Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Sistem

Dwi Handono Sulistyo
Pokok Bahasan
 Konteks & Konsep Sistem Pelayanan Kesehatan
 Integrasi dalam Manajemen SDM Kesehatan
 4 Model Manajemen SDM Kesehatan
 Pembagian Kewenangan Manajemen SDM Kesehatan
Pokok Bahasan 1:
Integrated service delivery
(WHO, 2008)
 “the organization and management of health services
so that
 people get the care they need, when they need it,
 in ways that are user-friendly,
 achieve the desired results and
 provide value for money.”
“We need a comprehensive, integrated approach to
service delivery. We need to fight fragmentation.”
 Integration is not a cure for inadequate resources
Perspektif Integrasi
 For the user, integration means health care that is
seamless, smooth and easy to navigate
 For providers, integration means that separate
technical services, and their management support
systems, are provided, managed, financed and
evaluated either together, or in a closely coordinated
 At the macro level of senior health managers and
policy-makers, integration happens when decisions on
policies, financing, regulation or delivery are not
inappropriately compartmentalized.
Kunci Integrasi Yankes
 the insurance function and health care provision are
provided by the same organization
 Bagaimana dengan Indonesia (JKN)?
 Kata kunci: hanya tahap Implementasi & Kuratif
Pokok Bahasan 2:
•Orientasi Makro
•Orientasi Wilayah (Bukan Organisasi)
Integrasi: Preparing the Workforce
 Planning
 Education
 Recruitment
 PLANNING & EDUCATION: Ada 2 kementerian yang
merencanakan dan mendidik
 Beda filosofi
 Dampak: over supply
 Kebutuhan wilayah vs kebutuhan organisasi
 Idealnya: 1 kementerian
 Contoh: Akmil; STPDN; Pelayaran; STAN; dll
 Integrasi planning, education, recruitment
 Bagaimana dengan Poltekkes?
 Kebutuhan vs formasi (masalah integrasi dengan
Planning & Education)
 Kualitas proses recruitment
 Kasus KKN
 Opsi: semua tenaga honorer diangkat jadi CPNS
 Kontrak SDM sebagai solusi?
 Kasus DAK Non Fisik
 “adu kuat” merayu SDM
Integrasi: Enhancing Worker
 Supervision
 Compensation
 System Supports
 Lifelong Learning
Integrasi: Managing Attrition
 Migration
 Career Choice
 Health and Safety
 Retirement
Pokok Bahasan 3:
Sumber: Condrey ed (2005)
Pokok Bahasan 4:
HP: 0812381148159
Email: [email protected]