The 2nd Task of Entrepreneurship Score Weight: 25 % The assessment for this 2nd task is done in 2 stages. Stage 1 (score 50): To check whether scientific paper contains plagiarism or not. Make scientific paper according to the following instruction and email to [email protected] or to [email protected] to be checked whether your paper contains plagiarism or not. Stage 2 (score 50): The paper which does not contain plagiarism can be continued to task upload. Upload the task according to the instruction of Ms. Hida or Ms. Icha by email. Be the best with confidence, hard work, diligent, perseverance and discipline! ************************************************* Stage 1 (score 50) MAKE SCIENTIFIC PAPER As an Entrepreneur candidate who has learned how to build a business through this lecture, you are required to create 25 – 30 pages or more of Scientific Paper. You can choose one of the following themes: Become A Successful Entrepreneur Become an Exemplary Entrepreneur Become A Skilled Entrepreneur to Mobilize Resources Build A Business Based on the Principles of Entrepreneurship Build A Business From Zero to Hero Entrepreneur and Leadership Entrepreneur and Marketing Strategy Entrepreneur and Information Technology This paper should contain the topics in the compulsory books of entrepreneurship and books in the bibliography according to the chosen theme. ****************************************** Writing Method: Abstract Table of Content Chapter 1 Introduction (Contains phenomena, problems, the benefits of scientific paper for the community) Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis (Contains supporting theories on selected theme. The description of the theory should be based on the existing literature so it should be quote at least 3 or more citations from each book in the bibliography. For example: Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto (2016:158) mendefinisikan bahwa Produk adalah segala sesuatu yang bisa ditawarkan ke pasar dan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen. Kepuasan konsumen tidak hanya mengacu pada bentuk fisik produk, melainkan satu paket kepuasan yang didapat dari pembelian produk. Kepuasan tersebut merupakan akumulasi kepuasan fisik, psikis, simbolis, dan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh produsen. Setiap bisnis jasa dapat dimasukkan sebagai suatu sistem yang terdiri dari operasi-operasi jasa, dimana input proses dan elemen-elemen dari produk jasa diciptakan dan disampaikan. Dedi, Deden, Kartib (2016:59) (Write the name, year of the page on the citations of the reference book) Chapter 3 Processes and Outcomes (Describe about the process, content, and outcomes related to the selected theme) Chapter 4 Conclusion (Make a conclusion of the scientific paper) Bibliography (The bibliography of your paper is the books or journals listed below. Therefore you are obligated to quote at least 3 or more quotes from each book or journals). Tren Kepemimpinan Kewirausahaan dan Manajemen Inovatif di Era Bisnis Modern, CV. Andi Offset 1, 448, 2017; Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Entrepreneurship Menjadi Pebisnis Ulung, Komputindo, 2015, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto; Edisi Revisi, Elexmedia Manajemen Pemasaran, Panduan Bagi Manajer, Pimpinan Perusahaan/ Organisasi serta Mahasiswa atau Peneliti, Sinergi Mandiri, 2016; Dr. Ir. H. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, Prof. Dr. Dwi Kartini Yahya, Dr. Jumadi, SE., MM. Aplikasi Alat Manajemen Pemasaran dalam Proses Pengembangan Produk, Andi Offset, 2013; Prof. Dr. Dwi Kartini Yahya, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto, Ir. Yogi Suherman, SE., MM Metode Riset Online, Andi Offset, 2012, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Metode Riset Bisnis, Sinergi, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Manajemen Sistem Informasi dalam Era Teknologi Manajemen, Andi Offset, 2011, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Penerapan Manajemen Kinerja dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard dalam Meningkatkan Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi, Jurnal Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM 6 (2), 2011, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Analisis Korelasi untuk Riset Ekonomi, Andi Offset, 2010, Prof. Dr. Umi Narimawati, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto Membangun Sinergisitas Kinerja Pemasaran, Gava Media, 2008, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Marketing Research, The Smart Way to solve a Problem, Elexmedia Komputindo, 2008, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Menciptakan Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi, Graha Ilmu, 2008, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Langkah Praktis Menggunakan Riset untuk Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Bisnis, Andi Offset, Dr. Ir. Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto. Kewirausahaan Industri Kreatif, Tahun 2014, Dedi Sulistiyo S, Deden A W, Kartib B. These books are available in the library of UNIKOM Good Luck ************************************* THE STAGES TO EMAIL 1. The finished scientific paper must be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] to be checked whether it contains plagiarism or not. If it contains plagiarism, the task will be returned to you automatically for correction. Correction time is only given 1 week and if it is not finished then your 2nd task will be rated 0 or fail. Don’t do plagiarism!!! 2. The scientific paper which does not contain plagiarism will be scored 50. The rest 50 will be determined by your success to upload the task according to recommendation of Ms. Hida or Ms. Icha by email. 3. Deadline of email: Saturday, June 17th, 2017. ************************************** Stage 2 (score 50): The paper which does not contain plagiarism can be continued to task upload. Upload the task according to the instruction of Ms. Hida or Ms. Icha by email.