CURRICULUM AND MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT “Environment analysis” By Group I : Apsela Birgitha Fhina Lecturer : Dewi Yana, S.Pd, M.Pd Materials : AN EXAMPLE OF ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS ENVIRONMENT CONSTRAINTS STEPS IN ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS UNDERSTANDING THE CONSTRAINTS THE DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Involves looking At the factors that will have a strong effect on decisions about the goals of the course, what to include in the course, and how to teach and assess it. Environment analysis is also called “situation analysis” or “constraints analysis”. AN EXAMPLE OF ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Contrains of second language There was very limited class time and contact time with English. There would be a drop in the learners They could communicate more easily There was a range of levels of proficiency Effect of Constrains Of second language Parents should be guided The activities should be fun Some of the activities should carry over to the next class The activities should be largely teacher Most of the activities should be meaning-focused ENVIRONMENT CONSTRAINTS Environment constraints will start analysis of three elements such as: Nature of Learners Nature of Teachers Situation Therefore, we need to set of goals in course like a table below. UNDERSTANDING THE CONSTRAINTS In order to understand a constraint fully, it is usually necessary to examine the nature of the constraint in the environment you are working in, and to examine previous research on the constraint. Some of the major constraints investigated by research and analysis include the time available, cultural background, the effect of the first language on language learning and special purposes. The following section looks at time as an example of an important constraint in the environment, and provides information that would be useful in helping to plan the length of a course. The constraint of Time Examining the local environment Useful to know how much class time is available, how much time out of class could be given to learning, and what the goals of the course are. Looking at previous research Useful to decide directive in designing of course and be consideration a good course Considering the effect of the constraint on the design of the course -Working within the constraint -Working overcoming the constraint Brainstorm and then systematically consider the range of environment factors that will affect the course STEPS IN ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS Choose the most important factors (no more than five) and rank them, putting the most important first. Decide what information you need to fully take account of the factor. The information can come from investigation of the environment and from research and theory. Consider the effects of each factor on the design of the course. Go through steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 again. THANK YOU