09/10/2014 Sinyal Genetik dalam Perkembangan Kanker Enzim perbaikan DNA Mutasi induksi instabilitas genetik 1 09/10/2014 Negative balance: no proliferation Balance positive: aberrant growth 2 09/10/2014 Gen Tumor suppressor : › pengkode protein-protein yang berperan dalam penghambatan pembentukan tumor mengendalikan siklus sel (cell cycle guardian) › Mutasi pada gen-gen ini disebut : mutasi loss-of-function mutations. sel mengandung 1 kopi gen tumor suppressor yang fungsional pembentukan tumor dihambat Inaktivasi kedua kopi tumor suppressor gen terjadi pembentukan tumor Mutasi pada gen tumor suppressor : resesif (efek virus tumor & onkogen pengaruhi pembentukan tumor saat diekspresikan dominan) Tumor Suppressor Genes Normal genes prevent cancer Normal cell Remove or inactivate tumor suppressor genes Cancer cell Damage to both genes leads to cancer Mutated/inactivated tumor suppressor genes 3 09/10/2014 Tumor Suppressor Genes Seperti rem Tumor Suppressor Gene Proteins Growth factor Receptor Signaling enzymes Transcription factors DNA Cell nucleus Cell proliferation p53 Tumor Suppressor Protein Triggers Cell Suicide p53 protein Normal cell Excessive DNA damage Cell suicide (Apoptosis) 4 09/10/2014 Table 7.1 part 1 of 2 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) 5 09/10/2014 Table 7.1 part 2 of 2 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) 6 09/10/2014 selama G1, Rb berikatan dengan E2F hambat transkripsi gen untuk fase S Stimulasi sel untuk membelah akumulasi G1-Cdk actif & fosforilasi Rb afinitas pengikatan pada E2F turun aktivasi ekspresi gen untuk fase S Timbul pada precursor sel fotoreseptor Secara normal ditemukan pada 1 dari 20.000 anak Dua kemungkinan : Timbul secara sporadik tumor tunggal pada 1 mata dibuang/operasi sembuh › Timbul karena keturunan biasanya multiple foci tumor pada kedua mata terapi/diobati anak tersebut tidak dapat terbebas dari kanker osteosarcoma pada masa dewasanya & adanya kemungkinan terkena jenis kanker yang lain › 7 09/10/2014 Familial retinoblastoma http://www.djo.harvard.edu/meei/OA retinoblastoma (RB): In hereditary cases : › one mutant allele is inherited and the other is generated somatically during growth of the developing eye. › somatic mitotic recombination Sporadic retinoblastoma, both the first and second hits occur in somatic tissue. 8 09/10/2014 9 09/10/2014 Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) of Tumor Suppressor Genes Why do patients who inherit one mutant allele of RB have a high probability of developing retinal tumors in childhood? This is characteristic of cancers related to the loss of tumor suppressor genes and a likely explanation is the predisposition of such genes to a “lose of heterozygosity” or (LOH). 2 TSG: › Caretaker Caretaker genes are genes responsible for keeping other genes healthy (i.e. suppressing mutation) P53, mlh1 and mlh2 › Gatekeeper ‘gatekeeper’ genes that are responsible for controlling, or inhibiting, cell growth. pRB, BRCA1, BRACA2, APC 10 09/10/2014 A black gradient represents a continuum of expression that is also related to the number of alleles present (gray numbering). Left, the two-hit paradigm as exemplified by the tumour suppressor, RB. Loss of one allele induces cancer susceptibility; loss of two alleles induces cancer. Middle, classic haploinsufficiency. Loss of one allele is sufficient for induction of cancer. Right, Quasi-sufficiency and obligate haploinsufficiency. Quasi-sufficiency refers to the phenomenon whereby tumour suppression is impaired after subtle expression downregulation without loss of even one allele. Obligate haploinsufficiency occurs when TSG haploinsufficiency is more tumourigenic than complete loss of the TSG, usually due to the activation of fail-safe mechanisms following complete loss of TSG expression Tissue specificity and context dependency of tumour suppression The phenotypic outcome of a reduction in PTEN expression is differentially manifested depending upon tissue type and genetic background. WD, well-differentiated. PD, poorlydifferentiated. LA, lymphadenopathy. SM, splenomegaly. HSC, hematopoietic stem cell. BM, bone marrow. The effect of complete loss of PTEN is highly context dependent due to the obligate haploinsufficiency caused by PTEN loss-induced cellular senescence (PICS). Data summarized here come from multiple groups and studies of genetically-engineered mice with differing PTEN alleles and expression 11 09/10/2014 The continuum model of tumour suppression The classical discrete, stepwise model of tumour suppression (left) is contrasted with a continuum model of tumour suppression and oncogenesis (centre and right, respectively). In the discrete model, tumourigenesis is induced by either complete loss of a TSG (two-hit paradigm, dark blue) or after singlecopy loss of a TSG (haploinsufficiency, light blue). In contrast, we propose a continuum model (centre and right), in which tumour suppression is related to a continuum of TSG expression, rather than to discrete changes in DNA copy number. A continuum of increasing TSG expression will generally be negatively correlated with malignancy (centre, light green) whereas increasing oncogene expression will generally be positively correlated with malignancy (right, red). A linear relationship is depicted for schematic purposes, but the dose-response relationship need not be linear. In some cases, fail-safe mechanisms are induced by complete loss of TSG expression or by massive oncogene overexpression. In these cases, complete loss of TSG expression (centre, dark green) or massive overexpression of an oncogene (right, orange) will be negatively correlated with malignancy, Figure 4. Mechanisms of regulation of TSG dosage The interaction between coding and non-coding factors determines final TSG dosage. Classic mechanisms such as DNA copy number (1), transcriptional regulation (2), and epigenetic silencing can impact expression of TSG mRNA. TSG mRNA level or translation into protein is then regulated by miRNAs (4). The availability of miRNAs for TSG downregulation is further regulated by ceRNAmediated sponging effects (3). Finally, additional translational regulation (6) or post-translational modifications contribute to the final protein expression, function and effective dosage. The protein structure shown is PTEN (PDB ID: 1D5R). 12 09/10/2014 Hipermetilasi mekanisme pengendalian ekspresi gen epigenetic nongenetic silencing gene enzim DNA maintenance methylase (DNMT) Reversible Jain PK. Annals of the New York Academy of the Sciences. 2003. 983:71-83. 13 09/10/2014 ER Methylation and Age in Normal Colon And colon cancers ER+ ER- 8yo 60yo N T Breast Normal Colon Cancer Colon Cancer % ER Methylation ER = Estrogen receptor 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Age 60 70 80 90 100 From: J.P. Issa lectures (Texas) Cell cycle Signal transduction Apoptosis DNA repair Carcinogen metabolism RB1, INK 4a, INK4b, p14 ARF APC, LKB1/STK11, RASSF1 DAPK, caspase-8 MGMT, BRCA1, MLH1 GSTP1 Hormonal response Metastasis ER, PR, RAR E-cadherin, VHL Hanya metilasi dalam atau dekat daerah promotor saja yang menyebabkan gene silencing Worm, J. Guildberg P. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine. 2002. 31(8):443-9. 14 09/10/2014 Metilasi DNA Methylation mempengaruhi proses perkembangan kanker Pengaruhi ekspresi berbagai gen DNA Repair Hormonal Regulation Carcinogen Metabolism DNA Methylation Differentiation Cell Cycle Apoptosis Antisense DNMT-3b dalam liposom sudah disuntikkan intravena pada nude mice 15 09/10/2014 P53: protein tumor suppressor › Diaktivasi oleh sinyal stress seperti kerusakan DNA › Mutasi p53 dapat ditemukan pada 50% kanker pada manusia Transformasi p53 › terhentinya siklus sel - Cell cycle arrest (penuaan sel/ cellular senescence) › Apoptosis 16 09/10/2014 p53 Faktor transkripsi waktu hidupnya pendek – sangat tidak stabil, akan didegradasi tak lama sesudah disintesis Mekanisme pengaturan activities TF: › Modulasi level TF dalam inti › Pengaturan level TF dalam inti konstan › Modulasi level protein yang berkolaborasi dengan TF P53 disintesis dalam konsentrasi tinggi dan didegradasi dengan cepat pula Sinyal pengaktifan p53: 17 09/10/2014 Merupakan gen yang paling banyak mengalami mutasi pada kanker Mutasi pada sel gamet (Li-Fraumeni) Mutasi menyebabkan inaktivasi gen Punya jalur mutasi komplemen (mdm2) Memerlukan 2 perubahan (mutasi + delesi) Spektrum mutasi bervariasi pada kanker Seringkali mutasi pada kodon 18 09/10/2014 Kaplan –Meier Plot untuk tikus mutan dengan genotip p53 berbeda. P53 +/- tidak terlalu berbeda dengan p53 +/+. P53-/- mengembangkan kanker yang malignan. P53+/- juga mulai mengembangkan kanker pada umur 250 hari 19 09/10/2014 P53 tidak mengikuti aturan Knudson “two hit elimination of tumor suppresor genes” dan resesif P53 mutan p53 masih dapat mengubah fenofip sel, p53 punya fungsi dominan dominantinterfering atau dominant-negative alleles 20 09/10/2014 P53 homotetramer Dominan negative (dn) alel menyebabkan hilangnya fungsi p53 15/16 sedangkan null allel kehilangan 50% fungsi p53 21 09/10/2014 P53 diperlukan untuk apoptosis P53 merupakan tumor suppressor Tidak diekspresikannya p53 berperan pada perkembangan tumor pada mencit dan manusia Merupakan faktor transkripsi yang atur Bcl-2, Bax dan kelompok famili Bcl-2 lainnya P53 memberi respons terhadap sinyal stress berupa: • DNA damage, • oncogenes activation, • hypoxia. Ketiga sinyal tersebut meningkatkan level p53 Efek aktivasi p53: • Penghambatan pertumbuhan sel melalui: • cell cycle arrest (senescence) • Induksi apoptosis 22 09/10/2014 Stabilisasi p53 oleh kerusakan DNA & deregulasi signal pertumbuhan Double stranded DNA break induksi p53 melalui : › ATM kinase › Casein kinase II (CKII) › Deregulasi pengendalian siklus sel pRb-E2F • ATM dan ATR untuk fosforilasi komponen yang berperan dalam checkpoint : p53, ChK1 dan ChK2. • Adanya UV/iradiasi ChK1 atau ChK2 fosforilasi p53 stabilisasi p53. • protein p53 induksi transkripsi p21Waf1 G1 cell-cyclearrest • protein p53 induksi transkripsi GADD45, p21 dan14-3-3 dan represi transkripsi Cyclin B G2cell-cycle-arrest 23 09/10/2014 Mdm2 dan ARF p53 Degradasi p53 direguladi oleh mdm2 (sel mencit) atau hdm2 (sel manusia) p53 menjadi target untuk di ubiquitinasi tak lama sesudah disintesis Half life p53 : 20 menit Pencegahan kerja mdm2 : › fosforilasi p53 pada ujung amina oleh ATM, Chk1&Chk2 (teraktivasi saat adanya kerusakan DNA) gambar 9-11&9-12, 9-13 › Lewat p14ARF (manusia) atau p19ARF (mencit). 24 09/10/2014 p53 memberi respons terhadap sinyal stress berupa: • DNA damage, • oncogenes activation, • hypoxia Respon yang timbul : • Represi transkripsi (e.g. survivin or Bcl2) • Transaktivasi target down stream melalui : • (mitochondrial pathway (Bax, Bak, NUMA, NOXA) • death receptor pathway (Fas, KILLER/DR5, Bid); • endoplasmic recticulum pathway (Scotin). • Jalur-jalur ini crosscommunication cell death induksi apoptosis oleh p53: › Tergantung transkripsi p53 › Tidak tergantung transkripsi p53 Sinyal stress › stabilisasi protein p53 inti transaktivasi atau represi p53 apoptosis › P53 sitoplasma ditranslokasikan ke daerah mitokondria dan berinteraksi dengan Bax atau Bak dan menyebabkan oligomerisasi dari kelompok famili proapoptotik Bcl-2 family members untuk pelepasan protien BH3 yang berikatan dengan Bcl-XL/Bcl2 pada mitokondria › Pelepasan protein BH3 aktivasi bax dan menyebabkan pelepasan sitokrom c apoptosis › Interaksi p53 dengan Bak bersamaan dengan hilangnya interaksi antara Bak dengan anti-apoptotik famili Bcl-2, Mcl1. 25 09/10/2014 Beberapa faktor yang berkontribusi untuk memutuskan hidup atau matinya sel yang mendapat stimulus stress. Aktivasi p53 pada sel normal aktivasi gen yang berperan dalam cell cycle arrest (p21Waf1, GADD45, atau14-3-3) penghambatan proliferasi sel Pada sel tumor, faktor-faktor yang akan berikatan dengan p53 tissue-specific dan modulasi p53 (ASPP, JMY, p63 dan p73 ) mengarahkan p53 ke promotor apoptosis P53 vs apoptosis Apoptosis akibat p53 ditrigger oleh peningkatan aktivitas E2F pRb --┤E2F ARF --l Mdm2 --l p53 apoptosis Protein p53 – berikatan dengan promotor (daerah domain DNA binding) perlu modifikasi protein pada ujung karboksi : asetilasi, glikosilasi, fosforilasi, ribosilasi, sumoylasi ( pemambahan gugus sumo: ubiquitin like peptida) bantu berinteraksi dengan faktor transkripsi lainnya mutasi pada p53 protein mdm2 tidak disintesis (p53 : faktor transkripsi untuk mdm2 jumlah p53 dalam sel meningkat Target p53 lainnya : p21 (inhibitor CDK). Induksi p21 berakibat pada efek sitotaktik p21 hambat 2 CDK: CDK2 dan CDC2 yang aktif pada akhir G1, S, G2 dan M dari siklus sel 26 09/10/2014 P53 tidak terlibat dalam apoptosis rutin terdapat mekanisme lain yang terlibat dalam apoptosis sel rutin untuk maintenance jaringan Aksi biologis p53 : › P53 berperan untuk sitotaksis untuk hentikan siklus sel › Suatu mesin apoptosis laten apoptosis Myc dapat trigger apoptosis dependent p53 27 09/10/2014 Figure 1. Revised model for p53 activation. The figure summarizes data discussed in the text concerning the time course of events occurring during p53 activation. A. Unstressed cells. We suggest that in unstressed cells, p53 tetramers are inactive, but able to bind their response elements in chromatin. As MDM2 and MDMX are both required to inactivate p53, we show them heterodimerized via their respective RING domains and bound to the Nterminal p53 transactivation domain. The MDM2MDMX heterodimer may engage an E2 to enable poly-ubiquitination of MDM2 and MDMX and the mono-ubiquitination of p53. According to current information, p53 degradation would require poly-ubiquitination, which would imply the activity of at least one other protein (or protein complex). In the unstressed state, RNA polymerase is bound in an inactive state to the promoter, indicated by the phosphorylation of serine 5 in its C-terminal tail. B. Early after DNA damage. Soon after DNA damage, ATM and other DNA damage-activated kinases phosphorylate both p53 and MDM2. However, at the early time, even though p53 is phosphorylated on serine 15 (and presumably other sites), MDM2 (and MDMX) are still bound, and all are unstable. p53 is inactive at this early time after damage induction. C. Peak DNA damage response. Thepeak of the DNA damage response correlates with the stabilization of p53 and increased p53abundance (due to its increased stability). p53 is stabilized because of the accelerated autodegradation of MDM2, and the accelerated MDM2-mediated degradation of MDMX, and perhaps reduced affinity for the MDM2-MDMX complex due to p53 N-terminal phosphorylation at residues ser15, thr18 and ser20. We propose that the accelerated Figure 1. p53 stabilisation A central player in p53 stabilisation in response to oncogenic events is an increase in the p19ARF protein. Several oncogenic events can cascade to increase p19ARF expression. Immediate to it is the overexpression of myc. This, in turn may b caused by loss of repression of the transcription factor E2F. And this E2F de-repression may be caused by inactivation (e.g. adenovirus E1A protein), phosphorylation (e.g. by cyclindependent kinases) or loss expression (e.g. retinoblastoma) of the Rb protein. p19ARF inhibits mdm2mediated degradation of p53 probably by sequestering mdm2 in the nucleolus (for reviews see Sherr and Weber, 2000; Vousden and Lu 2002). While the p19ARF pathway does not appear to mediate p53 stabilisation in response to genotoxic stresses (Stott et al., 1998), most genotoxic/cytotoxic stresses will disrupt nucleolar function which, in turn appears to lead to p53 stabilisation (Rubbi and Milner, 2003c). 28 09/10/2014 29