108 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Sxrr-r 16: PAST PARTICIPLES AFTER HAVE wheneveryou see the verb /nve in any of its forms (have, has, lnving, had),be sure that the verb that follows it is in the past participle form. We had complete':'the work. They lnve went* to the market. In the first example, complere should be the past par-ticiple conryletedbecause it is aft.er had.In the second example, went should be the past participle gone because it is after hante. The follorving chart outlines the use of verb forms aft-er have. VERB FORMS AFTER HAVE have + NOTE: Exercises past participle to practice irregular verb forms are included at the back of the text in Appendix D. You may want to complete these exercises before you continue with Skills l6 through .|8. EXERCISE 16: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed withhave. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). I 1. We have already hearing the good C 2. She has ridden her bicycle to school every day. 3. I have aln,ays believe voti. 4. He has ne\vs. find the missine car kevs. 5. They have put their money in a savings account. 6. Their parents have allowed them to stav up late. 7. She has 8. never ran away ftom home before. Have you ever saw a ghost? 9. Ther- have taken three tests already _ 10. He has offer me a higrr-paying job. this r,veek. WRITTEN Sxrr-r 17: EXPRESSION 109 PRESENT PARTICIPLES OR PAST PARTICIPLES AFTER BE The verb be in anv of its fbrms (ant, is, are, was, ryere, be, been, being) can be follou,ed bv another verb. This verb should be in either the present participle or the past participle form. Thev arE turn on;' all the lamps. The office door ls lock'" in the evening. In the first erample, tunt orz should be ttrning on because second example, /ock shouldbe locked because it is after is. The followins chart outlines the use of verb forms after it is afler are. In the be. VERB FORMS AFTER BE be (1) present participle (2) past participle a EXERCISE 17z Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with be. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). - 1. She yq!:lldy the textbooks all night long. C 2. The pie u?! ru! into six equal pieces. I 3. Today the teacher is allou, the students to leave class a few minutes early. 4. The class is teach even'other 5. Tom is bringing semesrer. some drinks to the part-v. 6. The sick child r,r'as taken to see a doctor. 7. The children are su,im in the backvard pool. 8. The diamond jerveln'is al-uvavs 9. The teacher is preparing keep in a safe place. a di{'ficult exam 10. Dinner is sen'ed from 6:00 to 8:00. for the students. 110 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Srcrr 18: BASE FORM VERBS AFTER MODALS Whenever you see a modal such as will, would, shall, should, can, could, mry, might, or mllst, you should be sure that the verb that follows it is in its base form. You must telling" her the truth. The child may cornes" in now. In the first example, telling should be the base for-n-r tellbecause it follows must.In the second example, comes should be the base form come because it follows may. The following chart outlines the use of verb forms after modals. VERB FORMS AFTER MODALS modal + base form of the verb EXERCISE 18: Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verbs twice. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. You should try to respond politely. I 2. Everyone must 3. I could 4. She leaves the room immediatelv. sat on the beach for hours. will asking vou manv difficult questions. 5. You can look at the book, but you cannot borrow it. 6. He may lies to you because he is not very truthful. 7. He knew that he would forgot the phone number. 8. The weatherman said that it might snowing tonight. 9. Perhaps rve could bought a new car this year. 10. This course will satisfy the graduation requirement. - WR TEN EXPRESSION EXERCISE (Skills l6-18): Each of the following sentences contains a verb formed with several parts. Underline the verbs tr,vice. Then indicate if the sentc'nces are correct (C) or incorrect (I). 1. We have became good friends in the last vear. 2. fbur name rvill be list in the nerv directon,. 3. The new movie is receive good 4. reviews. She must have feel sorr.,'about her bad behavior. 5. Thev have always given their familv manv presents. 6. We mav be taking a vacation next rveek. 7. We could have taking a r,'acation last rveek. 8. The package might had been delir,er bv an express mail senrice. 9. I have not wrote very. many letters to my friends. 10. The car should not ha.ve be -- drive anvmore todav TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 16-18): Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct. 1. By the 1920s, many radio transmitters had been build. ABCD 2. Fish farming has rose in the United States in recent vears. ABCD 3. In areas of r,olcanic actir.itr', beach sand mav contains dark minerals ABC- and little quartz. D 4. Cro-Ma-qnon man was nalnes after the caves in southwest France where the AB first remains were discovered. 5. Lassie, the famous collie r,r,ho made her first lelqen appearance alwavs b" pleyg4 bv a male dog. AB in 1 943, has CD 6. A blue bigwig lizard stakes out a territorJ and ABC it against courting males. D will defending temales u,ithin 111 112 STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION 7. President George Washington \\/as 4elgg1atg! on the steps of the Fecleral ABC Br-rildine in Neu,York Citr,: D B. Bf' 1627, Plvnlouth had became a viable and grorving commqnity of 50 A -C- B- f'amilies, 25 goats, 15 corvs, and more than 50 pigs. D 9. Tobacco u'its thc crop ()n r,r'hich the eminence of Willianrsburq and the A pfglperlt)' of Virginia u'ere l>ase. CD 1 0. - -B- Becattse there may be scores of genes --- in each suspect DNA region, scientists must identif ine and lgggenge' the actual -qenes contributing to TVpe I B C -D diabetes. TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-18): Choose the letter of the \\rord or group of rt'ords that best completes the sentence. 1. the deepest vallevs and the Earth. on canrons _ the action of the opera too much and have rl,ritten operas v,'ithout them. Wagner, have felt that -- (A) In the Pacific (B) In the Pacific (C) (D) 3. Some colnposers, such as Richarcl Ocean u,,ith Ocean The Pacific Ocean The Pacihc Ocean has 2. In the United States, the participation of females in the labor force from 37 percent in 1965 to -51 percent in 1980. (A) arias interrupt (B) interrupt arias (C) the interruption of arias (D) areas of interruption (A) it jumped (B) jr,unp (C) jumping (D) jumped Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of r,r'ords that is not correcr. 4. Waler storc.d behincl a dam can used to drive turbines. ABCD 5. Our universe t-nav L'ontinue to expand as it gets colder, qmpt]', and deader. ABED WRITTEN EXPRESSION 6. Every form of matter in the world are made up of atoms. ABCD 7. The lens and cornea are supply u'ith nutrients and oxygen bv the aqueous ABCD fluid. 8. Dodge Cit),, laid out in 1872, orved both its prosperitv and its famous to the e --D- buffalo in its earlv vears. AB 9. The amount of the tu,o kinds of cholesterol in the blood ABC have been shou.n to have an effect on the risk of heart attack. D 10. By the time Noah Webster reached his mid-twenties, he had already publish ABC an elementar-v sneller. D 1 13