ABSTRAK ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA KLIEN SKIZOFRENIA HEBEFRENIK DENGAN MASALAH HALUSINASI PENDENGARAN DI RUMAH SAKIT JIWA MENUR SURABAYA Oleh: Siska Ngesti Pramita Sari Skizofrenia adalah suatu penyakit yang mempengaruhi otak dan menyebabkan timbulnya pikiran, persepsi, emosi, gerakan, dan perilaku yang aneh dan terganggu. Salah satu jenis skizofrenia adalah skizofenia hebefrenik disebut juga disorganized type atau tipe “kacau balau”. Gejala yang sering muncul pada skizofrenia hebefrenik adalah halusinasi, terutama halusinasi pendengaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan Asuhan Keperawatan dengan mengambil dua kasus sebagai unit analisis. Unit analisis adalah dua orang laki-laki dengan skizofrenia hebefrenik yang dirawat di Ruang Kenari RSJ Menur Surabaya. Metode pengambilan data adalah dengan wawancara klien, observasi umum dan catatan rekam medis klien. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan format asuhan keperawatan jiwa dari RSJ Menur Surabaya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 04-18 April 2016. Hasil pengkajian diperoleh klien 1 mampu mengontrol halusinasi ditandai klien tampak tenang, tidak berbicara sendiri pada hari ke 3. Sedangkan klien 2 mampu mengontrol halusinasi ditandai klien tampak tenang, tidak berbicara sendiri pada hari ke 9. Diagnosis keperawatan didapatkan gangguan persepsi sensori: halusinasi pendengaran. Perencanaan sesuai teori yaitu membina hubungan saling percaya, membantu klien mengenali halusinasi, melatih klien mengontrol halusinasi dengan menghardik ketika halusinasi muncul, bercakapcakap dengan orang lain saat halusinasi muncul, melakukan aktivitas yang terjadwal, melatih klien menggunakan obat secara teratur. Pelaksanaan keperawatan dilakukan sesuai perencanaan yang telah disusun. Evaluasi yang didapat berdasarkan respon kedua klien. Diharapkan perawat untuk mempertahankan penanganan dan pelayanan yang sudah baik dan lebih ditingkatkan lagi, sehingga kualitas pelayanan keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Menur Surabaya tetap terjaga. Kata Kunci: pendengaran Asuhan keperawatan, Skizofrenia viii hebefrenik, Halusinasi ABSTRACT NURSING CARE ON CLIENTS SUFFERING FROM HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA WITH AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS AT MENUR MENTAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA By: Siska Ngesti Pramita Sari Schizophrenia is a disease affecting brains, and it also causes abnormal and disturbed thoughts, perceptions, emotions, movements, and behaviours. One of the kinds of schizophrenia is hebephrenic schizophrenia which is also called disorganised type. The symptoms that usually emerge in this disease are hallucinations, especially auditory hallucinations. This study used case study as the method and nursing care approach. In this study, two cases were chosen as analysis units. The two units are two male patients treated in Kenari room at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. The data was collected through interviews with the patients, general observations, and the patients’ medical records. The data collecting instruments used in this study was based on the mental nursing care format proposed by Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. This study was implemented from 4th until 18th of April 2016. From the analysis, it shows that client 1 could control his hallucinations indicated by the client’s calmness and he did not talk to himself or do monologue on the 3rd day of the study. Client 2 could also control his hallucinations indicated by the client’s calmness and he did not talk to himself or do monologue on the 9th day of the study. Nursing diagnosis shows that there was disruption on his sensory perception: auditory hallucinations. The planning was based on the theory that was by building trusting relationship, helping the clients recognise hallucinations, training the clients to control their hallucinations by scolding every time the hallucinations show up, training the clients to talk to other people every time the hallucinations show up, performing scheduled activities, and training the clients to take their medications regularly. The nursing care was performed based on the arranged plan. The evaluations were obtained from the two clients. Nurses are expected to maintain and increase the quality of the good treatment and service in order to maintain the service quality at Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya. Keywords: nursing care, Hebephrenic Schizophrenia, auditory hallucinations ix