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The Birds and The Hunter

The Birds and The Hunter
Once upon a time, there live a flock of birds in Aceh forest. The leader of the flock was a
wise parakeet named King Parakeet.
One day, white the flock was perching, on the trees, a hunter came and caught them using
a net. The net trapped many birds. The birds were so afraid. They panicked. The king had an
idea. He ordered the birds to lay still. The birds did what the king said. When the hunter saw that
all the birds still, he tought the birds were dead. He was disappointed. “I cannot sell dead birds,”
he said. So he lifted the net. Immediately, the birds flew away. The hunter was so surprised.
Then, the hunter saw the King Parakeet. He immediately caught the King Parakeet. He
took it home. The hunter put the King Parakeet in a cage. The hunter hung the cage in front of
his house.
One day, the birds from the jungle approached the cage of the King Parakeet. They
worked together to release the King Parakeet. They pecked the latch again and again. Finally, the
latch was open the King Parakeet out of the cage.
Lion and The The Hare
Once upon a time, a lion had been hunting for days without catching anything to eat.
“It looks like I will go hungry again!” he tought.
Then he saw a hare fast asleep beneath a shady tree. He moved quietly towards it,
thingking, “At last! Here is delicious meal sitting and waiting for me.
He was about to catch the hare when a fine young deer trotted by. The lion thought,
“Now there is an even better dinner!” He turned and chased the deer. The noise woke the hare
and he quickly hopped away.
After a long chase, the lion failed to catch the deer. Tired out, he came back looking for
the hare but found that it had run way.
“What a fool I am!” the lion said as his empty stomach growled.
“It serves me right for losing the food that what almost mine, just for the chance of
getting more!”
Sekali waktu, singa telah berburu selama berhari-hari tanpa menangkap apa
Kemudian dia melihat seekor kelinci yang tertidur lelap di bawah pohon
rindang. Dia bergerak diam-diam ke arahnya, berpikir, “Akhirnya! Di sini ada
Dia akan menangkap kelinci ketika seekor rusa muda yang baik berlari. Singa
berpikir, "Sekarang ada makan malam yang lebih baik!" Dia berbalik dan
mengejar rusa. Suara itu membangunkan kelinci dan dia dengan cepat
Setelah pengejaran yang panjang, singa gagal menangkap rusa. Lelah, dia
kembali mencari kelinci tetapi menemukan bahwa itu telah berjalan.
"Betapa bodohnya aku!" Kata singa ketika perutnya yang kosong menggeram.
"Ini bermanfaat bagiku untuk kehilangan makanan yang hampir milikku, hanya
untuk kesempatan mendapatkan lebih banyak!x\
Paragraf 3
burung dan Pemburu
Sekali waktu, hiduplah sekawanan burung di hutan Aceh. Pemimpin kawanan
itu adalah parkit bijak bernama King Parkit.
Suatu hari, putih kawanan itu bertengger, di pohon-pohon, seorang pemburu
datang dan menangkap mereka menggunakan jaring. Jaringnya menjebak
banyak burung. Burung-burung sangat takut. Mereka panik. Raja punya ide. Dia
memerintahkan burung-burung itu untuk berbaring. Burung-burung melakukan
apa yang dikatakan raja. Ketika pemburu melihat bahwa semua burung masih
diam, dia mengira burung-burung itu sudah mati. Dia kecewa. "Aku tidak bisa
menjual burung mati," katanya. Jadi dia mengangkat jaring. Segera, burungburung itu terbang. Pemburu itu sangat terkejut.
Kemudian, pemburu melihat Parkit Raja. Dia segera menangkap Parkit Raja. Dia
membawanya pulang. Pemburu menempatkan Parkit Raja di dalam sangkar.
Pemburu menggantung kandang di depan rumahnya.
Suatu hari, burung-burung dari hutan mendekati kandang Raja Parkit. Mereka
bekerja sama untuk melepaskan King Parkit. Mereka mematuk kait lagi dan lagi.
Akhirnya, selot terbuka King Parkit keluar dari kandang.