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Final Exam English for PR Anggit Oktavian Aldiansyah 2015147012 (1)

Soal UTS
Mata Kuliah: English for PR
Hari/Tanggal: Sabtu, 7 November 2020
Pukul: 08.00-10.00
Dosen: Amin Shabana, M.Si
Jenis: Take-Home Test
Before answer, write your name and NIM!
Essay test
1. Please find an article about today’s Public Relations development from internet.
Copy and paste the article on your paper.
2. Re-write the article with your words!
3. Give your opinion about the article. You may agree or disagree with the content.
4. Collect your take home test next week 13 November 2020 by the latest.
5. Do not copy your final test answer with your friend’s!
1. Achmad Yurianto Terima Penghargaan Public Relation of The Year
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19
sekaligus Direktur Jendral Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit Kementerian
Kesehatan Achmad Yurianto menerima penghargaan sebagai Public Relation of
The Year dalam acara Indonesia Corporate Branding PR Award 2020. Acara
tersebut diselenggarakan Iconomics Research and Consulting. Penilaian
dilakukan oleh Divisi Riset Iconomics. Direktur Riset Iconomics Alex Mulya
menyatakan riset dilakukan sejak pertengahan Maret hingga April 2020 Adapun
kriteria penilaian berdasarkan tiga pilar citra perusahaan yakni komersial,
organisasi, dan sosial.
Alex mengatakan PR atau humas memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan
berita yang positif untuk mengimbangi berita yang negatif saat dihadapkan pada
situasi dan kondisi saat ini. "Paling relevan saat wabah adalah social pillar,
seberapa jauh Anda berkontribusi secara sosial dan enviromental," kata Alex
dalam keterangan tertulis, Jumat (15/5/2020). Sementara itu, ketua Perhumas
Agung Laksana menyatakan, pandemi Covid-19 telah berdampak luas secara
multidimensional. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan PR yang lebih inovatif dan kreatif
dalam menyediakan konten bagi audiensnya. "Membangun reputasi dan
visibilitas sebuah organisasi dan brand melalui PR membutuhkan dedikasi dan
strategi jangka panjang. Pada akhirnya para praktisi PR adalah maraton bukan
sprint. Di era the new normal saat ini PR harus tetap optimis,” kata dia. Adapun
Founder dan CEO Iconomics Bram S Putro mengatakan, acara tersebut
diselenggarakan sebagai bentuk apresiasi atas kerja keras para PR di
perusahaan maupun lembaga yang ada. "Indonesia Corporate Branding PR
Awards 2020 bukanlah perayaan atau selebrasi, tapi acara ini sebagai bentuk
pengakuan kerja keras dari kerja PR perusahaan maupun lembaga dalam
membangun reputasi, citra dan kontribusinya bagi perusahaan, lingkungan
sekitar, maupun bangsa Indonesia,” kata Bram.
baca: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2020/05/15/15163811/achmad-yurianto-terimapenghargaan-public-relation-of-the-year.
Penulis : Rakhmat Nur Hakim
Editor : Bayu Galih
2. Iconomics give Achmad Yurianto (Government spokesman for handling Covid19) an award as Public Relation of The Year at Indonesia Corporate Branding
PR Award 2020. This award was given by evaluation from Iconomics research
division. This research started from March to April 2020 base on the three pillars
of the corporate image that contain commercial, organization, and social. Alex
(Iconomics Research Division President) said that PR have very important role
for create positive news to balance the negative news. He said social pillar have
the main relevancy in PR field in the condition of epidemic and Achmad Yurianto
have complete these strategy to build the reputation and visibility for his
Head of Perhumas Agung Laksana stated that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a
wide multidimensional impact. Therefore, more innovative and creative public
relations are needed in providing content to the audience. "Building the
reputation and visibility of an organization and brand through PR requires
dedication and a long-term strategy. In the end PR practitioners are a marathon,
not a sprint. In today's era of the new normal, PR must remain optimistic.
The Founder and CEO of Iconomics Bram S Putro said the event was held as a
token of appreciation for the hard work of PR in companies and institutions. "The
Indonesia Corporate Branding PR Awards 2020 is not a celebration or
celebration, but this event is a form of recognition of the hard work of PR
companies and institutions in building their reputation, image and contribution to
the company, the surround
3. In my opinion, im disagree
In his words, Achmad Yurianto "the rich protect the poor so that they can live
naturally and the poor protect the rich from spreading their disease, this is an
important collaboration"
That was a mistake, whay his said a rich people and poor people ? why should
the rich protect the poor?
and why should the poor pass the disease on to the rich?
isn't covid 19 spread by people who have direct contact with sufferers and
sufferers brought from abroad, have poor people ever gone abroad or stayed in
hotels where foreigners stayed
Isn't it more right for the poor to protect the rich by giving aid and not passing it
on to the poor, and where is the rich person protecting the poor? it is just an
appeal and is not really managed by the government as if the government only
leaves it to the rich to provide assistance for the poor.