PERSETUDJUAN ANTARA PEMERINTAH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA DAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA TENT ANG PENETAPAN BATAS-BATAS DASAR LAUT TERTENTU PEMERINTAH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA DAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDOi~ESIA, Berhasrat untuk memperkuat ikatan persahabatan antara Negara; dan kedu ~ Berhasrat chususnja untuk bekerdja-sama dalam menetapkan batas-batas daerah dasar laut tertentu dengan suatu persetudjuan, dimana kedua negara ma sing- ma sing melaksanakan hak kedaulatan untuk mengadakan explorasi dan exploitasi kekajaan alamnja, TELAH MENJETUDJUI SEBAGAI BERIKUT: PASAL 1 (~ Di Laut Ar1fura sebelah Timur dari Budjur Timur 133 23', batas antara daerah dasar laut jang berbatasan denga.n dan termasuk Commonwealth Australia~ dan daerah jang berbatasan dengan dan tcrmasuk Republ:tk Indonesia, adalah garis-garis lurus sebagaimana digambarkan dipeta 'A' jang terlampir pada Persetudjuan ini, dimulai dari titik Lintang Selatan 9°52', Budjur Timur 140°29' (Titik Al) dan selandjutnja menghubungkan titik-titik jang tersebut dibawah ini dengan urutan sebagai berikut: A2. Titik Lintang Selatan 10°24', Budjur Timur 139°46' A3. Titik Lintang Selatan 10°50', Budjur Timur 139°12' A4. Titik Lintang Selatan 10°24', Budjur Timur 138°38' AS. Titik Lintang Selatan 10°22', Budjur Timur 138°35' A6. Titik Lintang Selatan 10°09', Budjur Timur 138°13' A7. Titik Lintang Selatan 9°57', Budjur Timur 137°45' AB. Titik Lintang Selatan 9°08', Budjur Timur 135°29' A9. Titik Lintang Selatan 9°17', Budjur Timur 135°13' AlO. Titik Lintang Selatan 9°22', Budjur Timur 135°03' 0 0 0 0 All. Titik Lintang Selatan 9 25', Budjur Timur 134 50' Al2. Titik Lintang Selatan 8 53', Budjur Timur 133 23' PASAL 2 Kedua Pemc:rintah dalam Persetudjuan ini tidak mengatur penetapan batas daerah dasar laut masing-masing jang terletak disebelah barat dari Budjur Timur 133°23', dan menW1da penjelesaian masalah ini untuk dibahas dalam pembitjaraan landjutan jang akan diadakan pada waktu jang G\.kan disetudjui oleh kedua belah pihak. Pl.SAL 3 Didepan pantai selatan pulau New Guinea (Irian) sebelah barat dari Budjur Tlmur 140°49'30", batas antara daerah dasar laut jang berbatasan dengan dan termasuk Territory of Papua (lrian Timur bagian Selatan) dan daerah jang berbatasan dengan dan termasuk Republik Indonesia, adalah garis lurus sebagaimana digambarkan dipeta 'A' jang terlampir pada Persetudjuan ini, jang menghubungkan titik Lintang Selatan 9°24'30", Budjur Timur 140°49'30'' (Titik Bl) dengan titik Lintang Selatan 9°52', Budjur Timur 140°29' (Titik Al). 1. 2. Kedua Pemerintah dala.m Persetudjuan ini tidak mengatur penarikan garis batas antara titik Bi jang disebutkan pada ajat 1 Pasal ini dengan titik dimana batas wihjah daratan Territory of Papua (Irian Timur bagian Selatan) dan lTian Barat bertemu dengan pantai selatan pulau New Guinea (Irian) d'.ln menunda penjelesaian masalah ini untuk dibahas lebih la.ndjut ap1.bila dan kapan disetudjui. PASAL 4 1. Didepan pantai Utara pulau New Guinea (Irian) batas antara daerah dasar laut jang berbatasan dengan dan termasuk Trust Territory of New Guinea (Irian Timur bagian Utara), dan daerah jang berbatasan denga.n dan termasuk Republik Indonesia, terletak disepandjang garis lurus sebagaimana digambarkan dipeta 'B' jang terlampir pada Persetudjuan ini, garis mana menghubungkan titik perbatasan wilajah daratan Trust Territory (Irian Timu.1.· ba~an Utara) dan Irian Barat dipantai Utara Irian (Titik Cl) dengan titik Lintang Selatan 2°08'30", Budjur Timur 141°01'30" (Titik C2}. Djika suatu garis ditarik w1tuk melandjutkannja keutara, maka garis-garis tersebut akan ditarik berdasarkan prinsip janP; sama, jaitu prinsip equidistance (sama djauh). 2. Garis-g~ri s jang disebutkan pada ajat 1 Pasal ini h.arus cliartikan sebagai petundjuk bagi arah jang disetudjui dari batas lateral antara daerah dasar laut masing- ma sing. 3. Pasal ini sama sekali tidak akan mempengaruhi persetudjuan jang mungkin diadakan kemudian antara kedua Pemerintah tentang penetapan batas lateral laut wilajah antara Trust Territ:C'ry of New Guinea (Irian Timur bagian Utara) dan Republik Indonesia. PASAL 5 Untuk maksud Persetudjuan ini, dalam pengertian 'dasar laut' termasuk tanah dibawahnja, ketjuali dimana hubungan kalimat menghendaki lain. PASAL 6 1. Koordir1at-koordinat dari titik-titik jang ditetapkan dalam Pasal 1, 3 dan 4 Persetudjuan ini, adalah koordinat-koordinat geografi, dan letak jang sebenarnja dari titik-titik tersebut dan garis-garis jang menghubungkannja akan ditentukan dengan suatu tjara jang akan disetudjui bersama oleh pedjabat-pedjabat jang berwenang dari kedua Pemerintah. 2. Untuk maksud ajat 1 Pasal ini, pedjabat-pedjabat jang berwenang untuk Australia adalah Director of National Mapping, termasuk setiap orang jang dikuasakannja, dan untuk Indonesia adalah Ketua Badan Koordinasi Survey dan Pemetaan Nasional, termasuk setiap orang jang dikuasakannja. PASAL 7 Apabila terdapat suatu kumpulan tunggal dari tjairan hydrocarbon atau gas alam, atau apabila terdapat suatu deposit mineral lainnja dibawah dasar laut jang melint<~si garis-garis tersebut dalam Pasal 1, 3 dan 4 Persetudjuan ini, dan sebagian dari kumpulan atau deposit jang terletak disalah satu sisi dari garis tersebut seluruhnja atau sebagian dapat diambil dalam bentuk tjairan dari sisi lain dari garis itu, maka kedua Pemerintah akan berusaha untuk mentjapai persetudjuan tentang tjara jang paling efektip untuk mengadakan exploitasi dari kumpulan atau deposit da11 tentang pembagian keuntungan jang adil dari exploitasi tersebut. PASAL 8 Setiap pe;selisihan antara kedua Pemerintah jang timbul dari penafsiran atau pelaksanaan Persetudjuan ini akan diselesaikan setjara ctarnai melalui musjawarah atau perundingan. PASAL 9 Persetudjua.n ini akan disjahkan menurut ketentuan konstitusionil masing-masing negara, dan akan berlaku pada tangga1 penukaran Piagarn Pengesahannja. UNTUK MEN JAKSIKANN JA, kedua Pemerintah jang bertind 1.k melalui wakil-wakil mereka jang telah dikuasakan untuk maksud im, telah menanda-tangani Persetudjuan ini. DIBUAT DALAM ~,~ ~ M ..A RANGKAP DUA di Canberra pada tanggal 1971 dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Indonesia. Signed UNTUK PEMERINTAH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIA, Signed UNTUK PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIA, AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALiA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA ESTABLISHING CERTAIN SEABED BOUNDARIES THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, Desiring to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the two countries; and Desiring pa rticularly to cooperate in delimiting by agreement the boundaries of certain areas of seabed in which the two countries respectively exercise sovereign rights for the exploration and exploitation of the natural resources, HA VE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 In the Arafura Sea eastwards of Longitude 133°23' East, the boundary between the area of seabed that is adjacent to and appertains to the Commonwealth of Australia and the area that is adjacent to and appertains to the Republic of Indonesia shall be the straight lines shown on chart 'A' annexed to this Agreement, commencing at the point of Latitude 9° 52' South, Longitude 140° 29' East (Point Al), and thence connecting the points specified hereunder in the sequence so specified: A2. The point of Latitude 10° 24' South, Longitude 139° 46' East A3. The point of Latitude 10° 50' South, Longitude 139° 12' East A4. A5. The point of Latitude 10° 24' South, Longitude 138° 38' East 0 The point of Latitude 10° 22' South, Longitude 138 35' East A6. The point of Latitude 10° 09' South, Longitude 138° 13' East A7. The point of Latitude 90 57' Sou.:1, Longitude 137° 45' East A8. The point of Latitude 90 08' South, Longitude 135° 29' East A9. The point of Latitude 90 17' South, Longitude 135° 13' East AlO. The point of Latitud~ 90 22' South, Longitude 135° 03' East All. The polnt. of Latitude A12. The point of Latitude 90 25' South, Longitude 134° 50' East 80 53' South, Longitude 133 0 23' East ARTICLE 2 The two Governments have not provided in this Agreement for the delimitation of the respective areas of adjacent seabed westward of Longitude 133° 23' East, and have left this question for discussion at further talks to be held at a mutually convenient date. ARTICLE 3 1. Off the southern coast of the island of New Guinea (lrian) westwards of Longitude 140° 49' 30" East, the boundary between the area of seabed that is adjacent to and appertains to the Territory of Papua and the area that is adjacent to and appertains to the Republic of Indonesia shall be the straight line shown on chart 'A' annexed to this Agreement, connecting the point of Latitude 9° 24' 30" South, Longitude 140° 49' 30" East (Point Bl) with the point of Latitude 9° 52' South, Longitude 140° 29' East (Point Al). 2. The two Governments have not provided in this Agreement for the drawing of a boundary line between the point Bl referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and the point at which the land boundary between the Territory of Papua and West Irian meets the southern coast of the island of New Guinea (lrian), and have left this question for further discussion as and when agreed. ARTICLE 4 1. Off the northern coast of the island of New Guinea (Irian), the boundary between the area of seabed that is adjacent to and appertains to the Trust Territory of New Guinea and the area that is adjacent to and appertains to the Republic of Indonesia shall lie along the straight line shown on chart 'B' annexed to this Agreement, connecting the point at which the land boundary l>etween the Trust Territory and West lrian meets the northern coast of the i~land of New Guinea (lrian) (Point Cl) with the point of Latitude 2° 08' 30" South, Longitude 141° 01' 30" East (Point C2). If any lines a re drawn extending this line northward, they shall be drawn on the same principle, that is to say *"he principle of equidistance. 2. The lines referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are to be taken as indicating the direction in which the lateral boundary of the respective areas of seabed is agreed to lie. 3. This Art~cle shall not in any way affect any agreement that may subsequently be made between the two Governments delimiting the lateral boundary of the territorial sea as between the Trust Territory of New Guinea and the Republic of Indonesia. ARTICLE 5 For the purpose of this Agreement, "seabed1' include s the subsoil thereof, except where the context otherwise requires. ARTICLE 6 1. The co-ordinates of the points specified in Articlesl, 3 and 4 of this Agreement are geographical co-ordinates, and the actual location of the points and of the lines joining them shall be determined by a method to be agreed · upon by the competent authorities of the two Governments. 2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this Article the competent authorities in relation to the Commonwealth of Australia shall be the Director of National Mapping and any person acting with his authority, and in relation to the Republic of Indonesia shall be the Chief of the Co-ordinating Body for National Survey and Mapping (Ketua Badan Koordinasi Survey Dan Pemetaan Nasional) and any person acting with his authority. ARTICLE 7 If any single accumulation of liquid hydrocarbons or natural gas, or if any other mineral deposit beneath the seabed, extends across any of the lines that are specified in Articles 1, 3 and 4 of this Agreement, and the part of such accumulation or deposit that is situated on one side of the line is recoverable in fluid form wholly or in part from the other side of the line, the two Governments will seek to r~ach agreement on the manner in which the accumulation or deposit shall be most effectively exploited and on the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such exploitation. ARTICLE 8 Any dispute between the two Governments arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled peacefully by consultation or negotiation. ARTICLE 9 . This Agreement is subject to ratification in accordance with the consititutional requirements of each country, and shall enter into force on the day on which the Instruments of Ratification are exchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. DONE IN D u PLICATE at Canberra this l'SK.. day of 1971 in the English and Indonesian languages. tY ~~ FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTP.ALIA: FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA: Signed Signed .... I 135• it0• + s•- CHART A + Enract ''°"" 0 . , , N"""'hff 27W• . . .......,,. t -.:1 ...... h +-5• ~ 10 "'- c; ... _,,......,,. ol ...... (~ °' """''"'°"' •nd tflie G~nt ot l'he ~ o1 l~ ............. ~•n ....... ~. . AltU I ISLAND~ I I , WEST / / I I \ \ • IR I AN \ ' : TERRITO RY I I . I I OF PAPUA~ ~ 10!.. ARAFURA '~lAfa/"' ... 1--io· Oo r-1 Al AUSTRALIA I IJ5• I 140• I ~· · ~ ·- -c-~- 140•30• 2'00 · + 14i•oo' ~- + + •·- 2"00' CHART 8 [ " 1 1~e 1 from (h art N um~ ' 3250 annt>i ttd 10 1h e ~'*~tnent betMfffl I~ Go~rnmc: nt ot I ~ r. om~htt o f A vsH tJ>ai .. wj th-fl Go .., ern~nt of lhe Heoubltc of ln<1<>nM•• H l.tuhsh 1ng c e r111un w .abed bound •11~ · c2 + -+1 C1 WEST 140°30' !RIAN TRUST TERRITORY I I II 141'00' OF NEW GUINEA 2"3o' -- .. Address by th~ Minister for Mines, Prof. Dr. Sumantri Brodjonegoro, on the signing of the Agreement on the ~stablishment of ascertaining sea-bed boundaries between Australia and Indonesia, on May 18, 1971. Excell ency, It is a great pleasure for me to be here in ~stralia today, to have the honour of signing the Agreement on the establishment of certain sea-bed boundaries between the Commonwealth of Australia and the Republic of Indonesia, which includes boundaries in areas adjacent to Papua New Guinea and West Irian. Australia and Indonesia, ' as ~two close neighb6hring countries in this area of the world, have now embarked upon another milestone in the history of their friendly bilateral relationship, as it was evident by the si'gning of this Agreement which will serve as a valuable instrument for both coqntries. Thi s Agreement which was initially suggested in an informal discussion between the Right Honourable 'W illiam McMahon - Prime Minister former Minister for Foreign Affairs, and myself in December 1969, was received with a direct and favourable response by the Australian Government, resulting in talks and negotiations which were conducted in a very cordial atmosphere, with ample accommodation and understanding between the two parties. Indonesia is at the moment endeavouring to attain a higher through the implementation of the five year development plan. stan~ard of living Therefore, this Agreement, which we have just signed, will enable both countries to exploit and make use of the available resources for the benefit and the prosperity of our respective peoples, and at the same time will eliminate any possible friction which might arise with respect to the exploration and exploitation of sea-bed resources. Regarding pending issues with respect to other s·ea-bed boundaries further discussions will be conducted, in the spirit of better understanding and closer co-operation until we reach a mutual agreement. Australia's increasing interest and positive orientation towards the countries in her immediate vicinity have met with a most favourable response in Indonesia. We also believe that Australia has a far greater role to play and a much more substantial contribution to offer to the common prosperity, peace and stability in this area of the world. Excellency, Allow me, on this memorable occasion, to express on behalf of the Indonesian Government, my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the assistance extended by you and your staff in the preparation of thi's important document. May this Agreement, signed today, be conducive to the establishment of further closer co-operation and the cementing of firmer friendship between Australia and Indonesia. Thank you.- MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS CANBERRA, A.C.T. 18 May 1971 Your Excellency, I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, signed today, establishing certain seabed boundaries. With regard to the seab.~~ boundary off the northern coast of the island of New Guinea (Irian), it is the understanding of my Government that the agreement in paragraph 1 of Articie 4 that the lateral boundary of the respective areas lies along the straight line mentioned in;;. that paragraph does not imply that national jurisdiction in the relevant areas of seabed extends to or terminates at any particular point along that line or along any lines extending it. I should be glad to have your confirmation that this is also the understanding of your Government. Yours sincerely, Signed (LESLIE BURY) Professor Dr Sumantri Brodjonegoro, Minister for Mines, INDONESIA. PROCES - VERBAL of Exchange of Instruments of Ratification of The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia establishing certain seabed boundaries and of The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia establishing certain seabed boundaries in the area of the Timor and Arafura Seas, supplementary to t~e Agreement of 18 May 1971 '• '' \' . The undersigned ADAM MALIK, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Indonesia and DONALD ROBERT WILLESEE, Minister of State for Foreign Af.fairs of Australia, have this day met together in Canberra for the purpose of exchanging the Instrwnents of Ratification of their respective Governments of the Agreement betw:een the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia Establishing Certain Seabed Boundaries, which was signed in Canberra on the eighteenth day of May, 1971 and of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of Australia Establishing Certain Seabed Boundaries in the Area of the Timor and Arafura Seas, Supplementary to the Agreement of 18 May 1971, which was signed in Jakarta on the ninth day of October, 1972; of the said the respective Instruments of Ratification Agreements having been examined and found in due and good form, the said exchange took place this day. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said ADAM MALIK and DONALD ROBERT WILLESEE have signed the present Proces-Verbal . DONE in duplicate in Canberra, this eighth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three. Signed For the Government of the Republic of Indonesia: Signed For the Government of Australia: . ,, ',I' \ \ \