Nama : Ikhsan Magribi NIM : 530041245 Diskusi-5 Diskusikan tentang tujuan dan fungsi pembelajaran matematika di sekolah..... Berdasarkan Sumber : Brief notes on the Aims and objectives of teaching mathematics Aims of teaching mathematics are to be framed in the light of the educational values of the subject. Value is the spring-board of aim. We know that mathematics has wide applications in our daily life. It has great cultural and displinary values. Thus we may mention the aims of teaching mathematics as under: Aims 1. To enable the students to solve mathematical problems of daily life. We have to select the content and methods of teaching so that the students are able to make use of their learning of mathematics in daily life. 2. To enable the students to understand the contribution of mathematics to the development of culture and civilisation. 3. To develop thinking and reasoning power of the students. 4. To prepare a sound foundation needed for various vocations. Mathematics is needed in various professions such as those of engineers, bankers, scientists, accountants, statisticians etc. 5. To prepare the child for further learning in mathematics and the related fields. School mathematics should also aim at preparing him for higher learning in mathematics. 6. To develop in the child desirable habits and attitudes like habit of hard work, self-reliance, concentration and discovery. 7. To give the child an insight into the relationship of different topics and branches of the subject. 8. To enable the child to understand popular literature. He should be so prepared that he finds no handicap in understanding mathematical terms and concepts used in various journals, magazines, newspapers etc. 9. To teach the child the art of economic and creative living. 10. To develop in the child rational and scientific attitude towards life. Objectives Aims of teaching mathematics are genially scope whereas objectives of the subject are specific goals leading ultimately to the general aims of the subject. The objectives of teaching mathematics in school can be described as under: A. Knowledge Objectives Through mathematics, a pupil acquires the knowledge of the following: (i) He learns mathematical language, for example, mathematical symbols, formulae figures, diagrams, definitions etc. (ii) He understands and uses mathematical concepts like concept o area, volume, number, direction etc. (iii) He learns the fundamental mathematical ideas, processes, rules and relationships. (iv) He understands the historical background of various topics an contribution of mathematicians. (v) He understands the significance and use of the units of measurement] B. Skill Objectives Mathematics develops the following skills: (i) The child learns to express thoughts clearly and accurately. (ii) He learns to perform calculations orally. (iii) He develops the ability to organise and interpret the given data (iv) He learns to reach accurate conclusions by accurate and logic reasoning. (v) He learns to analyse problems and discover fundamental relationships. (vi) He develops speed and accuracy in solving problems. (vii) He develops the skill to draw accurate geometrical figures, (viii) He develops the ability to use mathematical apparatuses an tools skillfully. C. Appreciation Objectives The child learns to appreciate: (i) The contribution of mathematics to the development of various subjects and occupations. (ii) The role played by mathematics in modern life. (iii) The mathematical type of thought which serves as model for scientific thinking in other fields. (iv) The rigour and power of mathematical processes and accrue of results. (u) The cultural value of mathematics. (vi) The value of mathematics as leisure time activity. D. Attitude Objectives Mathematics helps in the development of following attitudes: (i) The child develops the attitude of systematically pursuing a task to completion. (ii) He develops heuristic attitude. He tries to make independent discoveries. (Hi)’ He develops the habit of logical reasoning. (iv) He is brief and precise in expressing statements and results, (v)He develops the habit of verification. (vi) He develops power concentration and independent thinking. (vii) He develops habit of selfreliance. We have discussed the aims and objectives of teaching mathematics in general. The teacher should carefully choose the objectives regarding a particular topic. The nature of students will also be kept in view. Terjemahan Catatan singkat tentang Maksud dan Tujuan dari pengajaran matematika Tujuan pengajaran matematika harus dibingkai dalam cahaya nilai-nilai pendidikan dari subjek tersebut. Nilai adalah papan loncatan tujuan. Kita tahu bahwa matematika memiliki penerapan yang luas dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Ini memiliki nilai budaya dan perpindahan yang besar. Jadi kami dapat menyebutkan tujuan pengajaran matematika sebagai berikut: Tujuan 1. Memampukan siswa memecahkan masalah matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kita harus menyeleksi isi dan metode pengajaran agar siswa mampu memanfaatkan pembelajaran matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 2. Memampukan siswa memahami kontribusi matematika bagi perkembangan budaya dan peradaban. 3. Untuk mengembangkan daya pikir dan penalaran siswa. 4. Untuk mempersiapkan landasan yang kuat yang dibutuhkan untuk berbagai panggilan. Matematika dibutuhkan dalam berbagai profesi seperti insinyur, bankir, ilmuwan, akuntan, ahli statistik, dll. 5. Untuk mempersiapkan anak untuk pembelajaran lebih lanjut dalam matematika dan bidang terkait. Matematika sekolah juga harus bertujuan mempersiapkannya untuk pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dalam matematika. 6. Untuk mengembangkan pada anak kebiasaan dan sikap yang diinginkan seperti kebiasaan kerja keras, kemandirian, konsentrasi dan penemuan. 7. Memberi anak wawasan tentang hubungan berbagai topik dan cabang mata pelajaran. 8. Untuk memungkinkan anak memahami sastra populer. Dia harus sangat siap sehingga dia tidak menemukan hambatan dalam memahami istilah dan konsep matematika yang digunakan dalam berbagai jurnal, majalah, surat kabar, dll. 9. Untuk mengajari anak seni kehidupan ekonomi dan kreatif. 10. Untuk mengembangkan sikap rasional dan ilmiah anak terhadap kehidupan. Tujuan Tujuan pengajaran matematika adalah ruang lingkup yang ramah sedangkan tujuan dari subjek adalah tujuan khusus yang pada akhirnya mengarah pada tujuan umum subjek. Tujuan pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: A. Tujuan Pengetahuan Melalui matematika, seorang siswa memperoleh pengetahuan berikut ini: (i) Ia mempelajari bahasa matematika, misalnya, simbol matematika, gambar rumus, diagram, definisi, dll. (ii) Ia memahami dan menggunakan konsep matematika seperti konsep luas, volume, bilangan, arah, dll. (iii) Ia mempelajari ide-ide matematika fundamental, proses, aturan dan hubungan. (iv) Dia memahami latar belakang sejarah berbagai topik merupakan kontribusi dari ahli matematika. (v) Dia memahami signifikansi dan penggunaan unit pengukuran B. Tujuan Keterampilan Matematika mengembangkan keterampilan berikut: (i) Anak belajar mengungkapkan pikiran dengan jelas dan akurat. (ii) Dia belajar melakukan perhitungan secara lisan. (iii) Ia mengembangkan kemampuan untuk mengatur dan menafsirkan data yang diberikan (iv) Ia belajar untuk mencapai kesimpulan yang akurat dengan penalaran yang akurat dan logis. (v) Ia belajar menganalisis masalah dan menemukan hubungan fundamental. (vi) Ia mengembangkan kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam memecahkan masalah. (vii) Ia mengembangkan keterampilan menggambar bentuk geometris yang akurat, (viii) Dia mengembangkan kemampuan untuk menggunakan peralatan matematika dan alat dengan terampil. C. Tujuan Penghargaan Anak itu belajar menghargai: (i) Kontribusi matematika untuk pengembangan berbagai mata pelajaran dan pekerjaan. (ii) Peran yang dimainkan matematika dalam kehidupan modern. (iii) Jenis pemikiran matematis yang menjadi model pemikiran ilmiah di bidang lain. (iv) Ketelitian dan kekuatan proses matematika dan bertambahnya hasil. (v) Nilai budaya matematika. (vi) Nilai matematika sebagai aktivitas waktu senggang. D. Sasaran Sikap Matematika membantu dalam pengembangan sikap berikut: (i) Anak mengembangkan sikap secara sistematis mengejar tugas sampai selesai. (ii) Dia mengembangkan sikap heuristik. Dia mencoba membuat penemuan independen. 'Dia mengembangkan kebiasaan penalaran logis. (iv) Ia singkat dan tepat dalam mengungkapkan pernyataan dan hasil, (v) Ia mengembangkan kebiasaan verifikasi. (vi) Ia mengembangkan konsentrasi kekuatan dan pemikiran mandiri. (vii) Ia mengembangkan kebiasaan kemandirian. Kami telah membahas maksud dan tujuan pengajaran matematika secara umum. Guru harus hatihati memilih tujuan tentang topik tertentu. Sifat siswa juga akan terus diperhatikan. Sumber Lain : Tujuan dan Fungsi Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Matematika berfungsi untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bilangan dan simbol-simbol serta ketajaman penalaran yang dapat membantu memperjelas dan menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Simbol-simbol itu penting untuk membantu memanipulasi aturan-aturan dengan operasi yang ditetapkan. Simbolisasi menjamin adanya komunikasi dan mampu memberikan keterangan untuk membentuk suatu konsep baru. Konsep baru terbentuk karena adanya pemahaman terhadap konsep sebelumnya, sehingga matematika itu konsep-konsepnya tersusun secara hirarkis. Dengan demikian simbol-simbol itu dapat digunakan untuk mengkomunikasikan ide-ide secara efektif dan efisien. Agar simbol-simbol itu berarti, kita harus memahami ide yang terkandung di dalam simbol tersebut. Karena itu hal terpenting adalah bahwa itu harus dipahami sebelum ide itu disimbolkan. (Hudoyo, 1988:54) Tujuan pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah adalah: (1) Mempersiapkan siswa agar sanggup menghadapi perubahan keadaan dalam kehidupan melalui latihan bertindak atas dasar pemikiran logis, rasional, kritis, cermat, jujur dan efektif; (2) Mempersiapkan siswa agar dapat menggunakan matematika dan pola pikir matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam mempelajari berbagai ilmu pengetahuan; (3) Menambah dan mengembangkan ketrampilan berhitung dengan bilangan sebagai alat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari; (4) mengembangkan pengetahuan dasar matematika dasar sebagai bekal untuk melanjutkan kependidikan menengah dan (5) membentuk sikap logis, kritis, kreatif, cermat dan disiplin. (Depdikbud, 1996) Sumber Lain : The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to: - recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems become confident in using mathematics to analyse and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies in mathematics develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others develop a critical appreciation of the use of information and communication technology in mathematics appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives. Objectives A. Knowledge and understanding Knowledge and understanding are fundamental to studying mathematics and form the base from which to explore concepts and develop problem-solving skills. Through knowledge and understanding students develop mathematical reasoning to make deductions and solve problems. At the end of the course, students should be able to: - - know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five branches of mathematics (number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics) use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts. B. Investigating patterns Investigating patterns allows students to experience the excitement and satisfaction of mathematical discovery. Mathematical inquiry encourages students to become risk-takers, inquirers and critical thinkers. The ability to inquire is invaluable in the MYP and contributes to lifelong learning. Through the use of mathematical investigations, students are given the opportunity to apply mathematical knowledge and problem-solving techniques to investigate a problem, generate and/or analyse information, find relationships and patterns, describe these mathematically as general rules, and justify or prove them. At the end of the course, when investigating problems, in both theoretical and real-life contexts, student should be able to: - select and apply appropriate inquiry and mathematical problem-solving techniques recognize patterns describe patterns as relationships or general rules draw conclusions consistent with findings justify or prove mathematical relationships and general rules. C. Communication in mathematics Mathematics provides a powerful and universal language. Students are expected to use mathematical language appropriately when communicating mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings—both orally and in writing. At the end of the course, students should be able to communicate mathematical ideas, reasoning and findings by being able to: - use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanations use different forms of mathematical representation (formulae, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and models) move between different forms of representation. Students are encouraged to choose and use ICT tools as appropriate and, where available, to enhance communication of their mathematical ideas. ICT tools can include graphic display calculators, screenshots, graphing, spreadsheets, databases, and drawing and word-processing software. D. Reflection in mathematics MYP mathematics encourages students to reflect upon their findings and problem-solving processes. Students are encouraged to share their thinking with teachers and peers and to examine different problem-solving strategies. Critical reflection in mathematics helps students gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses as learners and to appreciate the value of errors as powerful motivators to enhance learning and understanding. At the end of the course students should be able to: - explain whether their results make sense in the context of the problem explain the importance of their findings justify the degree of accuracy of their results where appropriate suggest improvements to the method when necessary.