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What basal cistern(s)contain portions of the vein of Rosenthal ?
1,2,3 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
2 and 4 are correct
Only 4 is correct
All of the above
Scenario: A 45 year old male undergoes a subtemporal approach for tumor resection with elevation
of the dura from the middle fossa floor and petrous bone.
42. Structures visible on the floor of the middle cranial fossa during this exposure may include all of
the following EXCEPT?
a. Middle meningeal artery
b. N. V3
c. Lesser superficial petrosal nerve
d. N. XII
e. Greater superficial petrosal nerve
43.Postoperatively, the patient has decreased lacrimation on the ipsilateral side. What is the most
likely etiology of this problem?
a. Lesser superficial petrosal nerve
b. Greater superficial petrosal nerve
c. Geniculate ganglion injury
d. Chorda tympani injury
e. Injury of Jacobson’s nerve
Answer: B
1. Most common cause of death in a patient of head injury is
A. Raised ICP
B. Hemorrhage
C. Coma
D. Respiratory complication
2.Which type of seizure among the following does not follow head trauma
A. Absence (petitmal)
B. Partial complex, psychomotor variety
C. Partial motor with Jacksonian march
D. Partial motor with secondary generalization
3. The least frequent site for traumatic SAH is
A. Convexity
B. Basal cistern
C. Tentorial edge
D. Sylvian fissure/Interhemispheric
4. The following is the brain CT scan. Why does the patient have same side hemiparese with the
hematoma ?
a. Shift of the brainstem away from the mass producing compression of the contralateral cerebral
peduncle against the tentorium
b. The patient likely suffered a Duret hemorrhage
c. There was likely a contusion in the underlying motor cortex on the contralateral side that was not
detected on the initial ct scan
d. The patient likely had a left internal caotid artery dissection that subsequently showered emboli
to the distal vasculature
e. There was an associated fracture of the transverese foramen on the left, which produced a
vertebral artery disection and small infarct in the ventral pons
Answer : A
7. A 22 year old male is brought to the emergency department after sustaining injuries in a motor
vehicle collision. The patient has a heart rate of 122, respiratory rate of 28, SBP of 86, oxygen
saturation of 88% and mild tracheal deviation to the left. What is the immediate next step in
management of this condition?
A. emergent needle thoracosinthesis
B. placement of thoracostomy tube
C. Portable chest –ray
D. Obtain an arterial blood gas
E. CT scan of the chest
Answer: A
8. An 18 year old male suffers a moderate closed head injury with a concomitant fracture of the skull
base. The patient exhibits prominent meningeal signs with a fever and leukocytosis one week
after the injury. Which of the following organisms is the most likely to be identified on CSF
A. Haemophilus influenzae
B. Moraella catarrhalis
C. Strep. Pneumoniae
D. Klebsiella pneumonia
E. Staph. Epidermis
Answer: C
9. The most likely etiology of the lesion depicted below in this gross specimen?
A. Direct contusion
B. Shearing injury
C. Herniation
D. Arterial dissection
E. Arterial rupture
Answer: C
10. Metabolic responses to trauma include each of the following except
A. hypoglycemia
B. increased rate of lipolysis
C. increased Na+ reabsorption
D. increased water reabsorption
E. metabolic'alkalosis
Answer: A
12. Each of the following is true of diffuse brain swelling except that it is
A. a result of cerebrovascular congestion
B. a result of cytotoxic edema
C. associated with a 50% mortality rate in severely head-injured children
D. manifested on computed tomography (CT) scan by a compression of the perimesencephalic
E. more common in children than in adults
Answer: B
14. The most common acid-base disturbance in mild to moderately injured patients
without severe renal, circulatory, or pulmonary decompensation is
A. respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis
B. respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis
C. respiratory or metabolic acidosis
D. respiratory or metabolic alkalosis
Answer: D
15. The intracranial hypertension after trauma is maximum between
A. 0 – 24 hr
B. 24 – 48 hr
C. 48 – 72 hr
D. 72 – 96 hr
Answer: C
16. Among all the factors in GCS the most PROGNOSTIC is
A. Verbal response
B. Eye opening
C. Motor response
D. All of the above
Ans. C.
19. 20 years old women came to the emergency unit at your hospital with GCS score 4, dilatation of
pupil dan light reflex negative, MAP 90 mmHg, after the rescucitation, GCS increase until 6, but
right superior extremity did not move pain stimulation, pupil still dilated and light reflex still
negative. What will you do next if you are on duty on that day :
a. Give a mannitol after fluid rescucitation and placed the catheter because there is a clinical sign of
increased of ICP from the lateralization.
b. Performed Head Computed Tomography after cervical, thoracal x-ray and physical examination.
c. Hiperventilation because there is a sign of increases of ICP of lateralization
d. Give an intravenous fluid with cold normal saline to cover the hypermetabolism
e. Check of the blood routine, RFT, LFT and urinary
Answer : B
20. According from the story above, which side of the brain that possibly found with hematoma ?
a. Anterior
b. Posterior
c. Right side
d. Left side
e. Caudal
Answer: D
22. The first priority in the overall assessment of a trauma patient with an acute cervical spine
fracture is:
A. Ongoing hemorrhage
B. Neurological deficit
C. Spinal instability
D. Blood pressure
E. Airway integrity
21. In the spine, which tumor is most commonly located in an intradural/extremedullary
A. Astrocytoma
B. Hemangioblastoma
C. Ependymoma
D. Adenocarcinoma
E. Schwannoma
24. The right vertebral artery is injured during posterior C1-2 transarticular screw fixation,
while placing the first screw. The MOST appropriate surgical management strategy is:
A. Place the left screw
B. Remove the right screw
C. Extend the fusion to the occiput
D. Use only right sided instrumentation
E. none all above
25. What is the most common adverse event following laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic
A. Loss of cervical range of motion
B. C5 root palsy
C. Inadequate cord decompression
D. Progressive cervical kyphosis
E. Accelerated adjacent level deterioration
26. What is the recomended insertion torque for halo pins in adults?
A. 8 inch pounds
B. 6 inch pounds
C. 4 inch pounds
D. 10 inch pounds
E. 12 inch pounds
27. What radiographic finding is a contraindication to cervical laminoplasty?
A. Spinal cord signal change
B. Ossified posterior longitudinal ligament (OPPLL)
C. Multilevel cervical spondylosis
D. Cervical kyphosis
E. Congenital cervical stenosis
28. According to the guidelines for the Performance of Fusion Procedures for Degenerative
Disease of the Lumbar Spine, the literature supports the use of fusion in lumbar
decompression surgery for degenerative stenosis when associated with:
A. Conjoined nerve root
B. Focal disc herniation
C. Spondylolisthesis
D. Spina bifida
E. Congenital stenosis
29. A normal intraoperative electromyographic study during lumbar fusion surgery has been
shown to the BEST corelate with:
A. Improved fusion rates
B. Improved patient outcomes
C. Lack of a neurological injury
D. Pedicle fractures
E. none of the above
30. A twenty four years old woman present with right arm and leg weakness and left cranial nerve
VI palsy following a high-speed motor vehicle accident. Her lateral cervical spine x-ray
shows upper cervical prevertebral soft tissue swelling and a basion-dental interval of 16 mm.
Her head CT is negative for intracranial hemorrhage. What is the recommended treatment of this
A. In situ arthrodesis and immobilization in a 4-poster brace
B. Traction followed by immobilization in a halo
C. Immobilization in a hard collar
D. Internal fixation and arthrodesis
E. Emmobilization in a halo
31. Based on published medical evidence review, discography may BEST be used as a
diagnostic test for which clinical purpose?
A. Functional Imaging relevant to patient selection for lumbar fusion
B. Repair of annular tears
C. Visualization of clinically relevant disc space abnormalities
D. Prediction of outcome following lumbar interbody fusion
E. Diagnosis of discogenic low back pain
32. After a type II odontoid fracture, the function of which ligament/membrane most strongly
influences treatment options:
A. Alar
B. Tectorial
C. Apical
D. Transverse
E. Anterior longitudinal
33. A 27 year old sustains a Type II odontoid fracture. He is complaining of upper cervical
pain, but his neurologic exam is normal. Which of the following factors would increase his risk
for nonunion?
A. Age less than 30 years
B. Comminution of the dens
C. Anterior displacement of 3 mm
D. Basilar Skull fracture
E. Vertebral artery injury
34. A 28 year old male presents to the Emergency Department with complaints of severe low back
and right leg pain after injury while working as a carpenter the previous day. He denies
weakness, numbness and gait or bowel/bladder disturbance. Examination reveals trace
weakness of dorsi-flexion on the right associated with pain. The BEST Initial management
strategy for this patient is:
A. Epidural steroid injection
B. Seven day course of bed rest
C. Lumbar discectomy
D. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications
E. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion
35. Which of the following fractures has the poorest prognosis for healing without surgical
A. hangman's
B. Jefferson's fracture with 4 mm displacement of lateral masses
C. type I odontoid
D. type II odontoid
E. type III odontoid
36. Lateral recess stenosis in spondylosis is most commonly caused by
A. disk herniation
B. hypertrophied pedicles
C. inferior articular facet hypertrophy
D. ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
E. superior articular facet hypertrophy
37. Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is caused by a deficiency of
A. cobalamin
B. folic acid
C. nicotinic acid
D. pyridoxine
E. thiamine
40. A 35 year old woman presents with progressive upper and lower extremity myelopathy.
MR imaging reveals a well-defined, contrast enhancing lesion 2 cm in diameter in her
cervical spinal cord. What is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
A. Open biopsy of the lesion followed by appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy
B. CT guided biopsy followed by appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy
C. Serial MR imaging every three months
D. Complete surgical excision of the lesion, if possible
E. none of the above
44.During surgery, additional exposure is needed to access the upper petroclival region for tumor
resection. Which maneuver may assist the surgeon in accomplishing the task?
a. Further drilling of Glassock’s traingle
b. Additional exposure through Kawase’s quadrilateral
c. Further drilling of the arcuate eminence
d. Identifying Trautmann’s triangle an eposing medially to this landmark
e. Modifying the approach by utilizing a presigmoid corridor
Answer: B
45.Which of the following meningioma variants is associated with more aggresive clinical behaviour?
a. Papilary
b. Angiomatous
c. Chordoid
d. Clear cell
e. Metaplastic
Answer: A
46.What is the most common chromosomal abnormality associated with meningiomas ?
a. Allelic loss of 1p
b. Monosomy 22
c. Allelic loss of 10
d. Allelic loss of 22q
e. Monosomy 2
Answer: B
47.Which of the following meningioma variants is a WHO grade II neoplasm?
a. Psammomatous
b. Microcystic
c. Papillary
d. Secretory
e. Clear cell
Answer: E
48. Which approach is favored for a patient with an 8 mm acoustic neuroma in which hearing
preservation is a goal?
A. middle fossa
B. suboccipital
C. translabyrinthine
D. transcochlear
E. retrosigmoid
Answer: A
49. The single most important factor in the recurrence of meningiomas is
A age of the patient
B. bone invasion
C. histologic type of benign meningioma
D. postoperatiye tumor residual
E. sex of the patient
Answer: D
50. In the infratentorial supracerebellar approach to the pineal region, which of the following veins
are usually sacrificed?
I. superior vermian vein
11. posterior pericallosal vein
Ill. precentral cerebellar vein
IV. basal vein of Rosenthal
A. I, 11,111
B. I, 111
C. 11, IV
E. all of the above
Answer: B
51. Cerebral salt wasting and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) may best be
distinguished by measuring
A. plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP)
B. serum osmolality
C. serum sodium
D. urine sodium
E. volume status
Answer: E
52.The most common finding on audiography in patients with acoustic neuromas is
A. flat loss
B. high-frequency loss
C. low tone loss
D. normal audiogram
E. trough-shaped loss
Answer: B
This patient is most likely to present
A. congestive heart failure
B. fever and chills
C. headaches
D. hemiparesis
E. subarachnoid hemorrhage
carotid occlusion
dural AVM
moyamoya disease
55. Which of the following is not typically seen in neurofibromatosis type 2?
A. acoustic neuromas
B. caf6 au lait spots
C. cutaneous neurofibromatosis
D. Lisch nodules
E. plexiform neurofibromas
56. Catecholamine production can occur in which of the following tumors?
A. choriocarcinomas
B. glomus jugulare tumors
C. oligodendrogliomas
D. pineocytomas
E. pleomorphic xanthoastrocytomas
57. Cushing's syndrome is most often associated with a(n)
A. acidophilic pituitary adenoma
B. basophilic pituitary adenoma
C. chromophobic pituitary adenoma
D. ectopic source of adrenocorticotropic hormone (AaH)
E. nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma
58. What lesion is shown in this picture?
A. epidermoid
B. lipoma
C. metastatic tumor
D. multiple sclerosis
E. teratoma
59. Most patients with intrinsic brainstem gliomas initially
present with
A. cranial neuropathies
B. headache
C. hydrocephalus
D. nausea and vomiting
E. papilledema
60. ''Trilateral retinoblastoma" describes bilateral ocular retinoblastomas and a(n)
A. astrocytoma
B. medulloblastoma
C. neurofibroma
D. optic nerve sheath tumor
E. pineoblastoma
61. The most common primary benign tumor of the adult orbit is (a)
A. cavernous hemangioma
B. dermoid cyst
C. lymphangioma
D. optic nerve glioma
E. sarcoidosis
corpus callosum lipoma
giant aneurysm
glioblastoma multiforme
growing skull fracture
aqueductal stenosis
brainstem astrocytoma
Chiari malformation
pituitary tumor
pituitary adenoma
Rathke's cleft cyst
65. Which of the following is not characteristic of ependymomas?
A. blepharoplasts in the basal cytoplasm
B. intermediate filaments that are immunohistochemically identical to glial filaments of astrocytes
C. perivascular pseudorosettes
D. surface microvilli
E. true rosette formation
66. Each of the following is true of gangliogliomas except that
A. The astrocytes are GFAP positive.
B. The ganglion cells are synaptophysin positive.
C. They contain neuropeptides.
D. They are usually diffusely infiltrative.
E. They are most common in the temporal lobes.
Which of the following neoplasm is/are associated with von Hippel Lindau syndrome?
Renal cell carcinoma
Cerebellar hemangioblastomas
Endolymphatic sac tumors
1,2,3 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
2 and 4 are correct
Only 4 is correct
All of the above
68. What is the most common chromosome involved with cytogenic abberations in glioblastoma
a. Chromosome X
b. Chromosome 11
c. Chromosome 10
d. Chromosome 7
e. Chromosome 22
69.Primarily branches of what nerves innervate the supratentorial dura?
1. Upper cervical spinal nerves
2. Glossopharyngeal nerve
3. Vagus nerve
4. Trigeminal nerve
A. 1,2,3 are correct
B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 2 and 4 are correct
D. Only 4 is correct
E. All of the above
70. What is the primary ligand that binds to epidermal growth factor receptor EFGR in gliomas?
A. Fibronectin
B. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
C. Tumor Growth Factor (TGF-ά)
D. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
E. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)
71. Arteri Khoroidalis anterior memberikan suplai berikut dibawah ini, kecuali :
A. Amygdala
B. globus pallidus
C. Hippocampus
D. Kapsula Interna
E. Hypothalamus
72. Semua hal di bawah ini adalah benar mengenai ICA, kecuali :
A. Arteri itu memasuki tengkorak melalui tulang sphenoid
B. Arteri ini berada didalam sinus kavernosus
C. Arteri ini mempercabangkan cabang – cabang ke kapsula interna
D. Arteri ini mempercabangkan arteri khoroidalis anterior
E. Arteri ini mempercabangkan arteri hipofisis superior
73. Thalamus mendapatkan perdarahan dari :
I. Arteri khoroidalis posterior medial
II. Arteri Khoroidalis anterior
III. Arteri basilaris
IV. Arteri cerebri media
E. Semua benar
74. Berikut adalah lokasi perdarahan otak paling sering
a. Pons
b. Thalamus
c. Putamen
d. Lobar
e. Cerebellum
Jawaban C
75.Kapsula interna bagian depan diperdarahi oleh
a.Arteri choroidalis anterior
b.Arteri rekuren Heubner
c.Arteri tuberoinfundibular
d.Arteri basilaris
e.Arteri PICA
Jawaban B
76. Pasokan darah ke anggota bagian belakang dari kapsul dalam berasal dari :
A. Arteri koroidal anterior
B. Arteri inferolateral
C. Arteri Heubner rekuren
D. Arteri tuberoinfundibular
E. Arteri basilaris
77. Wanita 35 tahun menerima transplantasi hati mengalami tanda rangsang meningeal dan
demam. Hasil pemeriksaan cairan CSF menunjukkan bahwa terdapat infeksi jamur. Penyebab
mengitis jamur tersering adalah?
A. Aspergillus
B. Candida
C. Mucor
D. Cryptococcus
E. Rhizopus
78. Selama pendekatan subtemporal ekstradural apabila seseorang mengebor tulang petrosus
temporal pada area di sebelah medial terhadap foramen spinosum, posterior terhadap foramen
ovale dan dibawah GSPN. Struktur apakah yg ditemukan ?
A. Arteri karotis interna
B. Saraf trigeminal
C. Saraf abdusens
D. Kokhlea
E. Arteri vidian
79. Faktor resiko paling signifikan untuk perdarahan dari fistula arteriovenosus dura adalah :
A. Ukuran
B. Lokasi
C. Restriksi vena outflow
D. Drainase vena kortikal
E. Semua benar
80. You are carring for a child who was born with a myelomeningocele. The family is aware that
these children are more prone to latex allergies and has ask you to address spesific questions
regarding this issue. Which of the following statements is CORRECT in regard to latex allergy in
children with spina bifida?
A. Latex directed antibodies are found aproximatelly 50% of children with myelomeningoceles.
B. If a child with myelomeningocele has a negative Latex skin test at the time of birth, this child
will not develop a Latex allergy.
C. All children with myelodisplasia will eventually develop Latex allergy.
D. A normal sibling of a child with myelodisplasia is also at an increased risk to develop Latex
E. If myelodisplastic child requires frequent, daily blader catheterizations, but is not latex
allergic, then this child should continue to use latex catheters for catherization purpose.
A. Latex directed antibodies are found aproximatelly 50% of children with myelomeningoceles.
81. An 11- year- old girl is referred to neurosurgery from the urology clinic with severe episodes
of urinary tract infection during the past several years. Recently she has noticed an ulcer at the
tip of her right big toe which is not healing. During the past few months she has had a few
episodes of nocturia. Upon physical examination she had a big patch of hair near her second and
third lumbar spinous processes. She had a slightly lax anal sphincter and was unable to walk on
toes and heels on the right side. Deep tendon reflexes were slightly up at the knees and left ankle
but absent at right ankle. Sensation to pin prick was down on right side from L5 to S4 and on L3 to
S1 and anteroposterior (AP) measurement of 25-35 mm. MRI indicated a mass measuring 3 cm x
2 cm x 7 cm in the spinal canal which was hyperintense in T1-weigthed images. The position of
the epicomus was at the level of L2. What is the MOST LIKELY diagnosis ?
A. Myxopapillary ependymoma of filum terminale
B. Astrocytoma of conus with central degeneration
C. Tethered cord with lipoma
D. Sacrococcygeal teratoma
C. Tethered cord with lipoma
During surgery for the spinal lipomas, one SHOULD EXPECT to find the dorsal nerve roots :
running within the fatty mass
immidiately dorsal to the enterance of the fatty stalk into the spinal cord
along the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the fatty mass
immediately ventrolateral to the fatty stalk as it enters the spinal cord
D. immediately ventrolateral to the fatty stalk as it enters the spinal cord
83. A 7-year-old boy presents with a two month history of progressive headaches, vomiting, and
ataxia. On examination he is sleepy but easily aroused and readily verbalizes appropriately and
follow commands. His pupils are equal and reactive but he has impaired upward gaze.
Funduscopic exam reveals bilateral papiledema.
Based on the clinical symptoms, exam, and MRI, the MOST LIKELY diagnosis is :
a. cerebellar astrocytoma
b. brainstem glioma
c. hemangioblastoma
d. primitive neuroectodermal tumor (meduloblastoma)
e. cavernous angioma
D. primitive neuroectodermal tumor (meduloblastoma)
84. A 7-year-old boy presents with a two month history of progressive headaches, vomiting, and
ataxia. On examination he is sleepy but easily aroused and readily verbalizes appropriately and
follow commands. His pupils are equal and reactive but he has impaired upward gaze.
Funduscopic exam reveals bilateral papiledema. proper staging for this disease should include all
a. CSF for a-fetoprotein
b. CSF for cytology C. bone marrow biopsy
c. postoperative head MRI with and without contrast
d. MRI of the spine with and without contrast
CSF for a-fetoprotein
85. The most common presenting symptom of neonates with vein of Galen aneurysms is:
A. congestive heart failure
B. hydrocephalus
C. intracerebral hemorrhage
D. seizures
E. subarachnoid hemorrhage
A. congestive heart failure
86. Trigonocephaly results from premature closure of the:
A. coronal suture bilaterally
B. coronal suture unilaterally
C. frontosphenoidal suture
D. lambdoid suture
E. metopic suture
E. metopic suture
87. Approximately what percentage of infants with myelomeningocoele have magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of a Chiari II malformation?
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 60%
D. 80%
E. 100%
E. 100%
88. Autosomal recessive inheritance
A. Apert's syndrome
B. Crouzon'sdisease
C. Both
D. Neither
D. Neither
89. Each of the following is true of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in the newborn except
A. Periventricular hemorrhagic infarction is one sequela.
B. Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus can result in persistent bradycardia and apneic spells.
C The capillary bed of the germinal matrix is composed of large irregular vessels.
D. The germinal matrix is the most common site of IVH in the full-term neonate.
E. The risk of IVH is greater in the preterm than in the term infant.
D. The germinal matrix is the most common site of IVH in the full-term neonate.
90. The most common single-suture synostosis is
A. coronal
B. lambdoid
C. metopic
D. sagittal
E. Sphenozygomatic
91. The essential difference between a syringomyelic and a hydromyelic cavity is
that the cavity in
A. hydromyelia is lined with ependymal cells, and in syringomyelia is not
B. hydromyelia is lined with choroid plexus, and in syringomyelia is not
C. syringomyelia contains CSF, and in hydromyelia contains serum
D. syringomyelia is focal, and in hydromyelia is more extensive
E. syringomyelia is an enlargement of the central canal, and in hydromyelia is an enlargement of
the anterior median septum
A.hydromyelia is lined with ependymal cells, and in syringomyelia is not
92. Trilateral retinoblastoma" describes bilateral ocular retinoblastomas and a(n)
A. astrocytoma
B. medulloblastoma
C. neurofibroma
D. optic nerve sheath tumor
E. Pineoblastoma
E. pineoblastoma
93. Closure of the caudal neuropore
Postovulatory Day Number
A. 13
B. 17
C. 22
D. 24
E. 26
E. 26
94. Contains the choroid plexus at the foramen of Luschka
A ambient cistern
B. cerebellopontine angle cistern
C. interpeduncular cistern
D. lateral cerebellomedullary cistern
E. prepontine cistern
D. lateral cerebellomedullary cistern
95. A new born child has seizure and overt heart failure. The child was well at the time of her
birth. The anterior fontanelle is now full. A CT scan demonstrates hydrocephalus and a
malformation (Figure 39). Based on the clinical history and CT finding, the MOST LIKELY diagnosis
a. Tectal glioma
b. Giant basilar aneurysm
c. Vein of Galen fistula
d. Hydrocephalus from obstructive pineal tumor
e. Brain abcess
C. Vein of Galen fistula
96. A 6-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital with an open depressed skull fracture at the
vertex of he head. CT confirms the presence of displaced bone in the region of the superior
sagittal sinus. Two hours following the injury, the child is admitted to the hospital. He is awake,
and alert, but somewhat irritable, without focal neurological deficits. He is maintain in a sitting
position but has a continual minimal seepage of blood and CSF from a3-cm scalp laceration. Very
ild papilledema is seen by a neurology resident. There is no fever or meningismus. The hematocit
is 36. You SHOULD:
a. Treat conservatively with antibiotics after closure of the skin laceration.
b. Operate immediately for elevation ef the depressed skull fracture and to eliminate CSF
leakage and contamination.
c. Perform angiography or venography to identify the extent of sagittal sinus patency; if the
sinus is noted to be preserved, treat the child conservatively with antibiotics and Diamox
d. Begin operative treatment when the entire operating team is ready to deal with potential
massive hemorrhage
e. Treat conservatively with antibiotics and lumbar drainage
D. Begin operative treatment when the entire operating team is ready to deal with potential
massive hemorrhage
97. 4-month-old baby boy presents to your office for an abnormally shaped head. The infant
tends to hold his head turned to the right and has a flat occiput on the right. The right ear is
anterior to the left in the axial plane and the right forehead is more prominent than the left, as is
the malar eminence on the right.
What is the CAUSE of this abnormality?
A.skull molding
B.sagittal suture stenosis
C.right lambdoid suture stenosis
D.left lambdoid suture stenosis
E.coronal suture stenosis
A.skull molding
98. A 12-year-old girl has had sudden onset of weakness punctuated by partial seizures with
secondary generalization. She has had normal development and has been healthy all of her life,
although her parents note that she had a fever and pharyngitis about Wi weeks prior to the onset
of the current illness. The physical exam reveals a stuporous child with spastic quadriparesis and
right seventh cranial nerve palsy. Analysis of CSF reveals 55 white cells, all lymphocytes and
monocytes, and 3 red cells. The protein is slightly elevated but the glucose is normal. An MR was
obtained and is depicted in Figure 59. The MOST LIKELY diagnosis is:
a. multiple sclerosis
b. acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
c. systemic lupus erythematosus
d. tuberculous meningitis
B.acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
99. Postoperative shunt infections are most commonly caused by
A. coagulase-negative staphylococci
B. H. influenzae
C. Pseudoqonas species
D. S. aureus
E. S. Pneumoniae
A.Coagulase-negative staphylococci
100. All of the following are seen in Sturge-Weber syndrome except
A. calcified cortical vessels
B. facial nevus contralateral to seizure activity
C. hemisensory deficit contralateral to facial nevus
D. meningeal venous angiomas
E. tramline calcifications outlining the convolution of the parieto-occipital
C.calcified cortical vessels
Skull films may reveal "tramline calcification" is present in the parieto-occipital cortical substance,
not the vessels.
101. Bulbus jugulari merupakan tempat bermuara dari :
A. sinus petrosus posterior
B. sinus petrosus inferior
C. sinus sigmoid
D. sinus sagitalis
E. sinus rectus
102. Organisme yang paling sering ditemukan pada abses cerebri :
A. Staphilococcus
B. Streptococcus
C. Pseudomonas
D. Klebsiella
E. Listeria
103. Organisme yang paling sering ditemukan pada subdural empyema pada bayi :
A. Hemophilus
B. Listeria
C. E. Coli
D. Staphilococcus
E. Pseudomonas
104. Most cases of idiopathic hemifacial spasm are thought to result from
A. ephatic transmission
B. Hypersensitivity of facial muscle
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Psychiatric disorders
E. Recurrent of laten viral infection
105. Surgical therapies used for dystonia have traditionally included all of the following EXCEPT?
A. Peripheral denervation
B. Pallidotomy
C. Thallamotomy
D. Dorsal column stimulation
E. Motor cortex stimulation
106. A 17-year-old girl develops mild dementia, tremor, and rigidity. Her father died in his
fourth decade of life of a progressive dementing illness associated with jerking (choreiform) limb
movements. On exposure to L-dopa, she becomes
acutely agitated and has jerking limb movements
A. Alzheimer’s disease
B. Parkinson’s disease
C. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
D. Vitamin B12 deficiency
E. Huntington’s disease
107. A 17-year-old male presents with 10 days of progressive tingling paresthesias of the hands
and feet followed by evolution of weakness of the legs two evenings before admission. He
complains of back pain. He has a history of a diarrheal illness 2 weeks prior. On examination, he
has moderate leg and mild arm weakness, but respiratory function is normal. There is mild
sensory loss in the feet. He is areflexic. Mental status is normal. The most frequent preceding
infection before the onset of this syndrome is
a. HIV
b. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
c. Chlamydia psittaci
d. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
e. Campylobacter jejuni
108. Pasien dengan riwayat mastoidectomy mengalami afasia. Pemeriksaan CT scan
menunjukkan abses serebri. Dimanakah lokasi kemungkinan abses ini ?
A. Lobus frontal
B. Lobus temporal
C. Lobus parietal
D. Lobus occipital
109. Baik infeksi HIV maupun CMV pada otak memproduksi
A. Nodul microglia
B. Intranuclear bodies
C. Intracytoplasmic bodies