Kanker payudara adalah kanker pada jaringan payudara. Ini adalah jenis kanker paling umum yang diderita kaum wanita. Kaum pria juga dapat terserang kanker payudara, walaupun kemungkinannya lebih kecil dari 1 di antara 1000. Pengobatan yang paling lazim adalah dengan pembedahan dan jika perlu dilanjutkan dengan kemoterapi maupun radiasi. 1.1. Definisi 1.1.1. Kanker adalah suatu kondisi dimana sel telah kehilangan pengendalian dan mekanisme normalnya, sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan yang tidak normal, cepat dan tidak terkendali. (http://www.mediasehat.com/utama07.php) 1.1.2. Kanker payudara (Carcinoma mammae) adalah suatu penyakit neoplasma yang ganas yang berasal dari parenchyma. Penyakit ini oleh Word Health Organization (WHO) dimasukkan ke dalam International Classification of Diseases (ICD) dengan kode nomor 17 (http://www.tempo.co.id/medika/arsip/082002/pus-3.htm) 1.2. Patofisiologi 1.2.1. Transformasi Sel-sel kanker dibentuk dari sel-sel normal dalam suatu proses rumit yang disebut transformasi, yang terdiri dari tahap inisiasi dan promosi. pada tahap inisiasi terjadi suatu perubahan dalam bahan genetik sel yang memancing sel menjadi ganas. Perubahan dalam bahan genetik sel ini disebabkan oleh suatu agen yang disebut karsinogen, yang bisa berupa bahan kimia, virus, radiasi (penyinaran) atau sinar matahari. tetapi tidak semua sel memiliki kepekaan yang sama terhadap suatu karsinogen. kelainan genetik dalam sel atau bahan lainnya yang disebut promotor, menyebabkan sel lebih rentan terhadap suatu karsinogen. bahkan gangguan fisik menahunpun bisa membuat sel menjadi lebih peka untuk mengalami suatu keganasan. pada tahap promosi, suatu sel yang telah mengalami inisiasi akan berubah menjadi ganas. Sel yang belum melewati tahap inisiasi tidak akan terpengaruh oleh promosi. karena itu diperlukan beberapa faktor untuk terjadinya keganasan (gabungan dari sel yang peka dan suatu karsinogen). 1.2.2. Stadium Stadium penyakit kanker adalah suatu keadaan dari hasil penilaian dokter saat mendiagnosis suatu penyakit kanker yang diderita pasiennya, sudah sejauh manakah tingkat penyebaran kanker tersebut baik ke organ atau jaringan sekitar maupun penyebaran ketempat jauh Stadium hanya dikenal pada tumor ganas atau kanker dan tidak ada pada tumor jinak. Untuk menentukan suatu stadium, harus dilakukan pemeriksaan klinis dan ditunjang dengan pemeriksaan penunjang lainnya yaitu histopatologi atau PA, rontgen , USG, dan bila memungkinkan dengan CT Scan, scintigrafi dll. Banyak sekali cara untuk menentukan stadium, namun yang paling banyak dianut saat ini adalah stadium kanker berdasarkan klasifikasi sistim TNM yang direkomendasikan oleh UICC(International Union Against Cancer dari WHO atau World Health Organization) / AJCC(American Joint Committee On cancer yang disponsori oleh American Cancer Society dan American College of Surgeons). Pada sistim TNM dinilai tiga faktor utama yaitu "T" yaitu Tumor size atau ukuran tumor , "N" yaitu Node atau kelenjar getah bening regional dan "M" yaitu metastasis atau penyebaran jauh. Ketiga faktor T,N,M dinilai baik secara klinis sebelum dilakukan operasi , juga sesudah operasi dan dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi (PA) . Pada kanker payudara, penilaian TNM sebagai berikut : • T (Tumor size), ukuran tumor : • • • • • T 0 : tidak ditemukan tumor primer T 1 : ukuran tumor diameter 2 cm atau kurang T 2 : ukuran tumor diameter antara 2-5 cm T 3 : ukuran tumor diameter > 5 cm T 4 : ukuran tumor berapa saja, tetapi sudah ada penyebaran ke kulit atau dinding dada atau pada keduanya , dapat berupa borok, edema atau bengkak, kulit payudara kemerahan atau ada benjolan kecil di kulit di luar tumor utama • N (Node), kelenjar getah bening regional (kgb) : • • • • N 0 : tidak terdapat metastasis pada kgb regional di ketiak / aksilla N 1 : ada metastasis ke kgb aksilla yang masih dapat digerakkan N 2 : ada metastasis ke kgb aksilla yang sulit digerakkan N 3 : ada metastasis ke kgb di atas tulang selangka (supraclavicula) atau pada kgb di mammary interna di dekat tulang sternum • M (Metastasis) , penyebaran jauh : • • • M x : metastasis jauh belum dapat dinilai M 0 : tidak terdapat metastasis jauh M 1 : terdapat metastasis jauh Setelah masing-masing faktot T,.N,M didapatkan, ketiga faktor tersebut kemudian digabung dan didapatkan stadium kanker sebagai berikut : • • • • • • • • Stadium 0 : T0 N0 M0 Stadium 1 : T1 N0 M0 Stadium II A : T0 N1 M0 / T1 N1 M0 / T2 N0 M0 Stadium II B : T2 N1 M0 / T3 N0 M0 Stadium III A : T0 N2 M0 / T1 N2 M0 / T2 N2 M0 / T3 N1 M0 / T2 N2 M0 Stadium III B : T4 N0 M0 / T4 N1 M0 / T4 N2 M0 Stadium III C : Tiap T N3 M0 Stadium IV : Tiap T-Tiap N -M1 1.3. Gejala Klinis Gejala klinis kanker payudara dapat berupa • benjolan pada payudara Umumnya berupa benjolan yang tidak nyeri pada payudara. Benjolan itu mula-mula kecil, makin lama makin besar, lalu melekat pada kulit atau menimbulkan perubahan pada kulit payudara atau pada puting susu. • erosi atau eksema puting susu Kulit atau puting susu tadi menjadi tertarik ke dalam (retraksi), berwarna merah muda atau kecoklat-coklatan sampai menjadi oedema hingga kulit kelihatan seperti kulit jeruk (peau d'orange), mengkerut, atau timbul borok (ulkus) pada payudara. Borok itu makin lama makin besar dan mendalam sehingga dapat menghancurkan seluruh payudara, sering berbau busuk, dan mudah berdarah. • pendarahan pada puting susu. • Rasa sakit atau nyeri pada umumnya baru timbul kalau tumor sudah besar, sudah timbul borok, atau kalau sudah ada metastase ke tulang-tulang. • Kemudian timbul pembesaran kelenjar getah bening di ketiak, bengkak (edema) pada lengan, dan penyebaran kanker ke seluruh tubuh (Handoyo, 1990). Kanker payudara lanjut sangat mudah dikenali dengan mengetahui kriteria operbilitas Heagensen sebagai berikut: • terdapat edema luas pada kulit payudara (lebih 1/3 luas kulit payudara); • adanya nodul satelit pada kulit payudara; • kanker payudara jenis mastitis karsinimatosa; • terdapat model parasternal; • terdapat nodul supraklavikula; • adanya edema lengan; • adanya metastase jauh; • serta terdapat dua dari tanda-tanda locally advanced, yaitu ulserasi kulit, edema kulit, kulit terfiksasi pada dinding toraks, kelenjar getah bening aksila berdiameter lebih 2,5 cm, dan kelenjar getah bening aksila melekat satu sama lain 1.4. Faktor Resiko Menurut Moningkey dan KodimPenyebab spesifik kanker payudara masih belum diketahui, tetapi terdapat banyak faktor yang diperkirakan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap terjadinya kanker payudara diantaranya: 1.4.1. Faktor reproduksi Karakteristik reproduktif yang berhubungan dengan risiko terjadinya kanker payudara adalah nuliparitas, menarche pada umur muda, menopause pada umur lebih tua, dan kehamilan pertama pada umur tua. Risiko utama kanker payudara adalah bertambahnya umur. Diperkirakan, periode antara terjadinya haid pertama dengan umur saat kehamilan pertama merupakan window of initiation perkembangan kanker payudara. Secara anatomi dan fungsional, payudara akan mengalami atrofi dengan bertambahnya umur. Kurang dari 25% kanker payudara terjadi pada masa sebelum menopause sehingga diperkirakan awal terjadinya tumor terjadi jauh sebelum terjadinya perubahan klinis. 1.4.2. Penggunaan hormon Hormon eksogen berhubungan dengan terjadinya kanker payudara. Laporan dari Harvard School of Public Health menyatakan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kanker payudara yang bermakna pada para pengguna terapi estrogen replacement. Suatu metaanalisis menyatakan bahwa walaupun tidak terdapat risiko kanker payudara pada pengguna kontrasepsi oral, wanita yang menggunakan obat ini untuk waktu yang lama mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk mengalami kanker ini sebelum menopause. 1.4.3. Penyakit fibrokistik Pada wanita dengan adenosis, fibroadenoma, dan fibrosis, tidak ada peningkatan risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Pada hiperplasis dan papiloma, risiko sedikit meningkat 1,5 sampai 2 kali. Sedangkan pada hiperplasia atipik, risiko meningkat hingga 5 kali. 1.4.4. Obesitas Terdapat hubungan yang positif antara berat badan dan bentuk tubuh dengan kanker payudara pada wanita pasca menopause. Variasi terhadap kekerapan kanker ini di negara-negara Barat dan bukan Barat serta perubahan kekerapan sesudah migrasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh diet terhadap terjadinya keganasan ini. 1.4.5. Konsumsi lemak Konsumsi lemak diperkirakan sebagai suatu faktor risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Willet dkk., melakukan studi prospektif selama 8 tahun tentang konsumsi lemak dan serat dalam hubungannya dengan risiko kanker payudara pada wanita umur 34 sampai 59 tahun. 1.4.6. Radiasi Eksposur dengan radiasi ionisasi selama atau sesudah pubertas meningkatkan terjadinya risiko kanker payudara. Dari beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa risiko kanker radiasi berhubungan secara linier dengan dosis dan umur saat terjadinya eksposur. 1.4.7. Riwayat keluarga dan faktor genetik Riwayat keluarga merupakan komponen yang penting dalam riwayat penderita yang akan dilaksanakan skrining untuk kanker payudara. Terdapat peningkatan risiko keganasan ini pada wanita yang keluarganya menderita kanker payudara. Pada studi genetik ditemukan bahwa kanker payudara berhubungan dengan gen tertentu. Apabila terdapat BRCA 1, yaitu suatu gen suseptibilitas kanker payudara, probabilitas untuk terjadi kanker payudara sebesar 60% pada umur 50 tahun dan sebesar 85% pada umur 70 tahun. 1.5. Pengobatan Kanker Ada beberapa pengobatan kanker payudara yang penerapannya banyak tergantung pada stadium klinik penyakit (Tjindarbumi, 1994), yaitu: 1.5.1. Mastektomi Mastektomi adalah operasi pengangkatan payudara. Ada 3 jenis mastektomi (Hirshaut & Pressman, 1992): Modified Radical Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara, jaringan payudara di tulang dada, tulang selangka dan tulang iga, serta benjolan di sekitar ketiak. Total (Simple) Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara saja, tetapi bukan kelenjar di ketiak. Radical Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan sebagian dari payudara. Biasanya disebut lumpectomy, yaitu pengangkatan hanya pada jaringan yang mengandung sel kanker, bukan seluruh payudara. Operasi ini selalu diikuti dengan pemberian radioterapi. Biasanya lumpectomy direkomendasikan pada pasien yang besar tumornya kurang dari 2 cm dan letaknya di pinggir payudara. 1.5.2. Penyinaran/radiasi Yang dimaksud radiasi adalah proses penyinaran pada daerah yang terkena kanker dengan menggunakan sinar X dan sinar gamma yang bertujuan membunuh sel kanker yang masih tersisa di payudara setelah operasi (Denton, 1996). Efek pengobatan ini tubuh menjadi lemah, nafsu makan berkurang, warna kulit di sekitar payudara menjadi hitam, serta Hb dan leukosit cenderung menurun sebagai akibat dari radiasi. 1.5.3. Kemoterapi Kemoterapi adalah proses pemberian obat-obatan anti kanker dalam bentuk pil cair atau kapsul atau melalui infus yang bertujuan membunuh sel kanker. Tidak hanya sel kanker pada payudara, tapi juga di seluruh tubuh (Denton, 1996). Efek dari kemoterapi adalah pasien mengalami mual dan muntah serta rambut rontok karena pengaruh obatobatan yang diberikan pada saat kemoterapi. 1.6. Strategi Pencegahan Pada prinsipnya, strategi pencegahan dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok besar, yaitu pencegahan pada lingkungan, pada pejamu, dan milestone. Hampir setiap epidemiolog sepakat bahwa pencegahan yang paling efektif bagi kejadian penyakit tidak menular adalah promosi kesehatan dan deteksi dini. Begitu pula pada kanker payudara, pencegahan yang dilakukan antara lain berupa: 1.6.1. Pencegahan primer Pencegahan primer pada kanker payudara merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi kesehatan karena dilakukan pada orang yang "sehat" melalui upaya menghindarkan diri dari keterpaparan pada berbagai faktor risiko dan melaksanakan pola hidup sehat. 1.6.2. Pencegahan sekunder Pencegahan sekunder dilakukan terhadap individu yang memiliki risiko untuk terkena kanker payudara. Setiap wanita yang normal dan memiliki siklus haid normal merupakan populasi at risk dari kanker payudara. Pencegahan sekunder dilakukan dengan melakukan deteksi dini. Beberapa metode deteksi dini terus mengalami perkembangan. Skrining melalui mammografi diklaim memiliki akurasi 90% dari semua penderita kanker payudara, tetapi keterpaparan terus-menerus pada mammografi pada wanita yang sehat merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Karena itu, skrining dengan mammografi tetap dapat dilaksanakan dengan beberapa pertimbangan antara lain: • Wanita yang sudah mencapai usia 40 tahun dianjurkan melakukan cancer risk assessement survey. • Pada wanita dengan faktor risiko mendapat rujukan untuk dilakukan mammografi setiap tahun. • Wanita normal mendapat rujukan mammografi setiap 2 tahun sampai mencapai usia 50 tahun. Foster dan Constanta menemukan bahwa kematian oleh kanker payudara lebih sedikit pada wanita yang melakukan pemeriksaan SADARI (Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri) dibandingkan yang tidak. Walaupun sensitivitas SADARI untuk mendeteksi kanker payudara hanya 26%, bila dikombinasikan dengan mammografi maka sensitivitas mendeteksi secara dini menjadi 75%. 1.6.3. Pencegahan Tertier Pencegahan tertier biasanya diarahkan pada individu yang telah positif menderita kanker payudara. Penanganan yang tepat penderita kanker payudara sesuai dengan stadiumnya akan dapat mengurangi kecatatan dan memperpanjang harapan hidup penderita. Pencegahan tertier ini penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita serta mencegah komplikasi penyakit dan meneruskan pengobatan. Tindakan pengobatan dapat berupa operasi walaupun tidak berpengaruh banyak terhadap ketahanan hidup penderita. Bila kanker telah jauh bermetastasis, dilakukan tindakan kemoterapi dengan sitostatika. Pada stadium tertentu, pengobatan diberikan hanya berupa simptomatik dan dianjurkan untuk mencari pengobatan alternatif. KANKER PAYUDARA Fakta dan Angka Menurut WHO 8-9% wanita akan mengalami kanker payudara. Ini menjadikan kanker payudara sebagai jenis kanker yang paling banyak ditemui pada wanita. Setiap tahun lebih dari 250,000 kasus baru kanker payudara terdiagnosa di Eropa dan kurang lebih 175,000 di Amerika Serikat. Masih menurut WHO, tahun 2000 diperkirakan 1,2 juta wanita terdiagnosis kanker payudara dan lebih dari 700,000 meninggal karenanya. Belum ada data statistik yang akurat di Indonesia, namun data yang terkumpul dari rumah sakit menunjukkan bahwa kanker payudara menduduki ranking pertama diantara kanker lainnya pada wanita. Kanker payudara merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada wanita akibat kanker. Setiap tahunnya, di Amerika Serikat 44,000 pasien meninggal karena penyakit ini sedangkan di Eropa lebih dari 165,000. Setelah menjalani perawatan, sekitar 50% pasien mengalami kanker payudara stadium akhir dan hanya bertahan hidup 18 – 30 bulan. Penyebab dan Faktor Resiko Penyebab pasti kanker payudara tidak diketahui. Meskipun demikian, riset mengidentifikasi sejumlah faktor yang dapat meningkatkan risiko pada individu tertentu, yang meliputi: • Keluarga yang memiliki riwayat penyakit serupa • Usia yang makin bertambah • Tidak memiliki anak • Kehamilan pertama pada usia di atas 30 tahun • Periode menstruasi yang lebih lama (menstruasi pertama lebih awal atau menopause lebih lambat) • Faktor hormonal (baik estrogen maupun androgen). Dari faktor risiko tersebut di atas, riwayat keluarga serta usia menjadi faktor terpenting. Riwayat keluarga yang pernah mengalami kanker payudara meningkatkan resiko berkembangnya penyakit ini. Para peneliti juga menemukan bahwa kerusakan dua gen yaitu BRCA1 dan BRCA2 dapat meningkatkan risiko wanita terkena kanker sampai 85%. Hal yang menarik, faktor genetik hanya berdampak 5-10% dari terjadinya kanker payudara dan ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko lainnya memainkan peranan penting. Pentingnya faktor usia sebagai faktor risiko diperkuat oleh data bahwa 78% kanker payudara terjadi pada pasien yang berusia lebih dari 50 tahun dan hanya 6% pada pasien yang kurang dari 40 tahun. Rata-rata usia pada saat ditemukannya kanker adalah 64 tahun. Studi juga mengevaluasi peranan faktor gaya hidup dalam perkembangan kanker payudara yang meliputi pestisida, konsumsi alkohol, kegemukan, asupan lemak serta kurangnya olah fisik. Diagnosis dan Skrining Sejumlah studi memperlihatkan bahwa deteksi kanker payudara dan serta terapi dini dapat meningkatkan harapan hidup dan memberikan pilihan terapi lebih banyak pada pasien. Diperkirakan 95% wanita yang terdiagnosis pada tahap awal kanker payudara dapat bertahan hidup lebih dari lima tahun setelah diagnosis sehingga banyak dokter yang merekomendasikan agar para wanita menjalani ‘sadari’ (periksa payudara sendiri – saat menstruasi) di rumah secara rutin dan menyarankan dilakukannya pemeriksaan rutin tahunan untuk mendeteksi benjolan pada payudara. Pada umumnya, kanker payudara dideteksi oleh penderita sendiri dan biasanya berupa benjolan yang keras dan kecil. Pada banyak kasus benjolan ini tidak sakit, tapi beberapa wanita mengalami kanker yang menimbulkan rasa sakit. Selain tes fisik, mamografi tahunan atau dua kali setahun dan USG khusus payudara disarankan untuk mendeteksi adanya kelainan pada wanita berusia lanjut dan wanita berisiko tinggi kanker payudara, sebelum terjadi kanker. Jika benjolan bisa teraba atau kelainan terdeteksi saat mamografi, biopsi perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan contoh jaringan guna dilakukan tes di bawah mikroskop dan meneliti kemungkinan adanya tumor. Jika terdiagnosis kanker, maka perlu dilakukan serangkaian tes seperti status reseptor hormon pada jaringan yang terkena. Jenis tes yang baru menyertakan juga tes gen HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor-2) untuk tumor. Gen ini berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan sel kanker yang agresif. Pasien dikatakan HER2-positif jika pada tumor ditemukan HER2 dalam jumlah besar. Kanker dengan HER2-positif dikenal sebagai bentuk agresif dari kanker payudara dan memiliki perkiraan perjalanan penyakit yang lebih buruk daripada pasien dengan HER2-negatif. Diperkirakan satu dari empat sampai lima pasien dengan kanker payudara tahap akhir memiliki HER2-positif. Penatalaksanaan Kanker Payudara Penatalaksanaan kanker payudara dilakukan dengan serangkaian pengobatan meliputi pembedahan, kemoterapi, terapi hormon, terapi radiasi dan yang terbaru adalah terapi imunologi (antibodi). Pengobatan ini ditujukan untuk memusnahkan kanker atau membatasi perkembangan penyakit serta menghilangkan gejala-gejalanya. Keberagaman jenis terapi ini mengharuskan terapi dilakukan secara individual. Pembedahan Tumor primer biasanya dihilangkan dengan pembedahan. Prosedur pembedahan yang dilakukan pada pasien kanker payudara tergantung pada tahapan penyakit, jenis tumor, umur dan kondisi kesehatan pasien secara umum. Ahli bedah dapat mengangkat tumor (lumpectomy), mengangkat sebagian payudara yang mengandung sel kanker atau pengangkatan seluruh payudara (mastectomy). Untuk meningkatkan harapan hidup, pembedahan biasanya diikuti dengan terapi tambahan seperti radiasi, hormon atau kemoterapi. Terapi Radiasi Terapi radiasi dilakukan dengan sinar-X dengan intensitas tinggi untuk membunuh sel kanker yang tidak terangkat saat pembedahan. Terapi Hormon Terapi hormonal dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tumor yang peka hormon dan dapat dipakai sebagai terapi pendamping setelah pembedahan atau pada stadium akhir. Kemoterapi Obat kemoterapi digunakan baik pada tahap awal ataupun tahap lanjut penyakit (tidak dapat lagi dilakukan pembedahan). Obat kemoterapi bisa digunakan secara tunggal atau dikombinasikan. Salah satu diantaranya adalah Capecitabine dari Roche, obat anti kanker oral yang diaktivasi oleh enzim yang ada pada sel kanker, sehingga hanya menyerang sel kanker saja. Terapi Imunologik Sekitar 15-25% tumor payudara menunjukkan adanya protein pemicu pertumbuhan atau HER2 secara berlebihan dan untuk pasien seperti ini, trastuzumab, antibodi yang secara khusus dirancang untuk menyerang HER2 dan menghambat pertumbuhan tumor, bisa menjadi pilihan terapi. Pasien sebaiknya juga menjalani tes HER2 untuk menentukan kelayakan terapi dengan trastuzumab. Mengobati Pasien Pada Tahap Akhir Penyakit Banyak obat anti kanker yang telah diteliti untuk membantu 50% pasien yang mengalami kanker tahap akhir dengan tujuan memperbaiki harapan hidup. Meskipun demikian, hanya sedikit yang terbukti mampu memperpanjang harapan hidup pada pasien, diantaranya adalah kombinasi trastuzumab dengan capecitabine. Fokus terapi pada kanker tahap akhir bersifat paliatif (mengurangi rasa sakit). Dokter berupaya untuk memperpanjang serta memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien melalui terapi hormon, terapi radiasi dan kemoterapi. Pada pasien kanker payudara dengan HER2positif, trastuzumab memberikan harapan untuk pengobatan kanker payudara yang dipicu oleh HER2. =====http://www.hompedin.org/download/kankerpayudara.pdf INTRODUCTION Breast Cancer constitutes a major public health issue globally with over 1 million new cases diagnosed annually, resulting in over 400,000 annual deaths and about 4.4 million women living with the disease. It is the commonest site specific malignancy affecting women and the most common cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide.(1;2) There is an international/geographical variation in the incidence of Breast Cancer. Incidence rates are higher in the developed countries than in the developing countries and Japan. Incidence rates are also higher in urban areas than in the rural areas. In Africa, Breast Cancer has overtaken cervical cancer as the commonest malignancy affecting women and the incidence rates appear to be rising. (3;4) In Nigeria for example, incidence rate has increased from 13.8–15.3 per 100,000 in the 1980s, to 33.6 per 100,000 in 1992 and 116 per 100,000 in 2001. (5) These increases in incidence are due to changes in the demography, socio-economic parameters, epidemiologic risk factors, better reporting and awareness of the disease. While mortality rates are declining in the developed world (Americas, Australia and Western Europe) as a result of early diagnosis, screening, and improved cancer treatment programs, the converse is true in the developing world as well as in eastern and central Europe.(6-8) Breast cancer and its treatment constitute a great physical, psychosocial and economic challenge in resource limited societies as found in Africa. The hallmarks of the disease in Africa are patients presenting at advanced stage, lack of adequate mammography screening programs, preponderance of younger pre-menopausal patients, and a high morbidity and mortality. (3;6) This Review is meant to provide practical guidance for the surgeon working in the developing world. We have relied on the Chapter on Breast Cancer by Bland et al in Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 8th Edition. (9) Material which is of interest but not immediately applicable has been placed in smaller print. In the Recommendations we have followed the principles developed in the Breast Health Global Initiative. (10-12) 2. HISTORY Breast cancer is one of the oldest known forms of malignancies. The earliest known documentation on breast cancer was the Smith Surgical Papyrus (3000-2500 B.C.) written in Africa (Egypt). It described 8 cases of tumors or ulcers of the breast that were treated by cauterization, with a tool called "the fire drill." The writing says about the disease, "There is no treatment." At least one of the described cases is male. There were few other historical references to breast cancer until the first century when Celsus recognized the relevance of operations for early breast cancer. In the second century, Galen inscribed his classical clinical observation: "We have often seen in the breast a tumor exactly resembling the animal the crab. Just as the crab has legs on both sides of his body, so in this disease the veins extending out from the unnatural growth take the shape of a crab's legs. We have often cured this disease in its early stages, but after it has reached a large size, no one has cured it. In all operations we attempt to excise the tumor in a circle where it borders on the healthy tissue."(13) Halsted and Meyer reported their operations for the local treatment of breast cancer in 1894. Both Halsted and Meyer advocated complete dissection of axillary lymph node levels I to III and removal of pectoral muscle along with the breast. By demonstrating locoregional control rates after radical resection and providing the first opportunity for cure, these surgeons established radical mastectomy as state-of-the-art treatment in the early part of the 20th century. Later in the century, there was a transition from the Halsted radical mastectomy to the modified radical mastectomy (MRM) as the surgical procedure most frequently used for breast cancer. This procedure maintained the en bloc dissection of the breast and lymph nodes, but left the pectoralis major muscle intact. The recognition in the 1950s that breast cancer was often a systemic disease at presentation shifted the management of primary breast cancer away from a purely surgical approach to a multidisciplinary one that uses systemic therapy, surgery and radiation. As a result surgery for breast cancer may now be managed with more conservative and less locally ablative procedures such as lumpectomy. The past three decades has witnessed an enormous growth in the knowledge and understanding of the basic science of the disease especially the genetic and molecular basis of the disease. 3. ANATOMY OF THE BREAST The breast is a modified sweat gland and therefore ectodermal in origin. It is present in all mammals and becomes particularly prominent in females as the hallmark of pubertal development. It lies cushioned in adipose tissue between the subcutaneous fat layer and the superficial pectoral fascia. It extends from the clavicle above to the upper border of the rectus sheath below and from the midline to the posterior axillary line. It overlies the second to the sixth ribs, the pectoralis major, serratus anterior and the upper part of the rectus sheath. The area covered is wider than the visible protuberant breast. An axillary extension of the breast (axillary tail of Spence) always exists and its size is proportional to the total volume of the main breast mass. The innervation of the breast is derived from the anterior branches of the intercostal nerves 2 through 6 with the nipple receiving its innervation from the 4th intercostal nerve. The major blood supply, in order of importance, are the internal mammary branches, the lateral thoracic, and the thoracodorsal perforating vessels from the pectoral branch of the throacoacrominal branch of the axillary artery, and small intercostals branches. The venous and lymphatic drainage parallel the blood supply. The glandular tissue consists mainly of epithelium, fibrous stroma, and fat. The breast is organized into roughly 20 lobular units made up of terminal ducts surrounded by fat and fibrous tissues and efferent ductules. These terminal ducts coalesce and drain towards the areola forming the 15-20 ducts of the nipple areolar complex. The lymphatic drainage is primarily to the axillary nodes (75%), divided into three levels by the Pectoralis minor muscle (level I nodes lie lateral, level II nodes behind and level III nodes medial to the muscle). Usually, but with some exceptions, lymphatic drainage is progressive through these levels. Drainage also occurs to the internal mammary chain of lymph nodes which lie in the intercostal spaces, the supraclavicular nodes, the opposite breast and axilla, and to the liver via the rectus abdominis muscle. 4. EPIDEMIOLOGIC RISK FACTORS/ETIOLOGY The precise etiology of breast cancer is largely unknown, but several risk factors have been identified. Table 1 lists the known risk factors.(14) The risk factors include: Age: The incidence of breast cancer increases with age and is rare before the age of 20 years. The breast cancer incidence in Caucasians is highest at age 50-59, after menopause, dropping after age 70. In Africa and African-Americans the peak age incidence is about one decade less, so that the majority of the patients are pre- menopausal. While numerous theories have been proposed to explain this difference, including age at menarche, time of first delivery, parity, socio-demographic factors, body mass index, and underlying genetic difference, none are completely satisfactory and more research is needed in this area.(3-5;15-17) Sex: Breast Cancer is 100 times more common in women than in men with male breast cancer accounting for <1% of all breast cancer cases in the United States and 0.1% of cancer mortality in men (18-20).However in Africa this situation may be different as from 5-15% of breast cancer in Uganda and Zambia may occur in males.(18;21-24) Geographic variation: A wide difference in age adjusted incidence and mortality for breast cancer exists between different countries (up to five fold). Figure 1 shows the difference which may be explained by environmental and genetic factors.(25-28) Hormone/Pregnancy related factors: The role of estrogen in the causation of breast cancer has been extensively studied and the general opinion is that estrogen is the primary stimulant for breast epithelial proliferation. Factors that increase exposure to high or prolonged level of estrogen are therefore associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer (29-33). These include early menarche, late menopause, use of contraceptives and exogenous estrogen, nulliparity and increased age at first term pregnancy. Induced abortion and spontaneous abortion do not increase the risk. Prolonged lactation and breast feeding reduce the risk. As the living standard and health care facilities in Africa improve, it is probable that age at menarche will decrease while that of menopause increases. The demands for education and a career may increase the number of women who delay childbearing, have fewer children, use contraceptives and breast feed for a shorter time. These will likely impact on the increase in the incidence of breast cancer as African countries meet the minimum development goals. Previous Breast Disease: Individuals who have a prior history of invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma in situ have a 0.5%-1% per year risk of developing a new invasive breast carcinoma. Women with atypical ductal or lobular hyperplasia have a four to five times higher risk of developing breast cancer. Proliferative lesions without atypia, such as moderate hyperplasia and sclerosing adenosis, are associated with a slightly increased risk (1.5-2%). Other common non-proliferative changes such as palpable cysts, fibroadenomas and duct papillomas are not associated with a significantly increased risk. (34) Enviromental Exposures: Exposure to ionizing irradiation increases the risk of developing breast cancer. Excess breast cancer has been observed in patients given multiple fluoroscopies, radiotherapy for ankylosing spondylitis, Hodgkin’s disease, or enlargement of the thymus gland and in survivors of the atomic bombings, painters of radium watch faces and X-ray technicians (28). Environmental exposures to organic chlorines and other environmental/synthetic estrogens like cosmetics and phytoestrogens found in food have also been postulated to increase the risk, but so far there are no conclusive evidence linking organic chlorines to breast cancer. (31;35;36) LIFESTYLE RISKS Anthropometric indices and physical activity: Height, obesity and high body mass index are risk factors especially in post menopausal women. In pre-menopausal women, obesity and high body mass index has an insignificant but inverse relationship to breast cancer risk that is reduced by physical activity. (37-39) Diet, Alcohol and Smoking: Alcohol and Diets rich in fat especially saturated fat raises the risk while smoking does not appear to affect the risk. (40-42) FAMILY HISTORY AND GENETICS A family history of breast cancer increases a woman's risk of developing the disease. A woman is considered to be at increased risk if the family member is a first degree relation with early age of onset (< age 50), if both breasts are involved, or if she has multiple primary cancers (such as breast and ovarian cancer). Women with one, two, and three or more first-degree affected relatives have an increased breast cancer risk when compared with women who do not have an affected relative (risk ratios 1.8, 2.9 and 3.9, respectively) (43) Such women are recommended to begin breast cancer screening at an age 10 years younger than the age at which the affected relative was diagnosed. Hereditary breast cancer caused by an underlying inherited gene mutation accounts for a small proportion (5-10%) of all breast cancers. The majority is accounted for by 2 germline mutations BRCA-1 (50%) and BRCA-2 (32%), which are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion with varying penetrance. These tumor suppressor genes are important in the processing of DNA damage and preservation of genomic integrity. BRCA-1 is located on chromosome 17q while BRCA-2 is located on chromosome 13q. (44) They are most commonly found in the European Ashkenazi Jewish population and their descendants, accounting for their relatively high prevalence in the developed world. In Europe and North America, BRCA1 is found in 0.1% of the general population, compared with 20% in the Ashkenazi Jewish population and is found in 3% of the unselected breast cancer population and in 70% of women with inherited early-onset breast cancer. (9) Up to 50-87% of women carrying a mutated BRCA1 gene develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Risks for ovarian and prostate cancers are also increased in carriers of this mutation. BRCA2 mutations are identified in 10-20% of families at high risk for breast and ovarian cancers and in only 2.7% of women with early-onset breast cancer. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer in female carriers is 25-30%. BRCA2 is also a risk factor for male breast cancer; male carriers have a lifetime risk of 6% for developing the cancer. BRCA2 mutations are associated with other types of cancers, such as prostate, pancreatic, fallopian tube, bladder, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Risk management strategies for BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 carriers include: • Prophylactic mastectomy and reconstruction; • Prophylactic oophorectomy and hormone replacement therapy; • Intensive surveillance for breast and ovarian cancer; and • Chemoprevention using Tamoxifen or raloxifene (post-menopausal women) In contrast, less is known about genetic mutations as a cause of breast cancer in the non-Caucasian population. Studies that have been done of African-Americans, whose genetic history includes Caucasians, have identified BRCA-1 and -2 mutations but of a different pattern.(17;45;46) In native Africans, a wide range of BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 mutations and sequence variations have been found which are unique. This suggests that there may be significant differences in the genetics of hereditary breast cancer in Africa. A screening of 206 black South African women with breast cancer revealed 3 common BRCA1 mutations: 185delAG in exon 2, 4184del4 in exon 11, and 5382insC in exon 2022. A second study of the coding regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes from 70 Nigerian patients diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40 years revealed 2 novel BRCA1 truncating mutations, Q1090X and 1742insG; four BRCA1 missense variations; one BRCA2 truncating mutation, 3034del4, previously unreported in anyone of African descent; and 20 nontruncating variants were detected in BRCA2.45 BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations and sequence variations are potentially significant in cases of early-onset breast cancer within Africa. However, only a small portion of the mutations were protein truncating, fewer than those observed among white women.( 47) Other rare genetic changes that account for predisposition to breast cancer include Li Fraumeni syndrome (TP53 gene mutation), Cowdens syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers and Muir-Torre syndromes, Ataxia Telangiectasia syndrome (caused by the ATM gene). (48-51) New breast cancer susceptibility genes are being reported and they include the CHEK2 or CHK2 gene, cytochrome P450 genes (CYP1A1, CYP2D6, CYP19), glutathione S-transferase family (GSTM1, GSTP1), alcohol and one-carbon metabolism genes (ADH1C and MTHFR), DNA repair genes (XRCC1, XRCC3, ERCC4/XPF) and genes encoding cell signaling molecules (PR, ER, TNFalpha or HSP70). All these factors contribute to a better understanding of breast cancer risk but the degree of penetrance of these genes are far less than the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes (43;51) RISK ASSESSMENT Several statistical models are currently in use in North America to predict the risk of breast cancer, based on the above risk factors identified in the American Caucasian population. The universal applicability of these models can not, however be taken for granted as the data on which they rely on were generated from predominantly American Caucasian population and have not been tested for African women (43;52;53) The most prominent statistical models are the Gail and the Claus models. Gail and colleagues developed the most frequently used model, which incorporates age at menarche, the number of breast biopsies, age at first live birth, and the number of first-degree relatives with breast cancer. It predicts the cumulative risk of breast cancer according to decade of life. To calculate breast cancer risk with the Gail model, a woman's risk factors are translated into an overall risk score by multiplying her relative risks from several categories. This risk score is then compared to an adjusted population risk of breast cancer to determine a woman's individual risk. A software program incorporating the Gail model is available from the National Cancer Institute at http://bcra.nci.nih.gov/brc. Claus and colleagues, using data from the Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study, a case-control study of breast cancer, developed the other frequently used risk-assessment model, which is based on assumptions about the prevalence of highpenetrance breast cancer susceptibility genes. Compared with the Gail model, the Claus model incorporates more information about family history, but excludes other risk factors. The Claus model provides individual estimates of breast cancer risk according to decade of life based on knowledge of first- and second-degree relatives with breast cancer and their age at diagnosis. Risk factors that are less-consistently associated with breast cancer (diet, use of oral contraceptives, lactation), or are rare in the general population (radiation exposure), are not included in either the Gail or Claus riskassessment models.(54) 5. PATHOLOGY Breast cancers are derived from the epithelial cells that line the terminal duct lobular unit. Cancer cells that remain within the basement membrane of the elements of the terminal duct lobular unit and the draining duct are classified as in situ or non-invasive. An invasive breast cancer is one in which there is dissemination of cancer cells outside the basement membrane of the ducts and lobules into the surrounding adjacent normal tissue. Classification of Primary Breast Cancer Noninvasive Epithelial Cancers Lobular Carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or intraductal carcinoma: Papillary, cribriform, solid and comedo types Invasive Epithelial Cancers (percentage of total) Invasive lobular carcinoma (10-15) Invasive ductal carcinoma Invasive ductal carcinoma, (NOS) Not Otherwise Specified (50-70) Tubular carcinoma (2-3) Mucinous or colloid carcinoma (2-3) Medullary carcinoma (5) Invasive cribriform (1-3) Invasive papillary (1-2) Adenoid cystic carcinoma (1) Metaplastic carcinoma (1) Pagets disease (<1) Mixed Connective and Epithelial Tumors Phylloides tumors, benign and malignant Carcinosarcoma Angiosarcoma Paget’s disease of the breast is a rare manifestation of breast cancer characterized by neoplastic cells in the epidermis of the nipple areolar complex. It most commonly presents with eczema of the areola, bleeding, ulceration, and itching of the nipple. The diagnosis is often delayed because of the rare nature of the condition and confusion with other dermatologic conditions. Because of this, it is recommended that any ulcerated or irritated lesion on the nipple areolar complex undergo a punch biopsy under local anesthesia. There is an associated cancer elsewhere in the breast in up to 80% of cases. LCIS originates from the terminal duct lobular units and only develops in the female breast. It is 12 times more frequent in white women than in African American women. Invasive breast cancer subsequently may develop in 25 to 35% of women with LCIS over their lifetime, and may develop in either breast, regardless of which breast harbored the initial focus of LCIS DCIS: predominantly seen in the female breast, it accounts for 5% of male breast cancers. The risk for invasive breast cancer is increased nearly fivefold in women with DCIS. The invasive cancers are observed in the ipsilateral breast, usually in the same quadrant as the DCIS that was originally detected, suggesting that DCIS is an anatomic precursor of invasive ductal carcinoma. Tumor Grade The degree of differentiation of the tumor can be graded by these parameters: tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and frequency of mitoses. These are scored from 1 to 3. For example, a tumor with many tubules (the cells are more differentiated, closer to normal breast tissue and therefore less aggressive) would score 1 whereas a tumor with no tubules would score 3. These values are combined and converted into three groups: grade I (score 3-5), grade II (scores 6 and 7), and grade III (scores 8 and 9). This derived histological grade—often known as the Bloom and Richardson grade or the Scarff, Bloom, and Richardson grade after the originators of this system—is an important predictor of both disease free and overall survival. (See Prognosis) Staging Staging of Cancer is an attempt to define characteristics that would reliably define tumors based on the extent of the disease. It is useful for choosing treatment options, selection of patients and comparing the outcome of treatment and clinical trials and for prognosticating. In Africa, where over 70% of breast cancer patients present late, staging of breast cancer patients can provide revealing epidemiological information about opportunities for improving breast cancer screening and management. The first staging method for Breast Cancer was proposed by Steinthal, a German Physician in 1904, and since then staging method has been evolving, with the TNM (Tumor, Node, Metastasis) method being universally adopted by the UICC (The International Union Against Cancer) and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC). Tables 2 and 3 show the latest TNM staging for Breast Cancer (AJCC classification (6th edition or revision) (55), which incorporates both clinical information and changes related to the growing use of new technology (e.g., sentinel lymph node biopsy, immunohistochemical staining, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction). Patients with bilateral or multicentric breast cancer are staged according to the size of the largest tumor. 6. DIAGNOSIS 1. Examination: Early breast cancer causes no symptoms and is usually painless. The commonest symptom is a painless lump in the breast. Examination of the breast should be done in such a way to show respect for the privacy and comfort of the patient. A systematic approach to breast examination is important. Initial examination should start with the patient in an upright position with careful visual inspection of masses, skin and nipple changes, and asymmetries. Palpation should be done to include all the breast quadrants, the nipple-areola complex, the axillary tail and the axilla. Simple maneuvers like stretching the arms high above the head, tensing the pectoralis muscles may help accentuate asymmetries and dimpling. Other less frequent presenting signs and symptoms of breast cancer include (1) breast enlargement or asymmetry; (2) nipple changes, retraction, or discharge, including Paget’s disease; (3) ulceration or erythema of the skin of the breast including inflammatory carcinoma; (4) an axillary mass; and (5) systemic symptoms such as fatigue, cough, ascites or new musculoskeletal discomfort. 2. Imaging: Mammography, Ductography, Ultrasonography, MRI are imaging techniques useful in the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. Mammography is the most useful test to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions and is the one that is recommended for breast cancer screening. Specific mammography features that suggest a diagnosis of a breast cancer include a solid mass with or without stellate features, asymmetric thickening of breast tissues, and clustered microcalcifications Mammography may also be used to guide interventional procedures, including needle localization and needle biopsy. Xeromammography techniques are identical to those of mammography with the exception that the image is recorded on a xerography plate, which provides a positive rather than a negative image Details of the entire breast and the soft tissues of the chest wall may be recorded with one exposure. Ductography and Ductoscopy Mammary ductoscopy (MD) is a newly developed endoscopic technique that allows direct visualization and biopsy examination of the mammary ductal epithelium where most cancers originate. When combined with ductal lavage and cytology , it may reveal early carcinoma.( 56-59) The primary indication for ductography is nipple discharge, particularly when the fluid contains blood. Radiopaque contrast media is injected into one or more of the major ducts and mammography is performed. Intraductal papillomas are seen as small filling defects surrounded by contrast media .Cancers may appear as irregular masses or as multiple intraluminal filling defects. Ultrasonography is an important method of resolving equivocal mammography findings, defining cystic masses, and demonstrating the echogenic qualities of specific solid abnormalities. Ultrasonography is used to guide fine-needle aspiration biopsy, core-needle biopsy, and needle localization of breast lesions. It is highly reproducible and has a high patient acceptance rate, but does not reliably detect lesions that are 1 cm or less in diameter and when used alone is a poor screening test (60;61) Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a non invasive, non radiating imaging technique. In the process of evaluating MRI as a means of characterizing mammography abnormalities, additional breast lesions have been detected. However, in the circumstance of both a negative mammogram and a negative physical examination, the probability of a breast cancer being diagnosed by MRI is extremely low. There is current interest in using MRI to screen the breasts of high-risk women and of women with a newly diagnosed breast cancer. In the first case, women with a strong family history of breast cancer or who carry known genetic mutations require screening at an early age, but mammography evaluation is limited because of the increased breast density in younger women. In the second case, a study of MRI of the contralateral breast in women with a known breast cancer showed a contralateral breast cancer in 5.7% of these women. ( 62-64) Plain X-rays and Bone Scan are useful in the detection and diagnosis of metastasis especially to the bones. MRI, PET, CT Scans and bone scans are not readily available in most centers in the developing world, and when available, the cost of these procedures makes them virtually unrealistic for many of the patients. Ultrasonography and X-rays are however readily available and many patients will end up with these minimal investigations and the standard history and physical examination. 3. Biopsy Pathologic diagnosis of a breast lesion can be achieved using a number of biopsy techniques. With a larger biopsy sample, greater accuracy and more information are obtained, but this is at the expense of increased invasiveness. Ideally, needle biopsies should be performed after imaging to help prevent distortions of imaging due to hematoma. The various needle biopsy techniques can be divided into two groups 1. Fine needle aspiration will provide cytology which will allow a diagnosis of malignant cells but will not differentiate between in situ or invasive disease. 2. Tissue biopsy for histology which include Tru cut biopsy, Biopty cut, Mammotome. These relatively larger tissue samples will allow the diagnosis of invasive versus in situ cancer. Table 4 compares the accuracy of needle biopsy techniques. Open Biopsy (Excision or Incision biopsy) The ultimate diagnostic biopsy is open biopsy of a lesion, normally performed under general or local anesthetic. Open excisional biopsy should be reserved for lesions for which some doubt remains regarding diagnosis after less invasive assessment or for benign lesions that the patient wants removed. A wide clearance of the lesion is usually not the goal in diagnostic biopsies, thus avoiding unnecessary distortion of the breast. It is also useful for excision of mammographic lesions when percutaneous biopsy has failed or is equivocal. Where frozen section is available, open excisional biopsy may be performed at the same time the as definitive breast cancer surgery. Incisional biopsy is used only in cases where the lesion is very large and a percutaneous biopsy has been unsuccessful. 7. SCREENING Annual screening mammography has been demonstrated to reduce breast cancer mortality among women older than 50 years by 20 -39%. The benefit in younger women is not yet established. For Caucasian women aged 40–49, the results of RCTs are consistent in showing no benefits at 5–7 years after entry, a marginal benefit at 10–12 years, and unknown benefit thereafter. This is primarily because when used as a screening tool, the detection rate per screened individual is lower because of denser breasts and an overall lower incidence. The controversy over the effectiveness of screening mammography among younger women (i.e., 40–49 years) has led to varying recommendations about its use for this age group. In patients with high risk factors a yearly mammography assessment from the age of 40 years is advisable.(65-67). Considering the younger demographic pattern of Breast Cancer in Africa, it is not clear what role screening mammography should have in Africa. Other methods of early breast cancer screening like Self Breast Examination and Clinical Breast Examination have not been demonstrated to improve mortality in patients; rather SBE has resulted in more breast biopsies due to false positive results, more physician visits and apprehension in patients (68). It is pertinent to state that most of the studies that evaluated the role of SBE and CBE have been done in developed societies where cancers are small at diagnosis and this may not be relevant in Africa where the majority of patients present late. Incorporation of Breast Awareness programs and health education into the Primary Health Care of African countries may very well be a useful option to allow for a diagnosis at an earlier stage. Cultural attitudes play important roles in the acceptance of screening programs.(69) 8. TREATMENT Treatment strategy will depend on the stage of the disease. In situ Breast Cancer (DCIS and LCIS) LCIS: Observation alone with or without tamoxifen is the preferred option for women diagnosed with LCIS because their risk of developing invasive carcinoma is relatively low (approximately 21% over 15 years) and is equal in both breast..(70) Follow-up of patients with LCIS includes physical examinations every 6 to 12 months for 5 years and then annually. Annual diagnostic mammography is recommended in patients being followed with clinical observation. DCIS: Treatment options for DCIS are mastectomy, breast-conserving surgery (BCS) plus radiotherapy or BCS alone. The goal of treatment for DCIS is to reduce local recurrence, because 50% of the time that DCIS recurs it recurs as an invasive cancer. Factors that may modify treatment are (1) the grade of the lesion, with higher-grade lesions more likely to recur in a short time; (2) the youth of the patient, with many more years at risk for recurrence and (3) the size of the lesion. For years the traditional surgical management of DCIS was mastectomy, with or without axillary dissection. Breast conservation technique and irradiation is now a preferred alternative where local breast radiation is available. Only small, low grade DCIS that has been excised with a large margin may be considered for BCS alone. Axillary lymph node staging is discouraged in women with apparent pure DCIS. However, a small proportion of patients with apparent pure DCIS will be found to have invasive cancer at the time of their definitive surgical procedure which will require a further axillary dissection. (71) Addition of Tamoxifen reduces the risk of developing contralateral breast cancer.(72;73). Follow-up of women with DCIS includes a physical examination every 6 months for 5 years and then annually, as well as yearly diagnostic mammography. Early Breast Cancer (Stages I and II or T1-3N0-1 M0): Staging for metastatic disease is standard for most patients diagnosed with early breast cancer and include a chest X-ray, bone scan and ultrasound of the abdomen. If negative, treatment intent is curative, and involve modalities that fight the cancer locally (surgery and radiation) and systemically (chemotherapy and endocrine therapy). Loco-regional Treatment: Local treatment requires the treatment of the entire breast and the axillary lymph nodes with surgery, radiation, or a combination of both. Surgery can be breast conservation therapy (BCT) and axillary staging (SLNB or axillary dissection) or simple or total mastectomy with axillary staging (modified radical mastectomy). The surgical procedure for the excision of the breast in BCT goes by several names (Partial mastectomy, tylectomy, segmental resection, quadrantectomy or lumpectomy). The goal of breast-conserving surgery is to minimize the risk of local recurrence while leaving the patient with a cosmetically acceptable breast. The selection of BCT versus mastectomy depends on the size of the tumor relative to the rest of the breast and the availability of radiation. BCT and breast radiation together offers equivalent survival to total mastectomy provided the BCT removes the entire tumor with negative margins. Generally a tumor less that 1/4 of the breast is amenable to BCT; anything much larger will result in significant breast distortion after surgery and radiation. The procedure can be done safely with local anesthesia and sedation unless axillary dissection is part of the procedure. A curvilinear incision lying parallel to the nipple-areola complex is made in the skin overlying the breast cancer. Radial scars are avoided because of poor cosmetic results. Skin encompassing any prior biopsy site is excised, but skin excision is not otherwise necessary. The breast cancer is removed with an envelope of normal-appearing breast tissue. Meticulous hemostasis is important because a large hematoma distorts the appearance of the breast and makes re-excision and follow-up more difficult. The excised specimen is orientated for the pathologist using sutures, clips, or dyes. Additional margins (superior, inferior, medial, lateral, superficial, and deep) can be taken from the surgical bed to confirm complete excision of the tumor. These six margins are marked with titanic clips as this may help the Radiotherapist in planning the boost. In addition, it helps the surgeon to do an adequate re-resection if the margins are not free of cancer cells at definitive paraffin-embedded histology sections. Attempts to re-approximate the cavity in the breast should be avoided, because this will usually distort the breast contour, which may not be apparent when the patient is supine on the operating table. Similarly, drains are not used. Allowing the cavity to fill with serum and fibrin maintains contour in the early postoperative period and helps to avoid deformity. The procedure is completed with two-layer closure of the deep dermis and the subcuticular layer, and a light dressing is used. There is no firm consensus on the extent of the excision or margins required. The main benefit of BCT is preservation of body image for the woman, which greatly improves her quality of life. Several randomized controlled trials have shown that BCT and radiation has a similar survival advantage as mastectomy as there were no significant differences in the two groups in disease-free survival, distantdisease-free survival, or overall survival and even in loco regional control.(74-80) Contraindications to breast conservation therapy (BCT) can be divided into absolute or relative. Absolute contraindications include lack of mammography facilities to ensure all tumors have been removed, adequate pathology facilities to ensure tumor- free resection margins and/or lack of radiotherapy facilities.(10;11) Other contraindications include pregnancy (first or second trimester because of the risk of radiotherapy to the fetus), patient’s preference, diffuse suspicious calcifications, inflammatory breast carcinoma, previous radiation to the region, and inability to achieve negative margins particularly with extensive intraductal carcinoma (EIC). Relative contraindications also include two or more gross tumors (multicentric disease) in different quadrants, tumor greater than 5 cm initially or after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, large tumor-breast ratio for cosmesis, and collagen vascular disease.(74) In Africa, many of the factors above make the practice of BCT difficult and these include lack of adequate diagnostic oncology services like mammography and surgical pathology, lack of adequate therapeutic oncology services like radiotherapy, advanced stage disease and poor follow up culture.(5) Thus the majority of the patients with early breast cancer in Africa should still undergo total mastectomy and axillary clearance. In a total or simple mastectomy, the patient is placed in the supine position with the ipsilateral arm extended horizontally. General anesthesia is used. The incision is in the form of an ellipse is designed to include the skin overlying the tumor or biopsy scar and the nipple–areola complex. Superior and inferior skin flaps are then raised. The plane between the subcutaneous tissue and breast tissue is not always obvious and is most easily identified at the medial superior flap; it is therefore easiest to begin here. The skin flaps must be thin, to ensure that all the breast tissue is removed, and yet enough subcutaneous fat to ensure adequate blood supply to the skin. Superiorly the dissection must include the tail of Spence laterally. Inferiorly, the dissection ends at the inframammary fold. The entire breast, the skin ellipse, nipple-areola complex are then dissected off the pectoralis fascia. The procedure is completed with an en bloc excision of the axillary lymph nodes level I and II (see description below). The mastectomy site and axillary nodal basin are then irrigated with saline solution, and meticulous hemostasis is achieved. The wound is closed with a closed suction drainage bottle fixed to a catheter brought out through a separate stab incision. Modified radical mastectomy can be done alone or in association with breast reconstruction. Reconstruction, using implants or myocutaneous flaps, provides many women with an enhanced body image and self-esteem, and better psychosocial adjustment, but it does not impact on the probability of disease recurrence or survival. ( 81;82) One method becoming widely used is the skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) that conserves an extensive section of skin, as well as the more recent skin and nipple-sparing mastectomy that preserves the nipple-areolar complex. ( 83-85). SSM is clearly contraindicated in patients with direct involvement of the skin by the underlying tumor. Nicotine, previous radiotherapy, diabetes and obesity increase the risk of skin envelope ischemia, skin necrosis and infection. However, the additional cost of reconstruction is an issue especially in resource poor countries. Treatment of the Axilla Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) The status of axillary and internal mammary lymph nodes is the most significant prognostic factor for survival in patients with breast cancer. In breast cancer, the status of axillary and internal mammary lymph nodes is the most significant prognostic factor for survival. The axillary nodal basin has been the main target in lymphatic staging in breast cancer because over 75% of the lymphatic flow from the breast is directed to the ipsilateral axilla. Axillary clearance (ALND) has been the gold standard in axillary staging in breast cancer, providing valuable information about the planning of adjuvant therapy, prognosis and an excellent regional disease control as well. Removal of 10 or more nodes as assessed by the pathologist provides accurate information about the axillary nodal status of the patient. The most accepted surgical axillary clearance procedure is a level I and II axillary dissection, detecting 98.5% of cases with positive axillary nodes. (86) Either at the time of mastectomy, or through a separate incision (if BCT), the lateral border of pectoralis major muscle is identified. The clavipectoral fascia, extending laterally from the edge of this muscle, is divided parallel to the edge of the muscle to allow entry into the axilla. The superior border of the dissection is the lower border of the axillary vein; dissection above the vein runs the risk of damage to the brachial plexus. The nerves to latissimus dorsi (thoracodorsal) and to serratus (long thoracic) are identified and are the posterior border of the dissection. The lateral border is the floor of the axilla, consisting of skin and subcutaneous tissue. Retraction of the pectoralis minor muscle medially allows for the removal of level II nodes. All the fatty tissue within these borders is removed. The sensory intercostal brachial nerve runs through the axilla and may or may not be preserved. Sentinel node biopsy Although long considered the standard management of the axilla for breast cancer, ANLD is associated with significant arm morbidity (20-25% risk of lymphedema) and risk of damage to the axillary vein, nerve to the latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior and hypoesthesia of the arm and the thorax. For these reasons, other less invasive but accurate methods have been sought for axillary staging in breast cancer, especially in the developed world, where ¾ of patients present with early node negative disease . Clinical examination of the axilla and available diagnostic imaging techniques like US, CT and PDGPET are manifestly inaccurate for axillary staging. Less invasive than ALND, sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is now accepted as an alternative to routine ALND for the detection of occult lymph node metastases in patients with clinically nodenegative breast cancer. (87;88) SNLD is based on the observation that specific areas of the breast drain by way of afferent lymphatics to a specific ‘sentinel’ node. This node can be detected by injecting vital blue dye (isosulfan blue dye, methylene blue or patent blue V dye) or a radioactive suspension (Tc99m radioisotope labeled colloids). The route of injections include intra parenchymal (peri-tumorally), intradermal or subareolar.(88;89). The use of vital dye is resource efficient (cheaper and less time consuming) and safer, but may miss non axillary sites and also carries the risk of anaphylactic reactions while radioactive agents are more expensive, carries the risk of exposure to staff, and requires that the hospital have a nuclear medicine department. There are five principal aims for the excision and histopathological analysis of the SN: (1) minimally invasive assessment of the nodal status; (2) selection of patients with positive SNs for elective lymph node dissection (ELND) or adjuvant therapy; (3) prevention of lymph node dissection and associated morbidity in SN negative patients; (4) detection of aberrant or alternative lymphatic drainage; (5) improvement of sensitivity of histopathological detection of lymph node metastasis.(90) Further surgery of the axillary nodes now depends on the results of the sentinel lymph-node biopsy—if negative, ALND is avoided. While SLNB is becoming widely used in the developed world as a method to assess the axilla, ALND remains the recommended management for treatment in any hospital that does not have access to a nuclear medicine department or a dedicated breast pathologist able to use specialized immunohistochemistry markers. Radiotherapy in early breast cancer: The aim of radiotherapy to the whole breast after BCT is to establish local control. Numerous studies have shown reductions in local recurrences from 12-35% to 2-10% at 5-10 years. This compares to local recurrence rates after mastectomy of 5%.(91) In most developed countries, the current standard of care for patients with early-stage breast cancer consists of breast-conserving surgery, followed by 5–6 weeks’ postoperative radiotherapy used on the whole breast. Probabilities of adequate local control rates and good cosmetic results are high with the use of conventional fractionation. Patients who cannot receive radiation are treated with mastectomy. Some recent papers suggest a small survival advantage which was rather offset by the long term toxicity from radiotherapy resulting in deaths from vascular and cardiac injuries.(92). Some data support the effectiveness of an additional dose applied to the tumor bed (i.e., boost irradiation) to reduce local recurrence. However, delivery of the boosting dose raises the rate of morbidity, which reduces cosmetic outcome. Recent advances in radiotherapy includes partial breast irradiation using various techniques such as such as low or highdose rate brachytherapy (interstitially or with an intracavitary balloon), conformal external-beam irradiation (including intensity modulated radiotherapy), and intraoperative radiotherapy (Electron Intra Operative Therapy-ELIOT).(93;94) Most reports of partial breast irradiation have provided results much the same as those achieved with conventional external beam, even though some caution is needed until the safety and efficacy of such irradiation have been shown in appropriate patients and analysis of long-term treatment outcomes.(95-97) Systemic Treatment More than half the women with operable breast cancer who receive only locoregional treatment die from metastatic disease. This indicates that breast cancer is a systemic disease and that the micrometastatic process can occur early even independently from lymphatic spread. (76;98) The way to improve survival is to give these women systemic medical treatment, including endocrine therapy, chemotherapy, or targeted therapy with trastuzumab along with surgery/radiotherapy. Systemic treatment may be given after (adjuvant) or before (neoadjuvant, primary, or preoperative) locoregional treatment. Adjuvant treatment has been shown to be effective in randomized clinical trials, whereas the evaluation of neoadjuvant systemic therapy is ongoing. It is important to realize, especially in the African context, that any systemic therapy including hormonal therapies, will at least temporarily interrupt child bearing. The current recommendations of at least 5 years of Tamoxifen after diagnosis will significantly impact on the ability of a woman to bear many children. Chemotherapy will cause most women to stop menstruating and permanent premature menopause is common. These recommendations listed below, based on the culture of the developed world, may not be acceptable or applicable to African women. The choice of systemic adjuvant therapy in early breast cancer will depend on the following factors; estrogen (ER)/progesterone (PR) receptor status, menopausal status and over-expression of HER2. It will also depend significantly on the risk of recurrence and therefore the potential benefit of the treatment. Any systemic therapy carries with it a risk of toxicity, and can be quite expensive. A woman at high risk of recurrence will benefit significantly from treatment while for a woman at low risk the benefit will be small yet she will be exposed to the same toxicity. For example, a 20% reduction with chemotherapy for a patient with a baseline 50% risk of recurrence will result in an absolute reduction to 10% (from 50% to 40%) where as a woman with a 10% recurrence risk reduces her risk of recurrence to 8%, only a 2 % absolute reduction. Some women would not choose chemotherapy for a 2% risk reduction and others might. The decision to take systemic therapy therefore is therefore very much dependent on the woman and her understanding of these risks. (99) Adjuvant endocrine therapy is effective in ER and/ or PR positive tumors. The most commonly used endocrine therapy is the Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) Tamoxifen, used in premenopausal women. Other SERM agents like Toremifene and Raloxifene are equally effective. There is strong evidence to support the superiority of a 5 year Tamoxifen therapy over shorter durations. Tamoxifen in addition helps to maintain bone mineral density in post menopausal women and reduces the risk of developing cancer in the contralateral breast. The side effects of Tamoxifen include hot flashes, risk of thrombo-embolic disease, endometrial carcinoma and cataracts. For post-menopausal women, third generation selective aromatase inhibitors have been shown in recent trials to be more effective than Tamoxifen and have become the standard of care. Examples include non steroidal type (anastrozole and letrozole) and the steroidal type exemestane. Patients using aromatase inhibitors have less gynecological symptoms such as endometrial cancer, vaginal bleeding, and vaginal discharges. Fewer cerebrovascular events and venous thromboembolic events were also observed with patients receiving aromatase inhibitors. However, musculoskeletal effects (arthritis, arthralgia, and/or myalgia) and bone toxicity (bone fractures) are associated with aromatase inhibitors. The combination of endocrine therapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy provides benefits greater than the benefits from either therapy alone. They are therefore usually offered sequentially, with chemotherapy given right after surgery, local radiation therapy is then given, and endocrine therapy commenced. Premenopausal women are given Tamoxifen for five years. The optimal duration of the aromatase inhibitors has not yet been determined and postmenopausal women remain on them indefinitely. Ovarian ablation (e.g., surgical oophorectomy or radiation ablation) or suppression (e.g., use of the gonadotropin- releasing hormone or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogues) is another effective way to reduce estrogen in premenopausal women. It can be used as an adjuvant treatment alone or to induce menopause in very high risk premenopausal women to allow the use of adjuvant aromatase inhibitors. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy has been shown to substantially improve the long-term, relapse-free, and overall survival in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women up to age 70 years with lymph node-positive and lymph node-negative disease irrespective of the hormone receptor status. The administration of polychemotherapy (two or more agents) is superior to the administration of single agents. Four to six courses of treatment (3–6 months) appear to provide optimal benefit, with the administration of additional courses adding to toxicity without substantially improving overall outcome. Popular regimes include CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate,fluorouracil) , CAF, AC, FEC. Anthracycline based adjuvant therapy (with doxorubicin or epirubicin) result in a small(4-5%) but statistically significant improvement in survival compared with non-anthracycline-containing regimens. (100). Trials using accelerated or dose dense chemotherapy (two weekly interval instead of the standard three weeks) with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) support to overcome the risk of neutropenic sepsis has been demonstrated to improve both disease free survival and overall survival with fewer neutropenic crises. Trials using high dose chemotherapy with haemopoietic stem cell rescue on the other hand showed high morbidity and no benefit from this approach. Around 20% of breast cancers over express HER2, and this is associated with an adverse prognosis. Trastuzumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody directed against the external domain of the receptor with clinical activity as a single agent inpatients whose cancers over express HER2. Trastuzumab in combination with Taxanes and other drugs have shown considerable improvement in metastastic breast cancer. Its role in the adjuvant setting in early breast cancer has been so successful in HER2 positive breast cancer showing significant DFS and OS. Unfortunately, the cost implication is a drawback to its use in countries with limited resources. Bisphosphonates are drugs that inhibit osteoclast mediated bone resorption induced by tumors. Some adjuvant trials indicate that two years of oral clodronate reduces the incidence of bone metastases. One trial showed a small, but significant, improvement in overall survival. Further trials are underway with clodronate and the newer, more potent bisphosphonate zoledronate to define their long term effectiveness. They are very useful in patients taking Aromatase inhibitors because of the risk of bone loss and fractures. Advanced Breast Cancer (Stages III and IV): This includes Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC), metastastic cancer and recurrent cancer. (see photos) Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 LABC: LABC refers to Stage III tumors according to the TNM staging. Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) accounts for at least half of all breast cancers in countries with limited resources and has a poor prognosis (12). Locally advanced tumors include tumours that present with palpable lymph node metastases, ulcerations, tumors greater than 5 cm etc. A subtype of LABC that deserves some further discussion is Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare but aggressive subtype of breast cancer, which historically was considered uniformly fatal. Clinically, inflammatory breast cancer is characterized by the rapid onset of breast warmth, erythema, and edema (peau d’orange) often without a well-defined mass. Along with extensive breast involvement, women with inflammatory carcinoma often have early involvement of the axillary lymph nodes. In general, women with inflammatory breast cancer present at a younger age are more likely to have metastatic disease at diagnosis, and have shorter survival than women with non-inflammatory breast cancer.(101-103) The management of LABC requires a combined modality treatment approach involving surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapy. Radiotherapy in LABC: Radiotherapy after MRM or mastectomy to the chest wall or axilla is restricted to patients with high risk of recurrence. These include tumors larger than 5 cm in maximum diameter and those with four or more involved axillary lymph nodes, those with positive surgical margins on resection, and those with involvement of the skin or underlying chest wall. (12) It can also be a very effective local modality in controlling or shrinking tumors that are not amenable to surgical therapy. Preoperative and locoregional treatment: The initial management should be neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Doxorubicin- or Epirubicin-based or Paclitaxel- or Docetaxel based chemotherapy. Patients with HER2 positive tumors should be considered for preoperative chemotherapy incorporating Trastuzumab. The advantages of neoadjuvant therapy include down staging of the tumor, improving operability of tumors and increasing the chances of BCT For patients that respond to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the following options are recommended (71;104-108): modified radical mastectomy, radiotherapy to the chest wall and supraclavicular nodes (plus internal mammary nodes if involved) with or without delayed breast reconstruction. In those women with LABC who do not have access to neoadjuvant chemotherapy because of economic constraints or radiotherapy, mastectomy with node dissection, when feasible, may still be considered in an attempt to achieve local-regional control. (12) The second option is BCT with surgical axillary staging, radiotherapy to the breast, supraclavicular nodes (plus internal mammary nodes if involved). However, for patients who fail to respond to preoperative chemotherapy, recommended treatment is to consider additional systemic chemotherapy and/or preoperative radiation. Adjuvant treatment: Chemotherapy should contain an anthracycline. Acceptable regimens are 6 cycles of 5 Fluorouracil, Doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide (FAC) or Cyclophosphamide, Epirubicin, 5Fluorouracil (CEF). Sequential addition of Taxanes has also proven very effective. Tamoxifen for 5 years should be recommended to pre- and postmenopausal women whose tumours are hormone responsive. Aromatase inhibitors like Letrozole, Anastozole and Examestane can be used in post menopausal patients. Surgical oophorectomy causing ovarian ablation is a very effective therapy in the treatment of locally advanced and metastatic ER positive breast cancer in premenopausal women. This therapy is one that would be very feasibly applied in Africa provided that it was acceptable to the woman. Metastastic and Recurrent Cancer The standard evaluation procedure for this group of patients includes history and clinical examination, full blood count, liver function test, platelet count , chest X-ray, limited skeletal survey especially of any long or weight bearing bones that are painful, biopsy of recurrence, evaluation of hormone receptor status, ultrasound of the abdomen or CT where available. Others include bone scans, MRI, PET, and determination of HER2 status of the tumor. These are however tall orders in countries with limited resources and where there are no medical insurances to cover the cost of these investigations. Pragmatism is required in this setting. Treatment of Local Recurrence Local recurrence can occur in two settings; post BCT or MRM. Post MRM local recurrence should undergo local resection of the recurrence where feasible without unnecessarily endangering the lives of the patients. In addition, radiotherapy of the involved area should be done if the chest wall was not previously irradiated or if it could be done safely. Post BCT patients should undergo a total mastectomy. Systemic therapy for local recurrence could be adjuvant chemotherapy or endocrine therapy as in LABC. Addition of Hyperthermia to radiotherapy has been shown in some trials to cause a statistically significant increase in local tumor response and greater duration of local control. This is however technically demanding and resource intensive. Systemic disease Systemic recurrence and metastatic cancers are incurable, so the goals of therapy are to prolong survival, improve quality of life with minimal morbidity or toxicity from the therapy. Minimally toxic endocrine therapy is therefore preferred to the use of cytotoxic therapy whenever indicated. Endocrine therapies are indicated in women with hormone receptor status, bone or soft tissue disease only and those with limited asymptomatic visceral disease. For post menopausal women, the choice is between Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, with aromatase inhibitors having a slight edge especially in those who have taken anti-estrogen previously. For premenopausal women who are anti-estrogen naïve, anti-estrogen with or without LHRH agonist is the preferred choice. Oophorectomy is an excellent cheap alternative where drugs are not available. Since the majority of African women with breast cancer are hormone receptor negative, few will benefit from endocrine therapy, chemotherapy will be the option in most cases. Premenopausal patients who have taken anti-estrogen previously have a choice of either surgical or radiotherapeutic oophorectomy or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists with or without an antiestrogen. Endocrine therapies in postmenopausal women include selective, nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole and letrozole); steroidal aromatase inhibitors (exemestane); pure antiestrogens (fulvestrant); progestin (megestrol acetate); androgens (fluoxymesterone); and high-dose estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). In premenopausal women, therapies include LHRH agonists (goserelin and luprolide); surgical or radiotherapeutic oophorectomy; progestin (megestrol acetate); androgens (fluoxymesterone); and high-dose estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). Chemotherapy is the best option in women with estrogen and progesterone receptor-negative tumors, symptomatic visceral metastasis, or endocrine therapy refractory disease. The higher rates of objective response and longer time to progression of combination chemotherapy are at the expense of increased toxicity with little survival benefit. Therefore, there is no significant advantage of combination chemotherapy over sequential single agents. Preferred first-line chemotherapies include sequential single agents or combination chemotherapy. Among preferred firstline single agents, are doxorubicin, epirubicin, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, paclitaxel, docetaxel, capecitabine, vinorelbine (all category 2A), and gemcitabine (category 2B). Among preferred first-line combination regimens are cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and fluorouracil (FAC/CAF); fluorouracil, epirubicin, cyclophosphamide (FEC); doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide (AC); epirubicin, cyclophosphamide (EC); doxorubicin in combination with either docetaxel or paclitaxel (AT); cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil (CMF); docetaxel, capecitabine; gemcitabine, paclitaxel. Patients with tumors that are HER2-positive may derive benefit from treatment with trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination with selected chemotherapeutic agents. 27% of patients treated with a combination of Trastuzumab and doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy develop significant cardiac dysfunction making this regime unsafe and unpopular. (71) Treatment of Complications In Africa, a good number of women present with fungating/ ulcerating masses and many of them are so ill that they can not undergo surgery or radiotherapy immediately. The following are some useful supportive measures: 1. Dressing of the wound with honey and metronidazole cleanses and remove the odor. This measure in addition to the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy has largely reduced the need for toilet mastectomy. 2. Clean malignant ulcers are prone to secondary hemorrhage; topical formalin is effective in this setting. 3. Pain is another significant problem and this may be due to the disease, therapy or depression. Optimal pain management is very crucial to improving the quality of life. If pain occurs, there should be prompt oral administration of drugs in the following order: non-opioids (aspirin and paracetamol); then, as necessary, mild opioids (codeine); then strong opioids such as morphine, until the patient is free of pain. To calm fears and anxiety, additional drugs – “adjuvants” – should be used. To maintain freedom from pain, drugs should be given “by the clock”, that is every 3-6 hours, rather than “on demand” This threestep approach (see figure 2) of administering the right drug in the right dose at the right time is inexpensive and 80-90% effective. Surgical intervention on appropriate nerves may provide further pain relief if drugs are not wholly effective.(109) 4. Anemia as a result of the disease or chemotherapy is often under treated and underestimated in patients. It has a negative impact on quality of life and survival. It will require blood transfusion in some women. The introduction of recombinant human erythropoietin (epoetin) has provided an effective and convenient treatment of anemia without the risks of blood transfusion. Epoetin is also effective for the prevention of anemia and reduction of transfusion requirements in patients with a high risk of developing anemia during chemotherapy.(110-112) 5. Lymphedema of the arm is a very distressing complication which may occur as a result of the disease itself or as a result of surgery or radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer. Treatment options include compression treatments (using compression bandage or garments and pneumatic compression devices), therapeutic exercises and pharmacotherapy (antibiotics, flavonoids, hyaluronidase, and selenium). Diuretics have not been found useful. (113;114) 6. Respiratory distress in advanced breast cancer may be as a result of pleural effusion or deposits in the lungs. Closed thoracostomy tube drainage with pleurodesis using Tetracycline or Bleomycin is an effective treatment. Lung metastasis can be treated with steroids inhalers, bronchodilators, diuretics, anxiolytics, chest physiotherapy and oxygen.(5) 7. Neurological complications include cerebral metastases, spinal, leptomeningeal, cranial and peripheral nerve metastases.(115) Treatment includes steroids, radiotherapy and surgery for localized metastases. Younger women with breast cancer are more prone to physical and psychological distress which makes them have poorer quality of life outcomes. These arise as a result of the disease and the complications of treatment. Gonadal toxicity leading to irregular menses, amenorrhea and premature menopause is especially disturbing for African patients, the majority of whom are in their reproductive age group. Other problems like Alopecia, fertility problems and the cost of treatment may severely affect relationship especially among young couples. In this context, a multi disciplinary approach is important which will involve psychologists, social welfare/support groups and various advocacy groups where survivors of breast cancer can share their experiences and support one another.(116-120) 9. PROGNOSIS Natural History: The natural history of breast cancer in 250 untreated women revealed the following statistics; Median survival of untreated breast cancer was 2.7 years after initial diagnosis. The 5- and 10-year survival rates were 18.0 and 3.6%, respectively. Only 0.8% survived for 15 years or longer. Autopsy data confirmed that 95% of these women died of breast cancer, while the remaining 5% died of other causes. Almost 75% of the women developed ulceration of the breast during the course of the disease. The longest surviving patient died in the nineteenth year after diagnosis. (121) With modern treatment, the 5-year survival rate for stage I patients is 94%; for stage IIa patients, 85%; and for stage IIb patients, 70%, while for stage IIIa patients the 5-year survival rate is 52%; for stage IIIb patients, 48%; and for stage IV patients, 18%. Prognostic Iindicators: Tumor size Prognosis deteriorates with increasing tumor size, which is an independent predictor of survival in node-negative patients and correlates with the incidence of nodal metastases. Staging The status of the axillary lymph nodes is one of the most useful prognostic indicators for breast cancer, with average 10-year survival rates of 60-70% for node-negative patients, dropping to 20-30% in nodepositive patients. Histopathology • Histologic type o Carcinoma in situ, because it is a preinvasive condition, is curable if completely removed, although 16% of patients with carcinoma in situ develop invasive recurrence after local excision of ductal carcinoma in situ, usually high grade. Similarly, 18% of patients develop invasive recurrence after lobular carcinoma in situ excision. o Well-differentiated invasive cancers have a relatively good prognosis if they are tubular, mucinous, cribriform, or secretory. o Medullary carcinoma is probably of intermediate prognosis, but different studies have used different criteria for its definition. o Invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinomas have a less favorable prognosis but are influenced heavily by other factors. • Cytologic grade o Cytologic grade is the best predictor of disease prognosis in carcinoma in situ but is dependent on the grading system used, such as the Van Nuys classification (high-grade, low-grade comedo, low-grade noncomedo). o The grading of invasive carcinoma is also important as a prognostic indicator, with higher grades indicating a worse prognosis. Microscopic criteria for grading are shown in Table 5. • Lymphovascular: Lymphatic invasion, vascular invasion, microvessel quantification, and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration are associated with a worse prognosis. • Hormone receptor status: With the aid of gene expression studies using DNA microarrays and immunohistochemistry, several distinct biologic breast cancer subtypes have been identified. These subtypes differ markedly in prognosis and in the number of potential therapeutic targets they express. The intrinsic subtypes include 2 main subtypes of estrogen receptor (ER)–negative tumors (basal-likeand human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 positive/ER- [HER2_/ER-] subtype) and at least 2 types of ER+ tumors (luminal A and luminal B). The basal like subtype carries poor biologic (worse grade) and clinical prognostic indicators like positive axillary nodes. This subtype was found to be more prevalent in pre-menopausal African –American women compared to post menopausal African –American women and other races ( 122)This finding may be one of the reasons why African- American women with breast cancer have high grade, late stage tumor and with poor prognosis and poor survival outcome. The similar clinical outcome of native African women with breast cancer may tempt one to extrapolate these findings seen in African-American women. To lend credence to this fact, the few studies on hormone receptor status of breast cancer in native African women show that the majority of them are Estrogen or Progesterone negative (123-125). There are also several other provocative parallels between African-American and native African breast cancer patients which include a younger age distribution and a greater prevalence of high grade, estrogen-receptor-negative disease among breast cancer patients in the Ghanaian and Nigerian populations of western Africa similar to the patterns of breast cancer reported among African-American women. Western African populations served as the source for most of the slave trade to colonial North America, and therefore share a common ancestry with present-generation African Americans. These parallels suggest the possible contribution of founder effects.(16) However, further research needs to be done in this area before reaching any conclusion is reached as the AfricanAmericans are a heterogeneous group with mixed genetic heritage consisting of Hispanics, Caucasians and Africans. In addition other socioeconomic factors and environmental factors may contribute to the clinical outcome seen.( 126;127) • Immunohistochemistry o The most widely used tests are for the estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR). Immunohistochemistry analysis of heat-treated paraffin sections has largely superseded the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) ligand-binding assay. ERand PR-positive status (ie, >10 fmol on ELISA; >15 H-score on immunohistochemistry) predict improved response to endocrine treatment, time to relapse, and overall survival. o Immunohistochemical positivity for c-erb-B2 and p53 is associated with a worse prognosis. o HER-2 status: The human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2/neu) is a wellcharacterized biomarker in the biology of breast carcinoma that has had immediate impact on clinical medicine. The positive status of HER-2/neu is associated with a younger age and several adverse prognostic factors, i.e., advanced stage, absence of estrogen and progesterone receptors, metastasis to axillary lymph nodes, and high nuclear grade. In addition, women diagnosed with positiveHER-2/neu breast carcinoma generally have relative resistance to anthracycline-based chemotherapy, tamoxifen therapy, and have shorter disease-free and overall survival. (128) Other prognostic indicators Advances, in the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that influence normal and aberrant cell growth, have led to the identification of an increasing number of surrogate biomarkers, which have been correlated with prognosis or used as predictors of response to specific treatments. These novel prognostic markers can be classified as follows: • Oncogene products o Bcl-2 o p53 o HER-2/neu o Cyclin D1 o Nm23 • Proteases o uPA o Cathepsin D o Tenascin C • Markers of proliferation - Ki-67 HER-2/neu identifies patients with a poor prognosis. These patients are likely to respond to treatment with trastuzumab (Herceptin). Tumors positive for Ki-67 have a high metastatic potential and warrant the possible use of early aggressive therapy. uPA and cathepsin D identify poor prognosis node-negative tumors. In these cases, chemotherapy can be offered. The use of gene expression profiling to detect breast carcinoma has already shown that the differential expression of specific genes is a more powerful prognostic indicator than traditional determinants such as tumor size and lymph node status. These molecular assays are awaiting clinical validation. 10. PREVENTION Screening as currently practiced can reduce mortality but not incidence, and then only in a particular age group. Advances in treatment have produced significant but modest survival benefits. A better appreciation of factors important in the etiology of breast cancer would raise the possibility of disease prevention. Currently, prevention strategies fall into two groups: chemoprevention and surgical prophylaxis. Chemoprevention is defined as the systemic use of natural or synthetic chemical agents to reverse or suppress the progression of a premalignant lesion to an invasive carcinoma.(129). Tamoxifen is currently the only agent that has been approved clinically for use in women with high risk of developing cancer. Raloxifene, selenium, retinoids, aromatase inhibitors and cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors require further clinical investigation before adoption in this context. Surgical prophylaxis: by either a bilateral mastectomy or oophorectomy, is another avenue of prevention. Some studies have demonstrated that women with definite BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation may have an overall reduction in their breast cancer risk profile after such operation.(130) Dietary intervention If specific dietary factors are found to be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer dietary intervention will be possible. However, reduction of dietary intake of such a factor in whole communities may well be difficult to achieve without major social and cultural changes. Dietary fat reduction and exercise decrease the circulating serum oestradiol level, but whether this in turn leads to a reduction in the incidence of breast carcinoma has not been determined conclusively. (131) 11. BREAST CANCER AND PREGNANCY Pregnancy associated breast cancer is defined as breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or lactation or one year post partum. Breast cancer and pregnancy can be classified into three main situations; these are (a) breast cancer that is detected during the evolution of pregnancy, (b) breast cancer that is detected during lactation or postpartum, and (c) pregnancy in patients who have had a previous breast cancer. Cancer complicates approximately 1 per 1000 pregnancies and accounts for one-third of maternal deaths during gestation. The prevalence of breast cancer during pregnancy is increasing due to delayed onset of childbearing. Breast cancer is diagnosed in approximately 1 in 3000 pregnancies. The incidence ranges from 0.76% to 3.8% of breast cancer cases. The median age of pregnant women affected with breast cancer is 33 years. In a recent review in Nigeria, 12% of the patients with Breast Cancer were pregnant or lactating and 74% were premenopausal , making it the most frequently occurring malignancy during pregnancy, along with cancer of the uterine cervix.(5) Treatment decisions for breast cancer patients during pregnancy become most difficult because not only the mother but also the fetus is involved. The final advice should be based upon the following considerations: (1) the parents’ decision whether or not to continue with the pregnancy, (2) the period of pregnancy when the breast cancer is diagnosed, and (3) the stage of the breast cancer. A detailed guideline on the management of breast cancer in pregnancy can be found in the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology™ Breast cancer V.1.2007 at www.nccn.org. Early studies have indicated that the prognosis of breast cancer in pregnancy is very poor; however, more recent studies with more careful consideration of age and the stage of the disease show no significant differences. Evidence is lacking that termination of pregnancy changes the outcome of breast cancer. Pregnancy after breast cancer does not alter the outcome of treatment. The ideal interval between treatment for breast cancer and subsequent pregnancy is unknown. (132) 12. BREAST CANCER IN MALES Male breast cancer is an uncommon disease although the incidence has increased over the past 25 years. Less than 1% of all breast cancer patients are male. Rates of male breast cancer vary widely between countries: in Uganda and Zambia the annual incidence rates are 5% and 15%, respectively of all breast cancer cases. These relatively high rates have been attributed to endemic infectious diseases causing liver damage, leading to hyperestrogenism. By contrast, the annual incidence of male breast cancer in Japan is less than five per million, in parallel with the lower than average incidence of female breast cancer in that country. Jewish men are the only racial group with a higher than average incidence (2•3/100 000 per year), irrespective of living in Israel or the USA.(133) Risk factors for Breast Cancer include Genetic (BRCA2, Klinefelter’s syndrome), Lifestyle (Obesity, Alcohol, Estrogen intake), Work (High ambient temperature, Exhaust emissions), and Disease (Testicular damage, Liver damage, Radiotherapy to chest) The predominant histological type of disease is invasive ductal, which forms more than 90% of all male breast tumors. Much rarer tumour types include invasive papillomas and medullary lesions. Lobular carcinoma of the male breast has been reported not only in men with Klinefelter’s syndrome, but also in genotypically normal men with no previous history of oestrogen exposure or gynaecomastia. In large studies of male breast cancer, oestrogen receptor positivity has been reported in more than 90% of tumours, with 92–96% being progesterone-receptor positive. Some studies suggested that breast cancer has a worse prognosis in men than in women, but if agematched and stage-matched breast cancer is compared, there is no difference between the sexes (18;134;135) FUTURE TRENDS AND CONTROVERSIES Diagnosis and early detection: Several new technologies, apart from mammography are being evaluated to improve the early detection of breast cancer. These include non ionizing imaging techniques like Ultrasonography and MRI. Other imaging tools being evaluated include scintimammography, positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, optical imaging, thermoacoustic computed tomography, microwave imaging, Hall effect imaging etc. Molecular targets and new drugs HER-2 Pertuzumab (also known as 2C4, Omnitarg) is a new recombinant humanised monoclonal antibody that also binds the extracellular portion of HER2, which causes steric hindrance and impairs receptor dimerisation. Ongoing phase-I testing has shown activity in patients with breast cancer that is either HER2-negative and trastuzumab-refractory HER2-positive. Tyrosine kinase, cyclines, and proteosoma Most tyrosine-kinase inhibitors are in preclinical investigations and only a few have been tested in patients with advanced breast cancer. Gefitinib is an inhibitor of the tyrosine kinase of human epidermalgrowth-factor receptor (HER1) and has shown some antitumour activity in preclinical studies and a phase II trial of patients heavily pretreated for metastatic breast cancer. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) IGF is an interesting therapeutic target in breast cancer because its ligands and receptors are often overexpressed and are implicated in proliferation, transformation, and metastasis. The IGF system includes ligands IGF-I and IGF-II, receptors IGF-IR and IGF-IIR, and six known IGF-binding proteins. These binding proteins are promising targets for the manipulation of endocrine responsiveness and resistance to Trastuzumab. Angiogenesis Bevacizumab is a recombinant, humanised monoclonal antibody to vascular endothelial growth factor that has shown some efficacy when used alone in phase II clinical trials. Several anti-angiogenic drugs have been tested for efficacy, including thalidomide, endostatin, angiostatin, SU6668, SU11248, and cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors. COX-2 also improves the efficacy of Receptors as targets for radionuclides Efficacy of targeted therapy depends on the biologically relevant quality and quantity of the specific compound. This treatment needs to reach the target efficiently and accurately and exert a selective therapeutic effect. The development of biomarkers to assess in-vivo responses and the ability to use such biomarkers as targets for specific radionuclide treatment represent great challenges in cancer medicine. IN SITU ABLATION In situ ablation of the primary tumour has been suggested as an alternative to surgery. There are preliminary reports on methods using cryosurgery, or coagulating with heat, delivered by a laser fiberoptic technique . WHO WILL PERFORM BREAST SURGERY? Within the next decade the number of patients undergoing axillary surgery will diminish as a result of improved staging by sentinel node biopsy. A greater part of the patients will have only breast resection, and these operations can be performed as day-case surgery, even under local anaesthesia. The surgical challenges during the next decade will be immediate breast reconstruction and various oncoplastic procedures. Therefore breast surgery will increasingly be performed by plastic surgeons. General surgeons will not be so interested in carrying out all the other rather undemanding breast procedures. (136) Controversies 1. Relevance. 2. The place of post mastectomy radiotherapy in early breast cancer especially in women with T1 ,T2 and one to three positive lymph nodes. 3. Sequencing of post mastectomy radiotherapy and breast reconstruction(137) 4. The impact of mammographic screening in reduction of mortality in breast cancer 14. CONCLUSION Management of breast cancer is a major challenge in resource limited countries. Efforts should be geared towards early diagnosis, prompt and standardized treatment to reduce the burden of advanced disease in African women, majority of who are worse hit in the most productive part of their life time. Our knowledge about breast cancer is evolving, but is still limited with respect to its etiology and biology, and with respect to its features in individual countries and cultures. Further research is needed to understand the role of genetics and environment in the etiology of breast cancer in Africa. 15. RECOMMENDATIONS In high-resource countries, evidence-based guidelines outlining optimal approaches to early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer have been defined and disseminated. These guidelines unfortunately are not applicable in countries with resource constraints as they are not economically feasible or culturally appropriate. The following recommendations might be considered appropriate in the resource-poor countries of Africa. Following the Breast Health Global Initiative we have stratified the recommendations into Basic, Limited, Enhanced and Maximal. (10-12;138) Definition of Stratification terms • Basic level—Core resources or fundamental services absolutely necessary for any breast health care system to function. By definition, a health care system lacking any basic-level resource would be unable to provide breast cancer care to its patient population. Basic-level services are typically applied in a single clinical interaction. • Limited level—Second-tier resources or services that produce major improvements in outcome, such as increased survival, but which are attainable with limited financial means and modest infrastructure. Limited-level services may involve single or multiple clinical interactions. • Enhanced level—Third-tier resources or services that are optional but important. Enhanced-level resources may produce minor improvements in outcome but increase the number and quality of therapeutic options and patient choice. • Maximal level—High-level resources or services that may be used in some high-resource countries, but nonetheless should be considered lower priority than those in the basic, limited, or enhanced categories on the basis of cost or impracticality for limited-resource environments. In order to be useful, maximal-level resources typically depend on the existence and functionality of all lower-level resources. Recommendations are presented in tabular form and are reproduced with permission from the BHGI. Our own recommendations include: 1.Early Detection and Diagnosis: Possible less resource-intensive methods for earlier diagnosis of breast cancer like education in breast awareness, training in breast self-examination (BSE), regular clinical breast examination (CBE) by experienced personnel and diagnostic ultrasound may be the option in resource limited countries as mammography screening may be resource intensive. (69) 2. To improve breast pathological capacity and services in Africa, the following approaches may be explored; including training pathologists, establishing pathology services in centralized facilities, and organizing international pathology services. In particular it is important that estrogen and progesterone receptor status of tumors be identified. 3. As staging is crucial to treatment decisions and prognosis, a thorough clinical evaluation after the diagnosis of breast cancer to check for clinically obvious indications of metastases to the lymph nodes and other areas is crucial. In addition, tests to assess the presence of metastases to the lungs, liver, and bone provide valuable information, if available. Hormone receptor testing of pathology specimens should be part of the pathology services 4. More training for surgeons in BCT and Sentinel node biopsy. Adisa Adeyinka Charles MD,FWACS, FICS Director, Residency Training Program Abia State University Teaching Hospital Aba, Nigeria Alexandra M. Easson, MSc , MD , FRCSC, FACS Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Mount Sinai Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital 610 University Avenue Toronto , Ontario M5G 2M9 Reference List (1) Veronesi U, Boyle P, Goldhirsch A, Orecchia R, Viale G, Veronesi U, et al. Breast cancer.[see comment]. 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Brian Ostrow Surgery in Africa- Monthly Review http://images.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://www.utoronto.ca/ois/SIA/2007/Breast %2520Cancer/DSC00151.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.utoronto.ca/ois/SIA/2007/Breast %2520Cancer.htm&h=480&w=640&sz=180&hl=id&start=9&tbnid=wEO0pgaXbiYdVM:&tbnh=103&tbn w=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtumor%2Bphylloides%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Did Kanker Payudara, Momok bagi Setiap Wanita Jumat, 29 Sep 2000 17:16:36 Pdpersi, Jakarta - Payudara indah dambaan wanita. Namun, tentu saja definisi indah ini menjadi sangat relatif. Sebab, tak ada parameter yang menentukan indah atau tidaknya sepasang payudara. Nun atas segalanya, Tuhan memang menciptakan tubuh wanita dengan segala keindahannya, serta fungsi-fungsinya yang hakiki. Begitu pula dengan payudara. Disanalah setiap anak manusia menikmati detik-detik pertama “rasa” dunia. Rasa yang dinikmati dari pancaran air susu ibu. Begitu tingginya penghargaan pada air susu ini, sehingga dalam bahasa “sufi” kerap disebut sebagai “sungai kehidupan”. Namun terkadang dibalik keindahan itu, Tuhan menyelipkan cobaan. Ironisnya, selain menjadikan tubuh wanita tidak menarik, cobaan itu juga dapat mengakibatkan kematian, sehingga seringkali menjadi momok menakutkan bagi wanita. Cobaan itu bernama Kanker Payudara. Dan tragisnya, pada wanita, frekuensi Kanker Payudara ternyata menempati peringkat kedua setelah kanker leher rahim (serviks). Menurut Dr Idral Darwis, Kepala Tim Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Kulit dari Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, Kanker Payudara adalah suatu penyakit neoplasma yang sifatnya ganas. Hal ini disebabkan pertumbuhan yang tidak terkendali dari sel-sel kelenjar susu yang terdiri dari saluran kelenjar susu dan tempat produksi air susu. Penyebabnya, perubahan struktur genetik dari sel tersebut, faktor lingkungan, prilaku, konsumsi makanan, konsumsi obat-obatan, virus, sehingga pada akhirnya dapat mengakibatkan kematian bagi penderitanya. “Penyakit itu berawal dari berubahnya sel normal menjadi abnormal. Untuk menjadi kanker, terdiri dari tiga tahap. Tahap pertama inisiasi atau perubahan di dalam sel itu sendiri. Dalam tahap ini, terkadang sel bisa kembali menjadi normal. Namun sel yang tidak kembali normal berlanjut ke tahap promosi. Di tahap promosi ini ada faktor-faktor pencetus, misalnya lemak, sinar matahari, faktor lingkungan dan sebagainya. Proses di tahap promosi hingga menjadi sel kanker memakan waktu yang cukup lama, inilah yang disebut tahap proliferasi” papar Dr Idral yang di temui pdpersi.co.id di kediamannya bilangan Menteng, Jakarta, Senin (25/9). Dr Idral menambahkan, sel kanker tersebut akan tumbuh terus dan melakukan penyebaran ke kelenjar getah bening regional (ketiak), lalu menuju pembuluh darah. Dengan bantuan pembuluh darah, sel berhenti dan menyebar di salah satu organ tubuh. Misalnya paru-paru, otak, tulang, lever atau hati. Akibatnya, jika fungsi organ tubuh tadi berubah, dapat menimbulkan kematian. Stadium dalam Kanker Payudara, menurut dokter kelahiran Padang 54 tahun silam ini, dilihat dari penilaian tingkat klinis seperti besarnya tumor ganas (kanker), ada tidaknya kelenjar getah bening di ketiak, dan ada atau tidaknya penyebaran di organ-organ tubuh yang lain. Stadium itu disebut dengan parameter TNM atau Tumor, Nodus (kelenjar getah bening), dan Metastasis (penyebaran jauh). Lemak Berkorelasi kuat Berdasarkan penelitian Dr Idral dan rekan-rekan sejawatnya dari berbagai disiplin (Patologi Anatomi, Epidemologi, Gizi) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia serta tim dari Jepang, diketahui, mengkonsumsi lemak secara berlebihan ternyata punya korelasi kuat pada terjadinya kanker payudara. Hal ini diketahui setelah melakukan penelitian terhadap 600 responden. Faktor-faktor risiko tinggi kanker payudara lainnya ialah wanita umur di atas 40 tahun yang tidak mempunyai anak, wanita yang mempunyai anak pertama pada umur 35 tahun, wanita yang tidak kawin, menarche lebih dini (dibawah 14 tahun), menopause yang lambat, riwayat trauma pada payudara, berat badan rendah, cenderung obesitas, hubungan keluarga dengan penderita kanker payudara (jalan ibu), jumlah kehamilan rendah, dan masa menyusui yang singkat atau tidak menyusui. “Berdasarkan penelitian kita, yang paling berpengaruh adalah masalah makanan tinggi lemak. Lalu masalah hormonal orang yang tidak menyusui, serta orang yang tidak punya anak. Selain itu ada faktor keturunan jalan ibu, entah kakak perempuan yang kena Kanker Payudara, atau adik perempuannya, ibu, saudara perempuan ibu, nenek, sepupu, risiko mereka yang tumbuh pada keluarga yang punya riwayat Kanker Payudara ini adalah 10 persen,” kata Dr Idral. Uniknya, ternyata pria pun dapat menderita kanker payudara. Hal ini berkaitan dengan faktor hormonal. “Persentase Kanker Payudara pada pria adalah satu persen,” ujar Dr Idral. “Nah, untuk laki-laki hubungan antara KPD dipengaruhi oleh adanya perubahan metabolisme hormonal yaitu esterogen, di mana didapatkan penurunan estrone dan peningkatan estriol dalam darah,” ujar dokter yang juga menjadi Konsultan Senior Bedah Onkologi (payudara, leher & kepala, kulit dan jaringan lunak di RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo serta RS Kanker Dharmais tersebut. Hal lain yang juga unik adalah, faktor risiko Kanker Payudara di tiap-tiap negara sangat bervariasi dan tergantung dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada populasi di tempat tersebut. Misalnya, faktor lemak tinggi ternyata juga menjadi penyebab signifikan Kanker Payudara bagi beberapa negara yang memang mayoritas masyarakatnya mengkonsumsi makanan lemak tinggi. Misalnya Amerika Serikat, Australia dan Belanda. Sebaliknya, di Amerika Selatan dan Asia, Kanker Payudara mempunyai insidens yang rendah. Diperkirakan, Jepang dan Indonesia mempunyai insidens yang rendah. Walau di Indonesia insidensnya termasuk rendah, namun berdasarkan survei rumah tangga pada beberapa Rumah Sakit dan pencatatan hasil pemeriksaan patologi, frekuensi Kanker Payudara menempati peringkat nomor dua setelah kanker leher rahim (serviks). Dapat Disembuhkan Dr Idral DarwisPada stadium dini, sebenarnya Kanker Payudara dapat disembuhkan. Sayangnya, di Indonesia, biasanya penderita datang dalam kondisi stadium lanjut (50 persen). Akibatnya, penanganan Kanker Payudara hanya berkisar pada tujuan valiatif atau meringankan gejalanya saja. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan insidens, morbiditas serta angka kematian (mortalitas) masih tetap tinggi. Padahal jika sebelumnya ada upaya pencegahan primer dan deteksi dini atau pencegahan sekunder, boleh jadi angka-angka itu dapat ditekan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Dr Idral dan rekan-rekan, konsep dasar pencegahan primer ini meliputi: * Mencegah terpaparnya substansi yang menyebabkan risiko terjadinya Kanker Payudara, misalnya merubah kebiasaan hidup (lifestyle) konsumsi tinggi lemak. * Menggunakan proteksi terhadap bahan karsinogenik (tumbuhan ganas yang berasal dari sel-sel epitel), misalnya memakai proteksi terhadap radiasi. * Menggunakan bahan yang dapat mencegah proses karsinogenik, misalnya memakai bahan antiproliferatif untuk mencegah proses Kanker Payudara, contoh pemberian Tamoxifen (preparat antiesterogen). Pemberian Tamoxifen ini pernah dilakukan pada 16 ribu wanita secara prospektif dan acak. Sementara itu, pencegahan sekunder atau disebut juga skrining/deteksi dini, dianggap sebagai upaya paling rasional untuk menurunkan angka kematian akibat Kanker Payudara. Penelitian skrining ini dilakukan pertama kali oleh Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York tahun 1963, hasilnya mampu menurunkan angka kematian antara 20 hingga 25 persen pada kelompok umur lebih dari 50 tahun. Cara pemeriksaan untuk pelaksanaan skrining terdiri dari pemeriksaan klinis payudara oleh tenaga kesehatan, misalnya spesialis bedah, dokter umum, perawat yang terlatih. Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI). Pemeriksaan penunjang atau mamografi. Mendeteksi dini kanker payudara bisa dilakukan dengan cara: * Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri (SADARI) sejak usia 20 tahun. * Pemeriksaan berkala oleh dokter setiap dua hingga tiga tahun pada usia 20 hingga 40 tahun. * Pemeriksaan berkala oleh dokter setiap tahun setelah berusia 35 tahun. * Mamografi satu hingga dua kali pada usia 35 hingga 49 tahun. ( mamografi = pemeriksaan radiodiagnostik khusus dengan mempergunakan teknik foto “soft tissue” pada payudara.). * Mamografi setiap tahun setelah berusia 50 tahun. Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri atau SADARI diangap sebagai cara termurah, aman, dan sederhana. Meski demikian pemeriksaan ini haruslah berdasarkan petunjuk dan pedoman yang telah ada. Dengan SADARI, bukan tidak mungkin akan lebih banyak Kanker Payudara stadium dini yang dapat dideteksi. Sayangnya, SADARI diangap masih belum efektif. Hal ini dikarenakan ketakutan dan kecemasan dalam menghadapi kenyataan, serta masih sedikitnya wanita yang memakai cara test ini (sekitar 15 hingga 30 persen). Selain itu pemahaman SADARI secara teknis masih belum dikuasai. Ada beberapa tanda kanker payudara dini yaitu: * Benjolan dengan batas tidak tegas. * Konsistensi keras. * Tidak sakit. * Ada cekungan pada kulit di atas tumor. * Ada bagian kulit yang terlihat seperti kulit jeruk (pour d’ orange). * Koreng dan kemerahan pada kulit. * Pembesaran getah bening di ketiak dan di atas tulang selangka. Andaipun Kanker Payudara sudah menyerang, berbagai pengobatan dapat ditempuh. Yaitu operasi, radiasi (emisi gelombang elektromagnetik, seperti gelombang alfa, beta, gama) dan kemoterapi (mengobati penyakit dengan zat-zat kimia). Misteri Kanker Payudara 8 Januari 2007 Kanker payudara menduduki posisi kedua terbanyak sebagai penyebab kanker di Indonesia. Menurut WHO, sebanyak 8 – 9 % wanita akan mengalami kanker payudara dalam hidupnya. Setiap tahun lebih dari 580.000 kasus baru ditemukan di berbagai negara berkembang dan kurang lebih 372.000 pasien meninggal karena penyakit ini. Sayangnya sampai saat ini penyebab kanker payudara masih belum diketahui. Siapa Saja yang Rentan Resiko? Namun ada beberapa hal yang dapat meningkatkan resiko kanker payudara, antara lain usia, riwayat kesehatan, faktor keturunan, faktor hormonal seperti menstruasi pertama terlalu cepat dan menopause dini. Selain itu upaya menunda kehamilan atau kehamilan pertama terjadi di atas usia 30 tahun juga bisa meningkatkan resiko. Gaya hidup yang tidak sehat, misalnya sering mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung lemak jahat, atau kurang berolahraga, juga dapat memperbesar resiko terserang kanker payudara. Data WHO menunjukkan bahwa 78% kanker payudara terjadi pada wanita usia 50 tahun ke atas. Hanya 6%-nya terjadi pada mereka yang berusia kurang dari 40 tahun. Meski demikian, kian hari makin banyak penderita kanker payudara yang berusia 30-an. Oleh karena itu jika Anda termasuk golongan yang beresiko tinggi, meski baru berusia 30-an, tak ada salahnya untuk lebih bersikap waspada terhadap perubahan yang terjadi pada payudara Anda. Apa Saja Gejala-gejala Kanker Payudara? Indonesia sudah cukup lama mengkampanyekan SADARI (periksa payudara sendiri). SADARI adalah tindakan deteksi dini terhadap adanya gejala-gejala kanker payudara. Metode ini sangat sederhana, namun diharapkan dapat menekan tingginya angka penderita kanker payudara, karena semakin awal terdeteksi maka semakin cepat proses pengobatan yang diperlukan. Dengan SADARI, Anda harus meraba ada/tidaknya benjolan, baik yang sakit maupun yang tidak. Benjolan dapat menandakan adanya tumor. Walau tidak semua benjolan di payudara berbahaya, namun jika Anda temukan sebaiknya segera konsultasikan ke dokter untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Selain itu perhatikan kulit payudara, apakah pembuluh vena-nya semakin terlihat? Apakah kulit di sekitar puting menjadi berkerut? Kemudian cermati puting payudara bila ada cairan lengket atau darah yang keluar. Terakhir, perhatikan ukuran dan posisi payudara. Bila ukurannya mengecil atau posisi yang satu lebih rendah daripada yang lain, sebaiknya jangan dianggap remeh. Tidak Semua Berupa Benjolan, Lho! Hati-hati, ternyata ada sejumlah kecil kanker payudara muncul tanpa adanya benjolan sama sekali, dan gejala ini bisa mengecohkan kita semua, bahkan para dokter. Jenis kanker payudara yang dikenal dengan Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) ini cukup jarang dan jenis yang sangat agresif. Jika tidak segera terdiagnosa maka bisa menyebabkan kematian. Kenali gejala-gejalanya seperti : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pertumbuhan ukuran payudara yang cepat dan tidak normal Timbul kemerahan, ruam atau bisul pada payudara Rasa gatal berkepanjangan pada payudara atau puting Adanya penebalan pada jaringan payudara Timbul rasa sakit yang menusuk-nusuk dan/atau nyeri pada payudara Timbul rasa panas (seperti demam) pada payudara Adanya pembengkakan nodus limfe di ketiak atau di bawah tulang selangka Adanya lesung pada payudara Puting payudara menjadi rata atau melesak ke dalam Inflammatory Breast Cancer ini sering disalahartikan sebagai infeksi. Jika Anda mengalami gejala-gejala di atas, mintalah rujukan untuk melakukan mammogram. Jika ada perubahan warna pada payudara, minta pula rujukan untuk biopsy. Jika gejala-gejala tetap ada tanpa adanya diagnosa penyebabnya, minta pendapat kedua atau ketiga sampai ada dokter yang dapat menentukan penyebab gejala-gejala tersebut.http://images.google.co.id/imgres? imgurl=http://www.mediasehat.com/artikel/ibudanbalita/gambar/kanpay250.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mediasehat .com/artikel.php%3Fkl%3D4%26no %3D63&h=226&w=250&sz=7&hl=id&start=23&um=1&tbnid=3QvaMRsTaD11FM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=111&prev=/i mages%3Fq%3Dkanker%2Bpayudara%26start%3D20%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl %3Did%26sa%3DN Kanker payudara adalah kanker pada jaringan payudara. Ini adalah jenis kanker paling umum yang diderita kaum wanita. Kaum pria juga dapat terserang kanker payudara, walaupun kemungkinannya lebih kecil dari 1 di antara 1000. Pengobatan yang paling lazim adalah dengan pembedahan dan jika perlu dilanjutkan dengan kemoterapi maupun radiasi. 1.1. Definisi 1.1.1. Kanker adalah suatu kondisi dimana sel telah kehilangan pengendalian dan mekanisme normalnya, sehingga mengalami pertumbuhan yang tidak normal, cepat dan tidak terkendali. (http://www.mediasehat.com/utama07.php) 1.1.2. Kanker payudara (Carcinoma mammae) adalah suatu penyakit neoplasma yang ganas yang berasal dari parenchyma. Penyakit ini oleh Word Health Organization (WHO) dimasukkan ke dalam International Classification of Diseases (ICD) dengan kode nomor 17 (http://www.tempo.co.id/medika/arsip/082002/pus-3.htm) 1.2. Patofisiologi 1.2.1. Transformasi Sel-sel kanker dibentuk dari sel-sel normal dalam suatu proses rumit yang disebut transformasi, yang terdiri dari tahap inisiasi dan promosi. pada tahap inisiasi terjadi suatu perubahan dalam bahan genetik sel yang memancing sel menjadi ganas. Perubahan dalam bahan genetik sel ini disebabkan oleh suatu agen yang disebut karsinogen, yang bisa berupa bahan kimia, virus, radiasi (penyinaran) atau sinar matahari. tetapi tidak semua sel memiliki kepekaan yang sama terhadap suatu karsinogen. kelainan genetik dalam sel atau bahan lainnya yang disebut promotor, menyebabkan sel lebih rentan terhadap suatu karsinogen. bahkan gangguan fisik menahunpun bisa membuat sel menjadi lebih peka untuk mengalami suatu keganasan. pada tahap promosi, suatu sel yang telah mengalami inisiasi akan berubah menjadi ganas. Sel yang belum melewati tahap inisiasi tidak akan terpengaruh oleh promosi. karena itu diperlukan beberapa faktor untuk terjadinya keganasan (gabungan dari sel yang peka dan suatu karsinogen). 1.2.2. Stadium Stadium penyakit kanker adalah suatu keadaan dari hasil penilaian dokter saat mendiagnosis suatu penyakit kanker yang diderita pasiennya, sudah sejauh manakah tingkat penyebaran kanker tersebut baik ke organ atau jaringan sekitar maupun penyebaran ketempat jauh Stadium hanya dikenal pada tumor ganas atau kanker dan tidak ada pada tumor jinak. Untuk menentukan suatu stadium, harus dilakukan pemeriksaan klinis dan ditunjang dengan pemeriksaan penunjang lainnya yaitu histopatologi atau PA, rontgen , USG, dan bila memungkinkan dengan CT Scan, scintigrafi dll. Banyak sekali cara untuk menentukan stadium, namun yang paling banyak dianut saat ini adalah stadium kanker berdasarkan klasifikasi sistim TNM yang direkomendasikan oleh UICC(International Union Against Cancer dari WHO atau World Health Organization) / AJCC(American Joint Committee On cancer yang disponsori oleh American Cancer Society dan American College of Surgeons). Pada sistim TNM dinilai tiga faktor utama yaitu "T" yaitu Tumor size atau ukuran tumor , "N" yaitu Node atau kelenjar getah bening regional dan "M" yaitu metastasis atau penyebaran jauh. Ketiga faktor T,N,M dinilai baik secara klinis sebelum dilakukan operasi , juga sesudah operasi dan dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi (PA) . Pada kanker payudara, penilaian TNM sebagai berikut : • T (Tumor size), ukuran tumor : • T 0 : tidak ditemukan tumor primer • T 1 : ukuran tumor diameter 2 cm atau kurang • T 2 : ukuran tumor diameter antara 2-5 cm • T 3 : ukuran tumor diameter > 5 cm • T 4 : ukuran tumor berapa saja, tetapi sudah ada penyebaran ke kulit atau dinding dada atau pada keduanya , dapat berupa borok, edema atau bengkak, kulit payudara kemerahan atau ada benjolan kecil di kulit di luar tumor utama • N (Node), kelenjar getah bening regional (kgb) : • N 0 : tidak terdapat metastasis pada kgb regional di ketiak / aksilla • N 1 : ada metastasis ke kgb aksilla yang masih dapat digerakkan • N 2 : ada metastasis ke kgb aksilla yang sulit digerakkan • N 3 : ada metastasis ke kgb di atas tulang selangka (supraclavicula) atau pada kgb di mammary interna di dekat tulang sternum • M (Metastasis) , penyebaran jauh : • M x : metastasis jauh belum dapat dinilai • M 0 : tidak terdapat metastasis jauh • M 1 : terdapat metastasis jauh Setelah masing-masing faktot T,.N,M didapatkan, ketiga faktor tersebut kemudian digabung dan didapatkan stadium kanker sebagai berikut : • Stadium 0 : T0 N0 M0 • Stadium 1 : T1 N0 M0 • Stadium II A : T0 N1 M0 / T1 N1 M0 / T2 N0 M0 • Stadium II B : T2 N1 M0 / T3 N0 M0 • Stadium III A : T0 N2 M0 / T1 N2 M0 / T2 N2 M0 / T3 N1 M0 / T2 N2 M0 • Stadium III B : T4 N0 M0 / T4 N1 M0 / T4 N2 M0 • Stadium III C : Tiap T N3 M0 • Stadium IV : Tiap T-Tiap N -M1 1.3. Gejala Klinis Gejala klinis kanker payudara dapat berupa • benjolan pada payudara Umumnya berupa benjolan yang tidak nyeri pada payudara. Benjolan itu mula-mula kecil, makin lama makin besar, lalu melekat pada kulit atau menimbulkan perubahan pada kulit payudara atau pada puting susu. • erosi atau eksema puting susu Kulit atau puting susu tadi menjadi tertarik ke dalam (retraksi), berwarna merah muda atau kecoklat-coklatan sampai menjadi oedema hingga kulit kelihatan seperti kulit jeruk (peau d'orange), mengkerut, atau timbul borok (ulkus) pada payudara. Borok itu makin lama makin besar dan mendalam sehingga dapat menghancurkan seluruh payudara, sering berbau busuk, dan mudah berdarah. • pendarahan pada puting susu. • Rasa sakit atau nyeri pada umumnya baru timbul kalau tumor sudah besar, sudah timbul borok, atau kalau sudah ada metastase ke tulang-tulang. • Kemudian timbul pembesaran kelenjar getah bening di ketiak, bengkak (edema) pada lengan, dan penyebaran kanker ke seluruh tubuh (Handoyo, 1990). Kanker payudara lanjut sangat mudah dikenali dengan mengetahui kriteria operbilitas Heagensen sebagai berikut: • terdapat edema luas pada kulit payudara (lebih 1/3 luas kulit payudara); • adanya nodul satelit pada kulit payudara; • kanker payudara jenis mastitis karsinimatosa; • terdapat model parasternal; • terdapat nodul supraklavikula; • adanya edema lengan; • adanya metastase jauh; • serta terdapat dua dari tanda-tanda locally advanced, yaitu ulserasi kulit, edema kulit, kulit terfiksasi pada dinding toraks, kelenjar getah bening aksila berdiameter lebih 2,5 cm, dan kelenjar getah bening aksila melekat satu sama lain 1.4. Faktor Resiko Menurut Moningkey dan KodimPenyebab spesifik kanker payudara masih belum diketahui, tetapi terdapat banyak faktor yang diperkirakan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap terjadinya kanker payudara diantaranya: 1.4.1. Faktor reproduksi Karakteristik reproduktif yang berhubungan dengan risiko terjadinya kanker payudara adalah nuliparitas, menarche pada umur muda, menopause pada umur lebih tua, dan kehamilan pertama pada umur tua. Risiko utama kanker payudara adalah bertambahnya umur. Diperkirakan, periode antara terjadinya haid pertama dengan umur saat kehamilan pertama merupakan window of initiation perkembangan kanker payudara. Secara anatomi dan fungsional, payudara akan mengalami atrofi dengan bertambahnya umur. Kurang dari 25% kanker payudara terjadi pada masa sebelum menopause sehingga diperkirakan awal terjadinya tumor terjadi jauh sebelum terjadinya perubahan klinis. 1.4.2. Penggunaan hormon Hormon eksogen berhubungan dengan terjadinya kanker payudara. Laporan dari Harvard School of Public Health menyatakan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kanker payudara yang bermakna pada para pengguna terapi estrogen replacement. Suatu metaanalisis menyatakan bahwa walaupun tidak terdapat risiko kanker payudara pada pengguna kontrasepsi oral, wanita yang menggunakan obat ini untuk waktu yang lama mempunyai risiko tinggi untuk mengalami kanker ini sebelum menopause. 1.4.3. Penyakit fibrokistik Pada wanita dengan adenosis, fibroadenoma, dan fibrosis, tidak ada peningkatan risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Pada hiperplasis dan papiloma, risiko sedikit meningkat 1,5 sampai 2 kali. Sedangkan pada hiperplasia atipik, risiko meningkat hingga 5 kali. 1.4.4. Obesitas Terdapat hubungan yang positif antara berat badan dan bentuk tubuh dengan kanker payudara pada wanita pasca menopause. Variasi terhadap kekerapan kanker ini di negara-negara Barat dan bukan Barat serta perubahan kekerapan sesudah migrasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh diet terhadap terjadinya keganasan ini. 1.4.5. Konsumsi lemak Konsumsi lemak diperkirakan sebagai suatu faktor risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Willet dkk., melakukan studi prospektif selama 8 tahun tentang konsumsi lemak dan serat dalam hubungannya dengan risiko kanker payudara pada wanita umur 34 sampai 59 tahun. 1.4.6. Radiasi Eksposur dengan radiasi ionisasi selama atau sesudah pubertas meningkatkan terjadinya risiko kanker payudara. Dari beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa risiko kanker radiasi berhubungan secara linier dengan dosis dan umur saat terjadinya eksposur. 1.4.7. Riwayat keluarga dan faktor genetik Riwayat keluarga merupakan komponen yang penting dalam riwayat penderita yang akan dilaksanakan skrining untuk kanker payudara. Terdapat peningkatan risiko keganasan ini pada wanita yang keluarganya menderita kanker payudara. Pada studi genetik ditemukan bahwa kanker payudara berhubungan dengan gen tertentu. Apabila terdapat BRCA 1, yaitu suatu gen suseptibilitas kanker payudara, probabilitas untuk terjadi kanker payudara sebesar 60% pada umur 50 tahun dan sebesar 85% pada umur 70 tahun. 1.5. Pengobatan Kanker Ada beberapa pengobatan kanker payudara yang penerapannya banyak tergantung pada stadium klinik penyakit (Tjindarbumi, 1994), yaitu: 1.5.1. Mastektomi Mastektomi adalah operasi pengangkatan payudara. Ada 3 jenis mastektomi (Hirshaut & Pressman, 1992): Modified Radical Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara, jaringan payudara di tulang dada, tulang selangka dan tulang iga, serta benjolan di sekitar ketiak. Total (Simple) Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan seluruh payudara saja, tetapi bukan kelenjar di ketiak. Radical Mastectomy, yaitu operasi pengangkatan sebagian dari payudara. Biasanya disebut lumpectomy, yaitu pengangkatan hanya pada jaringan yang mengandung sel kanker, bukan seluruh payudara. Operasi ini selalu diikuti dengan pemberian radioterapi. Biasanya lumpectomy direkomendasikan pada pasien yang besar tumornya kurang dari 2 cm dan letaknya di pinggir payudara. 1.5.2. Penyinaran/radiasi Yang dimaksud radiasi adalah proses penyinaran pada daerah yang terkena kanker dengan menggunakan sinar X dan sinar gamma yang bertujuan membunuh sel kanker yang masih tersisa di payudara setelah operasi (Denton, 1996). Efek pengobatan ini tubuh menjadi lemah, nafsu makan berkurang, warna kulit di sekitar payudara menjadi hitam, serta Hb dan leukosit cenderung menurun sebagai akibat dari radiasi. 1.5.3. Kemoterapi Kemoterapi adalah proses pemberian obat-obatan anti kanker dalam bentuk pil cair atau kapsul atau melalui infus yang bertujuan membunuh sel kanker. Tidak hanya sel kanker pada payudara, tapi juga di seluruh tubuh (Denton, 1996). Efek dari kemoterapi adalah pasien mengalami mual dan muntah serta rambut rontok karena pengaruh obatobatan yang diberikan pada saat kemoterapi. 1.6. Strategi Pencegahan Pada prinsipnya, strategi pencegahan dikelompokkan dalam tiga kelompok besar, yaitu pencegahan pada lingkungan, pada pejamu, dan milestone. Hampir setiap epidemiolog sepakat bahwa pencegahan yang paling efektif bagi kejadian penyakit tidak menular adalah promosi kesehatan dan deteksi dini. Begitu pula pada kanker payudara, pencegahan yang dilakukan antara lain berupa: 1.6.1. Pencegahan primer Pencegahan primer pada kanker payudara merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi kesehatan karena dilakukan pada orang yang "sehat" melalui upaya menghindarkan diri dari keterpaparan pada berbagai faktor risiko dan melaksanakan pola hidup sehat. 1.6.2. Pencegahan sekunder Pencegahan sekunder dilakukan terhadap individu yang memiliki risiko untuk terkena kanker payudara. Setiap wanita yang normal dan memiliki siklus haid normal merupakan populasi at risk dari kanker payudara. Pencegahan sekunder dilakukan dengan melakukan deteksi dini. Beberapa metode deteksi dini terus mengalami perkembangan. Skrining melalui mammografi diklaim memiliki akurasi 90% dari semua penderita kanker payudara, tetapi keterpaparan terus-menerus pada mammografi pada wanita yang sehat merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya kanker payudara. Karena itu, skrining dengan mammografi tetap dapat dilaksanakan dengan beberapa pertimbangan antara lain: • Wanita yang sudah mencapai usia 40 tahun dianjurkan melakukan cancer risk assessement survey. • Pada wanita dengan faktor risiko mendapat rujukan untuk dilakukan mammografi setiap tahun. • Wanita normal mendapat rujukan mammografi setiap 2 tahun sampai mencapai usia 50 tahun. Foster dan Constanta menemukan bahwa kematian oleh kanker payudara lebih sedikit pada wanita yang melakukan pemeriksaan SADARI (Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri) dibandingkan yang tidak. Walaupun sensitivitas SADARI untuk mendeteksi kanker payudara hanya 26%, bila dikombinasikan dengan mammografi maka sensitivitas mendeteksi secara dini menjadi 75%. 1.6.3. Pencegahan Tertier Pencegahan tertier biasanya diarahkan pada individu yang telah positif menderita kanker payudara. Penanganan yang tepat penderita kanker payudara sesuai dengan stadiumnya akan dapat mengurangi kecatatan dan memperpanjang harapan hidup penderita. Pencegahan tertier ini penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita serta mencegah komplikasi penyakit dan meneruskan pengobatan. Tindakan pengobatan dapat berupa operasi walaupun tidak berpengaruh banyak terhadap ketahanan hidup penderita. Bila kanker telah jauh bermetastasis, dilakukan tindakan kemoterapi dengan sitostatika. Pada stadium tertentu, pengobatan diberikan hanya berupa simptomatik dan dianjurkan untuk mencari pengobatan alternatif. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanker_payudara