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Ulasan Rawa Singkil

Rawa Singkil
Review Wisatawan
1. Satiman( subulussalam, Indonesia) : At the singkil swamp you can see wild orang utan, and varietes
of birds and local fishes, during the way to reach it you will also see wild of crocodiles which living on
that river.
2. th G2407( Paris, Prancis)
: Is the good person in Singkil. He would arrange everything and
find the best solution to travel to or from Singkil.Singkil is a remote place, but Swamp it's a real
experience. Suddenly you will be face to face to Orangutan.Thanks to Me Darmawan who did the best to
help the traveler.
Dari kedua ulasan diatas di Trip advisor Rawa singkil mendapatkan Rating sebesar 3,5 dengan pendapat
dari wisatawan 50% mengatakan sangat bagus dan selebihnya mengatakan peringkatnya Rata- rata saja.