bl",t.a!,{t t*bJt li/Alt KOLEJ UNIVERSITI ISLAM MELAKA UN'YERSITY COLLEGE OF ISLAM MELAKA (Milik Penuh Kerajaan Negeri Melaka) Diuruskan oleh Kolej Teknologi lslam Melaka Berhad (566614-H) Reff. No. Date : KU lM/APl/RCIS(4y01 /KK : 12 November 2018 Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wbt MR EDI SUYANTO Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Sekolah TinggiAgama lslam Negeri Bengkalis, Riau, lndonesia. Dear Prof/Dr./Sir/Madam/Ms., NOTIFICATION OF FULLPAPER ACCEPTANCE AND PUBLICATION FOR 4th REGTONAL CONVENTTON ON TSLAMTC STUDTES (RGrS) 2018. On behalf of RCIS 2018 committee, we are pleased to inform you that submitted fullpaper entitled irlJl Flr,r.-! i-rltJl a#,lJJl i;-Jl .7)tJel ct*jXl Et;S,,r U;u*tl L-5*XI ,t!*lt iir3<all {r.y-!l p-t!.i"riJl OtLl*,| i*t" .il':lt-r 4-,ll i*ltodll' has been accepted. You are also invited to participate and present your paper in this convention on 12th December 2018 atAuditoriom lbn Khaldun, KUIM. We would like to remind you that the conference fee shall be paid before or on 26 November 20'|-8. Failing to pay will be unpublished your full paper in the proceeding. Your full paper will be published in the Proceedings of 4th Regional Convention on lslamic Studies 2018. Thank you very much for your submission. We look fonryard to welcoming and seeing you at the convention. Best regards, ,,MELAKA BERWIBAWA" *PINTAR, HIJAU, BERSIH'' "WASATIYYAH, BERILMU, BERI NTEGRITI' N. Sincerely, (MdHD HAKIM BrN MoKHTAR RIJAN) Director, 4th Regional Convention on lslamic Studies (RC|S) 2018 Batu 28, Kuala Sungai Baru,78200 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel : (606) 3878382 Faks : (606) 3878411 Web : http:/