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outline essay

Topic : Economics
Tittle : E-Commerce in the Digital Economy Era for Economic Growth in Indonesia
A. Introduction
Today, the internet can be called a basic human need. This is because all
human activities mostly use the internet. With the internet, the human lifestyle can be
called modern. With easy access to the internet, of course, there are many fields
affected, especially in the economics field. As the development of information and
communication technology advances, in this field born the digital economy.
Nowadays, the digital economy that has been carried out by many people is ecommerce. E-commerce has many conveniences for business people so that indirectly
e-commerce has an impact on economic growth in Indonesia.
B. Thesis
Based on the introduction there are several effect caused by e-commerce in increasing
economic growth in Indonesia.
C. Body
Raises various business opportunities.
Can start with small capital
Make job vacancy
Reduce unemployment
2. The creation of many new business fields that encourage creativity and innovation
in society.
The largest number of e-commerce users in Indonesia is a medium-sized small
Many young communities develop their creativity through business.
3. Has extensive coverage such as overeas and even remote places.
E-commerce makes easy for sales abroad and remote places so that sellers can
promote products and market them more broadly.
Remote areas are increasingly prosperous because of the existence of ecommerce services so that they do not need to go to big cities to get the items
they want
D. Conclusion
E-commerce can increase economic growth in in Indonesia because raises
various business opportunities, creation of many new business fields that encourage
creativity and innovation in society, and has extensive coverage such as overeas and
even remote places.