ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga UJI POTENSI ACTINOMYCETES SEBAGAI PENGHASIL ANTIBIOTIKA YANG DIISOLASI DARI TANAH RHIZOSFER MANGROVEWONOREJO SURABAYA Fatiqin, Awalul Pembimbing : Dr. Ir. Tini Surtiningsih, DEA ANTIBIOTICS; ACTINOMYCETES KKC KK TB 04 / 11 Fat u Copyright© 2011 by Airlangga University Library Surabaya ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi actinomycetes dari tanah rhizosfer mangrove dan menguji potensi antibakteri serta mengetahui jenis antibiotik yang dihasilkan. Sampel tanah diambil dari rhizosfer mangrove Wonorejo pada 5 spesies mangrove dan daerah sampling yang berbeda. Uji aktivitas antibakteri mengunakan metode disk modifikasi dengan bakteri uji bakteri Gram negatif (Escherichia coli ) dan Gram positif (Staphylococcus aureus ) yang diperoleh dari Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Airlangga. Identifikasi isolat actinomycetes dilakukan dengan mengamati karakter makroskopis koloni, mikroskopis konidia, sel bakteri dan uji fisiologi untuk mengetahui spesies. Identifikasi jenis antibiotik menggunakan kromatrografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan Spektrofotometer infra merah (IR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa didapatkan 9 isolat actinomycetes yang berbeda, 7 isolat actinomycetes mempunyai kemampuan penghambatan yang berbeda. tiga isolat hanya menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus, satu isolat hanya menghambat bakteri E. coli, dan 3 isolat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus dan E. coli. Isolat actinomycetes paling potensial yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri uji adalah spesies Streptomyces lavendulae (Ht5). Jenis antibiotik yang dihasilkan Streptomyces lavendulae (Ht5) mempunyai kemiripan dengan antibiotik streptothricin. Kata kunci : Actinomycetes, tanah rhizosfer mangrove, antibiotika, Streptomyces lavendulae, Streptothricin. ABSTRACT This research aims was to explore actinomycetes from mangrove rhizosfer soil and testing a potential antibacteria as knowing the types of antibiotic produced. Samples soil were taken from mangrove rhizosfer in Wonorejo on 5 mangrove species and different sampling areas. Test of antibacterial activities used a method of disk modification with bacterial test which consists of negative Gram bacteria (Escherichia coli) and positive Gram (Staphylococcus aureus) from the Laboratory of Microbiology Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Airlangga University. Identification of actinomycetes isolates was conducted by observing macroscopic characteristic of the colony, microscopic of conidial Tesis UJI POTENSI ACTINOMYCETES ..... Fatiqin, Awalul ADLN Perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga and bacterial cell, it was continued by physiological test to determine the species. Identification of antibiotics types used Thin Layer of Chromatography (TLC) and Spectrophotometer Infra-Red (IR). The result of this research obtained 9 different isolates actinomycetes, 7 isolates actinomycetes had different inhibition ability. Three isolates were only able to inhibits bacterial growth of S. aureus, one isolates was only able to inhibits E. coli, and 3 isolates were able to inhibits bacterial growth of S. aureus and E. coli. The most potential isolates actinomycetes which able to inhibit the growth of bacterial test was a species of Streptomyces lavendulae (Ht5). Type of antibiotics that use produced by Streptomyces lavendulae (Ht5) has a similarity with streptothricin antibiotics. Keywords : Actinomycetes, mangrove rhizosfer soil, Antibiotics, Streptomyces lavendulae, Streptothricin. Tesis UJI POTENSI ACTINOMYCETES ..... Fatiqin, Awalul