English Curriculum Observation Report in SMAN 1 CALANG Arranged to fulfill the task of English Curriculum Development guided by Mrs. Syarifah Dahliana, M.Ag., M.Ed., Ph.D. By: MARISSA YOLANDA (170203034) FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND EDUCATION ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY OF AR- RANIRY BANDA ACEH 2018/2019 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Issue Background The National Education System is a whole component of education that is interrelated to achieve national education goals that have been stated in the relevance of Law Number 20 of 2003, namely developing capabilities and forming dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life, aiming at developing potential students being a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen. The curriculum as an educational tool must be monitored and controlled so that the curriculum can run according to the program set. In curriculum development, evaluation is needed because it is used to improve and provide input for the development of the next curriculum in accordance with developments and needs in education. Evaluation is not intended to provide an absolute assessor and correction negatively, but rather to provide positive input so that the curriculum can be in accordance with the needs and development of the times. In the past few years, the implementation of the curriculum in Indonesia had become a very urgent phenomenon. Such as the implementation of the 2013 curriculum that has been implemented in several schools as piloting the 2013 Curriculum project. However, along with the development of the 2013 curriculum in the 2014/2015 school year, the government adopted a policy to enact the 2013 curriculum in all schools throughout Indonesia. Various polemics related to the 2013 curriculum finally broke out. The government and education experts conducted the 2013 curriculum evaluation and finally decided that in the following school year all schools must return the KTSP curriculum. However, in the following year 2013 curriculum experienced improvements and must be re-applied in all schools. One of the schools that experienced this change was SMAN 1 Calang, which located in Aceh Jaya Regency. Changes in the curriculum that continue to occur, have led to the interest of researchers to make observations regarding the curriculum that is carried out especially in English. 1.2 Problem Formulation 1. How is the English curriculum planning at SMAN 1 Calang? 2. How is the implementation of the English curriculum at SMAN 1 Calang? 3. How is the evaluation of the English curriculum at SMAN 1 Calang? CHAPTER II DISCUSSION 2.1 School Profile School Name : SMA Negeri 1 Calang NSS : Address : Jl. Koramil, Gampong Blang, Calang, Aceh Jaya Post Code : 23654 Telephone :- Email/Website : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sman-1-Calang/983623218345041 Vision and Mission Vision Creating quality graduates in the fields of science and technology and developing the soul of students who are Islamic in character Mission Carry out learning and guidance effectively, so that each student can develop optimally according to their potential Creating discipline, noble, noble, devoted, intelligent, skilled, creative, innovative, dynamic and responsible students Develop talent and interest in cultural arts activities, sports activities and other extracurricular activities. and able to develop themselves personally and be ready to face global competition. Creating a clean, cool and comfortable school environment Establish good cooperation with the school committee and related parties in terms of improving the quality of education. Establish good cooperation with the school committee and related parties in terms of improving the quality of education. Invites and teaches all communities around the school to provide extensive and comprehensive information about the importance of education. I have observed the class on: Place : SMAN 1 Calang Day / Date : Saturday, April 12, 2019 Time : 10:00 - 11:00 WIB Lesson : English Class : XI Teacher : Leli Mainandir, S. Pd Teacher Civil Id: 198105072006042006 The data were collected by: 1. Observation, to observe the learning process in the classroom as part of the application of curriculum evaluation by observing it directly, 2. Interview, to collect data on what curriculum is used in the SMAN 1 Calang, as well as how to plan, implement and evaluate the results through question and answer with the resource person. According to the observation, the following results were obtained: 2.2 English Curriculum Planning at SMAN 1 Calang The curriculum used in SMAN 1 Calang is the 2013 Curriculum (K13), this curriculum has been used since 2014 in accordance with government policies that require all schools in Indonesia to use K13 in learning practices. Furthermore, the government revised the 2013 Curriculum as a more complete curriculum development. In SMAN 1 Calang, the implementation of learning has been planned in advance using Learning Process Design (RPP) and Syllabus. Then the learning implementation activities have been adjusted to the existing design. As in other districts, curriculum planning at SMAN 1 Calang involves developers from various schools called MGMP (Subject Teacher Consultation), in MGMP the teacher can discuss what should be added and reduced in applying the curriculum adjusted to the needs, characters and environment of the students. The curriculum that has been prepared is then socialized to the advisory board and committee. Then it will be reviewed and given input for improvement. For the quality of the RPP and syllabus, the planning has been very good, there has been development. Both the quality of formulation, clarity, integration of capabilities, the quality of the formulation of KD, the formulation of indicators of success, selection of content and organization of learning materials, and completeness are good. 2.3 English Curriculum Implementation at SMAN 1 Calang Learning activities in SMAN 1 Calang are adjusted to the material. For learning English in particular, the learning method is done in various ways, so it is not boring and make students excited and interested in learning English. For learning resources, teachers usually take from various sources, such as printed materials, image, video, and internet sources. In implementing the 2013 Curriculum there are various obstacles that encountered, such as, the condition of the students in Calang who are very diverse, only few students already have good English language skills, but others are still at the basic level or even lower. In the 2013 curriculum, some of the material taught was too high so it was difficult for the teacher to teach some students who were less proficient in English. Another problem is the lack of English learning hours in the 2013 curriculum. English subjects in the 2013 curriculum only have 2 hours a week which is very lacking for solid and high material. The other obstacles can be found in facilities, such as LCD. Based on the 2013 curriculum the learning process in the classroom must have used an LCD. In fact, there are only a few LCDs at SMAN1 Calang so sometimes the learning becomes less effective. However, most of the implementation of learning activities has gone quite well. The teacher has done apperception and motivation well before the material is delivered. Teachers also often provide motivation for students about the importance of learning English. Then in the core activities also, the teacher has mastered the material taught, the teacher has also applied various strategies and methods of learning that are educational and interesting. The teacher also conducts discussions and questions-answers with students about material that might be difficult. In the implementation the teacher has also carried out the assessment, as evidenced by the existence of notes about students. In the implementation of learning also the teacher has used language that is quite communicant with students. And at the end of the lesson, the teacher closes very well because she reviews the lesson again and tells students about the material for the next week so that students can study at home, the teacher also not forget to gives a little reflection and assignment to students. 2.4 English Curriculum Evaluation in SMAN 1 Calang According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2012, p. 3) 2013 the curriculum has three aspects of assessment; aspects of knowledge, aspects of skills, and aspects of attitude and behavior. In connection with this, evaluating process at SMAN 1 Calang emphasizes these 3 aspects. Teachers not only assess students' cognitive abilities, but also their behavior and attitudes. In my observation, it is true that teachers at SMAN 1 Calang, especially English teachers emphasize attitudes and behavior. The teacher believes that in addition to having good academic skills, students must also have good attitudes and behavior. The teacher evaluates and respects every activity carried out by students in the class, both in terms of learning such as actively discussing and answering questions, and in terms of attitudes such as helping friends in learning and how to behave in class. In Curriculum 2013 the percentage for the Middle Semester Examination and Semester Final Examination is smaller, which is around 40% and 60% of the learning process, but also for making exam questions the teacher is stressed to make questions in the form of essay/descriptions not multiple choices, so students can solve problems with their own solutions. So most of the final grades or report cards are obtained from the process value or the activeness value of students in the class. CHAPTER III CLOSING 3.1 Review Based on the results of the observation, it can be concluded that SMAN 1 Calang applied the 2013 Curriculum in its learning and most of it could be implemented properly. Agreed with Mrs. Leli Mainandir, we argue that learning English will be more effective when using the 2013 Curriculum. Although only providing limited study time, the media and learning strategies offered can overcome them. There are many strategies and learning media that can be applied in learning English. In the 2013 curriculum, the contents of textbooks are also very diverse, the contents include a variety of scientific and general knowledge, so as to increase the knowledge and insight of students when teaching English. topics such as globalization, environmental problems, advances in information technology, scientific and technological conferences, and knowledge-based economies are very helpful in preparing generations to face globalization. The learning process, especially in English, has implemented the 2013 Curriculum both in terms of planning, implementation, and evaluation. In my opinion, 2013 Curriculum has a clear goal in shaping national character because it not only emphasizes the cognitive abilities of students, but also on character. Although there were several obstacles in the learning process, the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at SMAN 1 Calang had been carried out quite well.