ABSTRAK ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KLIEN SKIZOFRENIA HEBEFRENIK DENGAN MASALAH GANGGUAN KONSEP DIRI: HARGA DIRI RENDAH DI RUMAH SAKIT JIWA MENURSURABAYA Oleh : Dewi Febriana Ningtias Skizofrenia merupakan penyakit neurologis yang mempengaruhi persepsi seseorang dan perilaku sosial. Salah satu jenis Skizofrenia adalah Skizofrenia Hebefrenik biasa disebut juga disorganized type ditandai dengan gangguan proses pikiran, gangguan kemauan dan adanya depersonalisasi. Gejala yang muncul pada Skizofrenia Hebefrenik adalah harga diri rendah. Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari secara mendalam mengenai asuhan keperawatan pada klien skizofrenia hebefrenik dengan masalah keperawatan harga diri rendah di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan dengan mengambil dua kasus sebagai unit analisis. Unit analisis adalah dua orang lakilaki dengan Skizofrenia Hebefrenik dirawat di Ruang Kenari Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur. Metode pengambilan data adalah dengan wawancara klien, observasi dan catatan rekam medis klien. Intrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan format asuhan keperawatan jiwa, Budi Keliat, dkk (2006). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan tanggal 4 April hingga 15 April 2016. Analisa yang diperoleh pada pembahasan hasil klien 1 dengan perasaan negatif yang sudah menghilang pada hari ke-6. Sedangkan klien 2 masih tampak ragu dalam mengungkapkan perasaan malu pada hari ke-7. Diagnosis keperawatan didapatkan harga diri rendah. Perencanaan sesuai teori yaitu membina hubungan saling percaya, mengidentifikasi kemampuan aspek positif yang dimiliki klien, membantu klien menilai kemampuan yang dapat digunakan, membantu klien untuk memilih kemampuan yang akan dilatih, mengevaluasi jadwal kegiatan harian klien, melatih kemampuan kedua dan menganjurkan klien memasukkan dalam jadwal kegiatan. Pelaksanaan keperawatan sesuai perencanaan yang telah disusun. Evaluasi yang didapatkan berdasarkan respon setiap klien. Diharapkan bagi tenaga kesehatan mampu memberikan perawatan yang komperhensif agar klien mampu beradaptasi dan melaksanakan kegiatan di masyarakat lagi. Kata Kunci : Asuhan Keperawatan, Skizofenia Hebefrenik, Harga Diri Rendah x ABSTRACT NURSING CARE ON CLIENTS SUFFERING FROM HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA WITH SELF-CONCEPT DISRUPTION: LOW SELF-ESTEEM AT MENUR MENTAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA By: Dewi Febriana Ningtias Schizophrenia is a neurological disease affecting one’s perception, thoughts, language, emotions, and social behaviours. One of the types of Schizophrenia is Hebephrenic Schizophrenia This type is indicated by thinking disruption, willingness disorders, and depersonalisation. One of the symptoms emerging in this disease is self-concept disruption: low self-esteem. This study aims to study comprehend nursing care treated on clients suffering from hebephrenic schizophrenia with low self-esteem at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. This study used case study method and nursing care approach. There were two analysis units chosen for this study. The two units were two male patients suffering from hebephrenic schizophrenia treated in Kenari Room at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. The data was collected through clients interviews, general observations, and clients’ medical records. Data collecting instrument used in this study was based on the mental nursing care format as proposed by Budi Keliat, et. al.in the book Proses KeperawatanJiwa(2006).This study was implemented from 4th April until 15th April 2016. Based on the analysis, it shows that client 1 had already dismissed negative feelings and he started to accept his condition on the 6th day. On the other hand, client 2 still doubted to show his shyness for his condition up to the 7th day. Nursing diagnosis shows that there was self-concept disruption as a low selfesteem. Planning was arranged based on the theory: building trusting relationship, identifying positive aspects possessed by the clients, helping the clients evaluate their skills, training the clients’ secondary skills and other skills as well as suggesting the clients to include them into their daily activities schedule. The nursing care was performed based on the arranged plan. The evaluations were obtained from each client’s responses. Health workers are expected to be able to give comprehensive nursing care in order to make the clients adapt and perform activities with people in their societies. Keywords: Nursing Care, Schizophrenia Hebephrenic, Low Self Esteem xi