strategi bersaing pt pjb unit pembangkitan paiton dalam

Ketenagalistrikan yang telah dicanangkan oleh pemerintah melalui Policy
Paper pada Agustus 1998, maka akan ditempuh dua tahapan bentuk
mekanisme niaga transaksi jual beli ketenaga listrikan, yaitu tahapan
Single Buyer Multi Seller (SBMS) yang dimulai pada tahun 2000 hingga
akhir 2002, yang dilanjutkan dengan tahapan Multi Buyer Multi Seller (
MBMS) yang akan dimulai tahun 2003, tetapi mengingat kondisi
perekonomian Indonesia yang masih belum pulih dari krisis maka
diperkirakan akan terjadi kemunduran rencana pelaksanaan tahapan
MBMS ini.
Pada era model pasar Single Buyer Multi Seller, maksud dari Policy Paper
pemerintah adalah mewujudkan kompetisi pasar dalam berbagai aktivitas
penyediaan tenaga listrik, yang implementasinya dimulai dari aktivitas
pembelian tenaga listrik oleh PT PLN (single buyer) dari beberapa
pembangkit tenaga listrik (multi seller).
PT Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik Jawa Bali (PT PJB)
merupakan salah satu pemain pemasok tenaga listrik di sistem
interkoneksi ketenagalistrikan Jawa Bali. PT PJB bersaing dengan
pembangkit tenaga listrik lainnya (baik dari anak perusahaan PLN
maupun Swasta) dalam mememuhi kebutuhan energi listrik. Selain harga
yang dikompetisikan, maka tuntutan pembeli atas pasokan tenaga
listriknya adalah : security of supply, availability & reliability of supply,
mampu sebagai unit frecuency stabilizer voltage stabilizer di sistem
ketenagalistrikan Jawa Bali.
Salah satu andalan pembangkit PT PJB untuk mendapatkan keuntungan
usaha adalah Pusat Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) — Unit Pembangkit
Paiton berbahan bakar Batubara (PJB Paiton) berkapasitas 2 x 400 MW.
Dalam mengembangkan strategi bersaing menghadapi
kompetitor, maka perlu dilakukan analisis ligkungan internal, lingkungan
bisnis ckstemal dan lingkungan industri. Kemudian dengan kerangka kerja
analisis SWOT didapat akternatif strategi yang tepat, sedangkan untuk
mengetahui arah strategi digunakan kerangka kerja Internal External
Matrix yang memanfaatkan hasil kerangka kerja Internal Factor
Evaluation dan External Factor Evaluation, selanjutnya untuk
mengetahui posisi relatif terhadap pesaing digunakan Competitive Profile
Selain pendekatan secara mekanistik tersebut, maka formulasi strategi juga
dilakukan secara intuisi dengan menggunakan pendekatan model The 3 C's
strategy oleh Kenichi Ohmae dan model Competitive Generic oleh Michel
E. Porter.
Akhirnya hasil dari proses formulasi alternatif strategi, baik secara
mekanistik maupun intuisi dikelompokan dan digabungkan sesuai dengan
sifat dan karakternya menjadi suatu strategi yang sejalan dengan filosofi,
Misi, Visi dan tujuan organisasi.
Formulasi strategi bersaing utama PT PJB - Unit Pembangkit
Paiton untuk memenangkan kompetisi penyediaan tenaga listrik di pasar
ketenagalistrikan sistem Jawa Bali adalah "Bertahan sambil melakukan
konsolidasi internal. melakukan integrasi ke hulu dan pada saat yang tepat
melakukan penetrasi pasar secara seleksif (pada pilihan . Harga
kompetitif diferensiasi pelayanan/atribut produk atau keduanya secara
bersama ". Adapun strategi operasionalnya adalah meliputi :
• Strategi Penetrasi Pasar .
Strategi Bertahan.
Strategi Pemasaran Intensif.
Strategi Pertumbuhan dan Pengembangan.
Strategi Integrasi.
The Government Of Indonesia through its Policy Paper August
1998 has decided to restructure the Power Energy Sector. And there are
two main steps that should be taken in the form of commercial
arrangement of the electricity power energy market. The first step is the
Single Buyer Multi Seller (SBMS) market beginning on 2000 until 2002
and the second is the Multi Buyer Multi Seller (MBMS) market on 2003.
But since the country's economic crisis has not been over yet, the second
step of this Power Energy Sector Restructuring is going to be delayed for
some times.
During the period of the Single Buyer Multi Seller market the
Government's purpose in its Policy Paper is to create the market
competition in all activities covering the electricity power supply. And i t s
implementation w i l l be the power purchase activities between P T . P L N (
Persero) a s the Single Buyer and some Power Plant Company as the
PT.Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik Jawa Bali (PT.PJB) being one of the
subsidiary company of PT.PLN (Persero) act as a player in the market of
the electricity power supply in the Jawa Bali interconnected system.
PT.PJB has to compete among others supplier (which are other PLN's
subsidiary company and the IPP) to supply the Jawa Bali electrical
demand. The area of competition is not mainly the Transfer Pricing but
also the Single Buyer specification of supply which consist of: the security
of supply, the availability and reliability of supply, the function as the unit
frequency and voltage stabiliser.
PT.PJB has a steam power plant named the Unit Pembangkit PAITON
which is being one of its profit centre unit operating on fuel coal based
with the capacity of 2 X 400 MW
To develop the competition strategy among others competitor
there should be analysis on internal and external business environment
together with the industrial environment. As the result using the SWOT
Analysis this paper has come to the most appropriate strategy, while to
decide the strategy direction the Internal and External Matrix which take
the result of the framework of the Internal Factor Evaluation and
External Factor Evaluation has been taken into the process. And for the last
framework, The Competitive Profile Matrix has been used to know and
understand the relative position among other competitors.
As an intuitive strategy approach beside those mechanistic frameworks this
paper has used The 3 C's Strategy Model from Kenichi Ohmae and the
Competitive Generic Model by Michel E.Porter.
The end result of the formulation process of the alternative strategy between
the mechanistic and the intuitive strategy has been put into groups and
blended according to its profile and characteristic to be one of the company's
strategy which in line with the mission, vision and the goal of the organisation.
The competition strategy formulae of the PT.PJB Unit Pembangkit Paiton to
win the power supply competition in the electricity power market is " To survive
and in the meantime doing the internal consolidation, fuel source integration
and at the most appropriate time penetrating the market selectively" (in the
choice of Competitive price, services differentiation/product attribution or using
both of them simultaneously).
And the operational strategies are consist of:
Market Penetration Strategy
Survival Strategy
Intensive Marketing Strategy
Grow and Develop Strategy
Integration Strategy