MODUL PERKULIAHAN Psikometri Beberapa Jenis Tes Psikologi Fakultas Program Studi Psikologi Psikologi Tatap Muka 13 Kode MK Disusun Oleh MK61015 Arie Suciyana S., S.Si., M.Si Abstract Kompetensi Tes Intelegensi Tes Kepribadian Pengukuran di bidang Klinis Pengukuran di bidang Neuropsikologis Pengukuran di bidang PIO Memahami Jenis-jenis Tes dan Pengukuran dan Psikologis Memahami dan mampu menentukan Jenis Tes dan Pengukuran Psikologis yang tepat Beberapa Jenis Tes Psikologi Beberapa jenis tes dan pengukuran psikologis: Tes Intelegensi Tes Kepribadian Pengukuran di bidang Klinis dan Konseling Pengukuran di bidang Neuropsikologis Pengukuran di bidang PIO Tes Intelegensi Beberapa isu pada tes intelegensi: nature VS nurture bawaan (keturunan) VS belajar (adaptasi) stabilitas intelegensi Vadilitas Konstruk (Construct Validity) Tes Intelegensi Kepribadian, Gender, Lingkungan, Budaya The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 2016 2 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 2016 3 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning Tes kepribadian Projective Methods Inkblots as Projective Stimuli Tes Rorschah Pictures as Projective Stimuli the Rosenzweig Picture-F ustration Study 2016 4 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning Words as Projective Stimuli Sentence completion tests 2016 5 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning The Production of Figure Drawings Behavioral Assessment Methods Isu: Who, What, When, Why, How Behavioral observation and rating scales Self-monitoring (Self-Report) Analogue studies (treatment yg sama dalam kelompok pengukuran yang sama) 2016 6 Situational performance measures Role play Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning Pengukuran di bidang Klinis dan Konseling The Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - fourth edition - text revision (DSM-IV-TR) Alat ukur ini digunakan untuk membuat diagnose gangguan mental dengan menggunakan 5 dimensi (axis), antara lain: Axis I: Disorders of infancy, childhood, and adolescence; dementias such as those caused by Alzheimer’s disease; disorders arising out of drug use; mood and anxiety disorders; and schizophrenia. Also included here are conditions that may be the focus of treatment (such as academic or social problems) but are not attributable to mental disorder. Axis II: Mental retardation and personality disorders. Axis III: Physical conditions that may affect mental functioning—from migraine headaches to allergies—are included here. Axis IV: Different problems or sources of stress may occur in an individual’s life at any given time. Financial, legal, marital, occupational, or other problems may precipitate behavior ranging from starting to smoke after having quit to attempting suicide. The presence of such problems is noted on this axis. Axis V: This axis calls for a global rating of overall functioning. Interview dalam assessment klinis Isu interview dalam assessment klinis: ■ the interview referral question ■ the context and setting of the interview (clinic, prison, practitioner’s offi ce, etc.) ■ the nature and quality of background information available to the interviewer 2016 7 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning ■ time constraints and any other limiting factors ■ the interviewee’s previous experience, if any, with similar types of interviews ■ the motivation, willingness, and abilities of the interviewee ■ the motivation, willingness, and abilities of the interviewer ■ cultural aspects of the interview Pengukuran di bidang Neuropsikologis Pengukuran di bidang Neurospikologis menggunakan situs-situs pada sistem syaraf pusat sebagai obyek observasi yang dianggap berhubungan dengan perilaku manusia. 2016 8 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning Pengukuran di bidang PIO Beberapa alat yang digunakan dalam assessment karir dan bisnis meliputi: 2016 9 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning Daftar Pustaka Cohen, R. J., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2010). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to test and measurement. (7th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill. Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS. (3rd ed.). New York: SAGE Publications, Ltd. Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzp, D.P. (2009). Psychological testing: Principles, applications, and issues. California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning Urbina, S. (2004). Essentials of psychological testing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2016 10 Psikometri Arie Suciyana S., M.Si. Pusat Bahan Ajar dan eLearning