ENERGI PADA KONTRAKSI JANTUNG HUSNIL KADRI Fakultas Kedokteran Unand Padang 3 JENIS JARINGAN OTOT 2 OTOT JANTUNG OTOT JANTUNG CARDIAC MUSCLE 20-5 OTOT JANTUNG –selnya bercabang dan mengandung 1 – 2 nukleus ditengahnya Myofilament actin dan myosin Intercalated disks: Specialized cell-cell contacts Desmosomes hold cells together and gap junctions allow action potentials 20-6 Sel GAP JUNCTIONS small pores in the center of each gap junction allows ions and small peptides to flow from one cell to another action potential is propagated to adjacent muscle cells Heart behaves as a single motor unit THEORETICALLY, AN ION INSIDE AN SA NODAL CELL COULD TRAVEL THROUGHOUT THE HEART VIA THE GAP JUNCTIONS Sperelakis N, Kurachi Y, Terzic A, Cohen MV. Heart Physiology and Pathophysiology Academic Press, 2001 MITOCHONDRIA Membangkitkan energi dalam bentuk adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Menjaga fungsi kontraksi jantung dan berhubungan dengan gradien ion THICK & THIN MYOFILAMENTS PROTEIN OTOT Myofibrils terdiri dari 3 protein: 1. contractile proteins - myosin and actin 2. Proteins pengatur kontraksi - troponin and tropomyosin 3. Protein struktural - titin, myomesin, nebulin and dystrophin MYOSIN Many different types Myosin V vesicle transport Myosin II skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction ACTIN FILAMENTS: Polymer of G-actin (43 kDa globular protein) ‘thin filaments’ in muscle 2 SUMBER CALSIUM PADA OTOT JANTUNG CARDIAC VS SKELETAL MUSCLE More sarcoplasm and mitochondria Larger transverse tubules located at Z discs Less well-developed SR More Ca+2 enters cell from extracellular fluid during contraction Prolonged delivery of Ca+2 to sarcoplasm, produces a contraction that last 10 -15 times longer than in skeletal muscle PHYSIOLOGY OF CARDIAC MUSCLE Contracts without stimulation Contracts 75 times per min & needs lots O2 Larger mitochondria generate ATP aerobically Sustained contraction possible due to slow Ca+2 delivery Ca+2 channels to the extracellular fluid stay open MUSCLE METABOLISM: ENERGY FOR CONTRACTION Muscle cells need to generate large amounts of available energy during contractions Muscle cells have three ways to produce ATP: Aerobic cellular respiration Anaerobic cellular respiration Creatine phosphate CARDIAC MUSCLE METABOLISM CREATINE PHOSPHATE IN MUSCLE CELLS Resting muscle cells store excess energy in creatine phosphate During exercise cells can quickly replenish their ATP supply using creatine-phosphate This supply of energy is only large enough for short bursts of activity (about 15 seconds) ANAEROBIC METABOLISM IN MUSCLE CELLS For short time periods muscle cells can make ATP by glycolysis alone The pyruvate is converted into lactic acid and enters the blood if there is no oksigen (anaerobic) This source of ATP can only power muscle cells for about 30-40 seconds KEPUSTAKAAN Akar AR. Cardiac Physiology (IV). Ankara University School of Medicine. Desember 2003. download 2011 Jenkins, Kemnitz, Tortora. Chapter 10 Muscle Tissue. Anatomy and Physiology. John Wiley & Son, inc. download 2011 Cardiovascular System: Heart. download 2011 Chapter 6 Histology. download 2011 Structure and Function of Skeletal Muscle. download 2011 Khan R. Year I Tutorial: Musculoskeletal System. download 2011. Murray RK. Muscle & the cytoskeleton. In:Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry. 27th ed. pp 565-587