Prinsip Umum: KEKEBALAN TERHADAP YURISDIKSI Iman Prihandono, Prihandono, SH., MH., LL.M Departemen Hukum Internasional Fakultas Hukum Universitas Airlangga E-Mail: [email protected] Blog: Blog: Setiap negara berdaulat memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan negara berdaulat lainnya, lainnya, maka tidak ada negara yang tunduk terhadap kedaulatan negara lainnya. lainnya. Par in parem non habet imperium (an equal does not have authority over an equal). Ketika berada dalam wilayah negara lainnya, lainnya, sebuah negara pemegang kedaulatan akan mendapatkan kekebalan (immunity) immunity) terhadap hukum negara itu. itu. Absolute Sovereign Immunity The Schooner Exchange v. McFaddon US Supreme Court (1812), John Marshall CJ: Yurisdiksi sebuah negara dalam wilayahnya adalah absolut dan ekslusif, ekslusif, tetapi ini tidak berlaku terhadap “kedaulatan asing” asing” yang ada diwilayahnya. diwilayahnya. Kekebalan ini berlaku bagi kepala negara asing, perwakilan diplomatik dan barangbarangbarang mereka. Kekebalan ini tidak berlaku bagi barangbarangbarang pribadi (private (private properties), properties), perorangan yang berada dalam wilayah suatu negara untuk tujuan bisnis dan urusan pribadi lainnya, juga terhadap kapal dagang (merchant vessel) vessel) yang memasuki wilayah sebuah negara untuk urusan perdagangan. Restrictive Theory of Sovereign Immunity Perkembangan selanjutnya adalah lahirnya teori Kekebalan Terbatas dari negara asing. Teori ini mempersempit kekebalan negara asing dengan fokus pada aktifitas negara yang digolongkan menjadi kebal (immune) immune) dan tidak kebal (nonnon-immune). immune). Dalam membedakan aktifitas publik atau privat, teori ini menggunakan ”the act test” test” dengan menggolongkan perbuatan (act (act)) menjadi dua: jure emperii (’by right of government’ government’) dan jure gestionis (’by the private law of transactions’ transactions’). Jure emperii merupakan perbuatan yang mendapatkan kekebalan (immune (immune)) sedangkan jure gestionis sebaliknya. 1 The Act of State Doctrine Menurut doktrin ini pengadilan sebuah negara tidak dapat mengadili perkara menyangkut keabsahan tindakan publik yang diambil oleh pemerintah negara lain. The act test ternyata juga mendapatkan penolakan dari negaranegara-negara barat. Penolakan ini muncul karena jika perbuatan/tindakan yang dilakukan untuk kepentingan pemerintah negara asing harus digolongkan sebagai jure emperii, emperii, maka semua kegiatan perdagangan sebuah negara akan mendapatkan kekebalan. Dengan demikian tindakan publik sebuah negara adalah kebal dan tidak dapat diintervensi oleh putusan pengadilan asing. Diplomatic Immunity 1. Underhill v. Hernandez (1897) US Supreme Court, Fuller CJ: 2. “every sovereign state is bound to respect the independence of every other sovereign state, and the courts of one country will not sit in judgment on the acts of the government of another, done within its own territory” territory”. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961: The premises of the mission shall be inviolable (Art. 22); The archives and documents of the mission shall be inviolable (Art. 24); The official correspondence of the mission shall be inviolable. The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained (Art. 27); The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention (Art. 29); 3. The Extraterritoriality Theory: Theory: tempat dan bagunan diplomatik merupakan perluasan dari wilayah kedaulatan negara pengirim. pengirim. The Representative Character Theory: Theory: diplomat merupakan personifikasi dari negara berdaulat yang mengirimnya. mengirimnya. The Functional Necessity Theory: Theory: kekebalan diberikan kepada diplomat sebagai bagian dari penting untuk dapat menjalankan misi dan fungsi diplomatiknya. diplomatiknya. Batasan-batasan: Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State. They also have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State (Art. 41(1)). The premises of the mission must not be used in any manner incompatible with the functions of the mission as laid down in the present Convention or by other rules of general international law (Art 41(3)). 2 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents 1973 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations 1946: Each State Party shall make punishable by appropriate penalties: A murder, murder, kidnapping or other attack upon the person or liberty of an internationally protected. A violent attack upon the official premises, the private accommodation or the means of transport of an internationally protected person likely to endanger his person or liberty (Art. 2); Yurisdiksi di Laut Wilayah Kedaulatan Negara: Perairan Pedalaman. Pedalaman. Laut Teritorial. Teritorial. Perairan Kepulauan. Kepulauan. Wilayah Yurisdiksi Nasional: Nasional: Jalur/ Jalur/ Zona Tambahan. Tambahan. Perairan ZEE. Landas Kontinen. Kontinen. If any warship does not comply with the laws and regulations of the coastal State concerning passage through the territorial sea and disregards any request for compliance therewith which is made to it, the coastal State may require it to leave the territorial sea immediately (Art. 30). Nothing in this Convention affects the immunities of warships and other government ships operated for nonnon-commercial purposes (Art. 32). Representatives of Members to the principal and subsidiary organs of the United Nations and to conferences convened by the United Nations, shall, while exercising their functions and during their journey to and from the place of meeting, enjoy privileges and immunities (Section 11). Laut Teritorial (UNCLOS 1982) The criminal jurisdiction of the coastal State should not be exercised on board a foreign ship passing through the territorial sea to arrest any person or to conduct any investigation in connection with any crime committed on board the ship during its passage (Art. 27). The coastal State should not stop or divert a foreign ship passing through the territorial sea for the purpose of exercising civil jurisdiction in relation to a person on board the ship (Art. 27). Tabrakan kapal: kapal: berlaku yurisdiksi negara bendera (Psl. Psl. 97); Pemberantasan pengangkutan budak belian: belian: berlaku yurisdiksi negara bendera (Psl. Psl. 99); Piracy: berlaku asas universal (Psl (Psl.. 100100-107); Pemberantasan pengangkutan narkotika secara gelap: gelap: berlaku yurisdiksi negara bendera (Psl. Psl. 108); 3 Yurisdiksi di Pesawat Udara Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft 1963. a. unlawfully, by force or threat thereof, or by any other form of intimidation, seizes, or exercises control of, that aircraft, or attempts to perform any such act, or b. is an accomplice of a person who performs or attempts to perform any such act commits an offence (hereinafter referred to as "the offence"). a.) offences against penal law; b.) acts which, whether or not they are offences, may or do jeopardize the safety of the aircraft or of persons or property therein or which jeopardize good order and discipline on board. The State of registration of the aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft [Hijacking Convention] 1971 Each Contracting State undertakes to make the offence punishable by severe penalties. Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, 1973. (a) performs an act of violence against a person on board an aircraft in flight if that act is likely to endanger the safety of that aircraft; or (b) destroys an aircraft in service or causes damage to such an aircraft which renders it incapable of flight or which is likely to endanger its safety in flight; Each Contracting State undertakes to make the offences mentioned in Article 1 punishable by severe penalties. 4