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2 MRP (manufacturing resource planing

Resource Planning
Distribusi Obat dan Alat Kesehatan
Oktavia Eka Puspita, M.Sc., Apt.
PSPA Jurusan Farmasi FKUB
Manufacturing Resource Planning
Distribusi Obat dan Alat
 Business Information System
 Sistem perencanaan manufaktur
dan sistem kontrol terintegrasi
 Mekanisme koordinasi pemasaran,
keuangan, produksi, dan
departemen lain dalam perusahaan
 Manufacturing resource plan”
(MRP II) vs “materials requirement
plan” (MRP)
 What are the core information
systems a business firm needs
 What do these systems do, and
how can they be used
 Software for material requirements
planning (MRP)—so-called MRP
systems or MRP packages.
 The core of MRP was planning the
material requirements that
corresponded to a given production
The fundamental questions in MRP were
as follows:
(1) Which materials and which
quantities of these materials (=
secondary or derived requirements)
are needed to produce a given
production program (= primary
(2) How can the material requirements
be fulfilled?
• Required a great deal of computation and the consideration of many
• Complex structure of industrial products
• Large number of items contained in real-world bills of materials
• Benefited from MRP systems  computational effort to calculate was
substantially reduced  good material planning
• Good material planning is not the
same as good production planning.
• It is a necessary but not a sufficient
condition for a good production
• Producing the planned quantities of
all materials within the given time
period is only possible if the
production capacities are available
exactly at the times when they are
• This means, for example, that the right
machines must be available whenever
production orders request them.
• Since machine loading and scheduling
of production orders are not
considered during material
requirements planning, it is highly
unlikely that capacities will be available
at the time that they are needed.
Apa yang menjadi prioritas (priority) – berapa
banyak sesuatu yang harus diproduksi dan
Kapasitas apa yang tersedia (available
capacity)– sumber daya apa yang kita miliki?
• The outcome of material
requirements planning is
quantities—primary and
secondary requirements
assigned to different periods.
• The main disadvantage of the
MRP approach is that it is not
certain whether the
requirements can be fulfilled,
because the manufacturing
capacities are not taken into
• In order to create a feasible plan,
material requirements planning
has to be augmented with
capacity planning and
MRP  Closed Loop MRP & MRP II
• Including capacity requirements
planning and scheduling of
production orders into the
planning approach.
• MRP II, according to its founder
Oliver Wight, is an abbreviation
of manufacturing resource
planning (no longer of material
requirements planning),
• Indicating that all necessary
resources have to be considered
in the planning, not only the
• MRP II is a comprehensive
market and resource oriented
planning of the sales, production
and stock levels, which begins at
the executive level”
• MRP II system became the firm’s
core information system,
• supporting not only the planning
and controlling of materials,
capacities, and production orders
• but also other business areas
such as procurement, cost
calculation, sales, and production
data acquisition
Contoh Alur Data Input MRP
Sales and operations planning—establishes the end-product quantities to be
produced in each period up to the planning horizon, usually on an aggregate
level (e.g., by product groups or families).
Master production scheduling—breaks down the aggregate numbers of the
sales and operations plan into quantities of individual products.
Material requirements planning—calculates the secondary requirements
Capacity requirements planning—determines how much capacity of the
operating facilities and workplaces is needed to fulfill the quantity
requirements and schedules the capacity requirements
Realistic?—this question is the core of closed loop MRP. If the plan is not
realistic, adjustments must be made so that the capacity, materials, master
production, and/or sales and operation plans become feasible.
Executing capacity and material plans—generating feedback and if
necessary,making adjustments to the material and/or capacity plans.