Environmental studies

Bahan kajian MK. Kompendium Kajian Lingkungan dan Pembangunan
PPSUB- soemarno-September 2011
Environmental studies (ES) merupakan bidang kajian akademik
interdisipliner yang secara sistematis mempelajari interaksi
manusia dengan lingkungan hidupnya untuk mencari solusi atas
permasalahan lingkungan.
ES merupakan bidang kajian yang luas yang meliputi
lingkungan alam, lingkungan buatan, dan hubungan-hubungan di
antara keduanya.
Environmental studies (Kajian Lingkungan) mengkaji prinsipprinsip dasar ekologi dan ilmu lingkungan secara kontekstual
sesuai dengan subyeknya, seperti kebijakan, hukum, ekonomi,
sosiologi dan aspek social lainnya, perencanaan, pengendalian
pencemaran, sumberdaya alam, dan interaksi manusia dnegan
lingkungan hidupnya (Institute of Education Sciences, United
States Department of Education. 2010]).
Ekologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan timbal balik
antara organisme-organisme hidup dengan lingkungannya.
Berasal dari kata Yunani oikos (“habitat”) dan logos (“ilmu”).
Ilmu lingkungan (environmental science atau envirology) adalah
ilmu yang mempelajari tentang lingkungan hidup. Ilmu
Lingkungan merupakan suatu studi yang sistematis mengenai
lingkungan hidup dan kedudukan manusia yang pantas di
Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and
interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems
Environmental studies :
An interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and
biological sciences (including physics, chemistry, biology, soil science,
geology, and geography) to the study of the environment, and the
solution of environmental problems.
Environmental studies provides an integrated, quantitative-qualitative,
and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems
and environmental problems. Environmental studies incorporates more
of the social sciences for understanding human relationships,
perceptions and policies towards the environmental problems
Environmental scientists work on subjects like the
understanding of earth processes, evaluating alternative energy
systems, pollution control and mitigation, natural resource
management, and the effects of global climate change. Environmental
issues almost always include an interaction of physical, chemical, and
biological processes.
Environmental scientists bring a systemic approach to the analysis of
environmental problems. Key elements of an effective environmental
scientist include the ability to relate space and time relationships as well
as quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Interdisciplinary: Starts with disciplines and looks for lines of interest
that connect them.
The Association for Environmental Studies and
Sciences (AESS)
AESS dibentuk tahun 2008 merupakan asosiasi professional
pertama di USA tentang kajian interdisipliner di bidang lingkungan.
Jurnal akademiknya dipublikasikan pada tahun 2011.
The purpose of the Association for Environmental Studies and
Sciences (AESS) is to serve the faculty, students and staff of the
1000+ interdisciplinary environmental programs in North America
and around the world. We seek to strengthen teaching, research
and service in environmental studies and sciences, and to improve
communication across boundaries that too often divide the
traditional academic disciplines. The association works to support
the professional development of Association members not just as
individuals but also to advance Environmental Studies and Sciences
as a whole.
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
Editor-in-Chief: Walter A. Rosenbaum
ISSN: 2190-6483 (print version)
ISSN: 2190-6491 (electronic version)
The Journal is issued quarterly in electronic and hard copy by Springer
Publications. We invite you to submit articles for the Journal. The Journal,
available to all AESS members, provides a peer-reviewed, academically
rigorous and professionally recognized forum for the publication of
explicitly interdisciplinary environmental research, policy analysis and
advocacy, educational discourse and other related matters. Contributions
are welcome from any discipline or combination of disciplines, any
vocation or professional affiliation, any national, ethnic or cultural
background. Articles may relate to any historical and global setting.
A forum for interdisciplinary environmental research:
 A venue where relevant interdisciplinary research, practice and
public policies can be recognized and evaluated
 Sets a rigorous standard for interdisciplinary environmental
 Official publication of the newly-formed Association of
Environmental Sciences and Studies (AESS)
The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences offers a venues
where relevant interdisciplinary research, practice and public policies
can be recognized and evaluated.
Increasingly, environmental studies integrate many different scientific
and professional disciplines. Thus the journal seeks to set a rigorous,
credible standard for specifically interdisciplinary environmental
The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences is the official
publication of the newly formed Association of Environmental
Sciences and Studies (AESS).
Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari (JPAL)
Editor-in-Chief: Luchman Hakim
ISSN: ……………… (print version)
Suatu forum ilmiah untuk hasil-hasil kajian interdisipliner di bidang
lingkungan dna pembangunan.
 Forum ilmiah untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil kajian ilmiah
interdisipliner dalam konteks lingkungan dan pembangunan
 Menetapkan baku mutu generik untuk kajian interdisiplin di
bidang lingkungan dan pembangunan
 Publikasi ilmiah yang diprakarsai oleh Program Pascasarjana
UB bekerjasama dengan INKALINDO (Ikatan Pengkaji
Lingkungan Indonesia) dan ALAPI (Asosiasi Lingkungan Air
dan Perairan Indonesia).
Dengan semakin meningkatnya kajian-kajian lingkungan yang
mengintegrasikan beragam disiplin ilmu dan profesi , jurnal ini
berupaya untuk menetapkan baku-mutu yang memadai bagi kajiankajian interdisipliner di bidang lingkungan dan pembangunan.
Topik-topik kajian lingkungan yang dapat
dipublikasikan JPAL
Lingkungan Auir dan Perairan
Ekologi-ekonomi (Ekonomi Hijau)
Lingkungan dan kajian-kajian sosial
Kimia Lingkungan
Ekonomi Lingkungan
Rekayasa Lingkungan
Geografi Lingkungan
Pendugaan Dampak Lingkungan
Hukum Lingkungan
Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Kebijakan Lingkungan
Lingkungan Tanah dan Lahan
Teknologi Hijau Ramah Lingkungan
Toksikologi Lingkungan
Arsitektur Landskap
Kearifan Lokal Lingkungan.
Doctor’s Degree in Environmental Studies
Middlebury College merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi di
USA yang pertama kali membelajarkan major Environmental
Studies, menetapkannya pada tahun 1965.
( http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ump/majors/es)
Doctorate in Environmental Studies
A program that focuses on environment-related issues using
scientific, social scientific, or humanistic approaches or a
combination. Includes instruction in the basic principles of ecology
and environmental science and related subjects such as policy,
politics, law, economics, social aspects, planning, pollution control,
natural resources, and the interactions of human beings and nature.
1. Antioch University - New England
Doctorate Environmental Studies
Our doctoral program challenges environmental professionals
and independent scholars to find solutions for contemporary
and future environmental problems. The program is broad
enough to provide a rigorous foundation in environmental
knowledge, yet flexible enough to accommodate individualized
The Antioch New England Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies
offers a curriculum that addresses systems-based analyses and
solutions for contemporary and future environmental problems, a
delivery model that meets the needs of the experienced
environmental professional, and an integrated emphasis on the
ethical, moral, and leadership questions that surround environmental
issues. The program meets the needs of a diverse group of
environmental professionals. It is broad enough to provide a rigorous
foundation of environmental knowledge, and flexible enough to
facilitate individualized, action-oriented research and scholarship
2. Arkansas State University
Doctor's degree - Environmental Studies
A program that focuses on environment-related issues using
scientific, social scientific, or humanistic approaches or a
combination. Includes instruction in the basic principles of
ecology and environmental science and related subjects
such as policy, politics, law, economics, social aspects,
planning, pollution control, natural resources, and the
interactions of human beings and nature.
3. University of California-Santa Cruz.
Doctor's degree - Environmental Studies
A program that focuses on environment-related issues using
scientific, social scientific, or humanistic approaches or a
combination. Includes instruction in the basic principles of
ecology and environmental science and related subjects such as
policy, politics, law, economics, social aspects, planning,
pollution control, natural resources, and the interactions of
human beings and nature.
Established in 1970, The Environmental Studies Program at UC
Santa Barbara is one of the oldest and largest programs in the
nation, and is recognized as one the most successful undergraduate
environmental programs in the world.
With over 5,000 alumni, our graduates can be found holding
leadership positions, nationally and internationally, in government,
industry, law, and dozens of other fields. We pioneered an
interdisciplinary educational model that is now widely adapted by
other institutions around the globe. We combine a rigorous
classroom experience with practical skills training.
Our mission is to train leaders, develop new knowledge, and devise
solutions that will restore and sustain the health of our planet.
Environmental Studies explores the interactions of humans with
their natural environment. Today's environmental problems have
evolved into highly complex and interdisciplinary issues involving
political, economic, social, as well as physical and biological
aspects. Modern environmental studies must include urban,
agriculture, and natural habitats.
Today's critical issues like climate change, energy, water quality,
ecosystem management and conservation, and human and
environmental health are opportunities for the next generation of
leaders to devise and implement solutions of global impact and
enduring harmony.
4. University of New Hampshire-Main Campus.
Doctor's degree - Environmental Studies
A program that focuses on environment-related issues using
scientific, social scientific, or humanistic approaches or a
combination. Includes instruction in the basic principles of
ecology and environmental science and related subjects such as
policy, politics, law, economics, social aspects, planning,
pollution control, natural resources, and the interactions of
human beings and nature.
5. Cornell University.
Doctor's degree - Environmental Processes
The phenomena, concepts, and technology essential for
maintaining the quality of the air-land-water environment are
the concerns of environmental engineers. Specialization in
Environmental Engineering requires an understanding of the
biological, chemical, and physical phenomena that affect the
behavior and fate of contaminants in natural systems as well as
the planning, design, and operation of the engineering facilities
needed to ensure effective control of environmental quality.
Faculty members concentrate their efforts on the mechanisms
of pollutant transformation in nature, contaminant transport
and biodegradation in the environment as well as water quality
control engineering for sustainable water treatment in
developing countries.
6. Stanford University
Doctorate - Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
The goal of the Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
program is to complement the disciplinary Earth Science and
Engineering programs offered within the departments of the
School of Earth Sciences and to train graduate students to
integrate knowledge from these disciplines through tools and
methods needed to evaluate the linkages among physical,
chemical, and biological systems of the Earth, and understand
the dynamics or evolution of these integrated systems and the
resources they provide.
7. Stanford University
Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment &
Resources (E-IPER)
Environment & Resources, PhD
E-IPER students combine academic disciplines, including
natural and earth sciences, engineering, economics,
humanities, social sciences, law, health, policy, and
business to yield new insights and novel solutions to urgent
global problems, such as energy use, climate change, food
security, freshwater availability, depletion of ocean
resources, land degradation, and biodiversity loss. E-IPER
students earn a PhD in Environment and Resources.
8. University of British Columbia
Ph.D. - Resource Management and Environmental Studies.
The Resource Management and Environmental Studies
graduate program's objective is to aid students to develop
an holistic understanding of the ecological, social and
economic dimensions of
environmental interactions.
The PhD in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
[PhD(NRES)] offers students the opportunity to develop an
advanced level of understanding and training in any one or a
combination of scientific disciplines related to natural
environments, the processes (e.g., biological, chemical, physical)
that govern them, or the human dimensions (e.g., social,
economic, political, cultural) that interact with them. The
PhD(NRES) promotes an integration of the linkages between
social, ethical, political and cultural dimensions and an
understanding of basic ecological, biological, and physical
attributes of natural resources. Emphasis is placed upon the
student to acquire an interdisciplinary base upon which to found
a “disciplinary” area of concentration. Graduates from this
program who have an area of concentration and a familiarity with
how other disciplines can contribute toward solving
environmental problems, should be capable of addressing a
variety of natural resources and environmental issues from a
number of perspectives.
9. Vanderbilt University
The Graduate School, Environmental Management Studies
Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Environmental Management
VCEMS promotes and develops partnerships among
industry, government and academia to study the
relationship of environmental policy to business
management and operations. The Center is a Vanderbilt
University system-wide initiative jointly led by the
Graduate School, the School of Engineering, the Owen
Graduate School of Management, the Law School, and the
Institute for Public Policy Studies.
10. Florida State University
Environmental Sciences Institute, Doctorate programs in
Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. Environmental Sciences
The graduate programs in Environmental Sciences with
prepare scientists to confront environmental challenges
which can be resolved thorough innovative and applied
11. University of Oregon
College of Arts and Sciences, Environmental Studies
Ph.D. - Environmental Sciences, Studies, and Policy
Environmental Studies at the U of O combines a broad
introduction to environmental topics and perspectives with
the opportunity to develop expertise in selected areas. This
student-designed, interdisciplinary program attracts
students who find that more traditional programs do not fit
their needs.
12. State University Of New York College
Environmental Science And Forestry
Ph.D.-Environmental Studies;
Ph.D.-Environmental and Natural Resources Policy
The Environmental Studies Graduate Program at SUNYESF is dedicated to preparing students to actively support
local to global communities working to achieve
sustainability. The program integrates social, cultural, and
environmental knowledge and skills to address the
challenges of the 21st century. Students in this program
want to make a difference. Our program offers students a
focused, yet flexible, interdisciplinary understanding of
environmental issues, the problems that underlie them, and
the paths that lead to sustainable communities. The program
facilitates student engagement with the study of
fundamental cultural, social, political, technical, and
economic forces that drive environmental degradation as
well as the emerging approaches that can foster
Doctorate in Environmental Studies (PhD)
Unique in Canada, our PhD program engages with an
extremely diverse array of environmental concerns and
approaches. Our doctoral students explore natural, social,
political, cultural, urban and other environments and
connect conventional disciplines and practices in ways that
encourage viewing issues through a broader, more
contextual perspective.
To cultivate and enhance our interdisciplinary research
culture, we welcome students from a wide range of
backgrounds in the humanities, social sciences and natural
science. At the same time, an ongoing critical dialogue
about the ways that “the environment” is defined and
redefined, and the implications this has for environmental
researchers, is an important aspect of the program.
14. Dalhousie University.
Interdisciplinary PhD Program
This program is designed for students who wish to engage
in doctoral studies involving two or more departments in
the University. The standards for admission are extremely
high, and the School welcomes inquiries from qualified
Dissertations with a natural resource or environmental
management emphasis included e.g.:
A Focal-Species Approach to Biodiversity Management.
A Theoretical Framework for Social Impact Analysis
Approach to Coastal Resource Utilization: The Nature and Role of
Sustainable Development.
A Landscape Approach to the Interpretation, Evaluation and
Management of Wetlands.
1. ^ National Center for Education Statistics. Classification of
Instructional Programs (CIP 2000)- (03) NATURAL
Sciences, United States Department of Education. [Accessed 29
January 2010]
2. ^ http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ump/majors/es
3. ^ Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences