BIOKIMIA ENDOKRIN dr.Syazili Mustofa . Departemen Biokimia Kedokteran UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG Kenapa penting?? Dasar untuk mempelajari penyakit gangguan endokrin. Gangguan endokrin yang sering ditemui adalah: Diabetes melitus Hipertiroidisme Mechanism of Hormone Action • Hormones are carried by the blood, yet they affect only certain cells. The specific cells that respond to a given hormone have receptor sites for that hormone. • Receptor sites may be located on the surface of the cell membrane or in the interior of the cell. SISTEM HORMON Hormon = membangkitkan aktivitas Hormon oleh jar. → sistem sirkulasi → jar. Lain Parakrin → organ sama jaringan berbeda Autokrin →organ dan jaringan yg sama Hormon dapat ditargetkan pada lebih dari satu jaringan . Kelenjar target: ± 200 tipe sel tubuh ± 50 hormon yang sudah dikenal Reseptor Hormon Ada dua macam reseptor hormon: 1.Reseptor yang mengikat hormon di luar sel. Hormon polipeptida, protein, dan katekolamin terikat reseptor pada membran plasma → menyalur fungsi ke intrasel melalui aktivitas enzim adenilil siklase cAMP dan fosfolipase C Ca++ 2.Reseptor yang mengikat hormon intraselluler Hormon Steroid dan Tiroid, Transkripsi Mechanism of Hormone Action • Protein hormones, in general, are water soluble and are unable to diffuse through the cell membrane and react with receptor sites on the surface of the cell. • Steroids are fat soluble and can diffuse through the cell membrane and react with receptors inside the cell. Mechanism of Hormone Action Mechanism of Hormone Action HORMON RESEPTOR MEMBRAN; - ACTH - ADH - FSH - hcG - LIPOPROTEIN = LPH - LUTEINISASI = LH - TSH - PARATIROID (PTH) - GLUKAGON - INSULIN - ADRENALIN DAN NOR ADRENALIN Mechanism of steroid Hormone Action Mechanism of steroid Hormone Action HORMON RESEPTOR INTRASEL: - ESTROGEN GLUKOKORTIKOID MINERALOKORTIKOID PROGESTIN KALSITRIOL ANDROGEN TIROID = T4;T3