Lili Adi Wibowo [email protected] Oce Ridwanudin [email protected] STRATEGIC MARKETING PROCESS Market, Segments and Customer Value Implementating Managing MarketDriven Strategy •Market and Competitive Space •Strategic Marketing Segmentation •Strategic Customer Relationship Management •Capibilities for Learning About Markets Designing Market-driven Strategies •Market Targeting and Strategy Positioning •Strategy Relationships •Innovad and New Product Strategy IMMS Market-Driven Program Development MPD Pemasaran pada awal abad 20 berorientasi kepada produksi. Perusahaan tahu bahwa apa pun yang dapat diproduksi dapat dijual, ketika barang siap pakai sedikit jumlahnya, konsumen bersedia membeli hampir apa saja dengan harga yang masuk akal tanpa memperdulikan atribut atau kualitas produk tersebut. Namun memahami pelanggan dan mengidentifikasi apa yang menjadi kebutuhan pelanggan tidak pernah terdengar dalam banyak bisnis di awal abad ke 20. Masih sedikit perhatian diberikan kepada apa yang diinginkan pelanggan 1. 2. 3. Orientasi pada produksi berlangsung sampai pada tahun 1920-an, ketika para pembuat barang mulai menghadapi persaingan yang makin meningkat, dan sebagai konsekuensinya perusahaan mulai menekankan penjualan sebagai fondasi inisiatif pemasaran mereka Perusahaan mulai mengambil pandangan pemasaran yang berfokus kepada pelanggan. Banyak perusahaan yang mulai menyadari apa yang dibutuhkan dan diinginkan oleh pelanggan. Orientasi ini kemudian dikenal sebagai konsep pemasaran. Konsep ini didasarkan pada 3 tujuan, yaitu: Orientasi pelanggan, Koordinasi dan integrasi dari semua aktivitas pemasaran, Fokus pada kemampuan organisasi untuk menghasilkan keuntungan jangka panjang Pandangan baru pemasaran muncul pada tahun 1950-an, yang sebagian besar dimotori oleh industri barang-barang konsumtif cepat jual dan barang-barang dalam kemasan. Pandangan ini merupakan suatu terobosan dalam pemikiran pemasaran. Tetapi sekarang, beberapa orang menganggap konsep tersebut sebagai konsep yang sempit. Ketika fokusnya seolah-olah pada pelanggan dan kebutuhannya, sehingga kebutuhan biasanya diterjemahkan sebagai produk yang baik dengan harga yang baik pula, dan pemasaran dipandang sebagai “sesuatu yang dilakukan kepada orang-orang” dengan memasarkan produk kepada mereka Pandangan baru pemasaran muncul pada tahun 1950an, yang sebagian besar dimotori oleh industri barangbarang konsumtif cepat jual dan barang-barang dalam kemasan. Pandangan ini merupakan suatu terobosan dalam pemikiran pemasaran. Tetapi sekarang, beberapa orang menganggap konsep tersebut sebagai konsep yang sempit. Ketika fokusnya seolah-olah pada pelanggan dan kebutuhannya, sehingga kebutuhan biasanya diterjemahkan sebagai produk yang baik dengan harga yang baik pula, dan pemasaran dipandang sebagai “sesuatu yang dilakukan kepada orang-orang” dengan memasarkan produk kepada mereka Selama 40 tahun berikutnya, konsep pemasaran secara erat dihubungkan dengan 4P dari McCarthy – product, price, promotion dan place (produk, harga, promosi dan tempat). Implikasi dari pandangan ini adalah jika perusahaan dapat memadukan keempat elemen pemasaran secara tepat, maka perusahaan akan menikmati sukses pemasaran Nilai dari konsep pemasaran pada awalnya terletak pada fakta bahwa akhirnya konsep pemasaran bertujuan untuk memberi perhatian kepada pelanggan. Tujuannya adalah apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh perusahaan untuk menarik pelanggan, bahkan hanya menjual sesuatu kepada pelanggan tersebut. Asumsiinya adalah jika perusahaan dapat membuat produk yang lebih baik, memberi harga murah, dan melakukan promosi secara luas maka sukses pemasaran akan tercipta Pada akhir tahun 1960-an para tenaga penjual mulai memberi perhatian lebih pada pendekatan yang lebih strategis pada pemasaran. Dalam tahap perkembangan pemasaran ini di dominasi oleh kemajuan yang pesat didalam pendekatan strategis terhadap segmentasi pasar, produk, dan memposisikan merek, diferensiasi produk yang ditawarkan, dan sungguh-sungguh mengerti apa yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan pelanggan Konsep pemasaran yang terefleksi dalam perpaduan 4P dalam pemasaran sangat menonjol dalam pemikiran dan praktik pemasaran sampai pertengahan tahun 1980-an. Ketika referensi tentang hubungan pelanggan dan membangun hubungan mulai muncul dalam literatur dan menjadi fokus dalam banyak penelitian. Konsep pemasaran walaupun masih relevan, telah dikembangkan untuk ditambahkan dimensi hubungan Pada awal abad ke-21 perusahaan menyadari bahwa pelanggan adalah aset jangka panjang bagi sebuah perusahaan. Perusahaan penting untuk melakukan investasi pada pelanggan untuk mengelola investasi tersebut untuk memastikan bahwa pelanggan tersebut akan kembali berbisnis dengan perusahaan. (Barnes, 2003:12). Oleh karenanya AMA (American Marketing Association) menambahkan konsep hubungan Saat ini relationship menjadi topik utama dalam aktivitas bisnis. Kebanyakan perusahaan, secara financial, bertujuan ingin mendapatkan profit yang maksimal dari hasil operasinya dengan memaksimalkan nilai sahamnya. Di sisi lain dalam pemasaran, loyalitas pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan merupakan tujuan setiap perusahaan. Peningkatan kualitas atas produk serta layanan yang superior kepada pasar (konsumen) merupakan usaha untuk mewujudkan loyalitas pelanggan terhadap produk dan layanan yang diberikan. Usaha tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya perubahan yang terjadi dalam lingkungan bisnis, persaingan yang semakin ketat, kemajuan teknologi, serta perubahan dalam kebutuhan dan keinginan pasar, yang menuntut para pemasar untuk mengubah strategi dan taktiknya dari product-oriented menjadi market-oriented Perusahaan yang sukses adalah perusahaan yang mampu untuk menjalin relationship jangka panjang dengan pelangganya. Relationship jangka panjang berarti pelanggan yang loyal di mana kebutuhan dan keinginannya terpuaskan. Tugas pemasar di sini adalah bagaimana untuk tetap mempertahankan pelanggannya agar tetap loyal terhadap produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan. 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s The Future of Marketing? Relationship Marketing Services Marketing Non-profit and societal marketing Industrial Marketing Consumer Marketing Sumber: John Egan, 2001, Relationship Marketing: Exploring relationall stragies in marketing, p.5, Pearson Education Limited, England Industrial (business to business) marketing Consumer goods marketing Services marketing Network approach to industrial (business to business) marketing Nordic School of service management Anglo-Australian approach to integrating quality, customer service and marketing Strategic alliance and partnerships research Relationships in marketing Relation ship marketing Relationships in marketing RM bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan membentuk, memelihara dan meningkatkan dan, apabila diperlukan mengakhiri suatu hubungan dengan pelanggan dan stakeholders lainnya, pada suatu tingkat laba sehingga sasaran hasil dari semua pihak yang terlibat dapat tercapai; dan hal tersebut dilakukan oleh pertukaran yang saling menguntungkan dan pemenuhan janji. Relationship marketing focuses on creating NEW and MUTUAL VALUE between you and your customers on a long-term basis. Regis McKenna (marketing guru) puts it: "Marketing is not a function, it is a way of doing business . . . marketing has to be all pervasive, part of everyone's job description, from the receptionist to the board of directors." Konsep relationship marketing menjadi kunci utama dalam kegiatan bisnis perusahaan saat ini. Konsep tersebut berkembang dari pandangan tradisional yang memfokuskan pada transactional marketing. Fokus dari relationship marketing adalah untuk mendapatkan dan mempertahankan konsumen. Relationship dengan pelanggan yang meningkat berarti memperlakukan mereka dengan baik, meningkatkan layanan inti (core service) perusahaan melalui penambahan nilai, dan yang paling penting adalah memberikan layanan yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap individu (McIlroy & Barnett, 2000). Pelanggan menjadi inti dari relationship marketing. Para pemasar perlu mengenal lebih banyak informasi mengenai pelanggan, siapa mereka? Apa yang mereka lakukan? Dan apa yang mereka inginkan? Database pelanggan dan segmentasi pelanggan diperlukan dalam menerapkan strategi relationship marketing untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih mengenai pelanggannya (Chan, 2003). Relationship marketing merupakan paradigma baru dalam pemasaran di mana Grönroos (1991) menggambarkannya sebagai marketing strategy continuum, dengan maksud untuk menyampaikan produk dan jasa tanpa melalui discrete and causal transaction (pandangan dari traditional marketing) melainkan melalui penyampaian yang berlanjut dalam konteks relationship yang terus-menerus. Transaction Marketing Relationship Marketing Fokus hanya pada penjualan tunggal Berfokus pada pemeliharaan pelanggan Orientasi pada karakteristik produk Orientasi pada product benefit Skala jangka waktu pendek Skala jangka waktu panjang Kurang menekankan pelayanan pelanggan Sangat menekankan pelayanan pelanggan Komitmen dengan pelanggan yang terbatas. Komitmen dengan pelanggan tinggi Kontak dengan pelanggannya sedang Memperhatikan kualitas secara menyeluruh Kualitas yang diperhatikan terutama yang berkaitan dengan produksi Kontak dengan pelanggan tinggi Traditional model* four P's of marketing mix: Current relationship marketing model: the 4 C’s Pricing Cost to the Customer Product Management Customer Solution Promotion Communication Placement Convenience *Replace with an alternative model where the focus is on customers and relationships rather than markets and products. Mutual Interdependence Relationship Marketing Competition and conflict Mutual Cooperation Transactional Marketing Mutual Cooperation Sumber: Svend Hollensen, 2003, Marketing Management: A Relationship Approach, p. 11, Prentice Hall, Essex Category Transactional Marketing Relationship Marketing Focus Economic transaction. Decision focus on product/brand and 4Ps. Decision focus on relationships between firms in a network and individuals. The marketing Environment Marketing rules are very clear, defined and constant Market is bound by countries and regions Marketing rules are relatively clear, defined and constant. Market is relatively bound by network and alliances. The boundaries between firms are blurred, if not completely eroded. Parties involved A firm and buyers are involved in a general market. Distant and impersonal contact. Dyadic relationships: sellers, buyers, and other firms. Face-to-face, close interpersonal contacts based on commitment and trust. Lanjutan Tabel 2.1 Goals Each party’s goals and objectives, while similar, are geared to what is best for them. Shared goals and objectives ensure common direction. Managerial intent Transaction/sales volume and creating new customers are considered a success Customer atraction (to satisfy the customer at a profit) Keeping the existing customers, retention, is considered to be a success. Satisfy the customer, increase profit, and attain other objectives such as increased loyalty, decreased customer risk, etc. Production focus Mass production Mass customization Communications structured and guarded Communication Customers Open communication avoids misdirection and bolsters effective working relationships. Lanjutan Tabel 2.1 Low customer interactivity. Customers are less knowledgeable and informed High customer interactivity Customers are aware and informed. Their feedback can be immediate. Competitive advantage/differentiation The quality of the product is important for differentiation. The marketing mix can be used for the differentiation. Balance of power/sharing Active seller – less passive buyers. Suspicion and Distrust. Each party wary of the motives and action by t he other. Sharing limited by lack of trust and different objectives. Often opportunistic behaviour. Seller and buyer mutually active and adaptive (interdependent and reciprocal). Mutual trust forms the basis for strong working relationships. Sharing of business plans and strategies. Organization/managerial level Functional marketers (e.g sales manager, product development manager). Marketing is a concern of the marketing department. Managers from across functions and levels in the firm. Everyone in the organization is a parttime marketer. Specialist marketers (e.g key account managers) Formality Formal (yet personalized via technology). Formal and informal(i.e. at both a business and social level). Duration Discrete (yet perhaps over time). Short term. Continuous (ongoing and mutually adaptive, may be short or long-term). General advantages/disadavantages Advantage: independence of buyer and seller. Disadavantage: the firm is in a vulnerable situation if a competitor makes better offer to the customer. Advantage: intimate knowledge of needs and markets ( developed over time), which has been likened to reading the minds of customers. Disadavantage: the firm is in a vulnerable situation if its business • of differentiation. Transactional Marketing Relationship Marketing Single Sale Customer Retention Orientation Product Features Product Benefits Time Scale Short Time Scale Long Time Scale Little Emphasis High Emphasis Limited High Moderate High Product Quality Total Quality Focus Customer Service Commitment Customer Contact Quality Sumber: Christopher, Payne and Ballantyn, 1991, Relationship Marketing: Bringing quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together, Butterworth—Heinemann Ltd, Oxford Long-term customers tend to be less inclined to switch, and also tend to be less price sensitive. Long-term customers may initiate free word of mouth promotions and referrals. Long-term customers are more likely to purchase related products from you. Regular customers tend to be less expensive to service and tend to be consistent in their purchase habits. Increased customer loyalty makes employees' jobs easier and more satisfying. Grönroos (1991) dalam Palmer (1994) yang menggambarkan relationship marketing sebagai suatu marketing strategy continuum yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan suatu barang dan jasa tidak melalui discrete transactional melainkan melalui penyampaian terus menerus dalam konteks hubungan yang berkesinambungan Whereas the goal of traditional marketing is customer acquisition, under relationship marketing the focus shifts to creating value The objective is to create more value through interdependent, collaborative relationships with customers, the outcome is customer retention Relationship marketing is ongoing, constantly looking for opportunities to generate new value Retaining customers requires marketers to exhibit care and concern after they have made a purchase The sale often represents only the beginning of the relationship between the buyer and seller Directors Shareholders Suppliers Sub-contractors Distributors Firm Producers Government Employees Intermediaries Customers Financial Partners Public Sumber: Bill Donaldson and Tom O ’Toole, 2002, Strategic Market Relationship: From Strategy to Implementation, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England. TRUST COOPERATION INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITMENT DEPENDENCE Johnson, W. and Weinstein, A. (1999) Based on a study of Motorola and Lucent Marketing Managers. Figure 11.3 - Information Sustains a Relationship that the Buyer is willing to invest in the relationship Information, Time, or Trust Level Relationship Selling High Account Penetration Transaction Selling TransactionBased Relationship Partnership Relationship Low Account Penetration Services that the seller is willing to provide the relationship P r i m a r y B o n d C u s t o m i z e d S e r v i c e C o m p e t i t i v e A d v a n t a g e F I N A N C I A L L O W L O W S O C I A L M E D I U M M E D I U M S T R U C T U R A L M E D I U M H I G H H I G H *Source: Berry, L. (1995) Definition of CRM CRM is a business strategy that involves selecting and managing customer relationships to optimize the long-term value of a company Goal of CRM The goal of CRM is to acquire, grow, and retain the right customer relationships -- those with the best long-term profit potential (Bob Thompson, founder of CRM is about collaborating with customers and partners so they receive superior value Interactions with customers regardless of the sales channel should be constantly managed to optimize the value of those relationships Effective CRM systems provide a “360 degree” view of the customer, including the frequency, response, and quality of customer interactions ● A good CRM system is capable of describing customer relationships in sufficient detail so that management, salespeople, customer service and even suppliers have direct and real-time access to customer information ● The information gathered should help match customer needs with product/service offerings, remind customers of service requirements, predict future purchases, and alert the company when a customer’s purchase behavior has changed ● A key feature of CRM is sharing the customer experience across the organization and supply chain CRM BUSINESS DRIVERS Automation/Productivity/Efficiency 33% Competitive Advantage 22% Customer Demands and Requirements 15% 14% Increased Revenue Cost or Price Reduction 10% 9% Speed/Saving Time Keeping Track of All Aspects of Business 7% Customer Support 7% 6% 6% Inventory Control/Resource Management Better/Expanded Communication Integration 6% Customer Satisfaction 6% Accessibility 4% ConformityStandardization 4% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Source: AMR Research, 2002 Figure 11.5 Customer Relationship Model Figure 11.5 Customer Relationship Model MARKETING KNOWLEDGE CUSTOMER STRATEGY • Customer centric strategy Customer focused strategies drive marketing execution • BADI • Competitors value proposition • Clear value proposition • RFM • Channel bonding • Customer Lifetime Value • Dominate the segment (DTS) • Acquisition costs • Dominate the cycle (DTC) • Retention Rates • Integrated marketing processes (internal) Customer experience is shared across the organization and supply chain • Supply chain network coordination Planning Relationship Marketing activities are coordinated Analysis • Direct Sales • Customer Service • Web Site • Cross-Sell • Call Center • Up-Sell Implementation Control Adapted From Levine, S (1998) “Selling Smart” America‟s Network, Sept. 1, p. 3 Companies should continuously gather critical customer data known as BADI ☛Behaviors (how often and where customers visit) service ☛Attitudes (customers satisfaction, quality assessments) ☛ Demographics ☛Insights (share of market, share of wallet) Marketing knowledge forms the basis of a customer strategy by analyzing, planning, implementing, and control – re: a customer-centric orientation a clearly defined value proposition alignment with key channel partners dominating the segment (focused on a particular market segment) or cycle (dominate the evolving value proposition aimed a group of customers) internal and supply chain process integration. the coordination and practice of relationship marketing activities Lack of focus No change management policies No buy-in Business unit silos Complicated procedures Poor training Careful planning Appropriate use of people in the organization Get supply chain members involved Using customer-driven processes Have a sound platform for introducing CRM systems and activities Customer relationships are improved by responding to customer needs Companies who successfully practice relationship marketing have mastered mass customization In many markets it is not only possible, but imperative to mass customize for customers New technology enables efficient customization of products and services, even when the customer base is quite large More and more companies are utilizing “web alliances” in order to create superior customer value. These value webs now represent the “new economy supply chains” The key to creating superior value in the new economy resides in understanding and leveraging the power of supply chain network relationships Value is created (or captured) by a firm moving upstream or downstream in the supply chain A value web can be described as an inchoate network of customers, suppliers, complement-ors, allies and competitors whose services either enhance or drain a firm’s value These relationships can be vertical or horizontal (or both) and are less enduring than in traditional supply chains Unlike conventional supply chains, adding more users to a value web actually creates more, not less value ■ Value webs are optimized to the extent a firm understands its relationship with other actors in the web, how its activities will affect the network and how the other actors will respond ■ True value creation takes place when several organizations in the value web share common technologies and/or intellectual capital eBay Value Web Complements Allies Customers eBay Suppliers Competitors eBay primarily competes for these flows A final key to practicing relationship marketing is to track each relationship LTV is simply a projection of what customers are worth over a lifetime of doing business with them Calculating LTV is important because of the impact of retention levels on profitability Companies successful at practicing relationship marketing look for opportunities to add value through their business relationships, offering new features, services or customized offerings GM Cadillac Gateway Computer Pizza Hut Proctor & Gamble Safeway $ $ $ $ $ 426,000 25,000 12,400 10,000 4,800 Proof The top 6% of cellular phone users represent 69% of total usage The top 6% of the UK cola users represent 60% of all consumption 25% of cars are rented by the top 0.02% of clients Source: Watt Solutions, Inc., 2002 Ikatan Kedua belah pihak membentuk suatu kesatuan untuk mencapai tujuan Kepercayaan Keyakinan masing2 pihak untuk menepati janjinya dan tidak akan merugikan Empati Usaha memahami hasrat dan keinginan seseorang Resiprokal Win-win solution Relationship marketing merupakan pemasaran yang didasarkan atas interaksi antara berbagai jaringan hubungan yang terdiri dari 30 hubungan (30 Rs) Market Relationship Classic R1-R3 Special R4-R17 Non-Market Relationship Mega R18-R23 Nano R24-R30 Classic market relationships R1 The classic dyad – the relationship between the supplier and the customer This is the parent relationship of marketing, the ultimate exchange of value which constitutes the basis of business R2 The classic triad – the drama of the customer – supplier – competitor triangle Competition is centran ingredient of the market economy. In competition there are relationships between three parties: between the customer and the current supplier, between the customer and the supplier‟s competitors, and between competitors. R3 The classic network – distribution channels The traditional physical distribution and the modern channel management, including goods, services, people and information, consists of a network of relationships. Special market relationships R4 Relationships via full-time marketers (FTMs) and part-time marketers (PTMs) Those who work in marketing and sales departments – the FTMs – are professional relationship makers. All others, who perform other main functions but yet influence customer relationships directly or indirectly, are PTMs. There are also contributing FTMs and PTMs outside organization R5 The service encounter – interaction between the customer and service provider Production and delivery of services involve the customer in an interactive relationship with the service provider, often reffered to as a moment of truth R6 The many – headed customer and the many-headed supplier Marketing to other organizations – industrial marketing or business marketing – often means contacts between many individuals from the supplier‟s and the customer‟s organization. R7 The relationship to the customer‟s customer A condition for success is often the understanding of the customer‟s customer, and what suppliers can do to help their customers become successful. R8 The close to the distant relationships In mass marketing, the closeness to the customer is lost and the relationship become distant, based on surveys, statistics, and written report. Special market relationships (Cont) R9 The relationship to the dissatisfied customer The dissatisfied customer perceives a special type of relationship, more intense than the normal situation, and often badly managed by the provider. The way of handling a complaint – the recovery – can determine the quality of the future relationship. R10 The monopoly relationship: the customer or supplier as prisoners When competition is inhibited, the customer may be at the mercy of the supplier – or the other way around. One of them becomes prisoner. R11 The customer as ‘member In order to create a long-term sustaining relationship, it has become increasingly common to enlist customers as a members of various loyalty programmes R12 The e-relationship The electronic relationship, the e-relationship, represented by the internet, email and mobile telephony, is set against the h-relationship, the human relationship. The concept of high tech-high touch becomes increasingly more crucial to watch in RM and CRM. R13 Parasocial relationships – relationships to brands and objects Relationships do not only exist with people and objects, but also in the form of mental images and symbols, such as brand and corporate indentities Special market relationships (Cont) R14 The non – commercial relationships This is a relationship between the public sector and citizens/customers, but it also includes voluntary organizations and other activities outside of the profit-based and monetarized economy, such as those performed in families R15 The green relationship Environmental and health issues have slowly but gradually increased in importance and are creating a new type of customer relationship through legislation, the voice of opinion-leading consumers, changing behaviour of consumers and an extension of the customer-supplier relationship to encompass a recycling process. R16 The law- based relationship A relationship to a customer is sometimes founded primarily on legal contracts and the threat of litigation. R17 The criminal network Organized crime is built on tight and often impermeable networks guided by an illegal business mission.They exist around the world and are apparently growing but are not observed in marketing theory. These networks can disturb the functioning of a whole market or industry. Mega relationships R18 Personal and social networks Personal and social networks often determine business networks. In some cultures, business is solely conducted between friends and friends to friends R19 Mega marketing – the real „customer‟ is not always found in the market place In certain instances, relationships must be sought with governments, legislators, influential individuals and others, in order to make marketing feasible on an operational level. R20 Alliances change the market mechanisms Alliances mean closer relationships and collaboration between companies. Thus, competition is partly curbed, but collaboration is necessary to make the market economy work. R21 The knowledge relationship Knowledge can be the most strategic and critical resource and acquisition‟ is often the rationale for alliances „knowledge Mega relationships (Cont) R22 Mega alliances change the basic conditions for marketing The European Union (EU), or the North American Free Trade Organization (NAFTA), are examples of alliances above the single company and industry. They exist on government and supranational levels. R23 The mass media relationships The media can be supportive or damaging to marketing and they are particularly influential in forming public opinion. The relationship to media is crucial for the way media will handle an issue. Nano relationships R24 Market mechanisms are brought inside a company By introducing profit centers in an organization, a market inside the company is created and internal as well as external relationships of a new kind emerge. R25 Internal customer relationships The dependency between the different tiers and departments in a company is seen as a process consisting of relationships between internal customers and internal suppliers R26 Quality and customer orientation: the relationship between operations management and marketing The modern quality concept has built a bridge between design, engineering, manufacturing, and other technology-based activities and marketing. It considers the company‟s internal relationships as well as its relationships to the customers. R27 Internal marketing – relationships with the „employee market‟ Internal marketing can be seen as a part of RM as it gives indirect and necessary support to the relationships with external customers. Nano relationships (Cont) R28 The two – dimensional matrix relationship Matrices are the simplest form of networks and exist in all large corporations, and above all they are found in the relationships between product management and sales R29 The relationship to external providers of marketing services External providers reinforce the marketing function by supplying a series of services, such as those offered by advertising agencies and market research institutes, but also in the area of sales and distribution. R30 The owner and financier relationships Owners and other financiers partly determine the conditions under which a marketing function can operate. The relationship to them influences the marketing strategy. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP CRM TRADITIONAL TRANSACTION MARKETING PRODUCT COMPETENCE No Nama Definisi 1. Petrissans (1999:95) CRM is a new customer-centric business model that reorients firm operations around customer needs (as opposed to products, resources or processes) in order to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and retentition. 2. Peppers & Rogers (1999:7) CRM is the integration of customer focus in marketing, sales, production, logsistics and accounting,i.e. in all parts of the company‟s operations and structure 3. Galbreath & Rogers (1999:162) The activities a business performs to indentify, qualify, acquire, develop and retain increasingly loyal and profitable customers by delivering the right product or service, to the right customer, at the right time and the right cost. 4. Berry (1983:25) Relationship marketing” sebagai konsep modern pemasaran, yang didefinisikan sebagai: “Attracting, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. 5. Grönroos (1994: 9) dalam John Egan (2001:23) Relationship marketing yaitu: “Identify and establish, maintain and enhance and, when necessary, terminate relationships with customers and other stakeholders, at a profit so that the objectives of all parties involved are met; and this is done by mutual exchange and fulfilment of promises. 6. Dwyer, Schurr dan Oh (1987) Dalam RM refers to all marketing activities directed toward establishing, developing and maintaining successful relationship”. Artinya relationship 7. Shani dan Chalasalani (1992) dalam Sheth (2001:4), “Relationship Marketing as an integrated effort to identify, maintain, and build up a network with individual consumers and to continuously strengthen the network for that mutual benefit of both sides, trough contacts over a long period of a long time”. Artinya relationship marketing merupakan usaha yang terintegrasi untuk mengenali, memelihara, dan membangun kembali sebuah jaringan dengan konsumen secara individu dan untuk memperkuat jaringan secara berkelanjutan yang saling menguntungkan untuk kedua belah pihak (perusahaan dan pelanggan), melalui kontak dalam jangka waktu yang lama. 8. Berry (1995) dalam Sheth (2001:5) Di dalam istilah yang lebih luas, juga memiliki pandangan strategis mengenai CRM. Dia menitikberatkan bahwa menarik pelanggan baru harus dipandang hanya sebagian tingkat menengah/perantara di dalam sebuah proses pemasaran. Pengembangan hubungan yang lebih dekat dengan pelanggan dan menjadikan mereka kepada pelanggan yang loyal merupakan aspek yang sama penting dari sebuah proses pemasaran. Lebih lanjut, Berry mengungkapkan bahwa Relationship Marketing sebagai “menarik, mempertahankan dan -didalam organisasi multi service-mempertahankan hubungan pelanggan. 9. Phillip Kotler (2003:13) Relationship marketing adalah proses menciptakan, mempertahankan, dan memperkuat nilai hubungan dengan pelanggan dan pihak-pihak stakeholders. 10. Phillip Kotler (2004:15) CRM is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction. 11. Sheth dan Parvatiyar (2001:6) Customer Relationship Management is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and the customer. 12. Evert Gummesson (2002:3) Relationship marketing is marketing based interaction within networks of relationships. 13. Evert Gummesson (2002:3) CRM is the values and strategies of relationship marketing - with particular emphasis on customer relationship - turned into pratical application. 14. Syafruddin Chan (2003:6) Relationship Marketing (RM) dapat didefinisikan sebagai: “Pengenalan setiap pelanggan secara lebih dekat dengan menciptakan komunikasi dua arah dengan mengelola suatu hubungan yang saling menguntungkan antara pelanggan dan perusahaan”. on No 1 2 3 4. 5. Nama Burnett (2001) Newell (2000) Swift (2001) Galbreath & Rogers (1999) Kalakota & Robinson Tujuan CRM Meningkatkan pendapatan dari penjualan Meningkatkan kemenangan dalam proses penjualan Meningkatkan hasil dari magir Meningkatkan derajat kepuasa pelanggan Mengurangi biaya biaya administrasi penjualan dan pemasaran. Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai pelanggan yang penting terhadap suatu segmen. Memahami kepentingan relatif dari nilai-nilai terhadap setiap segmen pelanggan. Menentukan apakah penghantaran nilai mempengaruhi secara positif. Mengkomunikasikan dan menghantar nilai-nilai yang tepat bagi pelanggan dengan cara yang diinginkan pelanggan dalam memperoleh informasi Mengukur hasil dan memperbaiki ROI (return-on-investment) Meningkatkan proses komunikasi kepada konsumen yang tepat. Menyediakan penawaran yang tepat kepada setiap pelanggan. Menyediakan waktu yang tepat untuk setiap pelanggan Customization: pelanggan menginginkan layanan yang sesuai atau melebihi kebutuhan pribadi mereka, perusahaan harus dapat menjawab karakter unik pelanggan dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan penawaran yang tepat bagi individu pelanggan yang membelinya. Hubungan pribadi: perusahaan secara aktif menggunakan umpan balik untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan. Layanan purna jual: memperhatikan pelanggan setelah penjualan dengan layanan yang responsif dan proactive memiliki dampak besar terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan. Menggunakan hubungan dengan pelanggan yang ada untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Menggunakan sistem informasi agar dapat memberikan layanan yang excellent. Mengenalkan saluran proses dan prosedur yang konsisten serta dapat direplikasi. Relationship Based Interfaces Emphasis on Quality Setting Realistic Targets & Assessing Performance Customer Relationship Management Maintaining Dialogue with Customer Invest in People Measure customer satisfaction but manage Customer Service Direct Mail Preferential Treatment Product Category Involvement Interpersonal Communication Tangible Reward Perceived Relationship Invesment Relationship Quality Behavioral Loyalty Consumer Relationship Proneness Penyampain nilai yang meningkat pada pelanggan Pelanggan aquire dan pelanggan prospektif Interaksi dengan pelanggan dan pelanggan prospektif Pelanggan retain yang berharga CRM Penyesuaian berdasarkan segmen pelanggan Mengembangkan produk, jasa, saluran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan Memahami Kebutuhan Deferensiasi Berdasarkan kebutuhan karakteristik dan perilaku konsumen Customer Types/ Program Types Continuity Marketing One To One Marketing Partnering/ Co-Marketing Mass Marketing Distributor After Marketing Loyalty Programs Cross Selling Permission Marketing Personalization Affinity Partnering Co Branding Business To Bussines Types Special Sourcing Arrangement Customer Business Development Key Account Global Account Programs Logistics Partnering Joint Marketing Continuous Replinshment ECR Programs Strategic Partnering Co-Design Co-Development ONE TO ONE MARKETING COUNTINITY MARKETING Ex. Ucapan Ultah, Perkawinan, Hari Raya dll PATNERING PROGRAM Ex. Diskon/Potongan Harga pada Outlet2 khusus yang menjadi relasi Perusahaan tsb.