PT Indonesia Power, atau IP, adalah sebuah anak perusahaan PLN menjalankan usaha komersial pada bidang pembangkitan tenaga listrik. Saat ini Indonesia Power merupakan perusahaan pembangkitan listrik dengan daya mampu terbesar di Indonesia. Cikal bakal perusahaan ini adalah PT Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik Jawa-Bali I (PLN PJB I), yang didirikan pada tanggal 3 Oktober 1995 sebagai anak perusahaan PLN yang waktu itu baru saja berubah statusnya dari Perum menjadi Persero. Pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2000, PJB I berubah nama menjadi PT Indonesia Power. Indonesia Power mengelola 8 Unit Bisnis Pembangkitan: Priok, Suralaya, Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak-Grati dan Bali. Bisnis utama IP adalah pengoperasian pembangkit listrik di Jawa dan Bali yang tersebar di 8 lokasi. Unit usaha pembangkitan IP diberi nama Unit Bisnis Pembangkitan (UBP). Ke-delapan UBP itu berikut DMN (Daya Mampu Netto) per 8 November 2007 adalah: 1. UBP Suralaya[1], mengoperasikan PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap) Suralaya Unit 1-4 (4x371 MW) dan Unit 5-7 (3x575 MW) 2. UBP Priok, mengoperasikan PLTU Priok Unit 3&4 (2x45 MW), PLTGU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas dan Uap) Priok Blok I dan II masing-masing (3x120 MW dan 1x171 MW), PLTG Priok Unit 1&3 (2x17 MW) 3. UBP Saguling, mengoperasikan PLTA (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air) Saguling (4x175 MW) 4. UBP Kamojang, mengoperasikan PLTP (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi) Gunung Salak (3x57 MW) dan PLTP Kamojang, Garut Unit 1 (27 MW), Unit 2-3 (2x57 MW) 5. UBP Mrica, mengoperasikan PLTA PB Soedirman (3x60 MW) 6. UBP Semarang, mengoperasikan PLTU Tambak Lorok, Semarang Unit 1-2 (2x42 MW), Unit 3 (105 MW), PLTGU Tambak Lorok Blok I dan II masing2 (3x100 MW dan 1x152 MW), PLTG Cilacap (2x20 MW) 7. UBP Perak-Grati[2], mengoperasikan PLTU Perak, Surabaya Unit 3-4 (2x28 MW), PLTGU Grati, Lekok, Pasuruan Blok I (3x99 MW dan 1x153 MW), PLTG Grati Blok II (3x100 MW) [3] 8. UBP Bali, mengoperasikan PLTD (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel) Pesanggaran, Denpasar(total 55 MW), PLTG Pesanggaran (106 MW), PLTG Gilimanuk (130 MW) dan PLTG Pemaron (2x40 MW) Selain UBP, IP juga mempunyai bisnis jasa pemeliharaan pembangkit listrik yang diberi nama Unit Bisnis Pemeliharaan (UBHar) yang berkantor di jalan KS Tubun, Jakarta. IP juga mempunyai anak perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang trading batubara yaitu PT Artha Daya Coalindo. Sedangkan PT Cogindo DayaBersama adalah anak perusahaan IP yang bergerak di bidang co-generation dan energy outsourcing. Unit- Unit Bisnis Pembangkit Indonesia Power saat ini memiliki delapan unit bisnis pembangkit berkapasitas total 8.996MW, yang mencakup Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap(PLTU), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap (PLTGU), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel (PLTD), Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTU) dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (Geothermal), serta sebuah unit bisnis jasa pemeliharaan. Di tahun 2009, IP mendapatkan kepercayaan untuk melaksanakan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan beberapa PLTU PDE 10.000MW yaitu PLTU Banten, PLTU 2 Labuan, PLTU Banten 3 Lntar, dan PLTU Jawa Barat 2 Pelabuhan Ratu. Memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan daya listrik yang terus meningkat, perusahaan telah merancang pembangunan sejumlah unit pembangkit, termasuk diantaranya telah memperoleh izin uasaha untuk mengelola wilayah kerja panas bumi Tangkuban Perahu-Jawa Barat. Priok Generation Business Unit is one of generation units owned by PT Indonesia Power. Now, 16 generator units are installed which has 1,248 MW installed capacity consist of two units of opened cycle PLTG (gas turbine power plant); six units of PLTD (diesel power plant); two blocks of PLTGU (combined cycle power plant) which one block consists of three units of gas turbine and a unit of PLTU (steam power plant). In the middle of 1960, in order to fulfill the electricity need particularly in Jakarta and generally in West Java, PLN Explorasi III built PLTU 1 and 2. However, in 1989, taking into account of several factors, PLTU 1 and 2 were not operated anymore. Due to rapid development in each aspect of life, especially in industry, two units PLTU 3 and 4 were built in 1972. Have been operated for a while, these units are now in reserve shut down condition. Later on, PLTG John Brown was built. Now it is used by PLTU Suralaya for Black Start unit. Then, two units Westing House PLTG and GE 4, 5, 6, 7 PLTG were built. GE 6 was relocated to PLN of South Sumatera and GE 7 has drawn back to General Electric. GE 4 and 5 were also relocated to PLTGU Pemaron, Bali. The important thing that we should know about is the existences of the two units of PLTG: PLTG 1 and PLTG 3. Those units can be generated using their own power if blackout occurs. The electricity their produce can be used to generated other units. This capability does support the improvement of Java-Bali Transmission System. Because of its essential function, the two units are not being operated every day. Other than managing those two PLTG units, Priok Generation Business Unit also manages six units of PLTD Senayan which was operated in 1961. By feeder Vip, PLTD Senayan, Kebayoran, has supplied the need of electricity for MPR (People Consultative Assembly) Building, Senayan Sport Stadium, and the television station TVRI. On March 25, 1992, PLN joined in international consortium ABB and Marebeni to build two blocks of PLTGU. By using underground cable, the 150 KV electricity is channeled to Plumpang and Ancol main relay stations. The power is also channeled by 150 KV high voltage air transmission to Kemayoran I/II, Plumpang I/II, Pegangsaan I/II. Synchronization to Java-Bali electric system is executed after PLTGU Priok is complete to be operated. The human resources skill of Priok Generation Business Unit, so far, has been an invaluable asset. Beside possessing professional human resource in their field, the management, by gaining the ISO 9002 Award, is proven to be able to manage the company well Link terkait (