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Daerah penelitian termasuk dalam wilayah Sangkaropi Kecamatan Sesean
Kabupaten Toraja Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan wilayah Mendilla
Kabupaten Luwu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, yang secara astronomis koordinatnya
yakni 119º 57’ 05” hingga 119º 58’ 05” Bujur Timur (BT) dan 02º 50’ 42” hingga
02º 51’ 55” Lintang Selatan (LS).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik mineral lempung
yang meliputi karakteristik fisiknya di lapangan, mengetahui ukuran butir, jenis
mineral lempung dan pengotornya, persentase, sifat keplastisan, dan komposisi
Metode penelitian terbagi dua yaitu metode pengambilan data langsung di
lapangan dan analisis laboratorium. Metode pertama meliputi kegiatan
pengambilan data permukaan secara langsung di lapangan. Metode kedua meliputi
analisis petrografi, analisis XRD, analisis ukuran butir dan analisis komposisi
kimia dengan metode AAS.
Berdasarkan analisis XRD, singkapan lempung daerah penelitian terdiri
terdiri dari mineral lempung jenis Illite dan Halloysite dengan pengotor Kuarsa,
dan Labradorit. Ukuran butir sampel pada umumnya berukuran halus dengan sifat
keplastisan yakni plastis – sangat plastis.
Batuan yang mineralnya mengalami perubahan membentuk mineral
lempung yakni batuan vulkanik breksi dan tufa dimana batuan tersebut mengalami
proses alterasi hidrotermal sehingga menyebabkan mineral Felspar dan Mika pada
batuan tersebut terubahkan menjadi mineral lempung khususnya mineral lempung
jenis Illite dan Halloysite.
Administratively, the study area located in Sangkaropi areas belongs to
Sesean District, Toraja Utara Regency and Mendilla areas belongs to Walenrang
District, Luwu Regency where both of that regency belongs to South Sulawesi
Province, where the coordinates range at 119º57’05” to 119º58’05” East
Longitude and 02º50’42” to 02º51’55” South Latitude.
This research begins to figure out about clay minerals characteristic
including its characteristic in the field, grain size, variety and their impurities,
percentage, plasticity, and chemichal composition.
Research method divided into two methods that is activities to collecting
data from field and laboratory tested. First method including activity where data
is taking up from surface right in the field, and the second method including
petrography analysis, XRD analysis, grain size and chemical analysis by AAS.
By XRD, clays outcrop in the field consist of clay minerals such as
Halloysite and Illite, with Quartz and Labradorite as their impurities. Generally
the grain size is fine particle with plasticity range from plastic-very plastic.
Rocks which is changed to clay minerals are vulcanic rocks that is breccia
and tuff. That rocks altered and the minerals inside the rocks in this case felspar
and mica are changed to clay minerals especially illite and halloysite.