PERANCANGAN MODEL INTEGRASI ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) DAN ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) DALAM MENGANALISA PROFITABILITAS EKONOMI (ECONOMIC PROFITABILITY) JASA OPERASI RUMAH SAKIT (STUDI KASUS : RUMAH SAKIT UMUM AISYIYAH PONOROGO) Nama Mahasiswa NRP Jurusan Dosen Pembimbing Dosen Co-Pembimbing : : : : : Saka Gustama 2504 100 068 Teknik Indutri FTI-ITS Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo M.Eng, Sc. Naning Arianti Wessiani, ST, MM Abstrak Kondisi persaingan usaha rumah sakit di Ponorogo tergolong ketat. Rumah Sakit Aisyiyah Ponorogo memandang sangat perlu menetapkan harga paket operasi sehingga dapat membuat lebih transparan dan memberikan kepastian kepada pasien dan masyarakat secara umum. Permasalahannya, harga paket operasi ini dihitung dengan sistem costing tradisional yang menggunakan volume based allocation dalam mengalokasikan biaya overhead terhadap layanan operasi. Besarnya biaya overhead rumah sakit dan banyaknya aktivitas memungkinkan penerapan ABC costing untuk mendapatkan HPP setiap operasi yang diteliti. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan identifikasi aktivitas layanan operasi. Biaya overhead dan modal diperoleh dengan me-review laporan laba rugi dan neraca. Penelusuran biaya overhead dan biaya modal ke aktivitas dilakukan dengan bantuan matrik EAD (Expense Activity Dependence) dan ACD (Activity Capital Dependence). Total biaya aktivitas kemudian dialokasikan ke masing-masing operasi dengan bantuan matrik PAD (Product Activity Dependence). Selanjutnya, perhitungan nilai EVA dilakukan terhadap tiap operasi obyek penelitian. Hasil perhitungan HPP Operasi Sesar dengan ABC adalah Rp. 3.125.929,90, Operasi Usus Buntu sebesar Rp. 3.018.574,34 dan Operasi Hernia sebesar Rp. 3.105.819,49. Nilai EVA Operasi Sesar adalah Rp. 68.707.278,01, EVA Operasi Usus Buntu sebesar Rp. 17.895.944,19 dan nilai EVA Operasi Hernia sebesar Rp. 16.558.894,89. Nilai EVA yang positif menunjukkan ketiga operasi tersebut memiliki profitabilitas yang tinggi dan dapat menambah shareholder values. Kata Kunci : Activity Based Costing, Economic Value Added, Harga Pokok Produksi “Halaman ini sengaja dikosongkan” DESIGN OF ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) AND ECONOMIC VALUE ADDED (EVA) MODEL INTEGRATION FOR ANALYZING ECONOMIC PROFITABILITY OF HOSPITAL OPERATION SERVICE (CASE STUDY : AISYIYAH PUBLIC HOSPITAL OF PONOROGO) Name NRP Department Counselor Co-Counselor : : : : : Saka Gustama 2504 100 068 Industrial Engineering – FTI ITS Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwignjo M.Eng, Sc. Naning Arianti Wessiani, ST, MM Abstract Hospital bussiness competition in Ponorogo is tight. Ponorogo Aisyiyah Public Hospital looks the importance to determine the packed prices of operation service so it can be more tranparent and give centainty to patients and societiy in general. The problem is when the packed prices calculated by traditional costing system which using volume based allocation to allocate overhead cost to operation services. The height of hospital overhead and many activities make it possible to applying ABC costingBesarnya biaya overhead dan banyaknya aktivitas memungkinkan penerapan ABC costing to obtain Production Cost Standard per Unit of each operation services researched. This research is started with identifying activities of operation services. Overhead and capital are obtained by reviewing profit/loss statement and balance sheet. Tracing overhead and capital charge to activities is done by using EAD (Expense Activity dependance) matrix and ACD (Activity Capital Dependence) matrix assitance. Then, total activities cost are allocated to each operation by using PAD (Product Activity Dependence) matrix assistance. For the next step, EVA values are calculated to each operation services as research object. The result of calculation to Production Cost Standard per Unit for Sesar Operation is Rp. 3.125.929,90, Apendix Operation is Rp. 3.018.574,34 and Hernia Operation is Rp. 3.105.819,49. EVA of Sesar Operation is Rp. 68.707.278,01, EVA of Apendix Operation is Rp. 17.895.944,19 and EVA of Hernia operation is Rp. 16.558.894,89. All operations researched have EVA possitive. It shows that all operations researched have high profitability and it can bring shareholder values. Keyword : Activity Based Costing, Economic Value Added, Production Cost Standard (Cost of Good Manufactured/Produced)