Untitled - Journal | Unair

Table of Contents
Perempuan dalam Praktek Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
257 - 265
Pelecehan Seksual melalui Media Massa
266 - 278
Feminisme dan Pelecehan Seksual dalam Birokrasi Kekuasaan Pemerintahan
279 - 283
Feminisme dan Pelecehan Profesi Berjender Feminin: Sebuah Tantangan Praktisi
Public Relations
284 - 292
Gangguan Stres Pasca Trauma pada Korban Pelecehan Seksual dan
293 - 302
Pelecehan Seksual: Tinjauan Psikologis
303 - 306
Penegakan HAM dan Perlindungan terhadap Korban Pelecehan Seksual
307 - 312
Responses of Muslimat and Fatayat to the Quota for Woman in the 2004 Election
313 - 327
Vol. 20 - No. 4 / 2007-10
TOC : 5, and page : 293 - 302
Gangguan Stres Pasca Trauma pada Korban Pelecehan Seksual dan Perkosaan
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Victims of Sexual Harassment and Rape
1. Yurika Fauzia Wardhani --> Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sistem dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Surabaya /
[email protected]
2. Weny Lestari -->
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sistem dan Kebijakan Kesehatan, Surabaya / [email protected]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on sexual abused victims often happened, causing physical and psychological
effects to the victims especially on children and teenagers. When the physical traumas are healed, the psychological
traumas are still left behind. The victims need psychological treatment to heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and to get
back to their lives just like before the traumatic moment happened. There are many treatments used in psychological
sciences to heal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on children and teenegers, but the first time we must know what caused
the problems and what symptoms they felt. The most important thing, we couldn’t help children and tenageer with
Post Trauma Stress Disorder by ourselves or themselves, we need expert opinions and medications to help them and
need groups responsiveness to escord them, till they heal from the trauma.
Keyword : Post, Traumatic, Stress, Disorder, sexual, abuse, children, teenagers, psychological, treatment,
Daftar Pustaka :
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