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NIM : D021191150
1.10 Emerson Processing borrowed $900,000 for installing energy-effi cient lighting and safety
equipment in its La Grange manufacturing facility. The terms of the loan were such that the
company could pay interest only at the end of each year for up to 5 years, after which the
company would have to pay the entire amount due. If the interest rate on the loan was 12% per
year and the company paid only the interest for 4 years, determine the following:
(a) The amount of each of the four interest payments
(b) The amount of the final payment at the end of year 5
(a) Diketahui : Present Value (PV) : $900,000
Interest rate (i) : 12% = 0.12
Ditanyakan : Besar bunga yang harus dibayar tiap tahun?
Penyelesaian: PV x I = 900,000 x 0.12
= 108,000
Jadi, besar bunga yang harus dibayar tiap tahun adalah $108,000
(b) Karena pada soal telah diketahui bahwa perusahaan hanya membayar bunga selama 4 tahun,
maka jumlah pembayaran akhir yang harus dibayar pada akhir tahun ke-5 adalah :
900,000 + 108,000 ( Sisa bunga 1 tahun ) = $1,008,000
1.11 Which of the following 1-year investments has the highest rate of return?
(a) $12,500 that yields $1125 in interest,
(b) $56,000 that yields $6160 in interest, or (c) $95,000 that yields $7600 in interest
= Untuk mengetahui persentase bunga dari suatu investasi maka cukup bagikan hasil bunga
dengan nilai investasi.
(a) 1,125 / 12,500 = 0.09 = 9%
(b) 6,160 / 56,000 = 0.11 = 11%
(c) 7,600 / 95,000 = 0.08 = 8%
Jadi, yang memiliki persentasi bunga tertinggi dari investasi diatas adalah (b) sebesar 11%
1.18 Identify the four engineering economy symbols and their values from the following
problem statement. Use a question mark with the symbol whose value is to be determined.
Vision Technologies, Inc., is a small company that uses ultra-wideband technology to develop
devices that can detect objects (including people) inside of buildings, behind walls, or below
ground. The company expects to spend $100,000 per year for labor and $125,000 per year for
supplies before a product can be marketed. At an interest rate of 15% per year, what is the total
equivalent future amount of the company’s expenses at the end of 3 years?
= Diketahui : Present Value (PV) : 100,000 + 125,000 = $225,000
Interest rate (i) : 15% = 0.15
Time (t) : 3 tahun
Ditanyakan : Future Value (FV) : ?
Penyelesaian : F = A (( 1 + i )n – 1 / i )
= 225,000 ((( 1 + 0.15 )3 – 1 ) / 0.15 )
= 225,000 ((( 1.15 )3 – 1 ) / 0.15 )
= 225,000 (( 1.520875 – 1 ) / 0.15 )
= 225,000 ( 0.520875 / 0.15 )
= 225,000 ( 3.4725 )
= 781,325.5
Jadi, jumlah total biaya perusahaan di masa akan datang yang setara pada akhir 3 tahun
adalah $781,325.5
1.20 Identify the following as cash inflows or outflows to commercial air carriers: fuel cost,
pension plan contributions, fares, maintenance, freight revenue, cargo revenue, extra-bag
charges, water and sodas, advertising, landing fees, seat preference fees.
= Secara singkat cash inflow merupakan arus kas kegiatan transaksi yang memberikan
keuntungan kas bagi perusahaan. Misal; penerimaan pendapatan lain dan sewa, Penagihan
piutang, dll. Sedangkan cash outflow merupakan kebalikan dari cash inlow. Misal; hasil
pembayaran bunga pajak, hasil pengeluaran biaya tenaga kerja langsung dll.
Fuel cost:
Pension plan contributions:
Passenger fares
Freight revenue
Cargo revenue
Extra bag charges
Water and sodas
Landing fees
Seat preference fees
1.23 Construct a cash flow diagram for the following cash flows: $25,000 outflow at time 0,
$9000 per year inflow in years 1 through 5 at an interest rate of 10% per year, and an unknown
future amount in year 5.
1.35 A solid waste disposal company borrowed money at 10% per year interest to purchase
new haulers and other equipment needed at the company owned landfill site. If the company
got the loan 2 years ago and paid it off with a single payment of $4,600,000, what was the
principal amount P of the loan?
= Diketahui : Future Value (FV) : $4,600,000
Interest rate (i) : 10% = 0.1
Time (t) : 2 Tahun
Ditanyakan : Present Value (PV) : ?
Penyelesaian : PV = FV / ( 1 + i )n
= 4,600,000 / ( 1 + 0.1 )2
= 4,600,000 / ( 1.1 )2
= 4,600,000 / 1.21
= 3,801,653
Jadi, jumlah pokok pinjaman perusahaan tersebut adalah $3,801,653
1.42 State the purpose for each of the following built-in spreadsheet functions.
(a) PV( i% , n , A , F )
(b) FV( i %, n , A , P )
(c) RATE( n , A , P , F )
(d) IRR(fi rst_cell:last_cell)
(e) PMT( i %, n , P , F )
(f ) NPER( i %, A , P , F )
(a) Untuk menemukan Present Value (PV) P
(b) Untuk menemukan Future Value (FV) F
(c) Untuk mengetahui tingkat bunga majemuk (i)
(d) Untuk mengetahui tingkat bunga majemuk (i)
(e) Untuk mencari persamaan, nilai periodik (A)
(f) Untuk mencari jumlah periode (n)