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11Soal Causative Verb (3)

Choose the right choice !
The school master had the students _______
their lessons before the exam.
A. to review
D. they review
B. reviewing
E. reviewed
C. review
“ I’m having trouble with my computer
again. I’ve done everything I can but it
doesn’t work properly.”
“Why don’t you have Darno
A. to fix
D. fix
B. fixing
E. fixed
C. he fixed
My watch is too slow. Can I have it ______
here ?
A. fixed
D. to be fixed
B. fixing
E. to fix
C. fixes
I will have my secretary
appointment with Mr. Salim for next week.
A. makes
D. made
B. make
E. to make
C. making
‘Aren’t you going to make hotel
reservation? ‘ No, I’ll have the travel agent
A. to do it
D. do it
B. in doing it
E. he does it
C. doing it
‘When do you want to have the flower
your house ?’
A. to deliver
D. deliver
B. delivering
E. delivered
C. be delivered
The theacher has the children
to the
passage twice
A. listen
D. have listened
B. listened
E. to listen
C. listening
“The light in my room doesn’t work again.”
“Why don’t you have Dani
A. check
D. to be checked
B. checked
E. be checked
C. checks
‘This English text on Biology is too difficult
for me to read’ ‘Well, you’d better
A. translate it
B. have it translated
C. have to translated it
D. have translate it
E. to translate it
10. ‘I don’t think you can translate the whole
book by yourself.’ ‘You’re right I’d like to
_______ apart of it for me.’
A. have you translate
B. you have translate
C. have translated for you
D. you have to translate
E. have been translating
11. “we need to replace the glass in the picture.”
“We can go to shop and
A. it’s being done D. it’s done
B. have it done
E. do it
C. have done
12. I don’t have much time to do all my
household work, so I always ______
A. help somebody
B. have helped somebody
C. have to help somebody
D. have somebody help me
E. to have me help somebody
13. ‘Do I have to go to the post office to get my
package?’ ‘No. You can __________
A. have delivered it
B. deliver it
C. have it to be delivered
D. have to deliver it
E. have it delivered
14. Rudi broke his leg in an accident; therefore,
drive him to work.
A. he doesn’t have to ask Amir to
B. he won’t have to get anybody
C. Amir has asked Rudi to
D. Amir doesn’t have to
E. he will have amir
15. I don’t know how to arrange these flowers;
I’d rather ___________
A. do it
B. have to do it
C. have it done
D. it has been done
E. have done it