengkajian dan Perlindungan Anak (Study Center for Children Protection) Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat (Centre for Justice and the Care of Society) Palang Merah Indonesia (Indonesian Red Cross Societies) Partai Nasionalis Indonesia (Indonesian Nationalist Party) Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (The Unity and Development Party) Perhimpunan Pengembangan Pesantren dan Masyarakat (Indonesian Society for Pesantren and Community Development) Recovery Aceh-Nias Trust Fund Rumah Zakat Indonesia (Indonesian Zakat House) Tenaga Kerja Wanita (Women Migrant Workers) Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (‘Qur’anic Kindergarten’) Upah Minimum Regional (Regional Minimum Wage for labourers) The United Nations Yayasan Dana Sosial Al-Falah (Al-Falah Foundation) Youth Islamic Study Club Al-Azhar Yayasan Pesantren Islam (The Pesantren Foundation Yayasan Peduli Muslim Nias (Nias Care Muslim Foundation) Indonesian acronym for zakat, infak, sedekah and wakaf GLOSSARY Adat Customary law or unwritten traditional norms ordering the social, cultural, and economic lives of the commnities Akhlaq The practice of good manner according to Islamic teachings `Aqida Islamic theology Da’i Muslim preachers, which in Indonesia, are also named muballigh, ‘those whol deliver the messeges of Islam Dakwah (Ind.), Da’wa (Ar.) Missioary and social-welfare activities motivated by religious reasons Dhikr Commemoration of God by mentioning God’s names Fatwa (Ar. Fatawa) Islamic scholars Religious or Islamic legal opinions issued by individually or collectively by Fiqh Islamic legal prescriptions Fi Sabilillah “In the way of God”, effort to uphold Islamic teachings in the name of God’ Hadith contemporary Sayings and acts of the Prophet Muhammad as recorded and transmitted by his Halal Lawful or permissible Haram Illicit or forbidden Ijtihad teachings The intellectual ‘effort’ of using scholarly reasoning to interpret Islamic Jihad The religious duty of Muslim to fight in the way of God Jizya state. A tax applied by Islamic rulers to non-Muslim citizens who live in the Islamic Kharaj Tax on agricultural land applied in the early Islam Khums One-fifth (1/5), the amount of money that should be paid by Muslims as a tax for their earnings. Applied in the Shi’a tradition. For the the Sunni Muslims, one fifth of tax can only be applied to the ‘spoil of war’ Madrasah Islamic schools Majelis Ta’lim Study groups Muallaf New Muslim converts Mushalla House of prayer Muhadara Conversation and public spkeaing training Mujahid Those who perform jihad. Muslimat Women Muslim Mustahik Legitimate zakat recipients according to Islam Mustad`afun The oppressed Pengajian Religious study Perantau Traveler or those who are travelling to other regions in order to earn money Pesantren Traditional Islamic boarding schools Reformasi An era Sedekah Charitable giving Shari`a Islamic law or Islamic moral code Shari`a by-Laws level. Islam-based regulation issued by local governments at provincial or district Tabligh The propagation of the messages of Islam Tarbiyah Literally means ‘education’. But it is also linked up to the movements inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. Tawhid (Ar.) The Ones of God, the very fundamental principle in Islamic theology Ukhuwwa Brotherhood Umma The Islamic community Ustadz Religious/Islamic teacher Waqf/Wakaf Pious endowment Waqf al-Nuqud Cash endowment Zakat Islamic tax, almsgiving