PEMROGRAMAN WEB DASAR DOSEN PENGAMPU ANDIK SETYONO, Ph.D DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH Mempelajari pembangunan halaman web dimulai dari perencanaan web, pengaturan desain tampilan, memisahkan antara content web dan format tampilan (CSS), menjadikan web interaktif (javascript), dan memasang web pada suatu server hosting. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN Mahasiswa mempunyai dasar pengetahuan yang kuat dalam pembuatan suatu website Menggunakan standard HTML sehingga website yang dibuat dapat berjalan pada banyak browser KEMAMPUAN KHUSUS 1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) 2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) 3. Multimedia 4. Javascript 5. Mampu menggabungkan HTML, CSS, Javascript 6. PHP (Pengantar) What is the Internet? The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Network is simply computers wired or connected together in a way that lets them share data, resources, devices, etc. World Wide Web (WWW) is a protocol that can be used for communication on the Internet. The term that describes the way in which Web transfers information is called the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Clients are users of the Internet. A Web Server is a 24 hours, 7 days a week communication application that waits for requests by clients using Web browsers. Web servers actually run web sites. Once a request is made, the server returns to the client the requested page, if it can be found. Most of the clients want to access the content of the web page. How does the Internet works? A message sent from one computer to another is first broken up into small packets, each labeled with the address of the destination machine, which is the Internet Protocol, IP, address. The sending computer then passes those packets along to the next connected Internet machine, which looks at the IP address and then passes it along to the next connected Internet machine. This process will repeat until the packets reach the destination machine. IP can't ensure that the packets arrived in the correct order. That's the job of another protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). KETENTUAN KULIAH Absen : minimal 75% kehadiran (11x masuk dari 14x pertemuan) Toleransi Persentase Penilaian Keterlambatan Tugas : 40% Maksimal UTS : 30% 30 menit UAS : 30% CONTACT • ANDIK SETYONO • Siadin • Email : [email protected] [email protected] • Download materi : siadin • YM : [email protected] • HP : 081313909043 / 081227227917