ABSTRAK ANALISIS MODEL DINAMIK INFEKSI HIV SEL LANGERHANS DAN SEL T CD4+ MELALUI MUKOSA SELAMA INFEKSI HIV-1 AWAL Oleh Sutimin NIM: 30111012 (Program Studi Doktor Matematika) Infeksi HIV melalui hubungan seksual menyerang sel-sel target awal di mukosa genital, yaitu sel Langerhans dan sel T CD4+ . Pada tahap infeksi HIV-1 awal terjadi respon yang kuat sel-sel Langerhans dan T CD4+ terhadap patogen HIV, dan terjadi peningkatan penyebaran virus oleh sel-sel Langerhans dan T CD4+ menuju infeksi sistemik. Penelitian ini membangun suatu model matematika yang menjelaskan infeksi HIV sel-sel Langerhans dan T CD4+ dan implikasinya terhadap dinamika infeksi HIV-1 awal. Studi selanjutnya mengembangan model dengan menggabungkan efek terapi antiretroviral kombinasi RTI (reverse transcriptase inhibitors) dan PI (protease inhibitors), berdasarkan konsep farmakokinetik obat di dalam tubuh. Analisis model dilakukan untuk menunjukkan eksistensi solusi tak negatif dan terbatas. Analisis model mengungkap parameter rasio yang menentukan tingkat keendemikan infeksi HIV-1 dinyatakan oleh rasio reproduksi alternatif, <1 , yang ekivalen dengan rasio reproduksi dasar <0 . Analisis perilaku kestabilan titik equilibrium dinyatakan dalam <1 . Perilaku keendemikan infeksi HIV dianalisis melalui <1 terhadap efek laju kematian lisis pada sel T CD4+ dan terhadap efek pengobatan kombinasi RTI dan PI. Hasil studi menyatakan bahwa peningkatan laju kematian lisis sel T CD4+ menaikan tingkat infeksi HIV-1. Pengobatan antiretroviral pada individu terinfeksi HIV-1 lebih efektif jika dilakukan dengan terapi kombinasi obat RTI dan PI. Faktor ketidakpatuhan dalam berobat dan resitensi obat menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah virus. Kata Kunci: HIV-1, rasio reproduksi alternatif, sel Langerhans, sel T CD4+ , RTI, PI. i ABSTRACT ANALYSIS OF DYNAMICAL MODEL OF LANGERHANS AND CD4+ T CELLS HIV INFECTION THROUGH MUCOSA DURING EARLY HIV-1 INFECTION by Sutimin NIM: 30111012 (Doctoral Study Program of Mathematics) HIV infection through sexual intercourse attacks target cells in the genital mucosa, namely Langerhans cells and CD4+ T cells. At the stage of early HIV-1 infection, strong response of Langerhans cells and CD4+ T occurs against pathogens HIV, and the increase in the spread of the virus by the Langerhans cells and CD4+ T leads to the systemic infection. A mathematical model that captures the infection of Langerhans cells and CD4+ T cells and its implication to early HIV infection within the host is developed. The model is developed to explain the effects of the combined RTI (reverse transcriptase inhibitors) and PI (protease inhibitors) therapy based on drug pharmacokinetics model. The existence of non-negative and boundedness solutions is analyzed. Mathematical analysis reveals alternative basic reproduction ratio, <1 , a ratio parameter that represents the endemicity of HIV-1 infection, which is equivalent to the biological basic reproduction ratio <0 . The stability of the equilibrium points is analyzed with respect to <1 . The endemic behavior is also analyzed from <1 with respect to viral lysis in cells T CD4+ and the effect of RTI and PI treatments. The results suggest that the increase of the lysis death rate of CD4+ T cells is associated with the increase of progression of HIV infection. The effectiveness of the treatments requires a combination of RTI and PI therapy, other results show that imperfect adherence and drugs resistance lead to an increase in viral load in the absence of virus mutation. Keywords: HIV-1, alternative reproduction ratio, Langerhans, T CD4+ cells, RTI, PI. ii