tanah entisols

Entisol adalah tanah-tanah dengan regolit dalam atau bumi tidak
dengan horison, kecuali mungkin lapis bajak.
Beberapa Entisol, mempunyai horison plaggen, agrik atau horizon E
(albik); beberapa mempunyai batuan beku yang keras dekat
Entisol dicirikan oleh bahan mineral tanah yang belum membentuk
horison pedogenik yang nyata.
Tanah-tanah ini dicirikan oleh kenampakan yang kurang muda dan
tanpa horison genetik alamiah, atau juga mereka hanya
mempunyai horison-horison permulaan.
Diunduh dari: geoyogi.files.wordpress.com/.../nama-dan-jenis-ta... ………….. 13/3/2013
1. Vegetasi: Tidak spesifik,
tanah kosong
2. Iklim: Pergelik hingga
3. Rezim lengas tanah: Kering
hingga Aquik
4. Sifat tanah yang penting:
featureless soil bodies
5. Horison Penciri: secara tipikal
tidak ada, Albik
6. Epipedon: Okhrik
7. Karakteristik: Sedikit sekali
atau tidak ada bukti-bukti
perkembangan tanah.
Entisols: Tanah-tanah yg baru
Land surfaces that are very young
(alluvium, colluvium, mudflows)
Batuan keras ekstrim
Bahan induk berpasir
Material bongkaran (mis. Lahan
galian tambang, tanah sangat
padat, material toksik)
Transisi antara ‘tanah' dan
Entisols dapat ditemukan pada berbagai kondisi iklim. Misalnya,
iklim arid atau pergelik dapat membatasi intensitas
perkembangan tanah untuk membentuk ordo tanah lainnya.
Kejenuhan profil tanah atau bahkan penggenangan dalam waktu
lama menghambat perkembangan tanah dan tanah-tanah
termasuk mke dalam Ordo Entisol.
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Harsh environments may limit root and plant growth due to
consolidated highly resistant bedrock, infertility or toxicity of
initial material, submergence, or high erosion rates.
Kalau dilakaukan pemupukan dnegan baik dan suplai air
dikendalikan , beberapa Entisols dapat dipakai untuk pertanian
(lahan gembalaan, kandang ternak). Akan tetapi faktor
pembatasnya adalah solum yang tipis, tekstur liat, atau neraca
lengas-tanah yang defisit air.
Beberapa Entisols dikelola secara intensif, misalnya, Entisols pada
aluvium sungai.
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Entisols may be present on very steep slopes on hard bedrock
where soil formation is inhibited. Mass movement may remove
material from such an area as fast or faster than most pedogenic
horizons form.
Entisols lainnya ditemukan pada relief datar hingga agak miring
dengan bahan induk material deposit seperti alluvium atau
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Shortness of time since exposure of initial materials to the active
factors of soil formation limits soil development.
Fresh lava flows, marine or lacustrine deposits newly exposed by
uplift of land or by lake drainage, provide sites for very young
Aktivitas manusia dapat mendorong pembentukan Entisols.
Deforestation may induce soil erosion where highly eroded,
shallow Entisols remain.
Misalnya, daerah luas terbentuk karena deforestation dan erosi
tanah di southern Europe dan in Southern America.
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Bahan Induk Tanah:
Entisols are on land surfaces that are very young (alluvium,
colluvium, mudflows), extremely hard rocks (e.g. Orthents), or
disturbed material (e.g. mined land, highly compacted soils, toxic
material). They also occur on deep bodies of water and glaciers
which are transitions between 'soils' and 'not soils'.
Psamments adalah Entisols yang berkembang dari bahan induk
berpasir, banyak ditemukan di Alabama and Georgia USA dan
digunakan untuk lahan gembalaan ternak.
Di area “serpentine barrens”, Entisols dapat berasosiasi dnegan
“bedrock outcrops”. Entisols juga dapat berasosiasi dengan “salt
The characteristic of Entisols is that there is little or no evidence of soil
development. They form a transition between the other soil orders of Soil
Taxonomy and non-soil material such as bare rock, deep water or ice at the
surface of the earth.
Kondisi lingkungan untuk Entisols dianggap menghambat proses genesis
atanah, misalnya beberapa faktor lingkungan memperlambat proses
pembentukan tanah.
For example, submerged or waterlogged soils exclude oxidation and retard
weathering. Sparse vegetation results in low litter amounts which retards the
accumulation of organic matter in the topsoil.
Batuan yang kompak dapat menghambat penetrasi akar sehingga menghambat
pertumbuhan tanaman.
The impact of most soil forming processes is not great enough to
produce soil features recognized as diagnostic for other soil orders.
Entisols dapat menjadi 'climax soils' yang merupakan
kesetimbangan dengan lingkungannya, tanah-tanah ini dapat
terbentuk oleh gaya-gaya degradasi tanah (mis. Erosi tanah) dari
ordo tanah lainnya, atau tanah-tanah ini berkembang dari 'non-soil
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Entisols ADALAH TANAH-TANAH YANG tidak mempunyai
sifat-sifat yang menjadi penciri ordo-ordo lainnya.
Tanah-tanah ini mungkin mempunyai epipedon okhrik
dan horison penciri albik; mungkin juga mempunyai
beberapa fragmen horison penciri yang tidak tersusun
dalam suatu pola yang “baku”.
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Ada lima subordo dalam ordo Entisols:
Aquents: Entisols yang basah (jenuh air) secara permanen atau musiman
dipetakan sebagai Aquents. Tanah-tanah ini menunjukkan sifat redoximorfik
yang sangat nyata..
Arents: They are better drained than Aquents (lacking their redoximorphic
features) and exhibit fragments of diagnostic horizons below the Ap horizon.
Arents are deeply disturbed by farming, mining, or construction.
Psamments: Tekstur tanah Psamments biasanya pasir-halus-berlempung atau
lebih kasar. Tanah-tanah ini mudah tererosi oleh angin kalau kering.
Fluvents: Tekstur tanah Fluvents biasanya berlempung dan berliat (lebih halus
daripada pasir-halus-berlempung). Tanah-tanah ini ditemukan pada material
alluvial yang ber-strata.
Orthents: The soil texture of Orthents is loamy and clayey. They are better
drained than Aquents with a regular decrease in content of organic matter with
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Sub-ordo dibagi-bagi lagi menjadi great-groups berdasarkan beberapa faktor:
rataan suhu tanah tahunan dan kisaran ushu tanah, kandungan pasir dan
kuarsa, stratifikasi, adanya material sulfidik, dan “low-bearing capacity”.
Hydraquents are formed in sediments that have accumulated under water
and remained continously submerged. To qualify for a Hydraquent the nvalue must be > 0.7. The n-values is used to define the grams of water
associated with 1 gram of clay and obtained from the relationship:
A = nL + nbH + pR
dimana: A: kadar air per 100 g tanah kering; L: persentase liat; H: persentase
bahan organik; R: kandungan non-liat; b: ratio retensi air oleh bahan organik
dan oleh liat (biasanya ditentukan 3); p: air yang berhubungan dnegan nonliat (biasanya nilainya 0.2).
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Pada banyak subgroups dari ordo Entisol, tanah-tanah dengan kondisi aquik
selama periode tertentu dalam kebanyakan tahun, banyak ditemukan adanya
deplesi redoks dengan chroma 2 atau kurang (mis. Aquic Cryopsamments).
Dalam Entisols lainnya yang jenuh dnegan air, pada satu lapisan atau lebih di
dalam 100 cm tanah mineral permukaan, selama 1 bulan atau lebih per tahun
selama enam atau lebih dari 10 tahun, maka digunakan istilah 'oxyaquic‘ (mis.
Oxyaquic Cryopsamments).
Influence of soil temperature is considered on great group and subgroup level
using designations such as ustic, xeric, torri, or udic.
Accumulation of iron sulfides (FeS2) are found in lagoonal soils or distrubed soils
in coal mine spoil. They are classified on great group level (e.g. Sulfquents) and
subgroup level (e.g. Sulfic Hydraquents, Sulfic Fluvaquents).
Beberapa Entisols menunjukkan karakteristik molik (mis Mollic Cryofluvents,
Mollic Ustifluvents).
Tanah-tanah dangkal (tipis) dengan kontak-litik di dalam lapisan tanah
mineral permukaan 50 cm lazim ditemukan pada Ordo Entisol (mis.
Lithic Cryopsamments, Lithic Quarzipsamments, Lithic Xerorthents).
Soils which show a fine-earth fraction containing 30 percent or more
particles 0.02 to 2.0 mm in diameter of which 5 percent or more is
volcanic glass, and [(Al plus 1/2 Fe, percent extracted by ammonium
oxalate) times 60] plus the volcanic glass (percent) is 30 or more
throughout one or more horizons with a total thickness of 18 cm or
more within 75 cm of the mineral soil surface.
Tanah-tanah yang mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti di atas disebut 'vitrandic'
(mis. Vitrandic Xerofluvents, Vitrandic Cryorthents).
Entisols yang mempunyai, satu atau lebih horison dengan
ketebalan 18 cm atau lebih di dalam 75 cm tanah mineral
permukaan, fraksi halus dnegan bobot isi 1.0 g/cm3 atau kurang,
yang diukur pada retensi air 33 kPa, dan persentase aluminum
1/2 besi (oleh ammonium oxalate) totalnya lebih dari 1.0
dikelompokkan sebagai 'andic' (mis. Andic Cryofluvents).
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Entisols merupakan transisi antara ordo lainnya dan “bukan-tanah”.
“Bukan-tanah” merupakan area yg tidak stabil, karena erosi air
(mis. badlands, beaches, riverwash), erosi oleh angin (mis. dunes),
area yg tidak dapat ditembus akar (mis. rock outcrops), area yg
membatasi pertumbuhan tanaman (mis. salt flats, slickens, area
toksik), atau area terlalu dingin untuk mendukung pertumbuhan
Many young soils are excluded from Entisols because presence of a
mollic epipedon.
Because cambic horizons cannot occur in soil materials coarser
than very fine sand weathered sandy soils are grouped in the
Entisol order.
Tanah-tanah ini mempunyai profil A/C atau A/R, hanya
menunjukkan sedikit gejala perkembangan tanah – terutama
dalam horison permukaannya, mungkin mempunyai horison
1. Aquents – menunjukkan sifat kebasahan
2. Arents – lapisan olah yang nyata
3. Fluvents – terbentuk pada bahan alluvial
4. Orthents – tekstur berlempung atau berliat
5. Psamments – tekstur berpasir.
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Entisols adalah tanah-tanah yang menunjukkan
sedikit (belum ada) perkembangan horison
Entisols ditemukan di daerah bahan induk
deposit muda atau di daerah-daerah dimana laju
erosi atau deposisi lebih cepat daripada laju
perkembangan tanah ; seperti lereng curam,
dataran banjir dan dunes.
Entisols ditemukan pada beragam kondisi
Entisols meliputi sekitar 16% permukaan lahan di
bumi yang bebas es.
Diunduh dari: ………….. 25/2/2013
Konsep sentral Entisols adalah
tanah-tanah yg menunjukkan
sedikit (tanpa) bukti
perkembangan horison pedogenik.
Banyak Entisols mempunyai
epipedon okhrik dan beberapa
mempunyai epipedon anthropic.
Banyak Entisols teksturnya
berpasir dan sangat dangkal (tipis).
Diunduh dari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/entisols.html ………… 14/2/2013
Konsep sentral Entisols adalah tanahtanah yg menunjukkan sedikit (tanpa)
bukti perkembangan horison pedogenik.
Banyak Entisols mempunyai epipedon
okhrik dan beberapa mempunyai
epipedon anthropic.
Banyak Entisols teksturnya berpasir dan
sangat dangkal (tipis).
Diunduh dari: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/soil/orders/soiord.htm ………… 13/2/2013
Entisols tidak mempunyai horison penciri. Beberapa Entisols mempunyai lereng
curah dan tererosi intensif, dan tanah-tanah lainnya ditemukan di dataran banjir,
dataran “glacial outwash” yang menerima material aluvium secara periodik.
Aquents, atau Entisols banyak ditemukan secara luas. They dominate some of the
delineations along the southern Atlantic and gulf coasts and on the flood plains along the
Mississippi River and along other rivers and streams. Some Aquents are forming, mostly in sandy
deposits, in other parts of the country. Most of the soils are forming in recent sediments. They
support vegetation that tolerates permanent or periodic wetness. Tanah-tanah ini banyak
digunakan sebagai pasture, lahan pertanian, hutan atau wildlife habitat.
Arents tidak mempunyai horison penciri karena mereka telah mengalami
pencampuran material akibat pengolahan tanah. Tanah-tanah ini sangat penting untuk
produksi tanaman irigasi di California.
Arents kebanyakan dikelola sebagai lahan pertanian, lahan urban, atau pasture.
Sebagian juga digunakan sebagai “wildlife habitat”.
Diunduh dari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/entisols_map.html ………… 14/2/2013
Fluvents adalah Entisols yang drainagenya bagus, berasal dari bahan sedimen air di
dataran banjir, fans, dan delta di sepanjang sungai dan anak-anak sungainya. Some
of the largest areas are on the flood plains along the River. Most Fluvents are
frequently flooded, unless they are protected by dams or levees. Stratification of the
materials is normal. Kebanyakan Fluvents digunakan sebagai rangeland, hutan,
pasture, lahan pertanian, atau wildlife habitat.
They are commonly on recent erosional surfaces. Orthents are used mostly as
rangeland, pasture, or wildlife habitat.
Tanah-tanah ini teksturnya berpasir pada semua lapisannya. Tanah-tanah ini
merupakan lahan-gembalaan ternak yang produktif, di daerah iklim arid dan
semiarid. Some Psamments that are nearly bare are subject to soil blowing and
drifting and provide poor support for wheeled vehicles. Psamments are used mostly
as rangeland, pasture, or wildlife habitat.
Diunduh dari: http://soils.usda.gov/technical/classification/orders/entisols_map.html………… 14/2/2013
Entisols juga ditemukan di delta sungai, dimana
lahan baru terbentuk oleh deposisi sedimen dari
banjir tahunan.
Beberapa tanah pertanian produktif adalah Fluvents
yang merupakan Entisols yang terbentuk oleh
proses-proses fluvial.
The ancient hydraulic societies that emerged along
the Tigres, Euphrates, Nile and Indus rivers were
supported by the richness of Fluvents.
Kriteria utama Ordo Entisol adalah tidak-adanya
organisasi material tanah. Tanah-tanah ini
menunjukkan sedikit (tidak-ada) perkembangan
struktur atau horison dan menyerupai material
dalam timbunan pasir segar.
Diunduh dari: http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/tpss/research_extension/rxsoil/Rest.htm………… 13/2/2013
Entisols :
Soils that have little or slight development
and properties that reflect their parent
material (ent root from the word recent).
They include soils on steep slopes, flood
plains, and sand dunes.
They also form on very resistant rock or deep
deposits of sand. They occur in many
environments. They have an ochric and none
diagnostic features.
Profil yang tipikal mempunyai urutan horison
A, C, atau A, Bw, C (dimana Bw bukan kambik
karena terlalu berpasir).
Diunduh dari: http://www.stthomas.edu/geography/faculty/kelley/physgeog/soils/taxonomy/soil_taxonomy.htm …………
Wassents - Entisols yang tergenang
selama lebih dari 21 jam setiap hari
Aquents - Entisols dengan muka-air
tanah di dekat permukaan dalam
waktu yg lama dalam setahun
Arents - Entisols that have been
disturbed and contain fragments of
diagnostic horizons that are not
arranged in any discernable order
Psamments – Entisols sangat berpasir
Fluvents - Entisols aluvial yg lazim
ditemukan di dataran banjir
Orthents - Entisols yang tidak
memenuhi kriteria sub-ordo lainnya.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols%20suborders.htm………… 14/2/2013
Typic Udifluvent : SW Wisconsin
Sifat dinamis dari landskap fluvial menghasilkan ciriciri yang tampak pada tanah-tanah Flvents.
Deposisi material sedimen baru secara periodik
menghasilkan banyak lapisan-lapisan mineral dan
bahan organik dalam profil tanah ini.
This upbuilding process limits expression of the soilforming processes seen in other soil orders.
Note the presence of a thick buried A horizon at
depth in this profile.
Sifat yang menonjol pada Fluvents adalah
penurunan secara tidak teratur kandungan bahan
organik dengan kedalaman tanah.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_02.htm………… 14/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: (Flybow series)
Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive,
nonacid, mesic Lithic Xerorthent
These soils have formed from basalt residuum and are
very shallow to bedrock.The 10-cm-thick A horizon
represents the extent of soil formation on this steeply
sloping landscape position.
Tanah-tanah ini penggunaannya sangat
terbatas, karena biasanya solumnya sangat
Pemanfaatannya yang lazim adalah sebagai
lahan-gembalaan ternak dan “gravel
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_04.htm………… 14/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: (Flybow series)
The Flybow series consists of very shallow, well drained soils
with moderate permeability that formed in material
weathered from basalt and greenstone.
Tanah-tanah Flybow mempunyai kemiringan 4 – 100 %.
Rataan curah hujan tahunan 19 inchi dan rataan suhu
tahunan 48oF.
KELAS TAKSONOMI: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive,
nonacid, mesic Lithic Xerorthents
A: 0 - 5 inchi; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) extremely
cobbly loam, dark brown (7.5YR 3/3) moist; weak very fine
granular structure; slightly hard, very friable, moderately
sticky and moderately plastic; many very fine and fine, few
medium roots; many very fine and fine interstitial pores; 40
percent cobbles, 30 percent gravel; slightly acid (pH 6.2);
abrupt smooth boundary. (tebalnya 4 - 10 inchi).
R: 5 inchi; Hancuran basalt dengan material tanah di antara
hancuran tersebut, sedikit akar tumbuhan.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_04.htm………… 14/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: (Flybow series)
1. Depth to bedrock - 4 to 10 inches
Average annual soil temperature : 47 - 54oF.
Average summer soil temperature : 65-70oFF.
Moisture control section - dry 45 to 90 days in
2. Particle-size control section (weighted averages):
clay content - 8 to 25 percent
rock fragment content - 35 to 75 percent with less
than 45 percent stones
3. Horison A
Hue - 7.5YR, 10YR atau 2.5Y
Value kering: 3 - 5, Value lembab: 3 atau 4
Chroma - 2 - 6, kering atau lembab
Kandungan bahan organik: kurang dari 1 %
Kemasmaan tganah: Netral – Agak masam.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_04.htm………… 14/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: (Flybow series)
Well drained; medium to very rapid runoff; moderate
USE AND VEGETATION: These soils are used for rangeland,
recreation, and wildlife habitat. The natural vegetation is
bluebunch wheatgrass, Sandberg bluegrass, cutleaf
balsamroot, phlox, biscuitroot, wild onion, penstemon, and
Horison penciri dan sifat-sifat penting:
1. Epipedon Okhrik: Zone dari permukaan hingga 5 inchi
(Horison A ).
2. Particle-size control section: Zone from the surface to 5
3. Lithic contact : pada kedalaman 5 inches (R)
4. Rezim lengas-tanah: Xerik.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_04.htm………… 14/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Quincy series
Mixed, mesic Xeric Torripsamment
This soil formed in fine-grained eolian sand. The C2
horizon contains lenses of very fine sand within the
fine sand, reflecting the tendency of wind-blown
materials to be sorted in transit.
The only soil development expressed in this soil is a
2-cm-thick A horizon. The soil contains very little clay
and organic matter, both of which serve as particle
binding agents. As a result, the soil is structureless
and loose.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_06.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Quincy series
The Quincy series consists of very deep, excessively drained
soils formed in sands on dunes and terraces. Slopes are 0 to
65 percent. The mean annual precipitation is about 10
inches and the mean annual temperature is about 52oF.
Mixed, mesic Xeric Torripsamments
A--0 to 15 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) fine sand, dark
brown (10YR 3/3) moist; single grain; loose; many fine
roots; porous; moderately alkaline (pH 8.0); clear wavy
boundary. (0 to 20 inches thick)
C--15 to 60 inches; grayish brown (10YR 5/2) fine sand, dark
brown (10YR 3/3) moist; single grain; loose; common fine
and very fine roots; porous; slightly effervescent;
moderately alkaline (pH 8.2).
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_06.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Quincy series
Rataan tahunan suhu tanah 50 – 57oF, dan rataan suhu musim panas 66 –
78oF. Tanah-tanah ini lembab selama musim dingin dan musim semi, tetapi
kering selama lebih separuh waktu tersebut suhu tanah lebih 40oF., sekitar
105 -130 hari berturutan.
Tanah-tanah ini kering pada kedalaman 7 - 20 inchi. Hue 10YR atau 2.5Y. Value
4 - 7 kering, 3 - 5 lembab dan chroma 1 - 4 lembab atau kering. Bahan organik
pada horison permukaan (kalau dicampur) kurang dari 1 %..
The 10 to 40 inch particle-size control section ranges from sand to loamy fine
sand. Less than 75 percent of the sand is very coarse, coarse, and medium if
the clay content is less than 5 percent. If the clay content exceeds 5 percent,
more than 75 percent of the sand fraction can be in the very coarse, coarse
and medium size classes. The upper 15 inches of these soils is free of lime,
except for small particles brought up by insects and animals. The matrix below
15 inches is noncalcareous in some pedons. Reaction in the upper 20 inches is
slightly acid to moderately alkaline, and below 20 inches it is neutral to
moderately alkaline.
Beberapa pedon mempunyai material yang bersifat “unconforming”,
termasuk pasir kasar, lempung berpasir halus, lempung berpasir sangat halus,
lempung debu, pasir berkerikil, pasir halur berlempung berkerikil, pada ke
dalaman di bawah 40 inchi.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_06.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Quincy series
Excessively drained; very slow to moderate runoff;
very rapid or rapid permeability. Substratum phases
range from moderate to slow permeability.
Tanah-tanah ini digunakan untuk penggembalaan
ternak, dan lahan pertanian irigasi.
Kawasan irigasi ditanami dnegan kentang, hijauan
hay, pasture, biji-bijian , anggur, dan pohon buahbuahan.
Vegetasi alamiahnya berupa rerumputan, thickspike
wheatgrass, Indian ricegrass, rabbitbrush, horsebrush,
fourwing saltbush, Antelope bitterbrush, dan semakbelukar.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_06.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Quincy series
Grant County, Washington, 1911.
Horison Penciri dan sifat-sifat penting pada pedon
ini adalah:
Epipedon Okhrik
Particle-size control section - from 10 to 40
inches that is sandy throughout
Those pedons with bedrock or duripans
between 40 and 60 inches previously included
within the Quincy series concept, will no longer
be considered with the series concept
Rezim lengas-tanah Aridik mendekati XERIK.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_06.htm ………… 13/2/2013
Typic Udipsamment
This soil occurs in glacial outwash on
outwash plains in northern Michigan.
Horison B mempunyai sedikit akumulasi
sesquioksida illuvial dan selimut tipis bahan
organik iluvial, tetapi tidak cukup banyak
untuk memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai
Tekstur pasir menyebabkan horison Bw tidak
memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai horison
penciri KAMBIK dalam sistem Soil Taxonomy.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_08.htm………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Garbutt series
Coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, calcareous,
mesic Typic Torriorthent
Bahan induk tanah ini adalah bahan aluvium
berbedu yang berasal dari sedimen lacustrine
berkapur, dan hanya mengalami sedikit alterasi oleh
proses –proses pemebentukan tganah.
Horizon formation is limited to the light-colored A
horizon, where a slight accumulation of organic
matter has aided the development of some soil
Kondisi iklim arid, telah membatasi proses pencucian
dan sejumlah besar CaCO3 masih ada di horison
bagian atas.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_10.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Garbutt series
The Garbutt series consists of very deep, well drained
soils on fan terraces, basalt plains, and alluvial fans.
Tanah-tanah ini berkembang dari bahan induk loess
dan bahan aluvium berdebu.
Permeabilitasnya moderat. Kemiringannya 0 – 12%.
Rataan curah hujan tahunan sekitar 8 inches dan
rataan suhu tahunan sekitar 51o F.
Coarse-silty, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic
Typic Torriorthents Torriorthents.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_10.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Garbutt series
Garbutt silt loam - rangeland, on a 1 percent slope at 2,400 feet
A: 0 - 5 inchi; lempung debu, kelabu kecoklatan terang (10YR 6/2),
coklat gelap (10YR 4/3) lembab; struktur pipih, kuat, medium; agar
keras, gembur; strongly effervescent; agak alkalis; batas horison
abrupt smooth. (tebalnya 3 - 9 inchi)
C1--5 to 27 inches; light gray (10YR 7/2) very fine sandy loam, dark
brown (10YR 4/3) moist; massive; soft, very friable; violently
effervescent; moderately alkaline; abrupt smooth boundary. (16 to 30
inches thick)
C2: 27 - 38 inchi; lempung berpasir sangat halus, kelabu terang (10YR
7/1), coklat kelabu (10YR 5/2) lembab; massif; keras, tegung; violently
effervescent; agak alkalis; batas horison clear-smooth. (tebalnya 8 - 20
C3: 38 - 60 inchi; Lempung berpasir sangat halus, kelabu-terang (10YR
7/2), coklat kelabu-gelap (10YR 4/2) lembab; masif; keras, teguh;
violently effervescent; agak alkalis.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_10.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Garbutt series
Rataan tahaunan suhu tanah: 47 to 54 o F
Seksi kontrol persen liat: 12 - 18
Texture - very fine sandy loam or silt loam
Reaction - mildly to strongly alkaline
Mineralogy - mixed with 1 or more layers having 20 to 50%
volcanic glass in the sand and silt fraction.
Horison A
Hue : 10YR atau 2.5Y
Value : 5 - 8 kering, 3 - 6 lembab
Chroma- 2 – 4.
Horison C
Value : 6 - 8 kering, 4 -6 lembab
Chroma: 1 - 4
Calcium carbonate : 3 - 15 % CaCO3.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_10.htm ………… 13/2/2013
TANAH ENTISOLS: Garbutt series
Well drained; slow or medium runoff; moderate
Irrigated areas are used for production of beans, corn,
alfalfa, sugar beets, small grains, hay and pasture.
Potential vegetation in the natural plant community is
winterfat, bud sagebrush, shadscale, bottlebrush
squirreltail, Sandberg bluegrass, and Indian ricegrass.
Horison penciri dan sifat-sifat penting:
Epipedon Okhrik: 0 - 9 inchi (Horison A)
Seksi kontrol ukuran partikel: 10 - 40 inchi.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/entisols_10.htm ………… 13/2/2013
Typic Udipsamment (Mixed, mesic)
Profil ini difoto di lokasi Buncombe County, North
Carolina. Tanah berasal dari bahan aluvium muda
pada lereng hampir datar.
Material aluvium pasir halus berlempung atau lebihkasar biasanya berdekatan dengan aliran sungai.
Kebanyakan area telah dibuka dari hutan alamiahnya
dan digarap untuk tanaman pertanian dan pasture.
This profile has a 45 cm A horizon over a single grain
C horizon. All horizons are slightly acid, loamy fine
sand or coarser texture. More than 10 percent of the
sand is feldspar, mica, and other weatherable
Ada horison A terkubur pada kedalaman 160 cm,
tetapi terlalu dalam untuk mempengaruhi
klasifikasi profil ini.
Diunduh dari: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soilscience/6678737243/ ………… 14/2/2013
Typic Torrifluvent (Coarse-loamy, mixed,
superactive, calcareous, thermic)
Profil tanah ini difoto di lokasi Graham County, Arizona.
Tanah ini berasal dari bahan induk aluvium berstrata di
dataran banjir dan kipas aluvial yg agak miring. Profil tanah
ini merupakan lahan irigasi dan mempunyai horison AP 10
inchi. (Pit ini kedalamannya 4.5 feet)
Most of the profile is silt loam in texture with some slightly
darker colored layers indicative of slightly more organic
carbon indicative of fluvial depositions. There are no
indications of B horizon formation and below the Ap horizon
is a sequence of C horizons.
Keseluruhan profil tanah bersifat berkapur dengan nilai pH =
8. Ada akumulasi tidak-teratur bahan putih, tepung CaCO3
menyelimuti liang-liang akar di horison C.
Banyak dari tanah-tanah ini telah “diratakan” untuk
memudahkan irigasi kapas, alfalfa dan tanaman lainnya
Diunduh dari: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soilscience/5469328944/in/photostream/ ………… 14/2/2013
Ustoxic Quartzipsamment (Nonacid isohyperthermic)
Profil tanah ini difoto di lokasi Zambia, Africa. Tanah ini
berasal dari material pasir eolian pada bagian bawah lereng
yang hampir datar hingga berombak. Kandungan liatnya
meningkat secara bertahap dengan kedalaman tanah hingga
167 cm, tetapi tidak melebihi 12%. Kandungan debu kurang
dari 2% pada kebanyhakan kedalmaan tanah.
Sand content is greater than 87% throughout the profile
and is 93% quartz. The profile is in an ustic soil moisture
regime, silt content plus 2x the clay content exceeds 5% and
the apparent CEC7 value is less than 16 cmols Kg-1 clay
placing the soil in the Ustoxic subgroup.
The silt plus clay content requirement for the Ustoxic
subgroup is the same as for coated families thus negating a
coated family identification. pH value in one part of the
control section (25-50 cm) is greater than 5.0 in 0.01M
CaCl2 (1:2) placing the profile in a nonacid family.
Kebanyakan area masih berupa hutan, tetapi menghadapi
ancaman erosi angin yang serius. Tanah-tanah ini dianggap
tidak sesuai untuk produksi tanaman pertanian.
Diunduh dari: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soilscience/5469328012/in/set-72157625298718880/ ………… 13/2/2013
Spodic Quartzipsamment (coated, thermic)
Profil tanah ini difoto di lokasi Brunswick county
North Carolina. Tanah ini berasal dari sedimen
berpasir dataran pantai Atlantik.
Spodosols frequently develop on these sandy
materials but at this site only intermittent bodies
of organic and aluminum cemented spodic
material have formed between 40 and 70 cm.
These spodic bodies do not form a spodic horizon
thus the soil is not a Spodosol and classifies as a
Quartzipsamment but with the presence of more
than 25 percent spodic bodies in that layer
classifies as a Spodic subgroup.
Tanah-tanah ini secara alami berupa hutan pinus
dan campuran vegetasi kayu keras, jarang yang
Diunduh dari: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soilscience/5140644306/in/set-72157625298718880/ ………… 13/2/2013
Typic Udorthent (Loamy, carbonatic,
thermic, shallow)
Profil tanah ini difoto di Kemper County,
Tanah berkembang dari bahan induk kapur dan
batu-kapur lunak pada lereng 3 %.
The entire profile is moderately alkaline in reaction.
The silty clay loam ochric epipedon seen in this
profile is 18 cm thick over a friable silty clay loam C
Horison Cr ditemupak pada kedalaman 33 cm
dimana “kapur” sangat teguh.
Kebanyakan tanah-tanah ini digunakan untuk
produksi hijauan pakan (hay) dan pasture.
Diunduh dari: http://www.flickr.com/photos/soilscience/5140043121/in/set-72157625298718880/ ………… 13/2/2013
Pengelolaan :
Tanah entisol dapat digunakan apabila dikembangkan metode baru,
misalnya sistem drainase untuk mengairi tanah ketika kadar asamnya
mulai rendah, dapat ditambah dengan pemupukan dengan hasil yang
Pada tanah entisol tidak terdapat hewan-hewan seperti cacing,
karena keadaanya yang kurang subur, dan komposisi mineralnya
adalah terdapatnya mineral kuarsa dan oksida besi.
Diunduh dari: geoyogi.files.wordpress.com/.../nama-dan-jenis-ta... ………… 13/2/2013
Ilmu Pertanian Vol. 10 No. 2, 2003 : 63-69
Sri Nuryani H Utami dan Suci Handayani
Penelitian ini mengungkap seberapa perubahan yang terjadi atas sifat fisik dan kimia
tanah yang telah melakukan sistem pertanian organik selama beberapa kali.
Penelitian menggunakan metode sampling pada lahan milik petani yang telah diteliti
melakukan perlakuan sistem pertanian organik dan non organik.
Dua contoh tanah di ambil dari 2 loka yang berbeda untuk mewakili tanah sistem
pertanian organik dan 4 contoh tanah diambil dari 4 lokasi yang berbeda mewakili
sistem pertanian non organik.
Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan pada kedalaman lapis olah 20 cm.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap sifat kimia tanah (KPK,
pH H2O, P tersedia, K tersedia, N total, kandungan karbon, asam humat dan fulfat)
antara tanah dengan sistem pertanian organik dan non organik yang menunjukkan
nilai lebih baik pada sistem pertanian organik.
Diunduh dari: agrisci.ugm.ac.id/vol10_2/7_yani_entisol.pdf ………… 13/2/2013
Budi Prasetya, Syahrul Kurniawan, dan Febrianingsih M.
Agritek 2009, 17(5): 1022-1029
Entisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah yang kandungan bahan organik rendah dan teksturnya
didominasi oleh pasir. Tanah dengan karakter tersebut umumnya mempunyai permasalahan
dalam penyedian unsur hara bagi tanaman khususnya unsur nitrogen karena pencucian. Upaya
pengelolaan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nitrogen dalam tanah yaitu dengan
pemberian pupuk anorganik (urea dan ZA) dan pemberian pupuk organik misalnya pupuk cair
dari air kelapa dan kotoran ayam.
Tujuan penelitian ini meliputi: pertama mempelajari pengaruh pemberian dosis pupuk cair pada
pertumbuhan tanaman sawi, kedua mempelajari pengaruh serapan N dan pertumbuhan
tanaman sawi, ketiga mempelajari pengaruh frekuensi pemberian pupuk cair pada
pertumbuhan tanaman sawi.
Hipotesis penelitian ini meliputi: pertama, semakin meningkat pemberian dosis pupuk cair
mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman sawi, kedua, semakin besar serapan N tanaman
maka makin tinggi pertumbuhan tanaman sawi, dan ketiga semakin tinggi frekuensi pemberian
pupuk cair maka pertumbuhan tanaman sawi semakin tinggi.
Diunduh dari: images.soemarno.multiply.multiplycontent.com/.../...………… 13/2/2013
Nature and Properties of Some Cultivated Entisols Under Peach
Orchards Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
Volume 35, Issue 11-12, 2004
Entisols have developed from Quaternary deposits in northwestern Turkey under xeric
moisture and thermic temperature regimes. The morphological features and physicochemical properties of ten soil profiles representing the major Entisols under
Mediterranean climate in northwestern Turkey were studied.
These soils show a similar variation in morphological, physical, and chemical
properties as a result of similar parent material, topography, climate, and vegetation.
Entisols were developed in the 700 mm precipitation zone.
These soils occur in nearly flat areas and are characterized by being dry in summers
and moist in winter months. It is believed that present agricultural practices are
degrading Entisols in this area.
Diunduh dari: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1081/CSS-120038557………… 13/2/2013
Mineralogical characteristics of the clay fraction of Entisols.
Recio, P.; García-González, M. T.; García Vicente, J.
Agrobiología 1980 Vol. 39 No. 11/12 pp. 1941-1960
The morphological, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of two
vertic xerofluvents from la Sagra, Toledo, Spain, developed from tertiary
sediments, are described.
The sand fraction of both profiles consisted predominantly of quartz,
with small amounts of felspars, calcite and micas; gypsum was present
in one profile.
Fraksi liat didominasi oleh illite, di-iringi oleh kaolinit, vermikulit dan
khlorit. Oksida-oksida amorf, terutama besi, jumlahnya berlebihan.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/19841985699.html ………… 13/2/2013
Humus formation in Entisols from horticultural waste.
Singh, L.; Nigėm, R.; De, S. K.
Pochvovedenie 1990 No. 9 pp. 136-139
Humus formation in Entisols was studied in a pot experiment for 30 and
60 days using apple peel, mango peel and banana peel at three
moisture levels: unsaturated (20%), saturated (40%) and over-saturated
(70%) water holding capacity.
More α- and β-humic acids were obtained from apple peel than banana
or mango peels at saturated and unsaturated moisture levels, resp.
Setelah 60 hari, humifikasi lebih baik pada dosis aplikasi 2.5 g/100 g
tanah daripada dosis 0.5 g/100 g tanah.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/19921971920.html ………… 13/2/2013
Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation. 2013, pp 717-722
Exploring Soil Salinity Management in Entisols Using Trickle Irrigation System
M. Nurul Alam Akhand, Basel Al Araj
Entisols are common soils in the arid regions and have the potential for irrigated
agriculture. Irrigation management is one of the practices that can assist in achieving
such a goal. In fact, irrigation methods along with better scheduling can manage the
wetting-front movement and salt accumulation in the root zone. Micro-irrigation
methods are usually desirable under water scarcity/salinity situations to facilitate
water conservation and managing soil salinity.
Pola emitter segitiga meminimumkan perkembangan salinitas tanah dibandingkan
dengan perkembangan salinitas pada pola tipe-square , melalui proses overlapping
bidang pembasahan dan pencuciannya lebih lanjut.
Emitter yg lebih rapat juga menghasilkan “overlaps” bidang pembasahan, dan
membantu mengurangi akumulasi garam.
Temuan hasil penelitian ini membantu merumuskan praktek manajemen irigasi yang
paling sesuai untuk membudidayakan berbagai jenis tanaman pada lingkungan saline.
Diunduh dari: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-94-007-5684-7_46 ………… 13/2/2013
Sudani Des. Res. 3(1).' 496], 20H
Assessment and Mapping of Wind Erodibility of Aridisols and Entisols in the Nile State,
Abdelmonim Ahmed Hassan and Mukhtar Ahmed Nlustafa
The mean NEP (non erodible particle) values ranged from 4.3 to 98.1% with an overall mean
coefficient of variation of replicate determinations equal to The equivalent WE ranged from Ü
to 470.4 ton/ha. The results showed a highly significant (P 0.001) power increase of NEP with
increase 0f clay (C). CaCO3 and organic matter (OM)` and decrease with increase of sand and
sand plus silt expressed, successively, as ratios of clay, clay plus OM and clay plus CaC03. The
reverse trends were obtained for the relations of WE and the various soil properties and their
Multiple regressions relationships of NEP or WE with sand, CaCO3, and OM gave coefficients
of determinations equal to 65 and 69%, respectively. Thus, it was recommended that clay or
(Si+S)f'(C+CaCO3) should be used for predicting NEP and the standard table should be used to
get the equivalent WE. A table for wind erodibility groups was developed.
Diunduh dari: staffcv.uofk.edu/agriculture/Soil/mamustafa/.../paper%2072.pdf ………… 13/2/2013
CITRICULTURE PROCEEDINGS, Orlando, FL, p. 338. 2000..
Groundwater nitrate-N (NO3-N) levels above10 mg L-1 have been found in some parts of the
central Florida citrus production region where soils with >95% sand have no confining soil
horizons (Entisols).
Mature Hamlin orange tree on Cleopatra Mandarin rootstock were growing on a well drained
Tavares fine sand (hyperthermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments) in Highland County,
Florida. Nitrogen rates from 112 to 280 kg ha-1 yr-1 were applied as eithe fertigation (FRT; 15
appl yr-1), water soluble granular (WSG; 4 appl yr-1), a combination of 50% FRT and 50% WSG (2
+ 15 appl yr-1), or controlled- release fertilizer (CRF; 1 appl yr-1).
Tensiometers (15 and 30 cm depth) were used to schedule irrigation to minimize leaching.
Leaching was estimated from tensiometers located below the rooting depth where leached
NO3-N was sampled using suction lysimeters. Within an N rate, mean fruit yield, over 6 years,
was greater with FRT or WSG forms of N than that with either WSG+FRT or CRF sources.
Optimum fruit yield was obtained at about 250 kg N ha-1 where the spring flush N
concentration was within the range of 2.5 to 2.7%.
Most of the water and nutrient leaching occurred during May through September. Using careful
scheduling of irrigation and nutrient application, leaching of NO3-N accounted 22 to 34 kg ha-1
yr-1 and the NO3- concentration in the leachate remained below the 10 mg L-1 limit.
Diunduh dari: http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/publications/publications.htm?seq_no_115=114918 ………… 13/2/2013
Grain Yield Response of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) to Tied Ridges and Planting
Methods on Entisols and Vertisols of Alemaya Area, Eastern Ethiopian Highlands
Heluf Gebrekidan
Jour. of Agric. and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics . Vol 104, No 2
Flat bed planting produced the lowest grain yields on all sets of experiments except under the
unfertilized condition of Entisols in which open end planting on ridges produced the lowest
sorghum yield. Within the tied ridges, closed end performed better than open end in all except
the Vertisols without N and P fertilizers.
Compared with the traditional (flat bed) planting method, the highest yield increment of 1361
kg/ha (34.5%) due to tied ridges was obtained on the Entisols with NP followed by 1255 kg/ha
(48.5%), indicating that the yield response to water conservation treatments was higher under
fertilized than under unfertilized conditions.
Fertilization increased the yield of sorghum by as high as 1576 kg/ha (69.5%) on Vertisols and by
1468 kg/ha (38.3%) on Entisols both from planting in the furrows of closed end tied ridges. The
study also revealed that the yield response was higher in seasons with low or poorly distributed
rains and on shallow and coarse textured soils.T he results indicate that in areas with low and
erratic rainfall such as the Alemaya area, soil and water conservation is indispensable for
increasing crop yield.
Diunduh dari: http://www.jarts.info/index.php/jarts/article/view/21 ………… 13/2/2013
. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 2009, Volume : 57, Issue : 1. p. 76- 80
Assessment of Field Indicators of Soil Quality following Long-term Cultivation of
Pulses on Entisols in Indo Gangetic Plain
Ganeshamurthy A.N., Srinivasarao
Pulse crops, in addition to enriching the soil with nitrogen, have the ability to
improve the soil quality. To understand the impact of continuous cultivation of
pulses on soil health, eleven field indicators of soil quality were assessed in three
systems viz., continuous pulse crops, farmer's practice of random non-pulse crop
rotations and uncultivated barren lands on Entisols in Indo Gangetic plain.
The measured soil quality indicators allowed us to infer an unambiguous quality
improvement in plots cultivating pulses continuously compared to farmer's fields,
which had non-pulse crops for the past 15 years.
The barren land showed the lowest values.
Indikator lapangan dalam penelitian ini dapai dipakai oleh petani untuk menilai
kualitas tanahnya dan melakukan tindakan koreksi , tetapi tidak dapat dipakai untuk
membandingkan tanah-tanah yang sifat alamiahnya berbeda.
Diunduh dari: ………… 13/2/2013
Soil changes following long-term cultivation of pulses
Ganeshamurthy AN
Journal of Agricultural Science. [2009, 147(6):699-706]
Studies were conducted on Entisols to understand the effects of continuous pulse cultivation on
soil chemical, physical and biological properties by comparing with continuous non-pulse crops
and uncultivated soils. Soils of a Typic Ustochrept, developed from the same parent material,
from 16-year-old pulse cultivation fields, non-pulse crop fields and uncultivated fallow fields in a
location with uniform topography were analysed using a polyphasic approach combining
traditional soil physical and chemical analysis, culture-dependent and independent
microbiological analysis and enzymatic analysis. Among the soil physical properties, only soil
aggregate stability and soil compaction showed significant improvement in soils under pulses
than non-pulse crops. Compared to uncultivated fallows, the soil pH after pulse cultivation was
about 1 unit lower while non-pulse crop cultivation reduced it by 0·36. The chemical and
biological variables that contribute most to the discrimination of the pulses effect and non-pulse
crops effect on soil quality are organic carbon (C), microbial biomass C, nitrogen (N) and biomass
ninhydrin-N, and secondary variables related to N cycle:nitrate (NO3–N), organic and total
soluble N. The enzyme activities were significantly higher in soils after pulse cultivation than
after non-pulse crops or uncultivated fallow. The soil quality of pulse cultivation fields seems to
be markedly different to that of non-pulse crop fields and uncultivated fallows in terms of all the
variables studied.
Diunduh dari: http://europepmc.org/abstract/AGR/IND44288838………… 13/2/2013
Micronutrient distribution and their association with soil properties in
Entisols of Punjab
Indian journal of agricultural science. 2002, vol. 72, no6, pp. 334-340
An investigation was carried out during 2000 to study surface and profile distribution of total and
diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable zinc, copper, manganese and iron in Entisols of
Punjab. The soils were developed on sand-dunes, floodplains and Siwalik hills region. They showed gradual
increase in the fineness of soil texture from sanddune to the mountain region and were associated with
aridic, ustic and udic moisture regime. The soils were stratified, near neutral to alkaline (pH 6.5 to 9.0) and
calcareous. In general, total and DTPA-extractable micronutrients were higher in surface horizons and
decreased in subsurface horizons. Soil taxonomic units had a influence on the spatial distribution for total
and available content of micronutrient in these soils. The total content varied from 15 to 76 mg/kg for zinc,
from 1 to 31 mg/kg for copper, from 100 to 1 350 mg/kg for manganese and from 0.80 to 3.70% for iron. The
DTPA-extractable content varied 0.08-1.88 mg/kg for zinc, 0.04-2.40 mg/kg for copper, 0.20-27.7 mg/kg for
manganese and 0.50-23.0 mg/ kg for iron. Both total and available micronutrients were higher in the finetextured soils of Orthents and Fluvents than the coarse-textured soils of Psamments. The total content
ofmicronutrients increased with increase in clay content and cation-exchange capacity (CEC), whereas DTPAextractable micronutrient increased with increase in organic carbon content and CFC, and decreased with
increasing pH and sand content. The total reserve of Zn and Cu showed an influence on availability of these
respective micronutrients. Zinc deficiencies were wide spread (47%), followed by Fe (34%) in the cultivated
Entisols. These results indicated that zinc is likely to constrain crop production, followed by Fe in Entisols of
the Punjab region.
Diunduh dari: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=14431993 ………… 13/2/2013
Genesis and classification of Entisols in Mediterranean climate in Northwest of Turkey
Gokhan Ozsoy and Ertugrul Aksoy
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.9 (3&4): 998-1004. 2011
The soils are neogene aged AC horizon and have parent material mostly cemented with lime.
Four of them were formed on steep slopes where soil erosion is in crucial stage and classified
as Orthents. They were weakly developed, commonly on such steep slopes, subject to erosion
and were usually very shallow and rocky soils and had moisture limitations due to the
Mediterranean climate. The other two profiles were from young river terraces and classified as
Fluvents due to their morphological, chemical and physical characteristics.
They we re very deep soils with flat topography and very fertile soils for agricultural use but
they had some physical limitations because of inaccurate and intensive cultivation. The main
limiting factors regarding soil productivity for the studied soils were soil shallowness, summer
drought, low organic matter content and high contents of CaCO3 and clay.
Problem related to salinity and alkalinity was not found in the studied soils. The soil profiles
were classified up to subgroup level as Typic Xerorthent, Lithic Xerorthent and Typic Xerofluvent
according to the Soil Taxonomy and Eutric Leptosol , Calcaric Regosol and Calcaric Fluvisol soil
units according to the FAO/Unesco Soil Map of the World legend classification system
Diunduh dari: http://www.isfae.org/scientficjournal/2011/issue3/pdf/Environment/070.pdf………… 14/2/2013
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 2006, Volume : 54, Issue : 2 p.208 - 212
Different Forms of Sulphur and their Relationship with Properties of Entisols of Jaipur
District (Rajasthan) under Mustard Cultivation
Jat J.R., Yadav B.L.
The total S content in mustard growing soils of Jaipur district ranged from 101.30 to 302.40
mgkg−1 with a mean value of 154.28 mgkg−1. The mean values of organic-S, S04-S and nonsulphate-S were 36.39, 14.52 and 102.12 mg kg−1, respectively.
All the forms of sulphur gave significant positive correlation with organic carbon indicating
sulphur as the integral part of soil organic matter.
Correlation studies between silt, clay and forms of sulphur indicate that appreciable quantity of
sulphur was adsorbed on finer fractions of soils.
Significant negative correlation was observed with sand but had non-significant correlation with
pH of soils except S04-S,
The step-down multiple regression equations revealed that organic carbon had greater impact
on different forms of sulphur followed by soil texture.
Sekitar 33.75% tanah-tanah yang diteliti mengalami defisien sulfur tersedia.
Diunduh dari: http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:jisss&volume=54&issue=2&article=014 …………
Soil Erosion Management Practices in the Prefecture of Kilkis, Northern Greece
A. Haroulis, Th. Karyotis, M. Toulios and Th. Mitsimponas
12th ISCO Conference. Beijing 2002
These soils cover mainly hilly areas, have been classified as Entisols, Inceptisols or Alfisols, and
are usually cultivated by wheat, maize, cotton, tobacco and sugar beets. Pronounced differences
on soil depth, texture, water holding capacity, and nutrients have been recorded. Available
phosphorus was very low in the subsurface layers, whilst potassium ranges in the ploughing
layers and magnesium was in normal levels. Nutrient loss is quite severe and nitrogen leaching
seems to play a dominant role in the decline of the crop yield, hence on farmers income.
Attention should be paid in the water shortage during the dry season, which affect land cover
and erosion risk is increased during the rainy season.
In particular, it can be argued that in this semi-arid region the following measures and practices
may be adopted such as: the policy of subsidies which encourage farmers for rotation or set
aside of marginal areas, incentives for reforestration, minimum ploughing and/or ploughing
along contour-lines, rational irrigation by means of the extension of drip irrigation systems may
be applied, avoidance the burning of plant residues after harvesting and in general adoption of
a sustainable land use planning may be introduced.
Diunduh dari: www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/isco/.../SoilErosionManagementPractices.pdf ………… 14/2/2013
Journal American Society of Sugarcane Technologists, Vol.22, 2002
V.V. Matichenkov, E.A. Bocharnikova, B. Ande, P. Ande, D. V. Calvert
Phosphorus (P) contamination of natural surface and subsurface waters draining from
agricultural soils is a persistent environmental and economic problem in Florida. A silicon (Si)
soil amendment (Si-rich slag) and lime (CaCO3) were compared to determine their effects on P
leaching from cultivated Spodosols, Entisols and Alfisols in soil columns and in greenhouse
experiments with Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Fluigge) grown under various levels of P
The Si slag reduced P leaching considerably more than lime in all soils investigated. Lime
transformed plant-available P into plant-unavailable forms, while Si slag maintained P in a plantavailable form. In greenhouse experiments, plant growth responses were greater from Si slagtreated soil than from P fertilization.
The Si slag improved P availability and had a positive effect on the development of the
Bahiagrass root system.
Application of Si slag to sandy soils could help reduce P leaching and the potential pollution of
natural waters.
Diunduh dari: www.assct.org/journal/JASSCT%20PDF%20Files/.../matichenkov2.p. ………… 14/2/2013
Inorganic phosphorus forms in some entisols and aridisols of Egypt
Sabry M. Shaheen a, Christos D. Tsadilas b,⁎, Stamatis Stamatiadis
Geoderma 142 (2007) 217–225
Among the P availability indices determined,Olsen-P concentration was highest in fluvial soils,
Chang and Jackson-P in lacustrine and calcareous soils, while Mehlich1-P inmarine, fluvio-sandy
and sandy soils.
Ammonium oxalate-P was not detected in all soils. The dominant P fraction was HCl–Pmaking up
68, 66, 58, 52, and 30% of the fractionated P in fluvial, marine, lacustrine, calcareous, and sandy
& fluvio-sandy soils, respectively. Citrate bicarbonate dithionate-P (CBD–P) was not found in all
the studied samples.
The relative abundance of P fractions was in the order: HCl–PNresidual-PNNaOH–PNNaHCO3–
PNCB–PNCBD–P. The extracted fractions, except NaHCO3–P, correlated with CBD, ammonium
oxalate and total Fe, Al, Mn, and Si as well as with clay content, cation exchange capacity,
organic matter content, and active calcium carbonate ratio. Mehlich1-P and Soltanpour-P were
negatively correlated to these soil properties.
Olsen-P correlated with all soil inorganic P fractions. Bray1-P, Chang & Jackson-P and Saounder-P
were only correlated to the NaHCO3–P fraction. Multiple regression analysis indicated that most
of the examined availability indices were best predicted by NaHCO3–P. Therefore, the Olsen
method was more suitable for extracting available P in these soils.
Diunduh dari: www.researchgate.net/...entisols.../32bfe5123cba66119c.pdf………… 14/2/2013
Chemical composition and salinity of leachate in two soils cultivated
with onion irrigated with saline water.
Pessoa, L. G. M.; Oliveira, E. E. M.; Freire, M. B. G. dos S.; Freire, F. J.; Miranda, M. A.; Santos, R.
L. Dos
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias. 2010 Vol. 5 No. 3 pp. 406-412
Aiming to evaluate leachate chemical composition and salinity from two Fluvic Entisols of
Pernambuco-Brazil, cultivated with onions irrigated with saline water, an experiment was carried
out in random blocks, in a factorial arrange 2×3×6 (two soil types - silty clay loam and sandy
loam -, three levels of electrical conductivity - 200, 700 and 2.000 µS cm-1 and six levels of
sodium adsorption ratio - 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 (mmolc L-1)1/2), with four repetitions. After 30,
60 and 90 days of the transplanting the leached from the pots was collected for composition
Levels of cation, chlorine, electrical conductivity and leachate sodium adsorption ratio, collected
at 30, 60 and 90 days after transplanting, with increasing salinity of irrigation water, were
observed. Only 90 days after transplanting, the leachate from the soil of silty clay loam texture
surpassed the levels of cation and chloride compared to leachate from sandy loam soil.
Thus, more saline irrigation water promotes greater lose of elements in the soil because of their
removal, which occur more slowly in soils of thinner texture.
Diunduh dari: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20113111854.html………… 14/2/2013
Lins, I.D.G., F.R. Cox, and JJ. Nicholaides Il. 1985.
Optimizing phosphorus fertilization rates for soybuns grown on Oxisols and
associated Entiol.
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49:1457-1460.
Although soils vary considerably In their P sorption characteristics, this factor is often not
considered ina soil test Interpretation. One soil property closely related to P sorption is clay
content. Residual P studies were conducted for 4 yr on three tropical soils of similar clay
mineralogy, two Oxisols of 63 and 27% clay, and a Quartzipsamment of 12% clay. The Mehlich 1
(1:10) extractable P level was described as a function of time, initial soil P level, and P
fertilization rate.
One crop of soybeans (Glycixe max (L) Merr.] was grown each year and the yield related to
extractable P, which, in turn, was related to the initial P soil !oval and P fertilization rate for a
period of 1 yr. Based on a soybean price of $0.23/kg and a fertilizer P price of $1.23/kg. rates of
P were calculated for each of the three soils that would maximize net returns for various initial
levels of extractable P.
As these rates differed markedly with clay content, a soil test interpretation was created by
multiple regression based upon both Mehlich-1 extractable P concentration and clay percentage
to predict a recommended rate of fertiliter phosphorus (R) as follows: R = 80 - 2.57(soil P) +
0.01386(clay)2 0.03281(soil P)(clay2 ).
Diunduh dari: pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNABK210.pdf………… 14/2/2013
HORTSCIENCE 44(1):145–150. 2009.
Response of Young and Maturing Citrus Trees Grown on a Sandy Soil to Irrigation
Scheduling, Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate, and Nitrogen Application Method
Kelly T. Morgan , T. Adair Wheaton, William S. Castle, and Laurence R. Parsons.
Methods of applying N included a dry granular fertilizer (DGF) containing soluble N
applied four times annually or a controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) applied once per
year and fertigation applied either four (FG04) or 30 (FG30) times annually.
Critical N rates for both canopy volume and yield were between 178 and 200 kg. ha–1.
The CRF and FG30 treatments produced larger trees and higher yields compared with
FG04 and DGF in the young tree study, indicating that younger trees benefitted from
frequent split fertilizer applications.
As the trees matured and filled their allocated space, the two irrigation rates were
continued and N was applied at six rates using either DGF or FG30. For these 8- to 10year-old trees, critical values of N application rates were 210 and 204 kgÁha–1 for DGF
and FG30, respectively.
Diunduh dari: hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/44/1/145.full.pdf………… 14/2/2013
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim No. 19/2001
Dinamika Hara Nitrogen pada Tanah Sawah
N.S. Mulyani, M.E. Suryadi, S. Dwiningsih, dan Haryanto.
Pergerakan nitrogen dalam air genangan pada tanah Entisols sampai hari ke tujuh,
menunjukkan konsentrasi N-amonium lebih tinggi dari pada N-nitrat, selanjutnya
konsentrasi N-nitrat lebih besar daripada N-amonium.
Pergerakan N dalam tanah Entisols menunjukkan konsentrasi N-amonium sampai hari
ke-28 lebih tinggi dari pada N-nitrat.
Serapan N dari pupuk oleh tanaman padi, tertinggi pada tanah Inceptisols sebesar
78,0% dan terendah pada tanah Entisols sebesar 17,2%.
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