PENGARUH TEKNOLOGI DALAM KEHIDUPAN Oleh : Rionaldo Aureri Linggautama Pada era globalisasi seperti yang terjadi pada saat ini, teknologi sudah menjadi salah satu unsur bagian dalam kehidupan. Dimana seperti yang kita tahu bahwa kemajuan teknologi informasi seperti sekarang ini memang memberikan dampak yang sangat berarti kepada pola hidup manusia. Saya sebagai mahasiswa Teknik Informatika senantiasa mendukung dan turut mengembangkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) untuk memudahkan pekerjaan dan memecahkan persoalan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Secara umum pengertian dari Teknik Informatika adalah suatu teknologi atau merupakan suatu sarana yang digunakan untuk mengolah data, termasuk memproses, mendapatkan, menyusun, menyimpan, memanipulasi data dalam berbagai cara untuk menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas, yaitu informasi yang relevan, akurat dan tepat waktu, yang digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, bisnis, dan pemerintahan dan merupakan informasi yang strategis untuk mengambil keputusan. Pengaruh dari kemajuan teknologi, khususnya dari kemajuan teknologi informasi terbagi mejadi dua macam, yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Semua itu kembali lagi pada cara manusia itu sendiri untuk berfikir dan bagaimana dia memanfaatkan kemajuan Teknik Informatika (TI), apakah untuk sesuatu yang bersifat membangun dan bermanfaat (positif) atau untuk hal-hal yang tergolong salah atu kearah negatif. Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) terus meningkat seiring kebutuhan manusia. Dengan berkembang dan majunya TIK pekerjaan dan masalah-masalah yang kita hadapi jadi lebih mudah diselesaikan, tetapi menurut saya, perkembangan dan penggunaan TIK dalam kehidupan sehari hari itu seperti peribahasa “api kecil jadi kawan, jika besar menjadi lawan”. Karena jika perkembangan dan penggunaan TIK diterapkan secara tepat dan benar, maka akan menimbulkan dampak positif yang sangat berguna bagi manusia. Tetapi, jika penerapanya salah atau terlalu berlebihan, maka dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif. Berikut contoh dampak positif dari perkembangan dan penggunaan TIK : Pada zaman dahulu, jika kita ingin berkomunikasi dengan orang lain harus menggunakan surat yang dikirim melalui pos. Tetapi, zaman sekarang kita hanya tinggal menggunakan dunia maya. Contoh : sms,line,Whatsapp, Blackberry Messenger, dsb. Dulu untuk menghitung, kita menggunakan cara manual, lalu berkembang dengan menggunakan sempoa, dan sekarang menggunakan kalkulator. Dulu untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli (berdagang) kita harus datang ke tempat, tetapi sekarang, kita dapat menggunakan media online, kita tidak perlu bertemu Face-to-Faceantara penjual dan pembeli. Tak kalah pentingnya, harus juga diperhatikan dampak negatif dari perkembangan dan penggunaan TIK. Berkut beberapa contoh dampak negatif dari perkembangan dan penggunaan TIK : Kebergantungan terhadap teknologi, misalkan handphone, dan itu dapat menimbulkan radiasi yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan tubuh Kecanduan akan dunia maya dapat membuat manusia menjadi pasif dalam dunia nyata. “orang yang aktif dan jago berkomunikasi di dunia maya, belum tentu dapat berkomunikasi di dunia nyata sebaik ia berkomunikasi melalui dunia maya”. Terbiasanya penggunaan teknologi dapat membuat kita malas dan dapat mengurangi daya kemampuan diri kita. Contoh : dalam berhitung, orang yang selalu menggunakan kalkulator dalam menghitung akan kalah kemampuan berhitungnya dengan orang yang jarang menggunakan kalkulator. Dapat menimbulkan tindakan kejahatan. Contohnya : saat kita membeli barang melalui media online, terkadang barang yang sampai belum tentu sama dengan apa yang kita pesan (yang diiklankan oleh penjual). Resource: INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN LIFE By : Rionaldo Aureri Linggautama In the era of globalization such as that occurred at the time of this , the technology is already becoming one of the elements of a part in life . Where such that we know that the advancement of technology information as now it does provide impact that is very meaningful to the pattern of living humans . I am a student of Engineering Informatics continue to support and co- develop Technology of Information and Communication (ICT) to facilitate the work and solve problems in life everyday . In the general sense of Engineering Informatics is a technology or is a tool that is used to process the data, including processing , obtain , compile , store , manipulate the data in various ways to produce information that is qualified , ie information that is relevant , accurate and precise time , which used for the purposes of personal , business , and government and is information that is positioned to take a decision . The influence of the advancement of technology , in particular on the progress of technology information divided form the two kinds , namely the impact of positive and impact negatively . All it back again to the way humans were alone to think and how he utilizes the advancement of Engineering Information Technology (IT), if for something that is build and useful ( positive ) or for the things that belong to one atu towards the negative . The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) continues to increase along with human needs . By developing and advancement of ICT jobs and the problems that we are facing so more easily resolved , but according to me , the development and use of ICT in the life of the day today was like the proverb " fire small so comrade , if big into the opponent ". Because if the development and use of ICT is applied in precise and correct , then it will lead to impact positively are very useful for humans . However , if the application is wrong or too excessive , it can have a negative impact . The following are examples of the positive effects of the development and use of ICT: At times previously , if we want to communicate with other people should use a letter that is sent through the mail. However , the times now we just stay using the world maya . Example : text, line, Whatsapp , Blackberry Messenger, etc . It used to calculate , we use the way of the manual, and then developing the use of the abacus , and now use the calculator . It used to conduct transactions sale and purchase ( trade ) we must come to the place , but now , we can use online media, we do not need to meet Face-toFace between seller and buyer . Not losing importance , should also be considered impact negatively on the development and use of ICT. Following are some examples of the negative impacts of the development and use of ICTs: Dependence on technology , for example mobile phones , and that can cause radiation that can endanger the health of the body Addictions will be the world maya can make humans become passive in the world real . " People are active and good at communicating in the world maya , not necessarily able to communicate in world real good as she communicates with the world maya ". Terbiasanya use of technology can make us lazy and can reduce the power capability of self us . Example : in counting , people who always use a calculator in counting will lose their ability to count with people who rarely use a calculator . Can lead to crime . For example : when we buy goods through the media online , sometimes goods which until not necessarily the same with what are we message (which was advertised by the seller ). Resource: communication Present Simple = 28% coverage73/263 influence time part know provide impact pattern continue support develop facilitate work solve sense tool used process obtain compile store manipulate produce take progress form back think build belong negative increase use like fire big correct will lead wrong can have times want communicate people letter mail stay text line messenger calculate conduct purchase trade come place do need meet face be cause endanger body make become reduce power lose count buy message Present Simple - Third Person = 5% coverage12/263 is does purposes utilizes continues needs jobs effects times impacts phones communicates Past = 4% coverage11/263 occurred used qualified positioned divided resolved was applied sent considered advertised Past Participle = 5% coverage12/263 occurred used qualified positioned divided resolved applied sent come considered become advertised Present Participle = 5% coverage13/263 becoming living engineering including processing developing facing according following using losing communicating counting Number of characters (including spaces) : Number of characters (without spaces) : 3721 2927 Number of words : 623 Lexical Density : 42.3756 Number of sentences : 22 Number of syllables : 1047 Some top phrases containing 6 words (without punctuation marks) the development and use of ict of the development and use of Some top phrases containing 5 words (without punctuation marks) the development and use of development and use of ict of the development and use Some top phrases containing 4 words (without punctuation marks) development and use of the development and use and use of ict • it used to the advancement of technology of the development and of information and communication Some top phrases containing 3 words (without punctuation marks) and use of development and use the development and the world maya use of ict the advancement of information that is • it used of information and Occurrences 4 2 Occurrences 5 4 2 Occurrences 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 Occurrences 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 use a calculator it used to advancement of technology of engineering informatics examples of the information and communication of technology in of technology information in the world of the development Some top phrases containing 2 words (without punctuation marks) of the use of that is the development of technology development and and use of ict the world in the world maya advancement of information that of engineering use a in life the advancement used to to the is a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Occurrences 10 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 lead to through the • it now we the data and communication that we engineering informatics influence of not necessarily examples of a calculator people who of information it used to communicate the way use the world real information and in counting the negative technology information following are technology in for the if the on the for example that can can make impact negatively 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Unfiltered word count: