intisari - ETD UGM

Prarancangan Pabrik Ammonium Klorida dari Ammonium Sulfat dan Natrium Klorida
Kapasitas 32.000 Ton/Tahun
Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
Ammonium Klorida (NH4Cl) adalah bahan kimia yang cukup banyak
digunakan di dalam industri kimia. NH4Cl digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan
batu baterai, pembersih solder untuk industri elektronika, lem triplek, pengeras salju,
pupuk, dan bahan reduksi nitroparaffin menjadi alkylhydroxylamine.
Produksi NH4Cl dilakukan dengan metode methatesis (NH4)2SO4-NaCl yang
didahului dengan proses pemurnian garam dapur menjadi NaCl murni. NaCl dan
(NH4)2SO4 dilarutkan dengan air dalam sebuah reaktor pada suhu 30°C dan tekanan 1
atm. Setelah keluar reaktor terbentuk larutan NH4Cl dan larutan Na2SO4 lewat jenuh
yang kemudian dikristalkan di dalam Crystallizer. Pabrik NH4Cl ini tergolong pabrik
beresiko rendah karena kondisi operasi dan bahan yang digunakan tergolong aman
untuk lingkungan. Seluruh proses dilakukan dalam ruangan karena sifat bahan yang
mudah menyerap air.
Pabrik NH4Cl direncanakan akan didirikan di Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan luas
areal lahan ± 7,5 ha dan dibutuhkan 225 tenaga kerja. Pabrik dirancang pada
kapasitas 32.000 ton/tahun dan beroperasi secara kontinyu selama 360 hari/tahun.
Untuk menghasilkan NH4Cl sebanyak 3.616,25 kg/jam dibutuhkan bahan bakar fuel
oil sebanyak 1277,26 kg/jam, kebutuhan air sungai sebanyak 12,6905 m3/jam,
kebutuhan listrik 1019,89 kW dan kebutuhan total steam sebanyak 16660,71 kg/jam.
Dalam pendirian pabrik diperlukan Modal Tetap sebesar $ 6.452.181,43 dan Rp
215.931.928.424,65, Modal kerja Rp 144.213.953.047,49 dengan keuntungan
sebelum pajak Rp 93.919.677.175,13 dan Rp 46.959.838.587,57 setelah dipotong
pajak. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh Return on Investment (ROI) sebelum pajak
34,28% dan 17,14% setelah dipotong pajak, Pay Out Time (POT) sebelum pajak 2,25
tahun dan 3,68 tahun setelah dipotong pajak, Break Even Point (BEP) 49%. Shut
Down Point (SDP) 2813% dan Discounted Cash Flow of Return (DCFRR) 35,48%.
Dengan demikian maka pabrik ini layak untuk dikaji dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut.
Cahya Setiawan
M. Nashiruddin Hasan (08/268628/TK/33958)
Prarancangan Pabrik Ammonium Klorida dari Ammonium Sulfat dan Natrium Klorida
Kapasitas 32.000 Ton/Tahun
Jurusan Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada
Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) is chemicals material that is much used in the
chemical industries. Ammonium chloride is used as a raw material for the batteries
manufacture, cleaning solder for electronics industry, plywood glue, hardener snow,
fertilizer, and the material for alkylhydroxylamine nitroparaffin reduction.
NH4Cl production done by methatesis method (NH4)2SO4-NaCl were proceded
by a process of purification of salt to become pure grade NaCl. NaCl and (NH4)2SO4
is dissolved in water in a reactor at a temperature of 30°C and a pressure of 1 atm.
After exiting the reactor is formed NH4Cl solution and supersaturated solution of
Na2SO4 which later crystallized in the Crystallizer. NH4Cl plant is classified as low
risk due to plant operating conditions and the material used is safe for the
environment. The whole process is done in the room due to the nature of materials
that easily absorb water.
NH4Cl factory is planned to be constructed in Gresik, East Java with a total
area of ± 7.5 ha of land and required 225 labours. The plant was designed with the
capacity of 32,000 tons / year and operates continuously for 330 days / year.
Ammonium chloride to produce as much as 3,616.25 kg/h of fuel, needed fuel oil as
much as 1277.26 kg/h, the water needs of the river as much as 12,6905 m3/h,
electricity needs 1019.89 kW and the needs of a total of 16660.71 kg of steam/h.
Fixed capital is required $ 6,452,181.43
and Rp 215,931,928,424.65 and
working capital is required Rp 144,213,953,047.49, with profit before tax Rp
93,919,677,175.13 and Rp 46,959,838,587.57 after tax. From the calculation results
obtained by Return on Investment (ROI) before taxes 34.28% and 17.14% after tax,
Pay Out Time (POT) before tax 2.25 years and 3.68 years after tax, Break Even Point
(BEP) 49%. Shut Down Point (SDP) 28.13% and Discounted Cash Flow of Return
(DCFRR) 35.48%. Based on that NH4Cl plant is quite interesting to study further.
Cahya Setiawan
M. Nashiruddin Hasan (08/268628/TK/33958)