STATISTIK EKONOMI KEUANGAN DAERAH I I.1 II II.1 II.2 II.3 II.4 II.5 II.6 II.7 II.8 II.9 II.10 II.11 II.12 II.13 II.14 II.15 II.16 II.17 REGIONAL ECONOMIC STATISTICS Jumlah Bank dan Kantor Bank Serta Jumlah Perusahaan Pembiayaan Jumlah Bank, Kantor Bank dan Kantor Cabang Serta Jumlah Perusahaan Pembiayaan Berdasarkan Status Kepemilikan dan Kegiatan Usaha I Kegiatan Perbankan Jumlah Aktiva Bank Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Kelompok Bank dan Dati II Posisi Simpanan Masyarakat Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Kelompok Bank Berdasarkan Lokasi Kantor Penghimpun Dana Posisi Simpanan Masyarakat Rupiah dan Valas Pada Bank Umum Dan BPR Menurut Golongan Pemilik Berdasarkan Lokasi Kantor Penghimpun Dana Posisi Simpanan Masyarakat Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Dati II Berdasarkan Lokasi Kantor Penghimpun Dana Posisi Simpanan Berjangka Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Jangka Waktu Berdasarkan Lokasi Kantor Penghimpun Dana Posisi Simpanan Masyarakat Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Jumlah Nominal Posisi Pinjaman Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Rupiah Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Investasi Rupiah dan Valuta Asing yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Investasi Rupiah Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Modal Kerja Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Modal Kerja Rupiah Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Konsumsi Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Menurut Golongan Debitur Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Dati II Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek Posisi Pinjaman Rupiah dan Valuta Asing Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Dati II Menurut Jenis Penggunaan Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek II II.1 Posisi Kredit MKM Yang Diberikan Bank Umum Per Dati II Menurut Sebaran Plafond Kredit Berdasarkan Bank Pelapor II.18 Posisi Kredit MKM Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Jenis Penggunaan dan Plafond Kredit Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek II.19 Posisi Kredit MKM Yang Diberikan Bank Umum dan BPR Per Kelompok Bank Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek II.20 Posisi Kredit MKM Yang Diberikan Bank Umum Per Dati II Menurut Jenis Penggunaan Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek I.1 II.2 II.3 II.4 II.5 II.6 II.7 II.8 II.9 II.10 II.11 II.12 II.13 II.14 II.15 II.16 II.17 Total Banks, Banks Offices and Finance Companies Total Banks, Banks Offices and Finance Companies by Status and Activity Banking Activities Total Commercial and Rural Banks' Assets in Rupiah and Foreign Currency by Group of Banks Outstanding of Private Deposits in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks and Bank Offices Funds Location Outstanding of Private Deposits in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Ownership Outstanding of Private Deposit in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Regions Based on Bank's Office Funds Location Outstanding of TIME Deposit of Commercial and Rural Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Currency by Maturity Based on Bank's Office Funds Location Outstanding of Private Deposits of Commercial and Rural Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Currency BY Nominal Amount Outstanding of Loans of Commercial and Rural Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Currency by Group of Banks and Economic Sector Based on Project Location Outstanding of Loans of Commercial and Rural Banks in Rupiah Currency by Group of Banks and Economic Sector Based on Project Location Outstanding of Investment Loans in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks and Economic Sector Based on Project Location Outstanding of Investment Loans in Rupiah of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks and Economic Sector Based on Projecy Location Outstanding of Working Capital Loans in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks amd Economic Sector Based on Project Location Outstanding of Working Capital Loans in Rupiah Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks and Economic Sector Based on Project Location Outstanding of Consumption Loans in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks Based on Project Location Outstanding of Loans in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Debtors Based on Projects Location Outstanding of LOANS in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Regions and Economic Sectors Based on Project Location Outstanding of LOANS in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of Commercial and Rural Banks by Regions and Type of Loans Based on Project Location Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Credit of Commercial Banks by Rehions and Credits Ceiling Based on Reporting Banks Perputaran Kliring dan Cek/Bilyet Giro Kosong di Wilayah Kliring II.18 Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Credits of Commercial and Rural Bank by Group of Banks, Type and Ceiling of Credits Based on Project Location II.19 Outstanding of Micor, Small and Medium Loans of Commercial and Rural Banks by Group of Banks and Economic Sectors Based on Project Location II.20 Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Credits of Commercial and Rural Banks by Regions and Type of Credits Based on Project Location II.21 Outstanding of Micro, Small and Medium Credits of Commercial and Rural Banks by Regions and Economic Sector Based on Project Location II.22 Clearing and Bade Check III. III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 III.5 III.6 III.7 III.8 Perdagangan Internasional Ekspor Non Migas Menurut Kelompok Barang Ekspor Non Migas Utama Menurut Kode SITC 2 Digit Nilai Ekspor Non Migas Menurut Negara Pembeli Impor Non Migas Menurut Kelompok Barang Impor Non Migas Utama Menurut Kode SITC 2 Digit Nilai Impor Non Migas Menurut Negara Penjual Nilai Ekspor Non Migas Menurut Negara Tujuan Nilai Impor Non Migas Menurut Negara Asal III. III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 III.5 III.6 III.7 III.8 International Trade Non Oil and Gas Export by Group of Commodities Major Non Oil and Gas Export based on 2 Digits SITC Code Value of Non Oil and Gas Export by Buyer Countries Non Oil and Gas Import by Group of Commodities Major Non Oil and Gas Import Based on 2 Digits SITC Code Value of Non Oil and gas Import by Seller Countries Value of Non Oil and Gas Export by Country of Destination Import Realization of non - Oil and Gas by Seller Countries IV. Harga-Harga IV. Consumer Price Index II.21 II.22 Posisi Kredit MKM Yang Diberikan Bank Umum Per Dati II Menurut Sektor Ekonomi Berdasarkan Lokasi Proyek STATISTIK EKONOMI KEUANGAN DAERAH V. V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5 Penanaman Modal Persetujuan Rencana Investasi Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) Menurut Sektor Ekonomi (Juta Rp) Persetujuan Rencana Investasi Penenaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) Menurut Sektor Ekonomi (Jumlah Proyek) Persetujuan Rencana Investasi Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) Menurut Sektor Ekonomi (Ribu USD) Persetujuan Rencana Investasi Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) Menurut Sektor Ekonomi (Jumlah Proyek) Persetujuan Rencana Investasi Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) Menurut Negara Asal (Ribu USD) VI. Produk Domestik Regional Bruto VI.1 Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Dasar Harga Berlaku VI.2 Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Dasar Harga Konstan 2000 VI.3 Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Harga Berlaku VI.4 Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Lapangan Usaha Atas Lapangan Usaha Atas Penggunaan Atas Dasar Penggunaan VI.5 Indeks Implisit Produk Domestik Regional Bruto VI.6 Laju Implisit (Deflator) Produk Domestik Regional Bruto REGIONAL ECONOMIC STATISTICS V. V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5 Investment Domestic Investment Planning Approvals by Economic Sector (IDR Million) Domestic Investment Planning Approvals by Economic Sector (Number of Project) Foreign Investment Planning Approvals by Economic Sector (USD Thousand) Foreign Investment Planning Approvals by Economic Sector (Number of Project) Foreign Investment Planning Approvals by Country of Origin (USD Thousand) VI. Gross Domestic Regional Product VI.1 Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector at Current Prices VI.2 Gross Domestic Regional Product by Sector at Constant Prices 2000 VI.3 Gross Domestic Regional Product By Expenditure at Current Prices VI.4 Gross Domestic Regional Product BY Expenditure at 2000 Constant Prices VI.5 Gross Domestic Regional Product Implicit Index VI.6 Gross Domestic Regional Product Deflator